Cricket 1888

2 7 0 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF {THE GAME. JULY 12, 1888 S T A F F O R D SH IR E v. C H E S H IR E . | Rain interfered considerably with the play in this m atch at Stoke on M onday, and the game was unfinished on Tuesday evening, each side having completed an innings. Mr. Heath went in first and carried out his bat for Staffordshire. C h e s h ir e . J. Wright, run out... Q Mr. J. Ravenscroft, c Cozens, b Ward ... 50 S. Brown, b Shaw ... 6 G.Davenport, b W arl 15 Mr. J. O. Fullalove, c Brookes, b Shaw ... 1 Mr. R. L. Renwick, c Richardson, b Shaw 72 Mr. A. N. Turner, c Marlow, b Cozens... 48 Mr. S. Hollins, c Shaw, b Cozens ... 33 Smith, not o u t........ 21 Bennett, b Briscoe... 1 Mr. J. Bretherton, run out .................35 Extras.................12 Total ...291 S t a f f o r d s h ir e . Mr. A. H. Heath, not out .........................126 Brookes, c Wright, b Bennett .................. 1 Marlow, c Davenport, b B row n.................. 0 Mr. H. J. Dixon, b Bennett ................. Mr. F. G. Heaton, b Smith........................ Hawkins, b Smith ... Mr. T. H. Richardson, b Bretherton.......... Mr. F. G. Cozens, b B ennett.................15 Shaw, lbw. b Brown 11 Mr. J. P. Ward, c Davenport,bHol- lins ........................ 0 Briscoe, b Brown ... 6 E xtras................2 i Total ..266 WARWICKSHIRE v. YORKSHIRE. The Warwickshire eleven, who have been showing good all-round cricket lately, were seen to no small advantage in their return match with Yorkshire, begun at Birmingham, on Monday. Ulyett and Peel were not playing for Yorkshire, but Warwickshire was also not in quite its full strength with Mr. L. C. Docker away. Winning the toss, the home team remained at the wickets until 5.30 on Monday afternoon. Richards, Mr. Wheeler, Collishaw, and Mr. Bainbridge were the chief contributors to their total of 225. The first named, in particular, played excellent cricket. He made 93 out of 167 while he was in, and there was not what could be called an actual chance to mar his innings. Yorkshire, who had overnight made 10 runs without the loss of a wicket, fared badly on Tuesday morning, and seven batsmen were out with the total only 7G. A follow on then seemed very prob­ able, but Moorhouse and Wade got the measure of the Warwickshire bowling com­ pletely, and their stand altered the game altogether. They added 93 runs while they were partners, and Wade in the end carried oat his bat for an extremely good 66. Going in a second time 25 to the good, Warwickshire made an unfortunate start, and, at the fall of the third wicket, the total was only 24, or 49 on. Collishaw and Law, though, made a very useful stand, and rain soon after their separa­ tion stopped play, the match being very evenly drawn with Warwickshire 144 on and two wickets still in h ind. Smith took nine War­ wickshire wickets for 90 runs. W arwickshire . First Innings. Second Innings. Mr. C. Maul, run out ... 2 b Smith .......... 0 Mr. H. W. Bainbridge, c Smifh, b Wade ..........21 c Wainwright, b Smith ......... 5 Riel ar Is, st Ellis, b Pr«jo6on ...........................93 c Harrison, b Smith ......... 5 Law, c Smith, b Middle b ro ok .................................. 17 c Lee b Smiih .. 44 Collishaw. b Wade ..........25 notout ........ 54 Mr. C. Wheeler, st Ellis, b Sm ilh..................................33 b Smith .......... 0 Pallett, b Middlebrook ... 3 c Moorhouse, b Smith ......... 4 Mr. A. Bird, st Ellis, b Hmith...................................13 not out .......... 0 Shilton, c Smith, bLee ... 5 Lilley, not out .................. 0 Mr. W. Bird, c Harrison, b Smith ......................... 0 B 9,1 b 3, n b 1 ..........13 b ................... 7 Y o r k s h ir e . Hall, c and b W. Preston, b A. Bird ... 19 Bird ........................ 10 Moorhouse. c Shil­ Harrison, c and b ton, b Pallett 55 Pallett ................. 9 Wade, not o u t.......... 66 Lee, 1 w, b Pallett ... 0 Mirtdlebrook, c Thewlis. b W . Bird ... 15 Wheeler, b Pallett 4 Wainwright, b W. Ellis, b A. Bird 2 Bird ........................ 0 B 3, lb 2, w l, nb2 8 Smith, c and b A. •— Bird .......... .......... 12 Total ..........200 BOWLING ANALYSIS. W a r w ic k s h ir e . First Innings. O. M. R. W. Smith ......... Wainwright Middlebrook Wade .......... Preston.......... Moorhouse ... L ee... 37.320 7 33 17 30 48 3 45 0 2 Second Innings. O. M. R. W. ... 22 7 42 6 ... 17 10 15 0 24 13 2 0 16 39 2 29 1 18 0 4 9 18 Hall 12 0 9 20 0 14 0 9 0 0 Wade bowled a no-ball. Y o r k s h ir e . O. M. R. W. O. Shilton ... 26 14 36 0 I A. Bird ... 27 10 M. R. W. 40 9 0 Pallett ...23 77 4 |Collishaw W. Bird... 12 3 30 3 . Shilton bowled one no-ball and one wide, and Pallett one no-ball. M.C.C. AND G. v. S T R E A TH AM . Played at Streatham on July 7. S t r e a t h a m . W . S. Trollope, b Titchmarsh ..........17 E. C. Evelyn, c Mar­ tyn, b Titchmarsh 4 C. L. Morgan, b Fothergill .......... 2 H. S. Barkworth, c Turner, b Titch­ marsh ................. 1 K. J. Key, c Martyn, b Fothergill .......... 1 N. C. Bailey, c But­ ler, b Fothergill ... 20 M.C.C. AND G. C. H. Leaf. 1b w, b Fothergill ....... 22 F. W. Leaf, c Mar­ tyn, b Fothergill... 7 H. E. Petherick, run out ... .......... 23 . J. A. Druce, b Titch- < marsh .............. 0 i C. Morgan, not out 0 B 4, n b 1 ........... 5 Total ..102 W . Bird, c C. Mor­ gan, b Petherick ... 9 Hearn, b C. U. Leaf... 26 P. B. Turner, c Key, b Petherick.......... 0 E. M. Butler, c Druce, b C. Morgan .......... 4 O. B. Martyn, c F. W. Leaf, b C. Mor­ gan ........................ 2 Titchmarsh, c F. W. Leaf, b C. Morgan 4 E. B. Soames, b C. M organ................. Fothergill, c Evelyn, b Petherick.......... A. W. Soames, not out ........................ C. Muggeridge, not out ........................ B 8,1 b 2 .......... Total .......... W A L TH AM S T OW (2) v. B U C KH U R ST H IL L (2). Played at Buckhurst H ill on July 7. W a l t h a m s t o w . H. Hill, b Gingell ... 3 S. Collard, b Gingell 8 Cullen, b Palmer ... 6 Forrest, absent ... 0 B 15, lb 1 ..........16 Total .. 117 Crossman, c Nicoll, b Barwell ......... 15 Thompson,b Barwell 38 Boys, l) Barwell ... 11 J.A Wallet, b Harwell 6 Richardson,bGingell 5 Scales, b Barwell ... 0 Cecil, not out .......... 9 B u c k h u r s t H il l .— W. J. Phillips scored b Wal­ let, 19, H. G. Nicoll (not out) 41, A. Sworder (not out) 5; lb 1, w 1.—Total, 67. F. Gingell, H. G. Palmar, T. Conquest, W. H. Gadsdon, T. S. Barwell, O. Charlesworth, A. Wat­ son, and G. Conquest did not bat. SOUTH LYNN , E A S T B OU RN E , v. B R IG H T O N C O LLEG E . Played at Brighton College on July 5. B r ig h t o n C o l l e g e . Total ...225 Total ..419 N.C.Cooper, b Mathe- son ...........................35 A. D. Heward, b Matheson.................. 3 E. L. Copleston, c Scott,b Bevan............ 65 H. D. L. Woods, b B evan..........................31 R. Young, c Brook, b Beva 1 ........................... 11 T. A. Chalmers, run out ........................12 L. H. Gay, b Mathe­ son ........................15 H. N. Blakeney, not out ........................ 1 A.L. King, run out... 0 H. C. Holland, b Matheson .......... 0 A.Meissner.b Mathe­ son ........................ 0 B 13,1b 3,w 5,nb 4 25 Total ...197 S o u t h L y n n . A. K. Sellar, c King, b Cooper .................61 Rev. II. Von E. Scott, c Cooper, b Coples­ ton ........................13 E.Matheson, b Woods 61 H. M. Braybrooke, b Woods ................. 4 A. K. Brook, run out 9 C. C. Bevan, c Young, b C oop er................. 4 W. H. Woodruffe, b Cooper .................. 9 J. W. Birns-Lindow, not out ................. 8 J. C. A. Hankey, not out ........................... 15 B 12, lb 3, w 3 ... is Total ...202 H. F. Tiarks and E. P. Corlett did not bat. KENNINGTON OVAL. T h i s D a y , Friday, and Saturday. G E N T L E M E I V P T , A Y E T ? S . A dmission — O ne S h il l in g . July 19—Surrey v. Middlesex. I JOHN WISDEN & Co. A RE BOLB AGENTS POB C R AW FO R D ’S Pa ten t “ Exce ller” Cricket Universally acknowledged the * Grandest D riving ” Bats ever made m Patent Rubber-faced Wicket Gloves. Every Requisite for Cricket. S p e c ia l D is c o u n t s . L is t s F r e e 21 , CRANBOURN St., LOND W . & A . B A T E S ’ “ Eclipse” g Cricket Balls. 1 No 1 Q u a l it y . “ E c l ip s b .” M e n ’ s M a t c h ........ 48s. Doz. 1Regulation Size and M e n ’s P ractice . 36s. „ J Weight. B o y s ’ ........................... 24s. „ No. 2 Q u a li t y . “ C r e s c e n t .” M en ’ s .......................... 15s. Doz. Regn. Size &Weight B o y s ’ L a r g e ...... 12s. „ Regulation Size B o y s ’ S m a ll ........ 12s. „ C h i l d ’s ...................... 7s. „ NOTE TO THE TRADE. B e w a r e o f G e r m a n im it a t io n s o f th e a b o v e w e ll - k n o w n B a lls , w h ic h a re n o t R e g u la t io n S iz e a n d W e ig h t . ST. MARY’S MILLS, LEICESTER. London D e p o t- 121, STAMFORD STREET, BLACKFRIARS.