Cricket 1889
1 2 0 CRICKET: A WEEKLY EE COED OF THE GAME. MAY 16, 1889 C R I C K E T ! L AWI M T E N N I S ! SEASON 1889. JAS. LILLYWHITE, FROWD& CO. Wholesale MANUFACTURERS AND OUTFITTERS, London: 2, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY , 69,70,71.72 73 and 74, BOROUGH RD., S.E. West End Branch: 24, H a y m a r k e t , S.W. J. L.f F. & Co. keep the largest and best Stock in the World of O l d S e a s o n e d CANE HANDLE BATS, Best MATCH BALLS, Extra Light Venti lated LEG GUARDS, GLOVES, GAUNTLETS. SlUMPS, &c., &c. Sole Patentees and Manufacturers of Frowd's Patent Special Driver Bats, Everywhere a d m itte d to b e T h e K in g o f B a ts . J . L ., F . & Co.’s New and Grand Tennis Rackets EMPRESS I GALATEA M ENDYMION M l ’ Best Balanced and Tightest Strung Rackets in the Market.Best Regulation Match Tennis Balls with perfectly flat seams. Excellent cheap practice Balls. Nets, Poles, &c.f &c. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L is t s P o s t - f r e h . l ib e r a l c a sh d is c o u n t . -OOR CRICKET A N D FOOTBALL.—SITES to -1- be LET at Wimbledon, close to Station.— Apply to H. C. N e w m a r c h , Surveyor, 35, Lincoln s Inn Fields, London, W.C.______________________ pRICKET, FOOTBALL, & TENNIS GROUNDS (all thoroughly drained, October, 1888), TO LET at Hyde Farm, Balham, for Season, Day, or Saturdays, close to Railway Station. Special reduced return railway fares from Victoria, 5d. London Bridge 7d.—Apply Groundman, 104, Rossiter Road. Balham.___________ E n g l a n d v. a u s t b a l i a a t t h e w ic k e t . One Shilling; post-free Is. 8 d. A t all bookstalls; of the Compilers, B r u m f i t t & K ir b y , Ilkley, Yorkshire; or of W r i g h t & Co., 41 St. Andrew’s Hill, London, E.O. pRICKET, LAWN TENNIS—Mr. MAS TERMAN begs to inform Cricketers and Tennis Players that he has taken Harringay Park Cricket Ground, Green Lanes, which is within thirty minutes’ ride of the City (Midland Railway). Forty pitches to be let, from 5 guineas to 15 guineas tne season.— Apply early to 53, St. John’s Villas, Upper Hollo- way. _________________________________ pHISWICK PARK CLUB.—The Directors are ^ prepared to receive applications for the hire of the Cricket Ground and Pavilions for first-class Teams. Full particulars of vacant dates and terms can be obtained by application to A. P. G a s k e l l , Secretary. C O A T AND CAP BADGES. Embroidered with crest, monogram, initials, &c. at half usual prices; specimens sent post free no charge made for specimens.—“ Sunbury,” Grove Park, Lee, Kent. Now Ready—Price 6 d., by post, 7d. T H E C R IC K E T YEAR BOOK FOR 1889. The best and cheapest cricket annual of the season. It contains the only perfect analysis of the county cricket of the past year published; important records, local averages, and a host of other information indispensable to lovers of the game; also portraits and memoirs of several of our leading players.— A b e l H e y w o o d & S o n , 56 and 58, Oldham Street, Manchester.—London W r ig h t &Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill. TTASKINGS’ CRICKET and LAWN TENNIS -1-1- GROUNDS TO LET, adjoinining Baynes Park Station (L. &S.W. line), lennis Courts and Match Wickets always ready.—Applications to be made on the ground, or by letter, 28 , Ravenswood Road, Balham. C O B B E T T ’ S Cricket Bat Company, Limited, Bee to inform their Customers that all BATS will In future be NUMBERED, in order to enable the COMPANY TO TEAOE THOSE OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. Faotory: 56, Capland-street. Marylebone. TTIGHEST BATTING AVERAGES are made from C. LILLYWHITE & Co.’s " COMPOUND ” HANDLE DRIVING BAT. Postjree, 18/6. 181, ALDERSGATE STREET, E.C. ^ CLOTHED WITH AIR. <m COTTON MERINO SILK. CELLULAR Note Label CRICKET “ Cellular Clothing Patent ” Q U I D T Q on all Garments. 0 M I IlL I O MEDAL, SANITARY INSTITUTE, 1888. The Special Qualities of Cellular are 1. It is practically a supplementary skin retaining warmth, and yet permitting free evaporation. 2. It is very easily washed and does not shrink. 3. It is very economical and wears to the greatest possible advantage. The “ Theory and Practice of Cellular Clothing ,” with Full List of Retail Agents , post free on Application. THE CELLULAR CLOTHING CO., Limited. 75, ALDERMANBTJRY, LONDON. W. J. PILE Athletic Outfitter and Club Tailor, By Appointment to the London Athletic Club (L.A.O.), Blackheath Harriers, and other Large Clubs: 171, FENCHURCH ST., E.C. W. J. PILE’S SPECIALITIES are S h r u n k F l a n n e l T r o u s e r s at 8 / 6 , 10/6, 12/6. F l a n n e l S h ir t s at 7/6 and 9/6. F l a n n e l C o a t s at 10/6 to 15/-. F l a n n e l C a p s 1/-. W. J. PILE’S “ Perfec tion ” Straw Hat, weighing only 2oz., and made of Grass Strawis a wonderful invention, price only2/6. SEND STAMP F O R ILLUSTRATED LISTS. w . « T . t * I L E 171, FENCHURCH STREET, E.O. C R I C K E T S H I R T S . WHITE CANVAS “CLUB” SHIRTS, intro- daced by us to the Athletic World in 1884, and supplied during the last four Cricket Seasons to some of the leading gentlemen and professional players in England and Australia ■Rctwatvfi o f T m tta tto n s ) ............. 4/6 THE “ CLUB” FLANNEL SHIRT ......... 5/0 Ditto in Boys’ sizes ............... 4/fi SAXONY FLANNEL SHIRTS, best quality, unshrinkable ............................................10/6 SUPER TWILL FLANNEL, silk collars ... 12/6 Carriage Paid to any part of the United Kingdom. N o t ic e . —All flannels warranted twice shrunk in hot water. Patterns post-free. S T R U T H E R S & C O . , MANUFACTURERS, 83, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON Cricket: A W E E K L Y B E CORD OF THE GAME, 41, 8 T. ANDREW'S HILL, LONDON, E.C. THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1889. w e e k l y s u m m e r n u m b e r s The F IR ST of the W e e k l y S u m m e r I s s u e s appeared THURSDAY, APRIL 18, and the Series will continue till THURSDAY, SEPT. 26. The twenty-four Summer Numbers will be for warded by first post on Thursday morning in return for postal order for five shillings to W . R. W rig h t, Manager of C rick et, at the Office, 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, E .C ., and crossed Unioa Bank, Holborn Circus. N O T I C E. The Editor wishes it to be understood that he only guarantees the insertion of scores of clubs arranging for the publication of all their matches. Conditions may be learned of the Manager. To ensure insertion in the next number scores must reach this Office at the latest by the first post on Tuesday morning following the match. RUBER-FACED (ROUGH) (P A T E N T ) W I C K E T G L O V E S . “ I th in k v e ry h ig h ly o f y o u r n ew design fo r W ick e t (ilo v e s.” — T h e H on . A . L y t t e l t o n . 11 E m p ir e ’ ’ (patent) B /irr//v fl g l o v e s A s b p s c i a l l y M a d e f o r t h b A u s t r a l ia n T e a m . com b in at ion NON JARRING BATS. A l s o o t h e b SPECIALITIES AND ALL REQUISITES FOB CRICKET, TENNIS, FOOTBALL, Eto., M a n u fa ctu red b y th e O ld -E sta b lish e d (1815) F irm E. J. PAGE & Co., KENNINGTON, LONDON. Wholesale, Export and Retail. D a fcr ilb tt d k s s t j j , The a b s tra ct a n d b rie f ch ro n icle o f th e tim e.— Samlet, T he Gentlemen of Philadelphia, it is now definitely settled, will leave New York on the 19th of next month for Eng land. They will cross in the “ City of Chicago,” of the Inman Lino, and accord ing to present arrangements should be due in Dublin on the 28th of June. As the first of August, on which their match against the United Services at Ports mouth should have commenced, is Goodwood Cup day, and there will be a general exodus from Portsmouth for that race, it has been decided to limit the fixture with the Services to two days, and begin on Friday, August 2nd, instead of on the previous day as originally fixed. A n American paper states that among the cricketers of the Quaker City who are booked positively to go are the following ; G. S. Patterson, W. C. Morgan, and H. I. Brown of the Germantowns; A. G. Thompson, Newbold Etting, and W. Sharp of the Merions; J. A. and W. Scott of the Belmonts; F. E. Brewster and Captain Daniel S. Newhall of the Young Americas. From the same source I learn that the farewell match of the Gentlemen of Philadelphia will be played at Nicetown, near Philadelphia, on June 15th, when a team of professionals will be placed in the field against them.
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