Cricket 1891

JUNE 11, 1891 CEICKET: A WEEKLY EECORD OF THE GAME. 167 STREATHAM v. CRYSTAL PALACE. Played at Crystal Palace on June 6. , 15 C. H. Dorman, lbw,b M o r g a n ..................... C. E. Smith, lbw, b Morgan ... . C. Gardner, b Brann W. Bryant, not out B 4,lb a . Total . C r ysta l P a la c e . A. W. Gardner Wool- loton, b Bambridge S. Shorter, b Brann... p. W. Janson,b Brann C. Mitchell, lbw, b Bambridge ......... L. H. Neame, b Brann J. Aste, c Morgan, b Bambridge J. N. Noakes, c Brann, b Bambridge ... S tr e a th a m . N. C. Bailey, b Aste 17 E. C. Bambridge, c Aste, b Noakes ... 1 A. C. Barton, c Gard­ ner, b Noakes ... 0 A. J. Anderson, not o u t ...................... 0 B 6, lb 3, nb 3 ... 12 G. Brann, b Janson... 69 A. C. Broadbent, c Npame, h Aste ... 15 H. M. Leaf, c Smith, b Noakes ............... 22 W. S. Trollope, c Mitchell,b Aste ... 26 C. D. Morgan, b Aste 21 C. S. SiuodersoD, o Neame. b Aste ... 7 A. J. Robertson, b Noakes ............... 8 Total ...198 STREATHAM v. ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL. Played at Streatham on June 6. S tre a th a m . First Innings. W. P. Carpmael, b King...................... 0 E. P. Pulbrook, b Schwarz............... 0 F. W. Brown, not out ......................11 N. H. Pike, b Sutton 7 B 10, lb 1 .........11 H. W. Wilson, st Grant, b King........ 4 H.Rathbone.bSchwarz 13 E. H. Leaf, b King ... 6 J. A. Druce, b King ... 10 E. P. Rathbone, lbw, b Schwarz ............... 2 W. Gibbs, c Sutton, b King ......................10 R.H.De Montmorency Total .........82 o Sutton, b King ... 6 In the Second Innings Leaf scored (not out) 33. J. A. Druce, c Roe, b King 13, E. P. Rathbone, b Sutton C, R. H. De Montmorency, c Unwin, b King 8, W. P. Carpmael, c Unwin, b King 16, K. W. Brown, c May, b Schwarz 8.—Total, 81. (Innings declared closed). S t . P aul ’ s S ch o o l . Second Innings. c Carpmael, b Leaf............... b L eaf............... b Wilson First Innings. W. C. Grant, c and b Wil­ son .............................. 0 H. W. May, b Druce......... 2 E.L. Hardcastle, b Wilson 0 R O. Schwarz,c Rathbone, b Wilson .........................13 b Pulbrook A. E. Jeaffreson, b Mont­ morency ......................28 c L e a f , Brown .. G. F. Unwin, c Carpmael, b Druce ....................... 2 not out W. G. Adams, c Pulbrook, b Montmorency .........10 7 . 0 . 13 ... 37 b ... 4 ... 0 A. P. Stewart, b Wilson ... C. O. King, b Wilson......... G. V. Roe, not out ......... H.H. Sutton, b E. P. Rath­ bone ............................ B 8, lb 2, w 5............... c Montmorency, b Leaf ......... b Palbrook not out ......... T otal............... 88 B6,lb2,w3,ub2 13 Total... 81 CLAPTON v. CHESHUNT. Played at Clapton on June 6. C h e s h u n t . T.Freeman, b Aeser... 5 i S. Wales, b Asser ... 15 E. H. Wales, not out 46 E. Bray, b Bansum ... 1 W.8. Lamb, b Sansum 5 W. Wales, b Asser ... 6 T. Zivinger.b Asser... 0 F. Rust, b Asser ... 1 L.W. Dewey, b A?ser 0 J. Suffield, b Asser... 2 R.H. Clark.b Sansum 22 B 3, lb 2 ......... 5 Total ...108 C lapton , E. C. Palmer, not out 67 S.*.Anser,c fcreeman, b Zivinger .........71 J. U. Robinson, c Wales, b Rust......... 1 C. W. L. Biewer, b Zivinger ............... 9 J. E. Sansum, A. Dodson, W. J, Cambridge, C. H. Nelson, andB. M. Walker did not bat. W. H. Nolloth, c and b Zivinger ......... 2 R. E. Hunt, not out 9 B 7, lb 1, w 1 ... 9 Total ...168 CHISWICK PARK v. BOSTON PARK. Played at Chiswick Park on May 80. B o s to n P ark . G. H. Jupp, b BeckW. Williams, b Bod­ ley ...................... 5 ington ............... 9 H.Whitehead,b BerkG.H.Jupp,jun ,c and ley ...................... 3 b Green................ 0 A. Harris,b Beckley... 5 G. Vincemt, b Bod­ W. Brooker, c and b ington ................ 2 Bc\dington ......... 23 J. Poupart, not out 3 H.Atkinson,b BodingE. Underwood, b ton ...................... 13 Green ................ 0 R. Rapkin, b Green... 13 B ...................... 3 W. Barratt, b Boding— ton ...................... 12 Total ... ... 91 C h is w ic k P a r k . H.Fawcett cJupp jun., E. Jowitt, st White­ b Brooker............... 3 head, b Barratt .. 2 A,Watson,b Williams 0 J. Nicoll, b Williams 9 S. Beckley, st WhiteS. Woods, b Brooker 0 head, b Williams... 2 Hon. W. Maxwell, b H. Sich, b Brooker ... 0 Barratt......... ... 0 J. Green, not out ... 50 Welch, b Jupp, P. Bodington, st jun......................... 7 W h i t e h e a d , b B ...................... 5 Williams............... 0 — W.Loraine.bJupp,jun. 32 T o ta l.........110 SPRING GROVE COLLEGE v. BOSTON PARK. Played at Brentford on May 30. S pr in g G r o v e C o lle g e . Barlow, c Vosper, b Butcher............... 44 Darling, not out ... 6 Hiscock.bE.Butcher 0 B ......................10 Day, c Vosper, b Kid­ man ......................10 Leathby, st Vosper, b B and......................21 Johnson,hw.bKidman 11 Peters, b Wood......... 3 Harman, b Clayton... 13 Adams, bKidman ...26 Graham, Hammond and Burton did not bat (inn­ ings declared finished). B oston P a r k . Total ...144 G.Kidman.c Harman, b Johnson ......... 2 J. Clayton,lb Johnson 8 S. Brewell,st Hiscock, b Burton............... 8 G. Band, notout ... 6 W. W. Vosper, c Day, b Johnson ......... 2 C. Wood, b Johnson... 0 W. Poupart.ruQ aut... 2 E. Butcher, b John­ son ...................... 1 J. Bailey, b John­ son ....................... 0 G. Bloomer, c Day, b Johnson ......... 0 F.Butcher,c Leathby bJohnson .......... 3 M. V. Jupp, b Ham­ mond ................ 1 Total .........28 FREE FORESTERS v. RUGBY SCHOOL. Played at Rugby on June 1 and 2. R u g b y S c h o o l. First Innings. P. F. Warner, b Maclean 3 W. Dixon, c and b Wilson 46 T. W. Rowley, b Clerke ... 2 E. J. Whitting, b Jackson 11 J. H. Nicholls, b Jackson 0 S. Slater, b W ilson......... 0 H. D. Reodall, b Clerke ... 3 A. El is, c Jackson, b Clarke............................ 0 A. O. Dowson, b Wilson... 0 A. G. Gaddum, c Wilson, b Clerke ...................... 0 C. HeadUm* not out......... 1 Second Innings. b Clerke lbw, b Clerke . b Wilson ... . b Clerke ... . b Clerke ... . b Maclean... . b Wilson ... . b Maclean... . b Maclean ... . Extras Total ... 17 .........83 b Maclean.......... 3 n^t out .......... 6 Extras............19 Total ...1C9 F r e e F o r e s t e r s . First Innings. F. L. Evelyn, c War­ ner, b Slater ......... 7 Capt. H a y h u r s t France, c Nicholls, b Rendall............... 28 C. J. Clerke, b Slater 4 E.A.St. Hill,b Rendall 59 G. H. Gresson, c Nicholls, b Ellis ... 13 F. H. Sitwell, c Head- lam, b Whitting ... 29 1 T o ta l........ 166 In the Second Innings Evelyn scored c Ellis, b Whitting 4, Capt. Hayhurst France (not out) 6. Sit­ well (not out) 3, Wilson, c Dixon.b Ellis 0, Willes, b Whitting 11; extras 6.—Total, 30. G.F.«iackson,b Whit­ ting .................. M. F. Maclean, b Whitting ......... E. A. Milne, run out 2 R.A. Wilson.c Head- lam, b Whitting ... G. E. Willes,not out Extras................13 EALING DEAN v. JBOSTON PARK. Played at Ealing Dean on May 28. B oston P ark . First Innings. Second Innings. G. H. Jupp, b Perkins ... 23 b Saunders ... 6 H. Baker, c Barratt, b Perkins ......... ........... 7 b Barratt ........27 M. Polding, c Barratt, b Perkins ........................ 0 b Saunders ... 6 A. Harris, c Buffey, b Perkins ........................ 4 b Saunders ... 0 R. Rapkin, b Perkins ...20 c Ashurst, b Barratt......... 2 S. Brewell, b Perkins ... 0 c and b Barratt 10 J. Poapart, hw, b Perkins 0 b Barratt............ 6 G. Heasler, c and b Bas- combe............................. 3 b Saunders........... 1 W. ClarKe, b Perkins ... 1 b Barratt............ 0 E. Underwood, b Bas- combe............................ 2 not out ......... 1 T. Kidman, not o u t ......... 6 c Ashurst, b Tomkins ... 0 Extras ...................... 5 Extras...... 14 Total ................71 E a lin g D ean. W. Atkinson, b Kid- Total ... 73 m an ...................... 4 C. Bascombe, b Har­ ris ......................15 J. Saunders, b Kid­ man ...................... 8 G. Perkins, not out.... 83 W. Barratt, c Clarke, b Kidman ......... 8 A. He'lard, b Polding 0 S. Buffey, run out ... 2 G. Ashur.t, b Kid­ man ...................... 7 H- Swaby, b Harris 0 Middleton, c Pou­ part, b Kidman ... 0 Tomkins, b Harris... 5 Extras................ 4 Total .........86 MARLBOROUGH BLUES v. HENLEY. Played at Henley on June 6. H e n l e y . First Innings. Second Innings. J. F. Cooper, c and b Fel- low es...............................18 c and b Fellowes 0 J.G.Llewelyn, c Freeman, b Robins ....................... 3 hw, b Thring ... 3 W. Dunn, b Fellowes ... 15 c E. S. House­ man, b Thring 4 C. E. Ashfield, b Fellowes A. Lusby, b Fellowes E. R. Portal, not out Jones, b Robins................ A. S. Stone, b Fellowes ... J. Chambers, b Fellowes .. G. T. Savage, absent H. Crocker, absent ......... 5 b Fellowes.........24 0 b Fe lowes... . 13 8 c Freeman, b Thring ......... 10 7 st Weeding, b Thring ......... 4 1 not out ......... 0 0 st Weeding, b Thring ......... 0 0 b Fellowes......... il 0 c and bThring... 0 Lb............... 1 Total ................57 M a rlborough B lu e s . Total ... 61 T. Leach, b Jones ... 3) H. Robins, b Jones ... 6 W. G. Fellowes, b Jones......................14 H. de L. Houseman, b Ashfield ............... 2 L. C. W. Thring, b Jones...................... 1 T. W. Weeding, b Ash­ field ...................... 1 H. Freeman, b Ash­ field ...................... 49 E. S. Houseman, c Lusby. b Dunn ... 11 F.W.French, b Jones 8 H. M. Prescott, not out ...................... 0 B ...................... 8 Total ...13) SH IRLEY HOUSE SCHOOL v. STRATH- EDEN HOUSE. Played at Blackheath on June 3. S tr a th e d e n H ou se . First Innings. A. Mason, b Haselwood R. Owen, b Haselwood E. Mason, b Auld ... H. Baird, b Haselwood ... 0 H. Perkins, b Auld .........15 J. Wadling, b Haselwood 1 H. Heath, lbw, b Auld ... 0 A. Watkins, b Auld ... G. Soames, not oul ... . O. Thompson, bDay... R. Blaker, b Haselwood . B 3, lb 1, w 1, nb 1 , Second Innings, b Haselwood ... 10 not out ......... j c Haselwood, b D a y ................27 b Auld................13 not out ......... 13 cTunks, bHasel- wood ......... 4 Total , 5 . 0 . 2 . 6 68 b Auld... ........ 0 b Auld................ 1 B2, l bl .nbl 4 Total... 81