Cricket 1890

APRIL 17, 1890. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 55 F R E E F O R E S T E R S v. W E L L IN G T O N C O L LEG E . Played at W ellington College on June 15,1889. W e llin g t o n C o l l e g e . R. A. Birley, not out 28 P. L. Brownell, c Davenport, b Col- m a n ........................ 1 G. A. Godley,not out 13 B 8, lb 3, w 4 . . 15 S.T.Hankey.bNickalls 14 G. F. H. Berkeley, c D a v e n p o r t , b Nickalls ....................82 E. B. Macnaghten, b G old n ey................... 3 E. C. Mordaunt, b Marshall..................48 Total ...................202 E. J. Mordaunt, 1 Marshall................ V. A. W. Vanderbyl, R. W. Fox, and G. W. Denny did not bat (innings declared finished). F r e e F o r e st e r s . W.D.Marshall,cFox,b E. C. Mordaunt ... 3 T. H. Hine Haycock, c and b E. C. Mor­ daunt .................20 F.G.O)iver,b Berkeley 3 G. D. Rowe, b E. C. Mordaunt .......... 6 F.W.Bovill.cBrownell, b E. C. Mordaunt... 0 F. C. Coxhead, b B erkeley................. 0 J. Colman, c G. T. M o r d a u n t , b Berkeley................. N. R. Nickalls, b E. C. Mordaunt.......... H. F. Browell, b E. . Mordaunt.......... Rev. E . Davenport, b Berkeley .......... G.H.Goldney,notout B 8, lb 1 .......... Total 52 F R E E F O R E S T E R S v. L IN TON PA RK . Played at Linton Park on August 28 and 29, 1889. F r e e F o r e st e r s . Second Innings. First Innings. A. J. Thornton, b Streat- field ............................... W. D. Bovill, b Pilcher J. A. Turner, b Pilcher ... G. Ricketts, run out........ Major J. Spens, c F. S. W. A. M. Inglis.c A. W. Corn­ wallis, b Pilcher .......... J.H.Hornsby, c Rashleigh, b P ilch er........................ W. E. Collins, c and b A. Streatfield........................ Major L. Spens, c Friend, b P ilch e r........................31 S. W. Gore, b Streatfleld 0 Capt. Jones, not out........ G b Pi’cher B 4,1 b 5 ........... 9 0 b Streatfield ... 0 0 b Pilcher ... ... 5 4 b Pilcher ... ,... 58 27 b Pilcher ... ,... 8 12 b Richards... ... 81 61 not out ... ,... 12 8 not out.......... ,... 24 0 B 9,1 b 5 Total Total ,..207 ..........161 L in to n P a r k . Second Innin; c and b Turner... 39 First Innings. Capt. Friend, b Turner ... 3 W. Rashleigh, bTurner... 3 c andb Turner 19 J. Tonge, c J. Spens, b Collins............................11 b Turner .........40 A. M. Streatfield, retired hurt ............................ 11 E. C. Streatfield, c Bovill, b Collins ........................ 0 H. F. Kemp, b Collins ...35 c Jones,b Thorn­ ton ................. c Bovill,bTurner c Thornton, b Turner .......... L. M. Richards, c Collins, bTurner ........................... 8 b Collins .. A. W. Cornwallis, b Collins 0 c Turner, Collins A. J. Pilcher, c Turner, b Collins...............................11 c and b Turner 10 E. F. Chaplin, not out ... 1 b*Thornton ... 1 F. S. W . Cornwallis, run out .................................. 0 not out ........... 5 B 7,1 b 6, n b 2 .15 B 8,lb2,n b5 15 Total Total ...145 F R E E F O R E ST E R S. F ixtu r e s for 1890. May 24- May 26, June ll June 14- June 16, June 18- June 19, June 21- June 24- June 25- ■Esher, v. Esher. 27—Woolwich, v. Royal Artillery. —Eton, v. The College, -Near Wokingham, v. Wellington College. 17—Rugby, v. The School, i—Woolwich, v. Royal Military Academy. 20-O xford, v. Christchurch. -Pangbourne, v. Hardwick House XI. -Winchester, v. The College. -A yot St. Lawrence, v. H. E. Crawley’s XI June 27, 28—Shoeburyness, v. School of Gunnery. June 28—Camberley, v. Staff College, July 5—Barnes, v. Lyric Club. July 9—Dulwich, v. Dulwich College. July 16—Hillingdon, v. Evelyns. July 16, 17—Near Maidstone, v. Boxley. July 19—Godalming, v. The Charterhouse. July 23,24—Horsham, v. Horsham. July 25, 26—Winchester, v Greenjackets. July 28,29^-Wel!esboume, v. Wellesbourne. July 30, 31—Cheltenham, v. East Gloucestershire. August 1, 2—Ludlow, v. Ludlow. August 2—Weybridge, v. Oatlands Park. August 4, 5—Hopton Heath, v. C. C. Seton’s XI. August 6, 7—Shrewsbury, v. Shropshire. August 8, 9—Worcester, v. Worcestershire. August 11,12—Maidstone, v. The Mote. August 13,14—Maidstone, v. Linton Park. August 13,14—Witham, v. Witham. August 15,16—Chatham, v. Royal Engineers. August 18,19—Aldershot, v. The Division. August 18,19—Hams Ball, v. Crusaders. August 20, 21—Portsmouth, v. United Services. August 20, 21—Lichfield, v. Gentn.of Staffordshire. August 22, 23—Basingstoke, v. Hackwood Park. August 25, 26—Northampton, v. Gentn. of North­ amptonshire. August 25, 26—Bicester, v. Bicester. August 27, 28—Althorp, v. Althorp Park. August 27—Middleton, v. Lord Jersey’s XI. August 28, 29—Heythrop, v. Heythrop Hunt. August 29,30.—Lutterworth, v. Gentn. of Leicester­ shire. E A L IN G C LU B . F ixtu r e s f o r 1890. May 3—Ealing, v. West Indians May 10—East Acton, v. Pallingswick May 17—Uxbridge, v. Uxbridge May 21—Ealing, v. Middlesex Hospital May 24—Ealing, v. Hampstead May 26—Ealing, v. London Hospital May 28—Ealing, v. University College Hospital May 31—Ealing, v. Gryphons June 4—Ealing, v. St. John’s College, Oxford June 7—Ealing, v. Clapham Wanderers June 11—Wormwood Scrubs, v. Kensington Park June 14—Ealing, v. Hornsey June 21—Ealing, v. Hampstead Nondescripts June 25—Ealing, v. a Cambridge XI. June 28—Ea ing, v. London Scottish July 5—Ealing, v. Pallingswick duly 9-E aling, v. Peripatetics July 12—Ealing, v. Clapham Wanderers July 19—Ealing, v, M.C.C. July 26—Ealing, v. Kensington Park Aug. 2—Ealing, y. Oakleigh Wanderers Aug. 4—Ealing, v. an Australian X I. Aug. 9—Hampstead, v. Hampstead Aug. 13—Ealing, v. Uxbridge Aug. 16—Upper Tooting, v. Upper Tooting Aug. 23—Hornsey, v. Hornsey Aug. 30—Ealing, v. West Indians W E L L IN G TO N C O LLEG E ! F ixtures fo r 1830. May 10—v. Marlborough Nomads May 17—v. University College, Oxford May 21—v. Staff College May 29—v. Old Wykehamists Tune 4,5—v. Sherborne School June 7—v. I Zingari June 14—v. Free Foresters June 21—v. Old Wellingtonians June 28—v. M.C.C. July 5—v. Charterhouse July 9,10—v. Haileybury D U LW IC H CO LLEG E . F ir s t XI. F ix tu r e s fo r 1890. May 24—Tonbridge, v. Tonbridge School May 28—Dulwich, v. Surrey C. &G. June 4—Dulwich, v. Incogniti June 11—Dulwich, v. Ne’er-do-Weels June 14—Dulwich, v. Bedford Grammar School June 18—Dulwich, v. M.C.C. June 21 —Dulwich, v. Old Alleynians June 28—Brighton, v. Brighton College July 2—Dulwich, v. Old Harrovians July 9—Dulwich, v. Free Foresters M r . J. W . M c E wen , 206, Mare Street, Hackney, E ., is now H on. Sec. of the Clapton Club, in place of Mr. G. Head, resigned. C ricketers .—B est G oods bear th is M ark .—A dyt. CROYDON CLUB. F ix t u r e s f o r 1890. April 12—Croydon, Under 30 v. Over 30 April 19—Croydon, Married r. Single April 26—Mitcham, v. Mitcham April 26 - Croydon, v. Granville May 3—Wandsworth, v. Spencer May 3 —Croydon, v. Spencer May 10—Croydon, v. Forest Hill May 10—Forest Hill, v. Forest Hill May 14—Croydon, v. Mr. W. J. Hobbs’ Team May 17—Norwood, v. Norwood May 17—Croydon, v. Carlton May 24—Croydon, v. Whitgift Wanderers May 24—North End, Croydon, v. Whitgift School May 26—Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe May 26—Croydon, v. Addiscombe May 29—Saffrons, Eastbourne, v. Eastbourne May 31—Beddington, v. Beddington May 31—Croydon, v. Norwood Park June 7—Croydon, v. Dulwich June 7—Dulwich, v. Dulwich June 11—Croydon, v, Clapham Wanderers June 14—Croydon, v. Croydon Amateurs June 14—Lee, v. Granville June 21—Croydon, v. Spencer June 21—Wandsworth, v. Spencer June 25—Norbury, v. Mr. J. W. Hobbs’ Team June 28—Kenley, v. Kenley June 28—Croydon, v. Norwood July 2—Lee, v. Granville July 5—Forest Hill, v. Forest Hill July 5—Croydon, v. Forest Hill July 9—Croydon, v. Charing Cross Hospital July 12—Croydon, v. Stanley July 12—North End, Croydon, v. Whitgift School July 19—Dulwich, v. Dulwich July 19—Croydon, v. Dulwich July 26—Ccoydon, v. Brixton Wanderers July 26—Norwood, v. Norwood July 28—Croydon, v. Burlington Wanderers July 29—Croydon, v. Clapton July 30—Croydon, v. Surrey C. & G. July 31—Croydon, v. Granville Aug. 1—Croydon, v. M.C.C. & G. Aug. 2—Croydon, v. Kenley Aug. 2—Carshalton, v. Carshalton Aug. 4—Croydon, v. Addiscombe Aug. 4—Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe Aug. 9—Croydon, v. Mitcham Aug. 16-Croydon, v. Norwood Aug. 23—Croydon, v. Burlington Wanderers Aug. 30—Croydon, v. Beddington Sept. 6—Croydon, v. Oakleigh Wanderers M R . J. W . H O B B S ’ C LU B F ixtu r e s f o r 1890. May 14—Croydon, v. Croydon. May 17—Purley, v. Cane Hill. May 26—Norbury, v. Whitgift Wanderers. June 16-Brighton, v. Brighton Brunswick. June 18—Norbury, v. Red Hill. June 21—Norbury, v. Mitcham. June 25—Norbury, v. Crojdon. July 12—Norwood, v. Norwood. July 26—Norbury, v. Roving Friars. Aug. 4—Norbury, v. Whitgift Wanderers. Aug. 5—Red Hill, v. Red Hill. Aug. 12—Norbury, v. Brighton Brunswick. Aug. 16—Norbury, v. Cane Hill. Aug. 27—Norbury, v. Norwood. Aug. 30.—Mitcham, v. Mitcham. T h e R ichm ond A thletic Association has just specially laid a portion of its ground for important matches. Cricket v. G olf is the title of an article in B lackw ood’s Magazine for this m onth by Mr. H orace Hutchinson. M r . W . L. M u r d o c h , the Captain of the Australian team, and M rs. Murdoch, reached London on Easter M onday. M r. M. P. B o w den contributed 74 out of a total of 272 for the M other Country against Colonial Born at Johannesburg on March 1. I n tw o matches played early in March at Cape Town, between the South African College and Oaks C.C., W atson, for the form er, took thirty wickets, sixteen in the first, and fourteen in the second. T h e C r oyd on C l u b . —A t the General M eeting of this Club, Mr. E. R . W ilkinson, who has with very considerable success captained the Club for eight years consecu­ tively, declined to be again nom inated, not having sufficient tim e to devote to the duties, and M r. H. R . G room was thereupon elected captain for the present year.