Cricket 1889
MAT 9, 1889. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME-. I l l Tile great advantage of -the Scientific Brace is the lightness and flexibility of the springs, giving to every movement of the body, and forming one of the most comfortable Braces ever worn. GRAND CRJCKET MATCH KENNINGTON OVAL:------ > ..i y l . ' v ‘,V HI' LrO MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 1$, 14 and 15. . , ■ - - ■■ S U R R E Y H A M P S H I R E . ' A dm issio n — S ix pe n c e . ' f May le, 17 and 18^-NORTH v. SOUTH. B il l ia r d s I B a g a t e l l e ! All th o s e req u irin g -*New or Second-hand TableB, Re- r quisites, or Billiard work done, should, before going elsewhere. . ^ Bend for HENNIG BROS’. New Price List, Cloth and Cushion t Samples.—AddresB, 29, New Ox ford Street, London, W.C. Established 1869. • 3i «** . ^ 0 ^ . . ■ •- • How Ready, price is. 2d., post free. CRICKET AND LAWN TENNIS CLUBS’ DIRECTORY, 1889. Full particulars of every Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club of any importance throughout tlio whole'Of England. INVALUABLE BOOK FOR REFERENCE. PRESS OPINIONS— ‘•A directory of officials has long been a want in cricket and lawn tennis circles.”— Sportsman. 120 pages full of information; should command a ready sale ."—County Gentleman. WRIGHT & CO., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, E.C. FRANK BRYAN'S REGISTERED S P E C I A L I “ PRESIDENT7’ Spring Handle Bat “ PRESIDENT” Batting Gloves “GRASSHOPPER” CRICKET BALLS “ C O U N T Y ” L E G G I J A RUBBER-FACED (ROUGH OR SMOOTH) WICKET-GLOVES 38, CHARTERHOUSE SQUARE, ALDERSGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. JUST PUBLISHED.] T U F N E L L S INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS’ BATTING AND BOWLING CHARTS. (Entered at Stationers’ Hall.) The wort involved in lithographing in colours the plates to accompany THE EXPLANATORY KEY to the above lias unavoidably delayed its appearance up to the present time. It will, however, be ready in the course of the next few days, when the numerous orders received will be promptly executed. Price 6d. Post-free, 7d. For opinions of Eminent Cricketers see the recent issues of “ C ricket ,” and for full particulars and further testimonials see our next week’s issue. Blank Charts, 9in. by lOin. (24 matches'). Sheets 2d., post-free 3d. Stout cards 3d., post-free 4d. “ CRICKET ” Office, 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, E.C. Also at all Booksellers and Cricket Repositories.) BRILL’S SEA SALT Should be used by' all CRICKETERS and ATHLETES. It Braces and R e freshes, and is invaluable for SPRAINS & STRAINS. SHANKS’S IMPROVED LAWN MOWER S . THE ONLY LAWN MOAVER FITTED WITH D O U B L E E D G E D S O L E - P LA T E Enabling the Cutting Parts to last Twice as long as in other Machines. Horse and Pony Machine. Theee Machines have been proved by many \ear*’ experience to Ve the Host. Horse and Pony Machines in ho Market for Crickof. Grounds, Parks, and large Lawus of every description. fi'hey are used in all the London Parka, Lord’s, and other Cricket Grounds, and almost nniverpallv vhere large Machines are required, throughout Great Britain. Pricfs and Particulars on Application, Rttanks’s New TTnr.(i Lawn Mower for 1889. Licht easily worked, and j et Auljst«»it[»!■__ Un- dou tedjy the h^sfc-,nd most lasting Machine yet produced for small Lawns. _ Prices anti PatUculdrs dn AppUidtion. G A R D E N KO L I/fcR S O P ' A L L S IZE S . ALEX. SHANKS & SON, Dens Iron Work". Arbroath, And 110, Cannon Street, London, E.C. A-large Stork of all ftiues of Machines is always kept in L o n d o n , where Repairs cau also 'be executed-fry experienced workmen. T. . L o nd o n AppK K& s-for R e p a irs: - > 44, Tenter Street East, Goodman’s Fields, E. CR ICKET SEASON, 1889 , Messrs. C o l l in s beg to direct speoial attention to their-NEW SERIES o f CRICKET SCORING BOOKS, which are made of their well known " SEA GREEN ” SIGHT PRESERVING PAPER. Each Book contains the Amended Rules of the Game as passed by the Marylobone Cricket Club. THE UNRIVALLED CRICKET SCORING BOOKS The Handy (size 5in. by 32), neatly bound, 29 innings .......................................... 6d. The Pocket (size 7in. by 4), neatly bound, 44 innings .......................................... Is. Oblong (size 12in. by 10), neat fancy covers, 30 innings ......................................... 6d. Ditto do.cloth 62 innings Is. Ditto do. do. 1*0„ Is. 6d. Ditto do. leather back, 200 „ 8s. Collins' Shilling Packet of Unrivalled Cricket Scoring Sheets Contains 18 sheets of Two Innings each, printed in dark green Ink on Sight Preserving Paper, with the Amended Rules of the Game as passed by the Marylebone Cricket Club. *** Scorers using these Books will experience no ill effectsfrom the glare of the Sun. Recom mended by the medical profession. WILLIAM COLLINS, SONS & Co., Limited* L o n d o n : B R I D E W E L L P L A C E , E.C. AND ALL BOOKSELLEBS. l i d . P E R B ' O f all C hemists , & c .
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