Cricket 1889

78 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. APRIL 25, 1889. 28—Sidmouth, M.C.C. and Ground v. Sidmouth 28—St. Leonard’s, M.C.C. and Ground v. South Saxons 29—Scarborough, Gentlemen of England v. Zingan (Scarborough Festival opens) 29—Manchester, Lancashire v. Leicestershire 29—Southampton, Hampshire v. Surrey 29—Feckenham, Kent v. Notts 30—Lord’s, M.C.C. and Ground v. London and Surburban Cricket Association 30—Seaton, M.C.C. and Ground v. Seaton tO—iastbourne, M.C.C. and Ground v. Devonshire Park SEPTEMBER. 2—Scarborough, Yorkshire v. M.C.C. and Ground 5—Scarborough, North v. South 6—Stockport, Cheshire v. Lancashire 6—Leyton, Eleven Young Amateurs v. Eleven Young Professionals (for benefit of ground staff) 12— Hastings, N orth v. South (Hastings Festival) 16-Hastings, G en tlem en of S outh v . P layers of ; S outh (Hastings Festival) 20—Bristol, Gloucestershire Colts’ Match. NOW READY. VOL. VII. or " C R I C K E T Neatly bound in dark green cloth with gilt lettering P rice 7s. 6d. (Per Parcels Post, securely packed, 9d. extra) B ESIDES Full Scores of all Principal Matches played in 1889, and a mass of Valuable In­ formation, it contains Portraits and Biographies of the following Eminent Cricketers— MR.H.T.A b NALL-T ho MP- SON Mr. C. D. Buxton Mr. H. B. D a ft Mr. P. J. De Paravicini Mr. J. A. Dixon Mr. Joseph E ccles Mr. J. D. Edwards Mr. J. J. F erris Mr. C. J. M. Fox Mr. G eorge Freeman Mr. P. D. Kanga W . W right . Mb. J. J. Lyons Mr. P. S. M cD onnell Mr. Henry Moses Mr. A. E. Newton Mr. G. S. P atterson Mr. W . W . F. P u lle n Mr. S. M. J. Woods Mr. John W o r r a ll Major R. G. W arton G. Burton F. M artin F. H. Sugg Also Special Plate, the Surrey Teamof 1 Cases for Binding, 2s- 6d- O f f i c e o f “ C R I C K E T , ” 41, S t . A ndrew ’ s H ill , D octors ’ C ommons CRICKET CALENDAR F o r 18 89. S S l s t Y e a r o f I is s u e . READY EARLY NEXT MONTH. Price SIXPENCE. Post Free Sevenpence. W R I G H T & C o . , 41, St. Andrew 's H ill , D octors’ Commons Indispensable for Keeping CRICKET GROUNDS In First-rate Order. T/ETCED & PERKINS' PATENT W a t e r B a l la s t R o l le r s . Used by the principal Cricket and Tennis Clubs throughout the United Kingdom . N ot only better but, weight for weight, cheaper than any | others. f Larger sizes up to eight ^ tons for horse power. Diameter & Width. Weight Full. PRICE. 18 in. 21 in. 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 3 cwts. 3 qrs. 5 7 10 13 £3 £4 £5 £7 £10 Carriage paid. Discount for Cash. NEW GODIVA LAWN MOWERS. Winner of the highest Prize at the latest Lawn Mower Competi­ tion of the Royal Hort i cul tural Society of Eng­ land last Bum­ m er. In all sizes for hand or pony power. Every Machine guaranteed. F ull P articulars and P rices of the S ole M akers BARFORD & PERKINS, PETERBOROUGH- FRANK BRYAN’S REGISTERED S P E C I A L I T I E S PRESIDENT" Spring Handle Bat “ PRESIDENT" Batting Gloves “GRASSHOPPER” CRICKET BALLS “ COUNTY” L E G - G U A R D S RUBBER-FACED (ROUGH OR SMOOTH) WICKE1-GLOVES 88, CHARTERHOUSE SQUARE, ALDERSGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. SURREY BICYCLE CLUB RACES AT • KENNINGTON OVAL, S a tu r d a y , A p r i l S 7 t h , Commencing at 3 o'clock. Admission 1/- Reserved Seats 2/- Tickets half-price before the day. J. H. H ASELL, Lavergtock, Newlands Park, Sydenham. SHANKS ’S IMPROVE LAWN MOWERS . THE ONM LAWN MOWER FITTED WITH DOU B L E E D G E D SOL E - PLA TE Enabling the Cutting Parts to last Twice as long as in other Machines. Horse and Pony Machine. These Machines have been proved by many years’ experience to be the Best Horse and Pony Machines in >he Market for Cricket Grounds, Parks, and large Lawns of every description. They are used in all the London Parks, Lord’s, and other Cricket Grounds, and almost universally where large Machines are required, throughout Great Britain. Prices and Particulars on Application. Shanks’s New Hand Lawn Mower for 1889. Light, easily worked, and yet substantial. Un­ doubtedly the best and most lasting Machine yet produced for small Lawns. Prices and Particulars on Application. G A R D E N R O L L E R S OF A L L S IZE S . ALEX . S H A N K S & S O Dens Iron Works, Arbroath, And 110, Cannon Street, London, E.C. A large Stock of all sizes of Machines is always kept in London, where Repairs can also be executed by experienced workmen. London Address for Repairs: 44, Tenter Street East, Goodman’s Fields, E. C R r C K E T “ E clipse .” B A L T .S . “ C rescent .” No. 1 Q uality . “ E clipse .” M en ’8 M atch ..... 43s Doz. ( Regulation Size and M en ’ s P ractice 86 s . „ j Weight. B o y s ’ .......................... 24s. „ No. 2 Q c a l i t y . “ C r e s c e n t .” U en ’ s ................. 15s. Doz. Regn. Size &Weight B oys ’ L arge ..... 12s. „ Regulation Sizo Bovs’ S m a l l .... * 12s. ,, C hild ’ s ............... 7s „ NO t ITTO THE TRADE. Beware of Gcnrvm imitations of the above well- known Balls, which arc not Regulation Size aj>.d Weight. & A. BATES, ST. MARY’S MILLS, LEICESTER. London Depot— 121, STAMFORD ST-, BLACKFBIARS.