Cricket 1888

2 6 8 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. ju L y 12,1888. CRYSTAL PALACE ENGINEERING BLACKHEATH v. OLD WYKEHAMISTS SCHOOL v. KENSINGTON. Played at Eynham Field on July 7. C.P.E.S. J. P. Gully, b Beckley 8 F. S. Cochrane, b Briggs ... «. ... 0 N. M. Walker, b Briggs .................11 W . Riley, b Briggs ... 7 A. M. Templer, b Beckley ................. 0 F. Stewart, b Barnett 22 N. Dickson, run out 2 R. West, c Watson, b W. R. Jacks D.Andras, b Watson H. Vipan, c Jenner, b Barnett .......... C. Kitts, not out ... B ........................ Total ... K e n s in g t o n . E. Adams, c Riley, b G ully........................20 H. M. Loy, b Vipan .. 1 E.Watson, c Templer, b Vipan ................. 5 J. Briggs, not out ... 28 W. B. Jacks, b T em p ler.................13 W . R. Jacks, c Coch­ rane, b Templer ... 0 J. Beckley, b Tem ­ pler ........................ L. Barrett, c Coch­ rane, b Walker ... D. Jenner, not out... W. Davies, lb w , b Walker ................. H. Fox, b Riley B 4,1 b 2 .......... Total 81 BRIGHTON COLLEGE v. DULWICH COLLEGE. Played at Brighton on July 7. B r ig h t o n C o l l e g e . First Innings. A. D. Heward, c L. H. Gay, c Solbe, b Ricketts, b Douglas .......... J. J. Douglas .......... 20 5 H. N. Blakeney, c N. C. Cooper, “b Cambell, b J. W ells................. 13 D ouglas................. 0 E. L. Copleston, b A. L. King, not out H. C. Holland, b J. 8 Wells................. 20 H. D. L. Woods, c D ouglas................. 0 Ricketts, b J. A. Meissner, c Douglas .......... 6 Howard, b Wells... 3 R. Young, c and b Extras................. 4 Wells .......... 8 — C. R. Fort, c Howard, Total .......... 91 b J. D ou gla s.......... 4 In the Second Innings Cooper scored (not out) ( Copleston, (not out) 13.—Total, 21. D u l w ic h . Howard, not R.N Douglas, st Gay, b C oop er.................18 C. M. Wells, b Cooper 0 J. M. Cambell, b Cooper ................. 1 F. de L. Solbe, b Hol­ land ........................ 2 J. Douglas, c Gay, b Cooper .................38 C. Wells, b iVfeissner 41 J. C. Gai*, c Woods, b Meissner ................. 9 T. N. out W. J. Ricketts, c Cooper,b Meissner G. d. Reed, c Gay, b Cooper ................. E. R. Edwards, b Meissner................. Extras.., ... 3 ... li Total ...132 s r . PAUL’S SCHOOL v. BEDFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Played at Kensington on July 7. B.G.S. b G. Hart-Smith, G od frey.......... A. G. Baines, not out ................. F. Hutchinson, G od frey.......... J. Francis, c and G od frey.......... B 2, w 1, nb 2 .. 15 b .. 6 b .. 0 .. 5 ..189 H. 8. Briggs, c Bar- well, b Godfrey ... 52 P. Parker, b Jeiferis 12 W.F.tJurtees.c Tubbs, b Leechman.......... 4 A. D. Piper, b God­ frey ........................76 R. F.Chaldecott, lbw, b Jefferis................. 0 H. D. Sewell, b God­ frey ........................ 3 , Total C. B. Combes, lbw, b G od frey .................16 | S.P.S. First Innings. L. Tubbs, b Combes 0 A.Leechraan.stBaines, b Piper .................15 H.N. bate, b Combes 0 L.S.Browne,c Briggs, b Piper .................15 A. E. Broomfield, b Combes ................. 5 F. C. Godfrey, c Sur­ tees, b Combes ... 10 J. M. Greenall, hw, b C om b es.......... ... 10 In the Second Innings Tubbs scored b Francis, 5, Leechman (not out) 26, Bate, b Chaldecott, 7, L. S. Browne (not out) 5.—Total, 43. not S. S. Browne, out S J.Lovell, b Combes 5 F. Jefferis, b Chalde­ cott ........................ 1 R. C. Barwell, c and b Combes ... ... 5 B 2, lb 2, nb 4 ... 8 Total ..........88 Played at Blackheath on July 7. B l a c k h e a t h . F. H. Lacey, b Hem- merde .................. 7 H. O. Blaker, b Hem- merde .................... li A. Daffin, c Shuter, b Ricketts ....................12 S. Christopherson, b Hemmerde ..........53 K. Christopherson, c Johnson, b Hem­ merde ....................27 F. G. Monkland, b Gibson .................. 1 H. C. Stewart, not out ........................... 23 A. W. Stewart, b ........... 4 C. J. Carver, b Hem­ merde .................. 4 G. O. Jacob, c Ricketts, b Gib­ son ......................... 9 R. M. Richardson, b Ricketts.................. 7 B 15,1 b 5, n b 1 21 T o ta l...........182 O l d W y k e h a m is t s . J. Shuter, c and b H. Gibson, b Carver 3 Christopherson ... 0 E .A . Plunkett, lbw, N. E. W. Stainton, b b Daffin................. 3 Daffin........................ 19 C. L. Hemmerde, b R. S. Barrow, b Dafiin ................. 11 Ch'istopherson ... 0 A. G. Watney, not G. W. Ricketts, b out ........................ 24 Monkland .......... 57 F. E. Johnson, st Capt.T. H. B. Forster, Lacey, b Monk­ b Monkland ......... 9 land ........................ 2 H.G. Saunder-Davies, B 4,1b 2 .......... 6 b Carver ................ 12 — T o ta l..........146 BRIGHTON CLUB v. SOUTH SAXONS. Played at St. Leonards on July 7. B r ig h t o n C l u b . J. L. Lancaster, c Pigg, b Sutthery ... 0 J. Gaisford, c Stur­ land, b Sutthery ... 7 A. T. Hay, b Sutthery 7 A. T. Minton, c and b Sutthery .......... 0 Major, not o u t ..........71 E. H. Seaton, c and b Sutthery.................17 F. C. Lingard, b Sutthery................. 0 S o u t h S a x o n s Capt. Vivian, b Sutthery................. O.J. Wray,bSutthery W . Stuckey, c and b Coles .......... R. D. Newman, Minton, b Coles ... 8 B 3,1 b 2, n b 1... 6 39 Total ...162 H. Pigg, c Hay, b Lingard ................. 3 F. G. Tuck, b Lingard 1 F. W. S. Hosley, run out ........................ 1 A. M. Sutthery, c and b Lingard ... 61 T. B. Sturland, b Stuckey ... .......... 1 A. C. Coles, b Lin­ gard ........................ 6 C. J. Smith, c Major, b Hay .................17 W. H. S. Stanton, c Minton, b Lingard 5 W . Leigh emith, b H ay........................ 0 H. H. Minton, run out ........................ 0 J. 0. Goldsworthy, not out ................. 2 B2, lb 2, w l ... 5 T o t a l..........105 SOUTH LYNN, EASTBOURNE, v. WIL- LINGDON. Played on the South Lynn Ground, East­ bourne, on July 7. S o u t h L y n n . 4 J. Phillips, b Hart ... Rev. H. Von E. Scott, b Jeffery.................27 E. Matheson, c Hart, b Raun .......... H. M. Braybrooke, Godrich. b Eley ... y A. K. Brook, b Hart 5 O. C. Bevan, b Catt 0 J. W. Burns-Lindow, hw, b Hart .......... 6 W il l i v g d o n . 97 J. C. A. Hankey, c Jackson, b Hart ... 11 E. P. Corlett, c Jack­ son, b Jeffery ... 13 E. B. Clegg, not out 0 J. Adam, c and b H art........................ 0 B 11, lb 1, w 1 ...13 Total ...185 First Innings. F.Godrich, c and b Mathe­ son ...............................18 Rev. H. Hayman, st Brook, b Matheson ... 12 R. Longman, b Bevan ... 2 J. E. Jackson, b Bevan ... 5 F. A. Jeffery, b Bevan ... 4 J. Hide, b Bevan................ 6 E. Catt, lbw, b Bevan ... 0 S. Bart, st Brook,bMathe- son ............................... 1 E. Raun, run out .......... 6 W. Eley, not out .......... 0 J. Haine, b Bevan .......... 0 B ............................... 6 Sscond Innings, b Braybrooke ... 3 not out ..........41 not out .......... 4 cBrook,bMathe- s o n ................. 0 b Matheson 48 Total 6J c and b Mathe­ son ................. 2 B2,lb3,w2,nb3 10 Total ...108 BATTERSEA v. KINGSTON TOWN, Played at Kingston on June 30. B a t t e r s e a . 2 R. Hunt, b Jordan .., F. Clarke, b Wood w a rd........................43 G. Mellish, c Millis, b P ratt........................10 W. West, c Dash, b P ratt........................ 3 G. Barnes, c Rockett, b W oodw ard.......... 2 J. Sugden, b Wood­ ward ........................22 C. Kirby,cWoodgate, b Pratt .................13 A. Crickmay, c Bat­ son, b Fenley ... 23 C. Brooker, b Pratt 1 J. Thomas, not out 2 T. Riley, b Fenley ... 2 Lb 3, w 1 .......... 4 Total ...127 K in g s t o n T o w n . Fenley, b Barnes ... 14 Dash, not o u t ..........21 B 2,lb l,w 1, nb 3 7 Woodward, c Clarke, b Sugden................. 0 Jordan, not out......... 24 Pratt,c and b Sugden 2 J. Woodgate, c Brooker, b Sugden 5 C. Hall, G. Rockett, Batson, R. Offer, and Millis did not bat. Total 73 THAMES DITTON v. EAST MOULSEY. Played at Thames Ditton on June 30. E a s t M o u l s e t . H. Parks, 1 b w, b Milbourn................. A. P. Doulton, b Read R. Chesterton, b Mil- bourn........................ 0 W. Andrew, b Read .. 1 E. Campbell, c Red­ dick, b Milbourn ... 5 E. Cann, b Read ... 2 G. D. Cooper, not out 14 H. Duthie, c Deane, b Milbourn .......... C. Stubbs, c Mil­ bourn, b Read ... E. Potterton, b Read G. D. Sander, c Deane, b Read ... B ........................ Total .......... 3 ! T h a m e s D it t o n . First Innings. _ Second Innings. M. Read, st Doulton, b Andrew ........................46 W. Milbourn, b Andrew ... 22 W. Graburn, b Duthie ... 0 W. Deane, b Andrew......... 1 G. W. Ayres, c Doulton, b Duthie ........................ 8 not out H. Reddick, st Doulton, b Andrew ........................ 0 F. Crowther, run out ... 1 S. Lawless, not out .......... 1 A. Morrison, b Duthie ... U C. Crowther, c Doulton, b Andrew ... ................. R. B. Matthews, b Duthie 0 B 2,1 b 2....................... 4 b Duthie not out b Duthie ... b Duthie b Duthie 17 c Chesterton, b Andrew......... Total , 83 Total ... 43 HORNSEY TOTTERIDGE PARK SCHOOL. Playei at Hornsey on July 4, Hornsey. T. Carr-Jackson, c and b C ooke.......... C. L. Ring, not ou t... L. H. Bacmeister, c Prosser, b Cooke... A. N. Other, run out Total .......... F. Orton, run out ... 0 Jas. Clarke, c Wall, b Cooke ................. 3 W. P. Harrison, c Wall, b Bell ......... 17 F. Bisiker, b Bell ... 10 G. H. Swinstead, run out ........................ 4 H. Jeff, b Cooke ... 7 B. G. Wilmer, c Giddins, b Cooke ... 2 In the Second Innings Jas. Clarke scored (not out) 31, G. H. Swinstead (not out) 33, C. L. Ring, c Wall, b Bell, 2 ; b 2, w 6-T otal, 74. T o t t e r id g e P a r k . F. Meaden, b Swin­ stead........................ J. H. Bell, lbw b Clarke ................. F. Freeman, run out J. Bell, b Clarke W. Cooke, c Orton, b Clarke ................. J. Prosser, b Clarke... F. Wall, c Harrison,b Clarke ................. W. White, c Bac­ meister, b Clarke... W. McCully.b Clarke Giddins, not out ... W. Thain, b Clarke... Total 1 O 3 5 2S E v e ry C ric k e te r should send 7 stamps to the office of this paper for this year’s “ Cricket Calendar ” (20th year of publication). It contains chief fixtures for the season arranged in chrono­ logical order, table for registration of players in matches to come, pages for insertion of other en­ gagements. laws of cricket, etc., etc. Handy size for the pocket, bound in cloth; in leather wallets, gilt lettering, Is. 6d.