Cricket 1889

80 CRICKET: A WEEKLY EECOED OF THE GAME; APRIL 26, 1669. H. GRAD I DGE , D V C ^ Z S T U iB ^ C T T T iR /E IR , J l .2>T1D B X P O B T E B OIF1 CRICKET, RACQUET, LAWN TENNIS, ETC., 36 , Artillery Place, W O O L W IC H , S.E. Th e “ S p eci al Se le ct ed ” Cr io li et One of the Numerous Testimonials received as to their quality we publish below - T he C ottage , S outhgate , N., January 25, 1889. They are the best Bats I have ever had both for wear and general use, and I especially like the one you made me which I used in the match E ssex v . L ancashire , at Leyton, two years ago, the workmanship is good and the wood well seasoned. Yours truly, F. P. FRANCIS. ____________________F B I C E L I S T S OUST A Z P F Z L I Q ^ T I C n S T - _______________ LUNN’S “ HORIMCASTLE ” CRICKET. SP EC IA L TE RM S T O CLUBS. A L L ORDERS CARR IAGE PAID. LUNN’s Best T r e b l e - S e am Selected Match Balls, 5 5 / - per doz. NETT TO CLUBS. I , T J l N n V ’ s SUPERIOR QUALITY T r e b l e - S e am Watch Balls, Warranted thoroughly reliable. 5 0 / - per doz. Nett. LUNN & Co.’s best selected All-Cane Handled Bats, specially selected and seasoned, cannot be excelled. Fully equal to Bats ordinarily sold at 213. Price 12s. 6d. s i g n a l ! WSSm* LUNN’s superior Solid All-Cans Handled Crioket Bats, the cheapest line ever offered, each 7s. 6d. F ully I llustrated P rice L ist P ost F ree on A pplication . LUNN & CO., Horncastle, & 41, Berners Street, London, W. Now Ready. Post Free 7d. T H E SURREY TEAM — I n 1 8 8 8 . - CONTAINS : Complete Scores o f A ll Matches Played by the XI. Together with F u l l P a g e P o r t r a i t a AND B i o g r a p h i c a l S k e t c h e s Of EVERY MEMBER of the TEAM. Also giving Number of Innings, Highest Score, Batting Aver­ age, Times Clean Bowled, Times Caught, Times Run Out, Times L.B.W., Times Not Out, Times Stumped, Number of Catches Made by, Numler of Stumpings Made by. Wickets Clean Bowled by, Wickets Taken other than Clean Bowled as cfc., l.b w., &c„ Number of Overs Bowled by, Runs Made Off Bowling, Bowling Averages, &c., &c. An Invaluable Record of the Champion Couuty. O ffice of “ CRICKET,’’ WRIGHT & Co , 41, £t. Andrew's Hill, LONDON, B.C. T h e KAISER’S COCOA MEAT. PEPTONE. COCOA. A s t a k e n l » y t h e l a t e E m p e r o r F r e d e r i c k 0 1 1 t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f D r . L e y d e n . In TABLETS. INDISPENSABLE for ATHLETES. IN POWDER FOR BREAKFAST, &c. PERFECT FLAVOUR. A PERFECT SUSTAINER. EASILY DIGESTED. P r i c e I s . O d . p e r T i n . “ The article is in every way o f satisfactory quality.” — British Medical Journal. SOLE AGENTS— 8CHEIBLER B ros . & Co., 23, NEW BROAD S t ., E.C. THOS. TWORT & SONS, E S T A B L I S H E D 1853 SO U T H B O R O * , TUNBR IDGE WELLS . W I L L X A . M C U By Appointment to the MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB. MARQUEE, T E N T , AWN ING , T A R ­ PAULIN, N E T , FLAG, & BLIND MAKER . The “ Club” Marquee, 20ft. by 12ft.... £10 30s. Scoring Tents, lift, across............... £6 6s. Write for Special Club List of Practice Nets, mentioning this Paper. 142, LISSON GROVE, MARYLEBONE. CLOSE TO LORD’S. S urrey E leven o f 1888 — The Champion County. Facsimile of Photograph taken by Messrs. Hawk^s, 5iin. by 9in., ^ith name^ of each member. Suitable for framing, Post free Four Stamps. C kicjiet Office, 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, E.C. Printed for the Proprietor by W right # Co., 41, S^. Apdrew’s Hill Doctor’s Commons London E.C. April 25, 1889.