Cricket 1888

272 CRIOKETA WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. JULY 12, 1888. c h r o n ic l e s o p c r ic k e t . Facsimile Reprints o f : N Y R E N ’S “ C r ic k e t e r ’ s G u id e ,” LILLY WHITE’S “ H a n d b o o k o f C r ic k e t .” DENISON’S “ S k e t c h e s o f t h e P l a y e r s .” With a View of O ld‘‘ Lord’s ” ; and Portraits of early Players. Cloth extra, 3/6. Books which once enjoyed a wide popularity, and are now very rare. Two New B ooks b y FRED GALE. 1. T H E G A M E OF C R IC K E T . By F red G a le (“ The Old Buffer.” )—Second Edition, ready at all bookstalls, &c. Picture boards, 2/-. “ A very refreshing book. A cool wind blows through it from the past into the present—from the dead past, over the daisied graves of ancient Cricketers .”—D aily News. 2 S P O R T S A N D R E C R E A T IO N S IN T O W N A N D C O U N T R Y . By F red G ale. This day. Picture boards, 2/-.—Boxing, Prize Ring, Racing, Hunting, Fishing, Coaching, &c. S W A N S O N N E N S C H E IN & CO., Pa te rnos te r Squa re , L o n d o n . ESTAB. UPWARDS O F 100 YEARS ■ — - ALL BEST BATS MUST BEAR OUE REG ISTERED TRADE —M A R K — W ITHOUT w h i c h t h e y ARE NOT from th is OLD ESTABL ISH ’D F I R M — AQUILA CLiPSHAW& SALMON MANUFACTURERS OF CRICKET BATS, BALLS, STUMPS, GLOVES, E t c ., E t o . A. C. & S. HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF CRICKETING IMPLEMENTS, TO WHICH THEY WISH TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF CRICKETERS GENERALLY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Our Special “ RESILIENT” SPRING HANDLE B AT has gained an enviable notoriety for its splen­ did driving power, and for the absence of any sting, or jar, to the hand. PLEASE SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST POST FREE. 5, CAYT0N ST., CITY ROAD, L O N D O N , E .O . WILLIAM CURTIS, B y Appointm ent to the Marylebone Cricket Club. Marquee, Tent, T arpau lin , Net, F lag and B lind M aker. THE C L U B M A R Q U E E , 20ft. by 12ft., £10. P r a c t ic e N e t s from 10/-, complete with Poles,&c. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L is t F r e e . 142, L ISSON GROVE , MARYLEBONE . D A E K 'S C ele bra ted CRICKET BALLS. The Secretary of the Marylebone Club says “ D a r k & S o n s ’ Cricket BallB are the only ones in use at Lord’s Ground. We have tried the other makers but consider D a r k ’s muoh the best.” Also in use by the prinoipal County and other Clubs throughout the country. F. DARK & SONS, M an u factu rers , LORD’S CRICKET GROUND N.W. SH AN K S 'S IMPROVED L A WN MOW E R. THE ONLY LAWN MOWER FITTED WITH DOUBLE EDGED SOLE - PLATE Enabling the Cutting Parts to last tw ice as long as in other Machines. T h e s e M a c h in e s are strong, substantial, and very easily worked. They make the Lawn like velvet, and are not liable to get out of order. Prices o f H and Mach ines, w ith Grass Boxes, complete. To cut lOin. wide, £3 10 ** 12 „ 4 10 M 14 m » 10 16 „ 6 10 To cut 19in. wide. £8 0 u 22 M 8 10 H 01 H 9 0 Small Lawn Mowers, 6in., 25s. ; 7in., 35s. ; 8in., 45s. Horse and Pony Machines, with or without Patent Delivery Apparatus. SHANKS ’S NEW LAWN MOWER , “ TH E IMPROVED AMERICAN.** The working parts are greatly reduced in number, and this M a c h in e is easier to work than any other in the M arke t. Ev ry work­ ing part is protected. It can be used with or without Grass Box. P R I C E S . 10-inch Machine, £3 0 I 14-inch Machine, £4 15 12 inch „ 4 0 I 16-inch „ 5 10 Grass Boxes extra—10 and 12in. sizes, 7s. 6d- ; 14 and 16in. sizes, 10s. GARDEN ROLLERS OF ALL S IZES . A L E X . SHANK S & SON, Dens Iron W orks , A rbroath , And 110, Cannon S treet, London, E.C . A large Stock of all sizes of Machines is always kept in L o n d o n , where Repairs can also be executed by experienced workmen. L o n d o n A d d r e s s for Repairs: 44. Tenter Street East, Goodman ’s Fields. B. CRICKET. THOS. TWORT ¥ SONS Wholesale Manufacturers, 50UTHB0P (0 ’, T U N B R I D G E W E L L S . Established 1853. C R IC K E T I C R IC K E T ! C R IC K E T I NONE CAN EQUAL THE CrownCompositionCricket Ball For Stability and Price. It is Regulation size and weight, will not A B S O R B W E T , and is specially made to prevent IN J U R Y to B A.TS- Approved and introduced to the Colonies by M essrs. S H A W & S H R E W S B U R Y , who ai e A G E N T S for Nottingham. It is Warranted made to Section shown to purchasers at any Ath­ letic Outfitters or India Rubber Depot. Best terms to the Trade if business card is sent. Cheques or P.O.O. to F . H A S L A M , Hanover House, W ick Lane , London, E.C Price per doz., Regulation, 30/-, Boys’ size, 21/- Improved Golf Balls, 13/0. Silver Medals. INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, 1885. LIVERPOOL EXHIBITION, 1886. R A N S~0 M, E S ’ LAWN MOWERS. T H E B E S T IN T H E W O R L In all sizes, to suit every require “ NEW AUTOMATON,” the Best Ge “ CHAIN AUTOMATON,” theBestO “ NEW PAR IS ,” the Best Small Ma NEW EDGE GUTTER,the only one NEW BANK CUTTER,the Best forO “ NEW AUTOMATON” GARDEN R Ransomes, Sims, & Jefferies, Ld., CRICKET ! CRICKET ! ! R ichard D aft (Oaptain of Notts Oonnty Eleven, an Eleven). THE LARGEST ATHLETIC EMPORIUM IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED OVER 30YEARS. E v e r y C r ic k e t e r , L a w n T e n n is P l a y e r , a n d A t h le t e s h o u ld s e n d f o r o n e o f m y C a t a lo g u e s — 76 p r o f u s e l y illu s t r a t e d p a g e s — p o s t -f r e e . R . D A F T , St. Peter’s Square, Nottingham. — GE I C K E T- EXTRAORDINARY SCORES.—See Cricket in Australia. Any young aspiring cricketer may become great in the cricket-field by using Bartlett’s Celebrated Repercussive Bats. Runs are made so easily with this Bat that three figures are easily reached,do not jar the hand, and a good spring in the handle makes this Bat so pleasant to use. Cricket Clubs and Schools will effect a greatsavingbygiving us a call, and select from our immense stock. M ay be had of all Dealers in Cricket Goods M a n u fa c to ry — 171, WATERLOO ROAD, AND RAILWAY APPROACH, WATERLOO STATION. rrinSed for tbs Proprietor b? W b io s t ^ c H i St. <k»ar»w’s Hill, Doetor’j Comment, London, W O i. Julj 1 2,1889.