Cricket 1890

JU L Y 24, 1890. CBICKET: A WEEKLY EE COED OF THE GAME. 279 _____ M a c d o n a l d ’ s X I. J. P. Rogers, b Wes- G. Lanser, c Vernet, thorpo ................. 0 b Hall ................. 0 W. Blind, c Scott, b W. Dalgleish, b Hall Nathan ................. 21 C. K. Macdonald, c H. Allison, b Wes- Vernet, b Hall ... thorpe ................. 11 R. Allison, not out... J. Bathurst, b Wes- 12 C. Bell, c Cutler, b Nathan ................. 15 thorpe .......... ... 2 J. Price-Williams, b B 3, lb 1................. 4 Hall ........................ 7 _ L. Holland, b Hall ... 4 Total .......... 82 JUNIOR HAMPSTEAD v. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL. Played at Willesden on July 16. J u n ior H a m p s t e a d . First Innings. Orgias, b Neal .......... Wolff, b Gill................. Allison, run o u t.......... T. Dalgleish, run out L. Holland, b Danson Monro, c Capland, Jones ........................ W. Dalgleish, not out Viner, b Danson Blind, absent .......... Williams, b Danson... Passe, b Neal .......... B ........................ Second Innings. ... 37 b D anson.......... I ... 12 c Neal, b Dan­ son ... . ... 0 run out ... 5 b Neal... . ... 0 run out 0 b Neal... . , 4 not out , 3 b Neal... . , 0 absent , 0 b Neal... . 0 b Danson . . 11 B ... . Total .................72 Total ... 24 U n iv e r s it y C o l l e g e S ch o ol . Neal, c Viner, b Hol­ land .......... A. Von Berg, c sub. b Holland .......... H. Von Berg, not out ........................ Gill, b Viner .......... Hickson, c Holland,b Wolff ................. Dick, b Wolff .......... Danson. c Dalgleish, b Wolff ................. . 0 Stone, b Holland ... 1 McCarthy - Jones, run o u t ................. 5 Dreufus, c and b Holland .......... 0 Capland, lbw, b Hol­ land ........................ 0 B 4, nb 1 .......... 5 Total ... 43 HAMPSTEAD v. SOUTH HAMPSTEAD. Played at Hampstead on July 7, S o u t h H a m p s t e a d . Gilliard, c Selfe, b Kesteven................. W. Crisp, not out ... W. G. Pearce, b Braithwaite .......... Fiahart, b Kesteven 0 W. H. Brooman, lbw, b Kesteven ..........14 B 7, w 1 ., F.W.Tew, b Kesteven 4 E. Robinson, b Keste­ ven ........................ 0 A. E. Hill, c Selfe, b Kesteven................. 2 H. M. Orgias, c Self*, b Kesteven .......... 0 Lambert, st Lips­ combe, b Kesteven 27 Hanwell, b Braith­ waite ........................39 37 Total ...197 H a m p s t e a d . H. Smith-Turborville, b Tew .................: E. W. Bishop, c Fish- art, b Tew .......... P. Newland-Pedley, c FiBhart.b Robinson E. M. Headley, c Fish* art, b Robinson ... ] J.G.Q. Besch, run out I H. R. Lipscombe, run out ........................ Kesteven, bRobinsOn 1 G. L. Jeffery, not out 40 W. Burchett, c Fiah­ art, b Robinson ... 0 F. V. Selfe, b Gilliard 16 0. Braithwaite, c Gil­ liard, b H ill..........20 B 5, w 2 .......... 7 Total ...148 HAMPSTEAD v. PALLINGSWICK. Played at Hampstead on July 12. P a l l in g s w ic k . F. S. Heynemann, 0 E. E. Turner,c Wood­ Pawling, bStoddart 11 all, b Kiley .......... 3 A. H. Millson, b Stod— Dunn, b Stod­ dart ........................ 9 dart ........................ 3 S. Cheesoman, b F. Moir, not out 1 Pawling ................. 0 — Worthington, b C. deWinton, b StodStoddart................. 19 dart ........................ 7 H. W. Newton,cRoid, E. A. Collins, b Pawb Stoddart .......... 0 ling ................. •• 0 Lb .............. ......... 4 A. Campbell, b Stod— dart ........................ 0 Total .......... 57 H a m p s t e a d . A. E . Stoddart, b H eynemann..........25 G.L. Jeffery, c Mill­ son, b Collins......... 2 W. T. Danby, c sub, b Cheeseman......... 57 O.L. Tudor, bCheese- m a n ........................19 W. A. Pethick, b Oheeseman .......... 8 H. Woodall, b Collins 10 A. Reid, b Oheeseman 0 A. C. Robertson, c Millson, b de Win­ ton .......... .........20 H. T. Shackel, c Heynemann, b Cheeseman ... ... 9 S. S. Pawling, not out ........................ G. Riley, c sub, b do Winton ................. 0 B 3, lb 2, w l......... Total ...161 HAMPSTEAD v. MARLOW. Played at Marlow on July 12. H a m p s t e a d . First Innings. H. Smith-Turberville, b R. A. Ijunnon.................12 H. R. Lipscombe, b Payne 1 J. G. Q. Bosch, c Moritz, b Payne............................... 8 Second Innings. b Mellett ... c Mellett, b A. Lunnon R. 9 A. Butcher, b Payne ... 5 J. W . Little, b Payne ... 39 A. W. Sharp, b R. A. Lun­ non ...............................33 C. Braithwaite, b Payne 2 E. Figgis, b Payne ..........13 F. V. Selfe, not o u t ..........10 R. Flemming, c Melletfc, b Payne ........................ 7 A. F. Tupper, b Payne ... 0 B 3, lb 5 ............... . ... 8 Total .................188 M a r l o w . c Dickson, Mellett ... b Mellett ... not out b R. A. Lunnon lbw, b R. A. Lunnon.......... 0 b R. A. Lunnon 10 L b - Total ... 50 A. Moritz, b Selfe ... 9 Hodges, o Little, b Butcher ................. 5 A. Paine, o Little, b Butcher .................16 W. H. Lunnon, c Lipscombe,b Besch 14 W. Mellett, c Flem­ ming, b Selfe..........10 R. A. Lunnon, c Braithwaite, b Selfe 0 F. T. Handsombody, c Butcher b Selfe D. Dickson, b Salfe H. C. Tearle, c and b Besch .................10 G. R. Ward, not out 8 R. H. Lunnon, b Besch ................. 0 B ........................ 5 Total .......... f SLOANE PARK v. TURNHAM GREEN. Played at Paddington on July 12. S lo a n e P a r k . b H. Carver, b Bar- ratt ........................22 C. Stevens, lbw, b Hutchins................. 0 F.Doland, c Wiggons, b Barratt................ 1 A. E. Broom, b Barton .................13 C. B. Woods, c and b Barratt ................. 0 S. W. Daniels, b Hutchins.................11 A. G. Sandon, Barton .......... F. Selby, b Hutchins 7 A. Webb, b Barratt 7 W. London, not out 5 L. Carver, b Bar­ ratt ........................ 8 B ........................ 4 Total ..........61 Barratt, b Woods Robinson, c and Sandon .......... Griffin, not ou t... Bishops, b Sandon Rose, b Sandon... Barton, b Woods Osborne, c and Woods .......... T u r n h a m G r e e n . 0 Everett, run out ... 0 Hutchins, c Sandon, b Broom................. 5 Wiggons, b Woods... 0 Bates, c Sandon, b H. Carver .......... 2 B 11, lb 2, w I ... 14 Total 60 ST. LEONARDS SCHOOL v. ST. STEPHEN’S. Played at Bopeep on July 12. S t . L e o n a r d ’ s S c h o o l . First Innings, D. Gritten, not ou t... 37 Franks, b Lavendor 2 Upton, b Lavender... 12 W. R. Alloway, run out ... ................. 2 P. Wedemeyer, b Lavender................. 1 L. D. Tottenham, c Blackwell,b Laven­ der ........................ 1 E. Whitfield, 1b w, b Lavender .......... Ball, c Blackwell, b Lavender .... ... Hinde, run out.......... Vaughan, b Morgan Post, b Hayward Foord, c Post, Gritten ................. 7 Heasman, b Gritten 4 Wingfield, b Gritten 10 Hayward, b Gritten 1 Dawes, b Gritten ... 4 Lightfoot, b Gritten 4 Morgan, not out ... 13 S t . S t e p h e n ’ s b Blackwell, b Gritten Lavender, b Upton Barrow, b Gritten ... Harman, b Gritten... B 2,1 b 1 .......... Total ........ B 6,1 b 2, w 2 ... 10 Total 75 I11the Second Iunings Gritten scored b Morgan 4, Hinde, c Blackwell, b Dawes 6, Franks b Lavender 8, Whitfield (not out) 0, Wedemeyer (not out) 0—Total, 24. SURBITON v. WIMBLEDON. Played at Wimbledon on July 12. S u r b it o n . C. A. T rouncer.......... 13 R. A. Read................. 4 H. E. W. Hoffmeister 0 P. L avers................. 2 H. B. Richardson ... 28 Rev. E. A. Beavan ... 5 G. W. R ick etts.......... 39 G. Pinkerton .......... 0 A. R. H oldship.......... 14 B 5, lb 1 .......... G R. Howell ................. 6 G. H. W indeler.......... 23 T otal..........140 W im b l e d o n . H. S. Schwann, b R. F. Denniston, c Pinkerton .......... 5 Holdship,bPinker- F. Fielding, run out F.G.Oliver,cRioketts, 0 ton ........................ 5 G. E. Robinson, c b Holdship .......... 0 Trouncer,bPinker- W . E. Martyn, c ton ........................ 13 Trouncer, b HoldS. Christopherson, c ship ... ................. 1 Beavan, b Pinker­ H. T. Grundtvig, c ton ........................ 0 Holdship. b PinkerE. W. Reeves, not ton ........................ 1 out ........................ 8 E. M. Bannerman, b B 3, w 1 ... ... 4 Pinkerton .......... 2 O. B. Martyn, c Total .......... 42 Trouncer, b Hold­ ship ........................ 3 UPPER CLAPTON v. BUCKHURST HILL Played at Buckhurst Hill on July 19. U p p e r - C l a p t o n . W. J. Sowerby, c Lloyd, b Townend 53 J. Killby, b G. Palmer ................. 7 A. W. Osmond, st McEwen, b Palmer 25 J. Ride, b Whitelaw 31 E. C. M o t t , b Townend................ 12 F. Cottingham, c McEwen, b Town­ end ........................ 1 J. Fox, b Townend ... E. A. Johnson, c and b Whitelaw .......... W. Macalister, c All­ port, b Whitelaw... J. R. Mason, b Whitelaw................. A. Clarke, not out ... B 2 ,lb 2 .......... Total ...143 Dr. Pye, b Mott W. W. Tween, c C o t t i n g h a m , b M ott........................19 C. S. G. Lloyd, b M ott........................10 G. McEwen, c Killby, b Sowerby ..........11 R. S. Allport, c Sowerby, b M ott... 48 B u c k h u r s t H il l . 20 G. Palmer, b Mott ... 3 A. W. Townend, b M ott........................11 Whitelaw, c and b M ott........................11 W. Frost, b Sowerby 1 G. Pye, not ou t.......... 6 F. Gingell, not ou t... 1 B 4, lb 2 .......... 6 Total ...147 KENSINGTON PARK v. BICKLEY PARK AND GROUND. Played at Wormwood Scrubs on July 16. K e n s in g t o n P a r k . W. F. Thompson, b Foxley ................. 0 Capt. Orman, b Fox­ ley ........................55 E. J. Bousfield, c A. Latter, b Foxley ... 5 Rev. J. L. Evans, b Foxley .................11 G. H. P. Street, c E. H. Green, b Foxley 23 J. C. Low, b Foxley 0 R. E. B. Roe, c B. H. Latter, b Gilbert... 2 E. A. Blackwell, b Gilbert ................. 1 O. D. Brooks, st An­ drews, b Gilbert ... 0 E. G. Finch, c and b Foxley .................17 A. T. Smith, not out ........................13 B 23, lb 2, wl, n b l 27 Total ...154 B ic k l e y P a r k and G r o u n d . B.H. Latter, b Smith 29 Foxley, b Smith ... 3 E.H. Green, b Smith 3 A. S. Gedge, not out 14 F. A. Green, b Smith G B 17, lb 3, w 2, nb2 21 C. A. W. Gilbert, cOr- man, b ITinch......... 17 H. Hardy, c Orman, b Smith ................. 4 W. H. Andrews, b Finch .................70 A; Latter, b Smith ... 23 G. C. Boosey,b Evans 23 T. P. Hilder, b Smith 47 C&ICKKTEKS.-—B k UT G oods b e ar th is M a r k .— A d v t. Total ...263