Cricket 1888
272 CRIOKETA WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. JULY 12, 1888. c h r o n ic l e s o p c r ic k e t . Facsimile Reprints o f : N Y R E N ’S “ C r ic k e t e r ’ s G u id e ,” LILLY WHITE’S “ H a n d b o o k o f C r ic k e t .” DENISON’S “ S k e t c h e s o f t h e P l a y e r s .” With a View of O ld‘‘ Lord’s ” ; and Portraits of early Players. Cloth extra, 3/6. Books which once enjoyed a wide popularity, and are now very rare. Two New B ooks b y FRED GALE. 1. T H E G A M E OF C R IC K E T . By F red G a le (“ The Old Buffer.” )—Second Edition, ready at all bookstalls, &c. Picture boards, 2/-. “ A very refreshing book. A cool wind blows through it from the past into the present—from the dead past, over the daisied graves of ancient Cricketers .”—D aily News. 2 S P O R T S A N D R E C R E A T IO N S IN T O W N A N D C O U N T R Y . By F red G ale. This day. Picture boards, 2/-.—Boxing, Prize Ring, Racing, Hunting, Fishing, Coaching, &c. S W A N S O N N E N S C H E IN & CO., Pa te rnos te r Squa re , L o n d o n . ESTAB. UPWARDS O F 100 YEARS ■ — - ALL BEST BATS MUST BEAR OUE REG ISTERED TRADE —M A R K — W ITHOUT w h i c h t h e y ARE NOT from th is OLD ESTABL ISH ’D F I R M — AQUILA CLiPSHAW& SALMON MANUFACTURERS OF CRICKET BATS, BALLS, STUMPS, GLOVES, E t c ., E t o . A. C. & S. HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF CRICKETING IMPLEMENTS, TO WHICH THEY WISH TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF CRICKETERS GENERALLY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Our Special “ RESILIENT” SPRING HANDLE B AT has gained an enviable notoriety for its splen did driving power, and for the absence of any sting, or jar, to the hand. PLEASE SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST POST FREE. 5, CAYT0N ST., CITY ROAD, L O N D O N , E .O . WILLIAM CURTIS, B y Appointm ent to the Marylebone Cricket Club. Marquee, Tent, T arpau lin , Net, F lag and B lind M aker. THE C L U B M A R Q U E E , 20ft. by 12ft., £10. P r a c t ic e N e t s from 10/-, complete with Poles,&c. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L is t F r e e . 142, L ISSON GROVE , MARYLEBONE . D A E K 'S C ele bra ted CRICKET BALLS. The Secretary of the Marylebone Club says “ D a r k & S o n s ’ Cricket BallB are the only ones in use at Lord’s Ground. We have tried the other makers but consider D a r k ’s muoh the best.” Also in use by the prinoipal County and other Clubs throughout the country. F. DARK & SONS, M an u factu rers , LORD’S CRICKET GROUND N.W. SH AN K S 'S IMPROVED L A WN MOW E R. THE ONLY LAWN MOWER FITTED WITH DOUBLE EDGED SOLE - PLATE Enabling the Cutting Parts to last tw ice as long as in other Machines. T h e s e M a c h in e s are strong, substantial, and very easily worked. They make the Lawn like velvet, and are not liable to get out of order. Prices o f H and Mach ines, w ith Grass Boxes, complete. To cut lOin. wide, £3 10 ** 12 „ 4 10 M 14 m » 10 16 „ 6 10 To cut 19in. wide. £8 0 u 22 M 8 10 H 01 H 9 0 Small Lawn Mowers, 6in., 25s. ; 7in., 35s. ; 8in., 45s. Horse and Pony Machines, with or without Patent Delivery Apparatus. SHANKS ’S NEW LAWN MOWER , “ TH E IMPROVED AMERICAN.** The working parts are greatly reduced in number, and this M a c h in e is easier to work than any other in the M arke t. Ev ry work ing part is protected. It can be used with or without Grass Box. P R I C E S . 10-inch Machine, £3 0 I 14-inch Machine, £4 15 12 inch „ 4 0 I 16-inch „ 5 10 Grass Boxes extra—10 and 12in. sizes, 7s. 6d- ; 14 and 16in. sizes, 10s. GARDEN ROLLERS OF ALL S IZES . A L E X . SHANK S & SON, Dens Iron W orks , A rbroath , And 110, Cannon S treet, London, E.C . A large Stock of all sizes of Machines is always kept in L o n d o n , where Repairs can also be executed by experienced workmen. L o n d o n A d d r e s s for Repairs: 44. Tenter Street East, Goodman ’s Fields. B. CRICKET. THOS. TWORT ¥ SONS Wholesale Manufacturers, 50UTHB0P (0 ’, T U N B R I D G E W E L L S . Established 1853. C R IC K E T I C R IC K E T ! C R IC K E T I NONE CAN EQUAL THE CrownCompositionCricket Ball For Stability and Price. It is Regulation size and weight, will not A B S O R B W E T , and is specially made to prevent IN J U R Y to B A.TS- Approved and introduced to the Colonies by M essrs. S H A W & S H R E W S B U R Y , who ai e A G E N T S for Nottingham. It is Warranted made to Section shown to purchasers at any Ath letic Outfitters or India Rubber Depot. Best terms to the Trade if business card is sent. Cheques or P.O.O. to F . H A S L A M , Hanover House, W ick Lane , London, E.C Price per doz., Regulation, 30/-, Boys’ size, 21/- Improved Golf Balls, 13/0. Silver Medals. INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, 1885. LIVERPOOL EXHIBITION, 1886. R A N S~0 M, E S ’ LAWN MOWERS. T H E B E S T IN T H E W O R L In all sizes, to suit every require “ NEW AUTOMATON,” the Best Ge “ CHAIN AUTOMATON,” theBestO “ NEW PAR IS ,” the Best Small Ma NEW EDGE GUTTER,the only one NEW BANK CUTTER,the Best forO “ NEW AUTOMATON” GARDEN R Ransomes, Sims, & Jefferies, Ld., CRICKET ! CRICKET ! ! R ichard D aft (Oaptain of Notts Oonnty Eleven, an Eleven). THE LARGEST ATHLETIC EMPORIUM IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED OVER 30YEARS. E v e r y C r ic k e t e r , L a w n T e n n is P l a y e r , a n d A t h le t e s h o u ld s e n d f o r o n e o f m y C a t a lo g u e s — 76 p r o f u s e l y illu s t r a t e d p a g e s — p o s t -f r e e . R . D A F T , St. Peter’s Square, Nottingham. — GE I C K E T- EXTRAORDINARY SCORES.—See Cricket in Australia. Any young aspiring cricketer may become great in the cricket-field by using Bartlett’s Celebrated Repercussive Bats. Runs are made so easily with this Bat that three figures are easily reached,do not jar the hand, and a good spring in the handle makes this Bat so pleasant to use. Cricket Clubs and Schools will effect a greatsavingbygiving us a call, and select from our immense stock. M ay be had of all Dealers in Cricket Goods M a n u fa c to ry — 171, WATERLOO ROAD, AND RAILWAY APPROACH, WATERLOO STATION. rrinSed for tbs Proprietor b? W b io s t ^ c H i St. <k»ar»w’s Hill, Doetor’j Comment, London, W O i. Julj 1 2,1889.
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