Cricket 1889

56 CRICKET: A WEEKLY EECOED OF THE GAME* APRIL 18, 1889 W. J. PILE Athletic Outfitter and Club Tailor, By Appointment to the London Athletic Club (L.A.C.), Blackheath Harriers, and other Large Clubs. 171, FENCHURCH ST., E.C W. J. PILE’S SPECIALITIES are Shrune F lan n el Trousers at 8/6, 10/6, 12/6. Flannel Shirts at 7/6 and 9/6. F la n n e l Coats at 10/6 to 15/-. F la n n el Caps 1/-. W. J. PILE’S “ Perfec tion ” Straw Hat, weighing only 2oz., and made ol Grass Strawis a wonderful invention,price only2/6. SEND STAMP FOR ILLUSTRATED LISTS. W . .T . P I L E 171, FENCHURCH STREET, E.O, NOW READY. Price 2s- Post-free, 2s. 3d- JOHN WISDEN’S Cricketers’ Almanack F o r 1 8 8 0 . Contains —Australians in England, by C. F. P ardon — Full Scores, Bowling Analyses, and Complete Averages of the M.C.C., The Counties, Public Schools, Universities, and other first-class matches for the year. Also SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHS of the Six great English and Australian Bowlers— LOHMANN TURNER PEEL BRIGGS FERRIS WOODS Back Numbers to 1879 Same Price. 21, CRANBOURN s t r e e t , AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. -C10R CRICKET AND FOOTBALL.—SITES to J- be LET at Wimbledon, close to Station.— Apply to H. C. N ewmarch , Surveyor,35, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C. rpO CRICKET CLUBS.—An excellent Cricket Ground, etc., about 4 acres, close to several railway stations. Rent £20 -Apply W. Eydmann & Son, Auctioneers, Acton. /^.ROUND MAN WANTED, good bowler and good bat, for Hampton Wick Cricket Club, Bushey Park. Good wages to competent man. —Apply to Mr. H. Q. P aice , Hon. Treas., Eden Street, Kingston-on-Thames. /CRICKET PITC BESand Lawn Tennis Courts to ^ be Let, 1 mile North-West of Paddington. Train, tram, and bus close to ground.—Address, Mr. C ook , 274, Strand, W.C. THIRST SURREY RIFLES C.C. Want out -1- matches for the following da*es, June 1 and 29,Aug. 3,10 and 24, within 12 miles of London. Medium strength—F. Palm er, 21, Camberwell Road, S.E. rjRICKET, FOOTBALL, & TENNIS GROUNDS (all thoroughly drained, October, 1888), TO LET at Hyde Farm, Balham, for Season, Day, or Saturdays, close to Railway Station. Special reduced return railway fares from Victoria, 5d. London Bridge 7d.—Apply Groundman, 104, Rossiter Road, Balham. E n g l a n d v . A u s t r a l i a at the wicket . One Shilling; post-free Is. 3d. A t all bookstalls ; of the Compilers, B rumfitt & K irby , Ilkley, Yorkshire; or of W right & Co.. 41 St. Andrew’s Hill, London, E.O. /CRICKET, LAWN TENNIS.—Mr. MASTERMAN ^ begs to inform Cricketers and Tennis Players that he has taken Harringay Park Cricket Ground Green Lanes, which is within thirty minutes’ ride of the City (Midland Railway). Forty pitches to be let, from 5 guineas to 15 guineas the season.— Applj early to 53, St. John’s Villas, Upper Hollo­ way. C LO THED WITH AIR. COTTON MERINO SILK. CELLULAR CRICKET SHIRTS Note Label “ Cellular Clothing Patent ” on all Garments. MEDAL, SANITARY INSTITUTE, 1888. The Special Qualities of Cellular a r e 1. It is practically a supplementary skin retaining warmth, and yet permitting free evaporation. 2. It is very easily washed and does not shrink. 3. It is very economical and wears to the greatest possible advantage. The “ Theory and Practice of Cellular Clothing with Full List of Retail Agents, post free on Application. THE CELLULAR CLOTHING CO., Limited. 75, ALDERMANBURY, LONDON. Now Ready—Price 6d., by post, 7d. T H E C R IC K E T YEAR BOOK FOR 1889. The best and cheapest cricket annual of the season. It contains the only perfect analysis of the county cricket of the past year published; important records, local averages, and a host of other information indispensable to lovers of the game; also portraits and memoirs of several of our leading players.— A b e l Heywood & S on , 56 and 58, Oldham Street, Manchester.—London W rig h t &Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill. C R I C K E T ! L A W N T E N N I S ! S E A S uN 1839- JA3. LILLYWHITE, FROWD & CO. Wholesale MANUFACTURERS AND OUTFITTERS, London: 2, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY , 69, 70, 71,72, 73 and 74, BOROUGH RD., S.E. West End Branch: 24, H a y m a r k e t , 8.W. J. L., F. & Co. keep the largest and best Stock in the World of O l d S e a s o n e d CANE HANDLE BATS, Best MATCH BALLS, Extra Light Venti­ lated LEG GUARDS, GLOVES, GAUNTLETS, STUMPS, &c., &c. Sole Patentees and Manufacturers of Frowd's Patent Special D river Bats, Everywhere admitted to be T h e K in g o f B a t s . J. L., F. & Co.’s New and Grand Tennis Rackets EMPRESS ! GALATEA! I ENDYMION III’ Best Balanced and Tightest Strung Rackets in the Market. Best Regulation Match TennisBalls with perfectly flat seams. Excellent cheap practice Balls. Nets, Poles, &c., &c. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L is t s P o st - f r e e . LIBERAL CASH DISCOUNT. C O B B E T T ’S Cricket Bat Company, Limited, Beg to inform their Customers that all BATS will In future be NUMBERED, in order to enable the COMPANY TO TRACE THOSE OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. Factory: 56, Capland-street, Marylebone. C R I C K E T S H I R T S . WHITE CANVAS “CLUB” SHIRTS, intro­ duced by us to the Athletic World in 1884, and supplied during the last four Cricket Seasons to some of the leading gentlemen and professional players in England and Australia....................................................... 4 /6 THE “ CLUB” FLANNEL SHIRT ......... 5/6 Ditto in Boys’ sizes ............... 4 /6 SAXONY FLANNEL SHIRTS, best quality, unshrinkable ...........................................10/6 SUPER TWILL FLANNEL, silk collars ... 12/6 Carriage Paid to any part of the United Kingdom. N otice . —All flannels warranted twice shrunk in hot water. Patterns post-free. S T R U T H E R S A , C O ., MANUFACTURERS, 83, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, 'M'OTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB.—Easter Colts’ Match. Forms of application to play in this match can be obtained from Mr. C. Browne, Trent Bridge Ground, Nottingham. XTIGHEST BATTING AVERAGES -1-1- are made from C. LILLYWHITE & Co.’s “ COMPOUND ” HANDLE DRIVING BAT, Post-free, 18/6. 181, ALDERSGATE STREET, E.C. KENSINGTON PARK CRICKET CLUB. THE GROUND will be open for practice on Saturday,27th April— Owen D’O yly Brooks, Hon. Sec. ROBBER-FACED (ROUGH) (PATENT) W I C K E T GL OV E S . “ I think very highly of your new design for Wicket Gloves.”—The Hon. A. L y t te lt o n . 1 Empire " m i ™ b a t t in g g l o v e s As specially M ade fob th e A ustralian T eam . COMBINATION NON-JARRING BATS. A ls o o th e r SPECIALITIES AND ALL REQUISITES FOB CRICKET, TENNIS, FOOTBALL, Etc., Manufactured by the Old-Established (1815) Firm E. J. PAGE & Co., KENNINGTON, LOHDOH. Wholesale, Export and Retail. Gnchet: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 41, 8T. ANDREW'S HILL, LONDON, E.O. THURSDAY, APRIL 18 th , 1889. The abstract and brief chronicle of the time.— ______________________________________ Hamlet. T h e appointment of the Rev. H. H. Montgomery, the vicar of St. Mark’s, Kennington, to the Bishopric of Tas­ mania, vacant by the resignation of Bishop Sandford, will be of interest to the cricketers of that colony, from the keen sympathy the new Bishop has always shown with our national game. Mr. Montgomery was in both the School cricket and football elevens at Harrow, and subsequently at Cambridge showed himself to be in the front rank at both games. During his stay at Kennington he has taken active interest in the Surrey Club, and among his many labours he foundtime to contribute a very interesting series of papers on the subject of early Surrey cricket to the Parish Magazine. From the windows of the Vicarage, wherein a prominent member of the famous old Surrey eleven, the Rev. C. G. Lane, first sawthe light, Mr. Montgomery has been able to witness some of the most important of the many historic matches played of late years at tb& Ova