Cricket 1890

SHORTHINTS i CRICKET By w. W. READ. This Valuable Information on Modern Batting, which will be found of enormous use to all Classes of Cricketers, can be had free on receipt of One Stamp from W. H. COOK & Co., (LIMITED), Sole Manufacturers of the now Celebrated “ MAGIC” BAT AND ALL CRICKET AND LAWN TENNIS REQUISITES, 67, BARBICAN, E.C. C A S T L E ’S Teak Seats. PARKS GARDENS PARADES CRICKET AND TENNIS GROUNDS AND ALL OPEN SPACES ADDRESS— H.CASTLE & SONS BALTIC WHARF, M I L L B A N K . S .W . R e p o r t S h e e t s for sending matches to this paper, post-free lOd. per doz. The Manager wishes to remind Hon. Secs, and others that it is absolutely necessary to use these sheets when forwarding scores. SURREY BICYCLE CLUB RACES AT KENNINGTON OVAL, S a t u r d a y , A .p r i.1 C omm encing at 3 o ’clock. ADMISSION 1/- RESERVED SEATS 2/- Tickets half-price before the day.—A. R. L ock w o o d , Hon. Sec., 11 & 12, Southampton Building*, Chancery Lane, W.C. ADVERTISE [ESTIMATES FREE •APPLY TO HENRY SELL“M&k 167 & I6B, FLEET ST. LONDON. E.C. CRICKET SHIRTS. T H E S P E C I A L W H I T E C A N V A S C L U B S H I R T As Manufactured and Introduced to the cricketing world by us in 18S4, and supplied\ ^ g QACh during the last five seasons to some of the leading gentlemen and professional players I ' ' iD England and Australia. Washes snowy white, is soft, absorbent, porous and un-f ThVBQ JOT 13/- shrinkable. Beware of Im itations. J c a r r ia g e paid. Q in rT ? JSy f Sole Manufacturers O JL X X U X d w i l l ^ 83f FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, E C. WALTER WRIGHT & JAS. WEEKS (Member of All England and Kent County Elevens W h o l e s a l e M a n u f a c t u r e r s AND THE “ INY ICTA ” CRICKET BALL 48 CRICKET: A. WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. MAR. 27,1890. H a n d - M a d e INVICTA” CRICKET BALL SEE TESTIMONIALS AT FOOT F o r p r ices , etc ., a p p l y a t once BLOCK SHOWING INSIDE SECTION OP WEIGHT & WEEKS’ CRICKET B VLI j . _____ NONE GENUINE UNLESS STAMPED “ WALTER WRIGHT'S BEST," or ' W- & V/\, MAIDSTONE.’ 33, W E E K STREET, MAIDSTONE, l£EpJT. Catford Bridge, Kent, S.E., February 12th, 1890. D ear M r . W r ig h t , —I have given your “ INVICTA ” Ball a thorough good trial, and find it retains its shape, and stands a lot of knocking about. — Yours very truly, ALEC HEARNE. To W a lt e r W r ig h t & J "W eeks M aidstone G e n tl e m e n ,— We tried your Balls on the Royal Artillery Cricket GrouDd at Woolwich, last season, and found them to wear well, both in keeping their shape and also their colour, and when hit by the bat they travelled well. I have no doubt whoever gives your “ INVICTA Ball a trial will be well satisfied. ^ ill send order as the opening day approaches.—Yours truly, W. CLARKE, R.A. pro. for 13 years. 78, Old Dover Road, Canterbury. D ear S ir s ,— 1 have given your “ INVICTA ” Balls a thorough trial, and must say that I like them very much. Not only do they wear well, but they keep their shape and do not increase in size.—Yours truly, F. MARTIN. W alte r W r ig h t & J. W e e k s . E x p o r t e r s OF THE Acknowledged to be the Best Ball made Printed for the Proprietor by W r ig h t & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, London, E.C., March 27th, 1890.