Cricket 1889

126 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF TffE GAME. m a y 16, 1889. — C R I C K E T — EXTRAORDINARY SCORING.—See Cricket in Australia and England. Any young aspiring Cricketer may become great in the cricket-field by using B A R T L E T T ’S celebrated REPERCUSSIVE BATS Runs are made so easily with this Bat that three figures are easilyreached,donot jar the handy and a good spring in the handle makes this Bat so pleasant to use. Cricket Clubs and Schools will effect a great saving ?by giving us a call. ' and select from our ___ immenbo stock. We ______ have now a large stock of Well-si ason ;a eats expressly made for Presentation. Those who have tried this Celebrated Driving Bafc know its value. To those who have not tried it we invite one trial. T h e Australians during their last visit all used Our Celebrated R E PE R C U S S IV E BA TS . See Cricket at Oval, Sept- 22nd, 1 8 8 8 —5 2 runs made in less than half an hour, and 8 7 runs in an hour and three quarters from our Bats. Adm itted the Fastest Scoring Bat o f the Season. May be had of all Dealers in Cricket Goods. Manufactory—71, WATERLOO ROAD, a n d RAILWAY APPROACH, WATERLOO STATION PH0I0GHAPH3 OF CELEBRATED ELEVENS, 1884-5-6-7. ALL CLUBS, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, &c., &c. SHOULD HAVE THE OELEBRATID COUNTY AND OTHER CRICKET ELEVENS. By E. HAWKINS & Co., ' 108, K IN G ’ S R O A D , B R IG H T O N . The Most Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3/6 each Post Free. Size of Photo 12-in. by 10-in. AiiSO P h o to s o f a l l t h e P r in c ip a l C r ic k e t e r s JUST PUBLISHED. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at LORD’S. GENTLEMEN cf ENGLAND at The OVAL. ENGLAND at LORD’S. ENGLAND at the OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEES, 1/6 each: the whole set of 14,16/- Under the Patronage of P r in c e C h r is tia n , P r in c e C b r is tia n V ic t o b , T h e E a r l o f S h e f f i e l d , & c., <fcc. The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES. Photographed Specially for the Earl of Sheffield. L o r d S h e f f ie l d writes:—" I hope you will find many customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” Jubilee F ootball Festival, The Oval, March 12,1887. Under the immediate Patronage of H.R.H. T h e P r in c e o f W a l e s . S p le n d id P h o t o g r a p h s o f t h e F o u r T e a m s Large Size (12 by 10), 3 16 each; Or 10/- the Set of Four. Cabinets, 3/6 each; or 6/- the Set of Four. Post Free. N.B.—AU Order 3 must be accompanied by a remittance. Latest Portraits of the Celebrated Jockeys (I n C o s t u m e )— F. ARCHER (H .R .H . T h e P r in c e o f W a le s ), C. WOOD (Sir G. C h e t w y n d ). F. WEBB (D u k e o f W e s t m in s t e r ). T. LOATES. Large Size, Beautifully finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7 /6 each. Cabinet Size, 2/- each. Post Free. Cash with Order. Latest Portraits of L O R D H A R R I S ( in C r ic k e t C o s t u m e ). Large Size (12 in. by 10in.), 5s. each, post-free. Cabinets, 2s. each, post-free, N.B.—These Portraits have beenmuchadmired by all ivho have seen them. E . H A W K I N S & CO. , (Late Hennah & Kent) PHOTOGRAPHIC AKTISTS, 108, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. ESTABLISHED 1766. J. B . B E N T L E Y & Co. CRICKET B A T M ANUFA C TU RE R S S t e a m W o r k s — Lowman Road, Ho ll oway, N. BENTLEY’s Anglo-Austral Bats are the BEST in the Trade. To be obtained of ell Outfitters and Professional Cricketers. CANNOT BE BOUGHT AT THE STORES. PRICKET! CAUTION ! Messrs. J. LYONS & ^ SONS, 22 & 23,Red Cross St., Cripplegate, Lon­ don, E C., and 8, Church St., Manchester, Manu­ facturers of the ORIGINAL REGISTERED MARYLEBONE and ALL ENGLAND CRICKET BAGS, regret that they have to caution the public against purchasing bags pirating their designs and of inferior quality. None are genuine unless bearing the registered trade mark stamped on the bottom of each bag, viz., “ THE MARYLEBONE” and “ THE ALL ENGLAND.” To be obtained from all respectable cricketing establishments, or wholesale of the above. Price Lists upon appli­ cation. pRICKET ! CAUTION ! “ THE MARYLE- ^ BONE” CRICKET BAT BAG (Registered No. 7,351) and “ THE ALL ENGLAND” (regis­ tered No. 7,352). Any person making use of these titles without our authority will render them­ selves liable to legal proceedings— J. L y o n s & S o n , 22 and 23, Red Cross St., Cripplegate, Lon­ don, E.C., and 8, Church St., Manchester. LAWN TENNIS AND CRICKET, 1889. A NUM BER O F Second-hand Small Marquees, From 20ft. by 12ft. to 35ft. by 17ft., Suitable for Clubs, Schools, or private use, in excellent condition, nearly as good as new. A few larger Marquees for sale, also Canvas for Awnings Booth Covers. Prices on application to BENJAMIN EDGINGT0N, Limited. 2, Duke St., London Br i dge, S.E. USE ONLY RICE’S PATENT “ UNIQUE FLEXIBLE’’ HANDLE a n d GEM BATS, As used by W. G. Grace, Esq., A. N. Hornby, Esq., J. Eccles, Esq., P. S. McDonnell, Esq , Barlow, Briggs, Pilling, and many other noted cricketers. Can be had of all dealers, or JAMES RICE (Inventor and Patentee), Cricket and Lawn Tennis Bat Manufacturer, 50, MARSHALL STREET, OLDHAM BOAD, MANCHESTER. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS’S GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. C O C O A MADE WITH BOILING MILK. GEORGE LEWIN LATE G E O . K E N T , Athletic Clothing Manufacturer 29 , King William St., London Bridge, SUPPLIES EVERY REQUISITE FOR BOATING, CRICKET, &TENNIS. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE PATENT CANVAS TENNIS SHOE. (BEGIBTERED.) For the House, Street, Coast, and Country; also for Boating, Cricket, Cycling, Golfing and Yachting. These shoes arc causing a complete revolution in the Shoe Trade, as they cost lefs than half, and last double the time of ordinary Tennis Shoes. They are especially adapted for Cinder and Asphalto Courts, as the soles, being made of Plaited Jute, favor a firm foothold, and absorb perspiration readily. Enclose length W a l k in g Shoe. L A D IE S ’, sizes 2 to 6, 2/6 per pair, post free. G E N T L E M E N ’S, sizes 7 to 11, 2/9 per pair, post free. S p e c ia l O f f e r .— T o purchasers of Three Pairs at one time we allow reduction of 2d. per pair; of six pairs or more, 3d. O n l y T e r m s , Cashwith Order.— A M o A u s l a n , Manager. N.B.—Single Pairs fent abroad by Parcel Post on receipt of Postal Order and extra postage. PA TEN T CANVAS SHOE Co., 95 j , BATH STREET, GLASGOW. New Illustrated Catalogue of Novelties post free. C R I C K E T “ E c l ip s e .” B A L L S . “ C r e s c e n t .” No. 1 Q u a l it y . “ E c l ip s e .” M e n ’ s M a t c h ........ 48s. Doz. I Regulation Size and M e n ’ s P r a c t ic e 363. „ ) Weight. B o y s ’ .................. 24s. „ No. 2 Q u a l it y . “ C r e s c e n t .” M e n ’ s .......................... 15s. Doz. Regn. Size & Weight B o y s ’ L a r g e ........ 12s. „ Regulation Size B o y s ’ S m a l l ...... 12 s . „ C h il d ’ s ...................... 7s. „ NOTE TO THE TRADE. Beware of German imitations of the above well- known Balls, which are not Regulation Size a n d Weight. W. & A. BATES, ST. MARY’S MILLS, LEICESTER, London Depot — 121, STAMFORD ST., BLACKFRIARS. “ I n t e r -U n iv e r s it y R e c o r d s .”— Full particu­ lars of all Competitionsin Athletics, Bicycling, Bil­ liards, Chess, Cricket, Cross Country, Lawn Tennis, Polo, Racquets, Rifle Contests, Rowing, and Tennis, between Oxford and Cambridge, from 1827 to 1887. Most valuable as a reference. Sent post-free on receipt of 1/2 in stamps, by Wright & Co.i 41i St. Andrew’sHill, Doctors Commons, E.C,