Cricket 1889

110 CBICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. MAY 9, 1889. --------C R I O K R T --------- e x t r a o r d in a r y s c o rin g .—gee Cricket in Australia and fengland. Any young aspiring Cricketer may become great in the cricket-field by using B A R T L E T T ’S celebrated REPERCUSSIVE &ATS Runs are made so easily with tliis but that three figures are easily reached,do not jar the hand, and a Kood spring in the handle makes this Bat so pleasant to use. Cricket Cluls and Schools will effect a great saving ^by giving us a calf and select from oui! ___ immenbsi stock. We have now a iarge stock of weii-s. ttbuu . ats expressly made for Presentation. Those wno have tried thig Celebrated Driving Bat Know us v&iue. To those who have not tried it we invite one trial. T he Australians during their last v'sit all used Our Celebrated R&PEJHCUSSI VE B A T S . See Cricket at Oval, Sept. 2?.nd, 1 8 8 8 —5 2 runs made in less than ha)f an hour, and 8 7 runs in an hour and three quarters from our Bats. Adm itted the Fastest Scoring Bat o f the Season. May be had of all Dealers in Cricket Goods. Manufactory—71, WATERLOO ROAD, a n d RAILWAY APPROACH, WATERLOO S T A T IO N PHUI0GRAPH8 OF CELEBRATED ELEVENS, 1884-5-8*7. ALL CLUBS, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, Ac., &o. SHOULD HAVE THE CELEBRATE D COUNTY AND OTHER CRICKET ELEVENS. By E. HAWKINS & Co., 108, K IN G ’ S R O A D , B R IG H T O N . The Moat Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3 /6 each P ost Free. SlBe of Photo 22-in. by 10-in. A l s o P h o t o s o p a l l t h e P r in c ip a l C r ic k e t e r s JUST PUBLISHED. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at LORD’S. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at The OVAL. ENGLAND at LORD’S. ENGLAND at the OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEES, 1/6 e a c h : th e w h o le s e t o f 14,16/- U n d e r th e P a tro n a g e o f P r in c e C h r is t ia n , P r in c e C h r is t ia n V ic t o b , T h e E a r l o f S h e f f ie l d , & c ., & c . The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES. Photographed Specially for the Earl of Sheffield. L o r d S h e f f ie l d writes:—" I hope you will find many customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” Jubilee Football Festival, T he Oval. March 12,1887. Under the immediate Patronage of H.R.H. TnK P r in c e o f W a l e s . 8 p l e n d id P h o t o g p . a p f s o f t h e F o u r T e a m s Large Sizo (19 by40>, 3/6 each; Or 10 h the Set of Four. Cabinets, 1/6 each ; or 5/- the Set of Foiir. Post Free. NJB.—All Orders must be accompanied by a remittance. Latest Portraits of the Celebrated Jockeys (I n C o s t u m e )— F. ARCHER (H.R.H. T h e P r in c e o f W a l e s ), C. WOOD (S i r G . C h e t w y n d ). F . WEBB (D u k e o f W e s t m in s t e r ). T. L0ATE3. Large S iae, Beautifully Finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7 /6 cach. Cabinet Sise, 2/- each. Post Free, Cash with Order. Latest Portraits of L O R D H A R R I S (In C r ic k e t C o s tu m e ). Large Size (12in. by 10in.), 5e. each, post-free; Cabinets, 2s. each, post-free. N.B. — These Portrait$ have beenmuchadmired by all who have seen them. E. HAWK I N S & 0 0 ., (Late Hennah & Kent) PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, 108, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. GEORGE LEWIN LATE GEO. KENT, Athletic Clothing Manufacturer 29 , 'King William St., London rBridge, SUPPLIES EVESY REQUISITE FOE BOATING, CRICKET, &TENNIS. SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE READY SHORTLY THE C R I C K E T C A L E N D A R H andy S ize foe the P ocket . For 1 8 8 9 . S l s t Y e a r o f I s s u e . THE CRICKETER’S DIARY. Contains Chief Fixtures for the coming season arranged in chronological order. Tables for registration of Players in Matohes to come. Pages for insertion of own engage­ ments. Laws of Cricket, &c. NO CRICKETER SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Price SIXPENCE. Post Free Sevenpence. PUBLISHED BY W R I G H T Sc C o . , (Cricket Press) 41, S t. A n d rew ’s H i l l , L on d on , E.C, MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS’S GRATEFUL — COMFORTING. C O C O A MADE WITH BOILING MILK. ESTABLISHED 1786. J. B. B E N T L E Y & Co. CR ICKET B A T M AN U FA C TU RE R S S t e a m W o r k s — Lowman Road, Hol l oway , N. BENTLEY’s Anglo-Austral Bats are the BEST in the Trade: To be obtained of all Outfitters and Professional Cricketers. CANNOT BE BOUGHT AT THE STORES. Inter -University Records. FULL PARTICULARS OF ALL COM­ PETITIONS IN ATHLETICS BICYCLING BILLIARDS CHESS CRICKET CROSS COUNTRY LAWN TENNIS POLO RACQUETS RIFLE CONTESTS ROWING and TENNIS Between Oxford & Cambridge Most valuable as a Reference. Sent post- free on receipt of Is. 2d. in Stamps by W R I G H T & CO., 41, St. ANDREW ’S HILL, LONDON, E.C. LAWN TENNIS AND CRICKET, 1889. A NUM BER O F Second-hand Small Marquees, From 20ft. by 12ft. to 35ft. by 17ft., Suitable for Clubs, Schools, or private use, in excellent condition, nearly as good as new. A few larger Marquees for sale, also Canvas for Awnings Booth Covers. Prices on application to BENJAMIN EDGINGTON, Limited. 2, Duke St., London Br i dge , S.E. USE ONLY RICE’S PATENT “ UNIQUE FLEXIBLE” HANDLE and GEM BATS, As used by W. (1. Grace, Esq., A. N. Hornby, Esq., J. Eccles, Esq., P. S. McDonnell, Esq , Barlow, Briggs, Pilling, and many other noted cricketers. Can be had of all dealers, or JAMES RICE (Inventor and Patentee), Cricket and Lawn Tennis Bat Manufacturer, 50. MARSHALL STREET, OLDHAM ROAD, MANCHESTER. West’ s Pocket Score Book POST FREE Is. lid. In use by a great quantity of Clubs and is a most useful Scoring Book, as it is a con­ venient size for the pocket, and yet contains ample room for keeping Bowling Analysis, &c., &c.f for forty-eight innings. WRIGHT & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, E.C.