Cricket 1890
A tfo . 7, 1890. CRICKET: A WEEKLY EE COED OP THE GAME. A.B.Cipriana.cPorter, b B udw orth..........40 A. Cosens, c A. J. B iker, b Hilder ... 37 J.A.Kallender,cBouch, b H ilder.................42 C rystal P alace . Rev. V. J. Leather- dale, not out J. N. Noakes, b lin gs.......... B 20,lb 1 Total ... 65 Val- ... 37 ... 21 ...242 T. C. Bheard, J. M. Campbell, F. W. Aste, W. Brander, G. Austin and G. H. Neame did not bat. C R Y S T A L P A L AC E v. BECKENHAM . Pisyed at Beckenham on A ugust 4. C.P. S. Shorter,c Marshall, b N oakes................. 9 C. F. Tufnell, b C. G. Inglis........................10 C. Mitchell, c Friend, b C. G. Inglis..........16 L. H. Neame, b A M. Inglis........................10 A.Cosens, c Marshall, b N oakes.................29 F. W. Aste, c Dillon, b N oakes.................10 F. C. Barchard, c Torrens, b Noakes 43 H.Hetley, b Marshall 15 J. A. Kallender, not out ... ................. 12 G. Cosens, b Noakes 0 A. B. Cipriana, b A. M. Inglis.................10 B 17, lb 3 ..........20 Total ...184 B eckenham . H. W . Dillon, run E.' G. Rand, b Bar out ........................ 6 chard ... 25 A. H. Marshall, c C. G. Inglis, not Neame, b Aste ... 8 out .......... ... 13 W. M. Torrens, not B 6 , lb 2 ... 8 out ........................99 _ J.N.Noakes.cCipriana, Total ...214 b A. Cosens ..........13 A.M.Inglis.c Cipriana, b Hetley .................42 A. J. L. Payne, W. B. Friend, G. H. Collier and A. Pearce did not bat. OLD CRAN LE IG H AN S v. R U SH E Y GREEN . Played at Catford on July 26. O l d C r a n le ig h a n s . S.F.Charlton,b Sabin 30 W.D.Warner,bGoldie 1 F. Summers,b Goldie 2 G. Howick, b Edmett 14 R. E. Mills, run out... 4 L. J.Orr, b G.Beynon 22 E. C. Nichols, b Rich ards ........................ 5 S. N. E. O’Halloran, b Allberry .......... 8 F. Abraham, b Sabin 5 W. Souray, b Edmett 6 T. Trigg, not out ... 0 B 21, w 2 ..........23 Total ...120 R ushey G r een . A. Devinson, c Charl ton, b Howick Rev. J. Longsdon, b Howick ................. E. Allberry, b Howick C. Sabin, run out ... J. Goldie, not out ... J, Wall, b Howick ... G. Beynon, c Warner, b Charlton .......... W. Richards,b Charl ton ........................ F. Morris.c Abraham, b Charlton .......... J. Bennett, c Charl ton, b Warner ... T. Edmett, b Warner B 9, lb 1 .......... Total .......... W IL L E S D E N v. LONDON SCO TTISH . Played at W illesden on August 4. W ille s d e n . First Innings. E. L. Rogers, c Earn- shaw.b Easterbrook 11 C. S. Marshall, b D. G. Anderson................. J. Major-Lucas, c Earnshaw, b Den niston ................. H. Y. Brown, c Earn- shaw,b Easterbrook 3 H.W.Pritt.bEarnshaw 42 W. P. Williams, b Denniston .......... 0 21 16 A. E. Robinson, c F. Anderson, b Eas terbrook.................13 S.A.Spiller.b Easter brook ................. 1 L. Cloudesley, b Easterbrook.......... 1 A.G.Thomas,not out 6 H. Newman, b Figgis 9 B ........................ 2 Total ..........125 In the Second Innings Rogers scored b Earn- shaw, 4, Marshall, c D. G. Anderson, b Denniston, 20, Major-Lucas, c Earnshaw, b D. G. Anderson, 0, Brown (not out) 18, Pritt, c and b Easterbrook, 18, Williams, c D. G., b F. G. Anderson, 8 , Thomas, lbw, b Easterbrook, 3; b 1, lb 1, w 2, nb 2.— Total, 77. L ondon A. F. Denniston, b N ewm an...................23 B.E.Figgis.b Newman 22 D. G. Anderson, c Marshall, b Brown 23 A. E. Earnshaw, lbw, b B row n ................. 0 G. C. Lindsay, c Mar shall, b Brown ... 30 R. F. Easterbrook, b Brown ................. 7 S c o ttis h . P.A.Williamson, lbw, b Major-Lucas ... F. G. Anderson, c and b Major-Lucas F.R. Connell, not out A. R. Rainy, lbw, b Newman................. Jas. Anderson, b Newman................. B 4, lb 1 .......... Total ...121 W IL L E SD E N v. OLD C RAN LE IG H AN S. Played at W illesden on August 2. W ille s d e n . A. E. Robinson, not out ........................ 11 H. Newman, c W ar ner,b J.A.S.Levick 0 John Major-Lucas, hw, b Mills .......... 4 F. Levick, b J. A. S. Levick ................. 1 A.G.Thomas,b Mills 1 B 5, lb 2 .......... 7 H. Y. Brown, c Williams, b Mills... 39 Joe Major-Lucas, c Warner, b Charlton 23 E.L.Rogers,c Trimen, b Mills .................16 E.Carlisle.cAbraham, b J. A. S. Levick ... 3 H. W. Pritt, b J. A. S. Levick .................18 S.A. Spiller.c Warner, b Mills .................12 Total ...................137 L. Cloudesley, b J. A. S. Levick .......... O l d C ra n le ig h a n s . S. F. Charlton, b Brown ................. 3 A. R. Trimen, c Cloudesley,bBrown 12 J. A. S. Levick, b Brown ................. 6 W. Coles, F. Abraham, J. Abraham, R. E. Mills’ A. C. Verrall, H. D. Warner and E. Spiller did nofc bat. W.P.Williams,notout E.H . Woods,not out B 1, lb 1 .......... Total .......... B R IX T O N v. B A T T E R S E A . Played at Battersea on August 2. B attersea . R. E. North, b Riley 1 H. E. White, b Chees- wright ................. 1 W. Thomas, not out 27 B. Thomas, c Chees- wright, b Riley ... 1 G. T. West, b Chees- wright ................. 3 G. Barnes, b Chees- wright ................. 2 W. West, b Chees- wright ................. 3 T. Dawson, b Chees- wright ................. 0 T. Riley, b Chees- wright ................. 0 H. Holland, b Chees- wright ................. 0 H. Premier, b Riley 0 B 4, lb 4 .......... 8 Total 46 B r ix to n . J. Riley, not out ...144 J. Wasp, not out ... 1 H. Browning, b Hoi- B 4, lb 1, w 3 ... 8 land ...........................74 — O. Corbett, b Barnes 8 Total ..........235 F. Cheeswright, F. Hose, R. Ford, W. H. Bagott S. Bourne, E. Dines, and H. Pollock did not bat. HONOR OAK v. A LLEYN . Played at H onor Oak on August 2. Tlnkham, c Mayo, b T. Harrison ..........21 Driskell, bG.Harrison 4 W. Curtis, b Dicka son ........................36 Skipwith, run out ... 7 A. Parsons, not out... 40 E. H. Meyer, b Dicka son ........................ 10 A.Flower, b Dickason 0 A l l e y n . W.Haycraft,bDicka- son ........................ 4 W. Tinkham, b G. Harrison................. 3 C. J. Parsons, b Dickason................. 5 J. Richardson, b Dickason................. 0 B 17, lb 1 ..........18 H onor O a k . C. Total ...148 G. Harrisonl Parsons ................. 0 T. Harrison, b Tink ham ........................27 A. C. Hayes, c A. Parsons,b Tinkham 3 W. Tyler, b Tinkham 9 C. H. Mayo, b C. Par sons ...........................43 W. North and T. Dickason did not bat. G. Smedley, c Dris kell, b C. Parsons 26 T. Gracey, run out... 6 H. Holford, not out 11 W. Murden, not out 7 B l, lb 5, w l ... 7 Total ..139 CmiCKBTlRB.—BB8T G ood * rear this M ark ,*—A dvt. NORTHBROOK v . DU LW ICH . P layed at Lee on August 2. N orthbrook . W. D. Butler, c and b Morris .................12 H. N. Smith, b Darby 0 T. G. Cannon, c Far- rer, b Morris..........17 A. East, b Colyer ... 9 H. Leeds, not out ... 13 W . G. Skipworth, F. Mote, J. H. Walker and F. W. Faston did not bat. Dulwich did not bat. P. R. Steele, b Rim- m ington................. 6 C. Kelly, not out ... 0 B 3, lb 2................. 5 Total 62 D U LW IC H v. NORTHBROOK . Played at Dulw ich on August 2. N o r th b r o o k . A. H. Smith, not out 9 J. Dacres, c Pearse, b C. P. Tregellas ... 42 R. W. Burroughs, b E. J. Heasman ... 76 W. G. Mitchell, b Knott .................16 A. C. Nixon, lbw, b Knott ................. 2 A E Coates, c E. J, Heasman, b Knott 4 J. Clarke did not bat. G. H. Blyther, b E. H. Heasman ... 10 C. Pearse, not out ... 20 T. W . Blenkircn, b E. H. Heasman ... 15 G. W. A. Mitchell, c Hutchinson, bTre- gellas .................. 9 B 30, lb 2 ..........32 Total ..........235 Dulwich did not bat. N OR TH BROOK v . G R A N V IL L E (LEE). Played at Lee on August 4. G r a n v ille . J. Wilson, jun., c C. W. Hayward, c Coates, b Smith ... 0 W. Mitchell, b W. Morris, c sub., b Blenkiron .......... 28 G. Mitchell .......... 0 J. W. Dale, c Pearse, J. P. Clarkson, b b S m ith ................. 7 Pearse ................. 18 H. W. Edwards, b C. H. Mason, c G. Smith ................. 0 Mitchell, b W . MitE.J. Browne, not out 1 chell ........................ 21 E.E.Francis,b Blenk H. L. Harris, b G. iron ........................ 0 M itch ell................. 18 B 4, lb 5, nb 1 ... 10 W. Edwards, c Bur— roughs, b G. MitTotal ..........107 chell ................. ... 4 J. Dacres, c H. Ed wards, b Browne ... 91 C. Pearse, c H. Ed wards, b Hayward 19 R. W . Burroughs, b Hayward................. 0 C. Higham, run out 4 W. G. Mitchell, b Ma son ........................... 61 A .E . Coates, b Mason 8 A. C. Nixon, b H. Ed wards........................ 6 N orth brook . G. H. Blyther, b H. Edwards.................12 A. H. Smith, not out 8 T. W. Blenkiron, b H. Edwards .......... 1 G. W. A. Mitchell, b H. E dw ards.......... 0 B 9, lb 3 ..........12 Total ...221 N O R TH BRO O K v. OLD SCA RD E - BU RG IAN S Played at Lee On August 1. N o r th b r o o k . C. Pearse, b R. H. Howitt ................. 3 A.H.Smith.cAndrews, B. Howitt .......... 5 R. W . Burroughes, c Howitt, b H.Walton 11 A.C.Nixon.oCrabtree, b Howitt.................. 8 W. G. Mitchell, b Har rison.........................140 A. E. Coates,st Crab tree, b Howitt ... 2 G.H,Blyther, c Crab tree, b Howitt ... 20 A. East.bSaunderson 9 C, Kelly, b H. Walton 5 G. W. A. Mitchell, b H. Walton .......... 0 H. Leeds, not out ... 11 B 19, lb 7 ..........26 Total ...240 S card eburgians . R. H. Howitt, c A. E. Coates, b W. G Mitchell.................. 46 F.Crabtree,b G.W.A. Mitchell.................. 5 F. Boucher, c Bur roughs, b C. Pearse 0 W.K.Harrison,c.W.G. Mitchell,bC.Pearse 0 C. Coles, b G. W. A. Mitchell,................. 6 H. Walton, c A . E. Coates, b G, W. A. Mitchell................... 0 S. Walton, b A.H. Smith ...................21 F. Andrews, b W. G. M itchell................. 5 W. Saunderson, b A. H.Smith............ 0 R.Hutchison.b W. G. Mitchell................. 0 P. Reckitt, not out... 5 B 10, w 2 ..........12 Total ...100
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