Cricket 1890
MAR. 27, 1890. CRICKET A WEEKLY EE COED OF THE GAME. 47 NOW READY. VOL. VIII. of “ C R I C K E T ” Neatly bound in dark green cloth, with gilt lettering. Price 8s- 6d. {Per Parcels Post, securely packed, 9d. extra.) B E S I DE S Full Scores of all principal matches played in 1889, and a mass of Valuable Information, it contains Portraits and Biographies of the following Eminent Cricketers :— M r . C. A bsolom M r . L . M. B a lfo u r M r . F. A. B ish o p M r . E. M . B u t l e r M r . J. C ranston M r . D . C ronin M r . S, M . C r o sf ie ld M r . F. G. J. F ord M r . F. G a l e M r . F. H . G resson S ir H e n r y J ames M r . G. M c G r e g o r M r . E. J. M c C orm ick M r . E . A . N bpean M r . H. G . O w en M r . H. P h il ip so n M r . L e s l ie W ilso n G. B ean T h om as H e a rn e H a r r y J u p p W . H. L ockw ood A r t h u r M o ld H. J. P a l l e t t H. R ich ardson A . W ard T . H. W a r r e n G Z R .I O Z K H E L T . All Cane Handle Bats, full size, 8/- each Special do. do. 7/6 each Superior do. 9/6 each Selected Match Bats, 11/ All Bats Warranted. Other makes, inclu ding W a r so p ’ s , A y r e s ’, P age ’: F ensom ’ s , & c ., at reasonable prices. CASES FOR BINDING-, 2s. 6d o ffice of ' c r i c k e t ; 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, E.C. NOT I CE ! Hon. Secs, and Groundmen wishing to have their Ground in good order this season, should state their wants to R. BEALE & CO. (Turf Con tractors to the London County Council). Prac tical men sent to advise and report; estimates and contracts given for Turfing, Repairing and Top-Dressing. Some of the toughest turf in England now on hand. SPEC IA LITY FOR Lawn Tennis & Cricket Grounds BEALE’S' CONCENTRATED FARMYARD MANURE. Thoroughly sweetened and D e o d o r ise d , A m monia F ix e d and E xcess M oisture E vaporated . Analyses equal to eight times the bulk of ordinary manure. BEALE’S “ CONCENTRATED ” is cheap enough to cover a farm with, and good enough to take the place of all natural and artificial manures. Con tains every element of “ plant food,” and is con sequently invaluable for Cricket Grounds & Tennis Lawns. It can be easily and quickly applied, and will soon work in amongst the Turi-roots. which it .nourish and keep warm. It is clean, portable, & ready for use, and it may be mixed with a bulk of iresh soil to cover newly sewn grass seeds. Two Sacks of “ CONCENTRATED ” are equal to a ton of Farm Yard dung. It costs only 6 /- per Sack; or with an extra basis of Bone Phosphates and Potash, 8 /6 . Per ton, £ 5 and £ 7 10s. Use l i tons of “ Ordinary ,” or 1 ton of “ Special ” to an acre; the “ Special ” for preference. CONCENTRATED” was included in our exhibit at the N.C.S. Grand Show at the Royal Aquarium, Nov. 12th and 13th, and for which we Were awarded the Society’s BRONZE MEDAL. S o le M anufactu rers :— B E A L E C o . , T H E NORTH LONDON H ORTIC U LTU RAL STORES N e w S o u t h g a t e , LONDON, N, V o 0 ^ / c r i c k e t a* <</ / w & p ’s ^ </, /Treble-seam ed k / 3 6 each, 40 doz & % A , / Superior Treble seamed I 6 each, 50 - doz. Catgut Sewn, / 5 - each, 56 - doz. / All Balls Warranted <. </ / Stumps,LegGuards,Nets ^ - V - / Batting Gloves, Gaunt- ^ Q) / lets’ at fair Prices* / Every Requisite supplied sj / for Tennis, Lacrosse. Hockey " J o y Golf, Croquet. Boxing. Runnii g < b / r Gymnastics, and all oilier Out d< or and Indoor Gomes. L. J. NICOLliS , r o b e r t s b r i d g e , PATENTEE & MANUFACTURES OF THE AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE rnHESE engravings show the advantages this -1- handle gives, as each curve forms a key or abutment, against the elastic substance. Although these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder of the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. These bats, introduced in 1889, have been used by the best Cricketers of England, Australia and New Zealand, as well as having been sent to India and Africa, and the universal testimony is that nothing has ever been brought into the Cricketing world to give such advantages to the batsman in cutting and driving powers. A Sample sent on application to Secretaries of Clubs, as well as the Repercussive Cork-handled Bats. A quantity of All-Cane-Handled Bats, warranted (a little soiled), offered at a very low figure. N otice in case of I n frin g e m en t .— The Patentee does not bind himself to any number of Curves. To Ladies, who have taken up the noble game of Cricket. L. J. N. had a, fair demand for Bats fov Ladies last Season andhas now a specially s e le c te d S to c k . FRANK BRYAN’S REGISTERED S P E C I A L I T I E S <( PRESIDENT" Spring Handle Bat “ PRESIDENT” Batting Gloves "GRASSHOPPER” CRICKET BALLS “ COUNTY” L E G G U A R D S RUBBER-FACED (ROUGH OR SMOOTH) W IC K E T -G LO V E S 88, CHARTERHOUSE SQUARE, ATiD ^ T ^ a l T q f t t j e e t , LONDON, E.C. fHOTO0RAPH8 OF CELEBRATED ELEVEN8, 1884-5-6-7. ILL CLUBS, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, <Se., * 0 . BHOULD HAVE THE CELEBRATED COUNTY AND OTHER CRICKET ELEV EN 8 . B y E. HAWKINS & Co., 108. KING ’ S ROAD, BRIGHTON. The Most Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3/6 eaoh Post Free. NIzo ot Photo 12-in. by 10-In. Alio P hotos of u j , th e P rincipal C ricketers JUST PUBLISHED. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at LORD’S. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at The OVAL. ENGLAND at LORD'S. ENGLAND at the OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEE8, 1 /8 each: the whole set of 14 , 16/- Under the Patronage of P b ih oi C h ristia n , P rin ce C h ristian V iotoB , T e n E a r l or S h e ffx ild , &c,, Ao. The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES. Photographed Specially for the E arl of Sheffield. L ord S h effie ld w r i t e s " I hope yon will find any customers for such exceedingly good and m iceUi«nt Photographs.” Jubilee Football Festival, The Oval, Uarch 12,1887. Under the immediate Patronageol H .R .H . T h e P r in c e of WA3jBs. S pl e n d id P h o to o ra ph s of th * F our T e a k s , Large S ize (12 by 10), 3/0 each; Or 10/- the Set of Four. Cabinets, 1/8 each; or SI- the Set of Four. Post Free. N.B.—AU Orders must be accompanied by a remittance. Latest Portraits of the Celebrated Jockey* (I n C o btu m e )— ?. A R C H E R (H.R.H. T h e P r in c e of W a lk s ), 0. W O O D (S ir G . C h e tw y k d ). F, WEBB (D u k e o f W e st m in st e r ). T, LOATES, Large Siae, Beautifully Finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7/6 each, Cabinet Size, 2/- each. Post Free, Cash with Order, Latest Portraits of L O R D H A R R I S (In C r ic k e t C ostu m e). Large Size (12 in. b” 10 in.), 6s. each, post-free! Cabinets, 2s. each, post-free; BJi.—Theee Portraits have been much admired by all wlw have seen them, 1 , HAWK I NS * 0 0 ., (Late Hennah & Kent) PHOTOSBAPHIO ABTIBTS, 108, KING’8 ROAD, BRIGHTON. NEXT ISSUE, APRIL 17.
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