Cricket 1888

J tfr it 12, 1888. CEICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OE 9?HE GAME* a67 E S S E X v. HANTS. Es^ex just managed to save this m atch, played at L eyton on Friday and Saturday last, Hampshire at the finish only wanting nine to win with eight wickets to fall. E ssex . First Innings. Second Innings. Mr. R. P. Sewell, c Currie, b R oberts........................30 c Baldwin, b Mr. R. C. Gosling, c Sey mour, b Roberts ........ Mr. O. D. Buxton, t Roberts, b L a ce y ........ Bastow, 1b w, b Lacey .. Mr. W. Spencer, c Wyn- yard, b Lacey ... •.......... Mr. H. Boyton, st Wyn- yard, b Lacey ................. Burns, c Forster, b L a ce y ............................... Mr. C. E. Green, b Lacey Mr. G. Fowler, c Wynyard, b R oberts........................ Mr. F. A. Bishop, c Sey­ mour, b Roberts .......... Bryan, not oiit ................. B 3,1 b 1 ................. 31 7 5 c Baldwin, Young ... . b Young ... . c Forster, Young ... . c Wynyard, Young ... , c Wynyard, Young ... , c Wynyard, Forster ... c Lacey, Forster ... . b Young ... run out ... . 16 , 17 Total .................102 Total ...131 H a m p s h ir e . First Innings. Mr. H. W. Forster, b Buxton .................43 Mr. G. R. Seymour, c Boyton, b Buxton 44 Mr. F. E. Lacey, c Boyton, b Bishop... 2 Mr. E. G. Wynyard, b B uxton................. 6 Mr. C. P. Hastings, b Fowler .................13 Mr. E. O. Powell, b Total ..........169 Fowler In the Second Innings Forster scored c Buxton, b Fowler, 6, Lacey, c and b Fowler, 15, Powell (not out) 6, Baldwin (not out) 23 ; b 1—Total, 50. BOWLING ANALYSIS. E s s e x . 13 run out 1 not out 4 L b Smith, c and b Fowler ................. Baldwin, not out ... Mr. C. E. Currie, b Bishop ................. Young, c Bastow, b Bishop ................. Roberts, run out ... B 4, 1b 7 .......... First Innings. Second Innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Currie ... 18 11 19 0 ........ 17.1 8 30 0 Forster ... 29 12 23 0 .......... 19 6 18 2 Young 6 1 18 0 .......... 32 20 36 6 Roberts ... 21.115 14 4 .......... 12 5 24 0 Lacey 22 11 22 6 .......... 5 0 12 0 Baldwin ... 2 0 7 0 .......... 1 0 10 0 H a n t s . First Innings. Second Innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Bishop ... 32 9 47 3 . ... 11 8 24 0 Bryan 11.1 5 26 0 . ... 2 0 6 0 Buxton ... 23 6 40 3 Sewell 4 1 7 0 Burns 2 1 1 0 Spencer .. 3 1 2 0 Fowler ... 24 10 35 3 . ... 9 1 25 2 G EN TLEM EN v. P L A Y E R S . The records of cricket in 1888 will furnish few, if any, instances of such an exciting finish as that w hich marked the annual m atch be­ tween Gentlem en and Players,played at L ord’s on M onday and Tuesday last. During the last few years the Players have been able to place in the field elevens very form idable at all points, and even with the great professional batsman, Shrewsbury, away, on paper it seemed as if the Gentlem en this summ er had little more than an outside chance. N or were the prospects of the amateurs improved apparently by the heavy rains of late, and, indeed, with bowlers like Lohm ann, Briggs, Barnes, Attewell, and Peel, all of them remarkably effective on slow wickets, it looked a j if the match was, particu­ larly as the ground was on Monday, a certainty for the players. Both sides were strong, but ex­ ception was taken, and w e tliink rightly, to the claim s of those who opposed the Gentle­ men, an 5 certainly in one instance, at least, to our m ind, the team could have been im ­ proved. H aving won the toss U lyett decided that the Gentlemen should bat, thinking that the ground would improve. So effective, too, was the bow ling of the Players, especially of Peel and Barnes, assisted by the brilliant wicket-keeping of Sherwin, that the innings was over soon after luncheon for a small total of 84, to whioh Mr. Newham contributed 25, an extrem ely well got score. Going in to bat the Players were, for a tim e, unsuccessful, and Abel, Gunn and Barnes were soon dismissed. Maurice Read helped to raise the score from 21 to 51, but the best play was shown by the Yorkshirem en, U lyett and Peel, who were responsible for 66 of 102 from the bat. B oth deserved great credit, in particular Ulyett, who Was in over an hour and a half for his 38. The Gentlemen entered on their second innings just before six o’clock 23 runs to the bad, and under the disadvantage of a bad light fared badly, the close of the day showing four bats­ men out for 35, or only twelve runs on. The wicket was in somewhat better condition on Tuesday m orning, and thanks to some good cricket by Messrs. Shuter, who was tw o hours at the wickets for his seventeen, W oods and Eccles, the last six wickets added 65. This left the Players w ith only 78 to win, and at luncheon tim e forty-five of them had been got for the loss of half the wickets, Abel, who had batted in admirable style, not out 27. On resuming, the Surrey player was soon bowled, but Attew ell and Peel scored so fast that eighteen were quickly added, and the game seemed practically over. W ith seven runs to w in and four wickets to fall, Mr. Sm ith re­ sumed bowling, and a single was all that was added, the last four wickets all falling amidst intense excitem ent at 72. The G en­ tlemen thus gained a brilliant victory by five runs, a result hailed by hearty and prolonged cheering. Their success was in a very great measure due to the splendid bowling of the young Cantab, Mr. S. M. J. W oods. In the match altogether he took ten of the Players’ wickets at a cost of 76 runs, a fine performance. Considering the weather, there was a good attendance, numbering about 7,000 on the first, and over 3,000 on the second day. The match was over at 3.30 on Tuesday afternoon. G e n t l e m e n . First Innings. W. G. Grace, st Sherwin, b Briggs ........................10 J. Shuter, b Lohmann W. Newham, c Sherwin, b Barnes ........................£ W. W. Read, b Lohmann A. G. Steel, b Barnes J. A. Dixon, c Abel, b Barnes ........................ J. Eccles, not out .......... Lord George Scott, st Sherwin, b Peel .......... S. M. J. Woods, lb w , b Peel ............................... M.P. Bowden, st Sherwin, b P eel............................... O. A. Smith, c Sherwin, b Peel ............................... B 1,1b 4 ........................ Second Innings. b Lohmann ... 2 b Lohmann ... I1 b Attewell........... i b Lohmann c Sherwin, b Attewell........... . Loh- Atte- 9 l b w , b mann 4 c and b w ell.......... 4 b Barnes ... c Lohmann, Barnes ... . c Lohmann, Attewell... . not out B 3, lb 2 . 11 Total .................84 PLAYERS. First Innings. Ulyett, b Woods ..........38 Abel, b Smith ................. 6 Gunn, b Smith ................. 0 Barnes, c Shuter,b W oods 3 M. Read, b Steel.................14 Briggs, b D ix on .......... Peel, b Woods .......... Attewell, b Smith ... Lohmann, c Scott, Woods........................ Flowers, b Woods ... Sherwin, not out B 4, lb 1 ................. Total ...100 0 Second Innings. b Woods .......... b Woods .......... c Steel, b W oods lbw, b Steel ... c Woods, b Steel c and b Steel ... b Woods .......... b Smith .......... lbw, b Smith ... 0 b Woods .......... 0 not out .......... 0 B 8, lb 1 ... 9 Total .................107 Total BOWLING ANALYSIS. G e n t l e m e n . . 72 First Innings. O. ' Lohm ann. Briggs... . Peel ... . Barnes R. W. 23 10 30 2 20 11 17 1 23.115 17 4 21 13 15 3 Second Innings. O. M. R. W. . ... 46 30 35 4 . ... 22 11 24 0 7.2 2 16 Attewell... 81 22 20 4 P l a y e r s . First Innings. O. M. R. W. Woods ... 29 11 49 5 Sm ith..........23 11 23 6 Steel ., D ixon.......... 6 G race.......... 5 3 13 1 4 1 13 0 Second Innings. O. M. R. W. ... 26.212 27 5 ... 9 6 13 2 ... 18 7 23 3 W A L T H A M S T O W v. F IN S B U R Y . Played at Wanstead Park on July 7. W a l t h a m s t o w . D. Nicholson, b Friend ................. W. J. Willis, b C. Higgins ......... ... B H. Heath, b Friend H. J. Cook, b C. Higgins .......... A. F. Ueath.b Friend J. Gunton, c Castle, b G. Higgins ..........12 H. M. Collard, b Friend ................. 0 F. H. Walsham, b C. Higgins .................. 1 H. Chappie, c Castle, b G. Higgins.............17 J. A. Waterer, b Friend ....................13 2 M. Heath, not o u t... 8 Extras.....................11 Total ... 73 Giller, b Collard Castle, c Nicholson, b Collard................. Singer, c A. F. Heath, b Collard................. G. Higgins, 1 b w, b Collard ................. Lawson, b Walsham Oliver, c Nicholson, b Collard ................. F in s b u r y . 5 : Friend, c Gunton, ! Walsham.............. Stacey, not out C. Higgins, 0 Walsham ... . Webster, absent E xtras............... Total ... 0 ... 0 .. 2 ... 23 BR IG H TON C LUB v. W O R TH IN G AND B R O A D W A T E R . Played at SussexCounty Ground, W est Brighton, on July 3. B r ig h t o n C l u b . First Innings. Second Innings. C. A. Smith, b Mitcholl ... 3 c Mitchell, b Gunnery ... 1 J. L. Lancaster, b Mit­ chell ............................. 3 not out ...... 5 A. T. Minton, b Mitchell 14 b Mitchell...... 3 F. C. Lingard, c Greenyer, b Mitchell.....................16 F. J. Turnbull, c Green­ yer, b Mitchell ...... 5 E. H. Seaton, c Greenyer, b Gunnery .................12 C. Philcox, st Greenyer, b P. Gaisford ................. 2 W. Smith, c and b Gun­ nery ............................... 3 Shoubridge, not out.......... 6 W.G. Taunton, b Gunnery 0 B 8, lb 1, n b l .......... 5 c Greenyer, Jee .......... Total ... 69 ; Mitchell, Gunnery B 5, w 1 Total 45 ... 7 ... 6 ... 67 W o r t h in g & B r o a d w a t e r . J* Gaisford, run out 35 L. H. Gunnery, b Shoubridge ..........21 A. F. Somerset, not out ........................76 H. Mitchell, b Lin­ gard ........................ 1 W. Greenyer, b Lin­ gard ........................ 0 P. Gaisford, 1b w, b L in g a rd ................. 0 A. W. Crockett, b Lingard.......... ... 1 H. A. Jee,c Turnbull, b Seaton................. 8 Rev. G. Moor, b W. Smith ................. 0 A. E. Ralph, b W. Smith ................. 0 B 11, lb 1 ..........12 Total ..154 JUN IO R M ID D L E SE X v. HOLBORN . Played at Tufnell Park on June 30. J u n io r M id d l e s e x . W. Couchman, b Har­ rower........................34 W. H. Palmer,st Fara­ day, b Harrower ... 7 J. Gillard, nJennings 8 J. B Palmer, b Flint 6 A.Wheatley.bBartlett 24 A. O. Breeds, b Har­ rower....................... 11 W .G. Stevens, run out 1 H o l b o r n . A. C. Boden, c and b Harrower .......... 0 C. K. Childs, b Har­ rower ................. 5 J. Buxton, n otou t... 11 H. Y. Brown, run out 0 Extras.................17 Total ...124 P. Harrower, lbw, b Buxton .................31 Buck, b Brown.......... 8 Read, b Buxton..........38 Faraday, b Brown ... 6 Hawes, run out.......... 6 Jennings, c Couch­ man, b Brown ... 0 Green, b J. B. Palmer 7 Biddle, st Couch­ man, b Brown Bartlett, not out ... T. B. Harrower, b Brown ................. Flint, b Brown.......... Extras................. Total ...103