Cricket 1888

266 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. JULY 12, 1688. PRINCIPAL MATCHES FOR NEXT WEEK. T h u r s d a y , J u l y 12: Kennington Oval, Gentle­ men v. Players—Stoke, Australians v. An England Eleven. F r id a y , J u d y 13: L ord’s, Eton v. Harrow—Stockport, Cheshire v. Lancashire— Manchester, Parsees v. Gentlemen of Longsiglit. M o n d a y , J u l y 16 : Lord’s, England v. Australia— Bradford, Yorkshire v. Cheshire—Stoke, Parsees v. Gentlemen of Staffordshire. W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 18 : Glasgow, Parsees v. Gentlem n of West of Scotland. BROADWATER v. OLD CARTHUSIANS. Played at Broadwater on July 7. B r o a d w a t e r . First Innings. W . D. Marshall, b Tait ... 25 H. R. Smith, c Salmon, b Nixon ............................... 0 J. A. Gibbs, c Nixon, b Parry .,.............................11 M.Marshall, c and b Parry 10 R. B. Page, b P a rry.......... 5 L. Philips, b Parry .......... 0 H. C. Bett, c Parry, b N ixon............................... 7 H. Ferguson-Davie, Nixon, b T a it .......... G. C. Bett, b Parry ... E. Street, b Tait.......... G. Holden, not out ... Total .................74 Second Innings, c Tait, b Lewis 48 b Nixon .......... 9 b Nixon ..........15 c Nixon, b Parry 3 not out ..........15 c Prince Albert, b Nixon..........46 not out .......... 3 W. T. Grant, b L. J. J. Aris, b L. J. Turner ................. 3 Turner .......... ... 0 S. F. Kemp, b L. J. F. Crant, b L. J. Turner ................. 0 Turner .......... ... 0 C. W. M. Feist, c H. J. C. Neech, b H. L. L , b L. J. Turner... 0 Turner .......... ... 14 A. J. Lane, c Marks, A. C. Dent, b L. J. b L. J. Turner 16 Turner .......... ... 14 J. Grant, c Moss, b A. Malden, not out 30 L. J. Turner .......... 5 Extras ... 14 H. W. Ward, c Cooper, — b L. J. Turner 6 Total ... ...102 W h it g if t W a n d e r e r s . L. J. Turner, run out 4 R. Biscoe, c Aris b E. G. Turner, c Ward, Feist........ . ... ... 4 b F. Grant .......... 33 G. Marks, not out ... IP C. Moss, b Feist.......... 9 E tra.i ... 3 H. L. Turner, not out 55 — Total ...139 O l d C a r t h u s ia n s . C. W. Parry, b H. C. B e t t ........................ 27 A. M. Tringham, run out ... * ................. 1 W.E.Lewis, b Holden 0 A. C. Nixon, b Street 36 W. H. Salmon, b H. C. Bett ................. 6 Rev. A. Tait, c Fer­ guson-Davie,b Betfc 0 Prince Albert, b H. O. Bett ................. 2 C. H. King, b H. C. B e tt........................ 1 G. H. Rayner, not out ........................ 2 B. Ellis, b Street ... 0 G. E. Smythe, c Smith, b Street ... 0 Total 55 M E R O a iS T O N SC .IO O L v. LO R E T TO SCHOOL. Played at Pinkie on July 6 and 7. L o r e t t o . First Innings. Second Innings. F. E. Woodhead, c Lamb, b Gray ............................ 0 not out .........61 S. Gedge.c Gow, b Dunlop 11 b Gray ........... 0 N. A. M‘Leod, b Duffus ...13 c Gow, b Gray... 10 A. P. Smeaton, c Lamb, b Duffus.................................. 4 c Gow. b Gray .. 11 D. L. Evans, b Duffus ... 5 c McCarthy, b Duffus .......14 J. S. Paton, b Hutcheson 0 b Lamb .........18 R. H. Dun, not out .........18 b Lamb ........... 2 H. C. Cochrane, c and b Hutcheson .................... 4 b Gray................. 6 M. Rose, b G ray................... 2 bG ray................. 0 J. G. Gibson, b Duffus ... 4 J, L. Henderson, c and b Duffus........................ ... 0 Extras ......................... 3 b Gray b Gray , c Mathieson, d L amb .......... 1 c and b Duffus... 1 Extras......... 10 Total . 64 M erchiston . Total ...l3l Second Innings, b D u n .................16 First Innings. W. Neilson, c Henderson. b Paton ........................ 1 P. O. Mathieson, c and b Paton............................... 12 c Woodhead, b Evans ..........11 C. E. Dunlop, b Woodhead 11 b Evans .......... 0 J. W. F. Lamont, b Wood­ head ............................... 0 c Evans, b Dun 2 W . M. Gow, c Rose, b Woodhead........................12 H.M. Gray,c Evans, b Dun 9 c Smeaton, b Evans .......... 5 c Henderson, b Rose................. 4 c Rose, b Dun ... 16 not out .......... 2 G. T. Neilson, not out ... 14 J. Lamb, c Rose, b Dun ... 4 J. Hutcheson, c Gedge, b Dun ............................... 5 b D u n .......... F. r. Dutius, c Gibson, b M'Leod ........................ 0 lbw. b Dun... D. L. McCarthy, b M'Leod 0 b Evans ... Extras ........................12 Extras... CROYDON v. WHITGIFT WANDERERS. Played at Croydon on July 7. C b o y d o n . Total ...118 N. O. Wilson, R D. Mackenzie, W. N. Coates, A. W. Cooper and E. H. Balch did not bat. KENSINGTON PARK v. HAILEYBURY COLLEGE. Played at Haileybury College on July 4. K e n s in g t o n P a r k . G. Street, run out ... 61 W. F. Thompson, b Wimbu3h .......... 0 J. D. F. Campbell, b Wimbush .......... 0 G. K. Hext, b Blaker 21 D. C. L.e, c and b Stubb3 .................4-2 J. H. Bettington, c and b Stubbs........... 1 W. G. Raphael, c Howard, b Bartley 8 A. H. Browne,c Snell, b Stubbs...................24 J. B. Bettington, not out .......................... 23 R. H. Foa, b Wim­ bush ........................ 3 C. W. Baker, st Finch, b Hamilton 10 B 11,1 b 2 ............13 Total ..239 H a il e y b u r y C o l l e g e . Total 80 Total C. R. Higgins, b H. Bettington .......... C. G. Causton, b Bet- tington ................. D. C. Bartley,c Hext, b Bettington.......... A. P. Snell, c Hext, b Bettington .......... E. Blaker, c Raphael, b Campbell .......... J. Howard, b Camp­ bell ........................ B. Hamilton, c Campbell, b Bet­ tington .................13 A. L Keith, c Ra­ phael,b Bettington 9 A. G Stubbs, c Ra­ phael,b Bettington 8 A. Finch, b Browne 31 <i. V. B. Wimbush, not out .................14 B 4,1 b 4 .......... 8 Total , 97 LONDON SCOTTISH v. HAMPSTEAD. Played at Hampstead on July 7. L o n d o n S c o t t is h . J. Johnston, c Tur- beville.b Melbourne 53 A. F. Denniston, h w, b Hill..........................53 W. E. Maclagan, c Swift, b Bishop ...144 G. McGregor, c and b Melbourne .......... 1 R. Easterbrook, b Melbourne .......... 1 D. McFarlan, c Bishop, b Mel­ bourne ................... 43 D. Anderson, b Johnstone ..........16 G. Lindsay, c Jef­ frey, b Besch ... 9 A. Maclean, c Jef­ frey. b dill .......... 6 W. Whitahorn, b Johnstone .......... 5 J. Fleming, not out 0 B 10, Ib9,wl,nb4 21 T o ta l..........355 H a m p s t e a d . H. S. Turbeville, c Whitehorn, b Den­ niston ................. 2 G. Maryon-Wilson, b Anderson................. 0 A. Johnstone, 1 b w, b Denniston ..........43 E. Swift, run out ... 13 A. Davidson, b E asterbrook.......... 0 C. Bishop, b Dennis­ ton ........................ 1 R. Hill, c McFarlan, b Denniston.......... 3 J. Besch, not out ... 15 E. Ross, c Fleming, b Denniston.......... 1 N. Melbourne, b Easterbrook.......... 0 G. Jeffrey, b Dennis­ ton ........................ 1 B 15,1 b 6 ..........21 Total ...100 C r ic k e t R e p o r t S h e e t s for sending matches to this paper can be had at the office, 41, St, Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons. Price Id. each or 9d. per dozen, postage Id. a dozen extra. CHARLTON PARK v. ART CLUB (BLACKHEATH). Played at Charlton Park on July 7. A r t C lub . F. Lovey, b Keats ... T. R. Ablett, run out J. Nicolls, b Risch ... A. Burnett, b Keats R.Eicke,cDeRheims, b Pease ................. J.W.Cawston.b Risch A. Lovey, b Pease ... E .G.Vecquernay,cDe Rheimfc, b Risch ... 11 D. L. F. Koe, b Risch u J. Phillips, b Risch 5 E.F. Kilaart, not out 4 B ........................ 1 Total C h a r l t o n P a r k . G. Turner,b F. Lovey 9 Rheims, not out 3 E. W. Jelly, not out 8 B 9, lb 7 .......... 16 A. Pease, b Ablett ... 40 B. Craig, c F. Lovey, b N icolls.................43 G. Risch, 1 b w, b Nicolls ................. 3 F. W. P. Holton, b F. Lovey .................25 C. S. Beveridge, W. J. C. Keats, E. W. Purdom, and E. Y. Graham did not bat. Total ...147 CHARLTON PARK v. ^OLIANS. Played at Dulwioh on July 7. 2EOLIANS. 1 E. Tate, b Martin ... E. J. Heasman, b A llen........................ F. Roberson,bMartin E. H. Heasman, D Martin ................. W. Morris, b Allen... T. M. Umney,b Allen C. Carter,cMcCanlis, b Martin................. T. M.Walker, b Allen Hutchinson, not out H. Marks, c Sargent, b Allen ................. S. Panott, b Martin B ........................ Total ..........J C h a r l t o n P a r k . Capt. W. McCanlis, c Hutchinson,b E. H. Heasman................ 14 S.R.Sargent.c Hutch­ inson, b Umney ... 1 H. C. Dent, b Morris 4 H. Stapley, b Morris 12 W. Martin, c E. J. Heasman. b Morris 2 E. A. Redman, b Morris ................. 0 D. G. Sheppard, b Morris ................. W. J. McCanlis, b E. H. Heasman.......... F. G. Allen, b Morris L. Sargeut, not out B 6, lb 2, w 1 ... Total 41 LENNOX v. BROMLEY. Played at Dulwich on June 30. B r o m l e y . E. A.Phillpott.bT. S. Tregellas................. 1 A. H. Hewett, not out 38 T. Green, run out O. Ward, b C. P. Tre­ gellas ....................... L Dickinson, b T. S. Tregellas................. W. G. Beach, b C. P. Tregellas................. . 13 A. Arnold, b B ooty... 56 A. Portway, b Booty 4 G. B<auchamp, b T. S. Tregellas.......... 3 W. Hewett, b T. S. T re g e lla s ...................... C.H. W.Biggs, run out B l, l b l,w l ... T ota l 0 0 3 92 L e n n o x . W. V. Goad, not out 9 B 8, lb 2 ..........10 Total ...127 W. J. P. Dodgson, not out ........................57 J. Smith, b Beach ... 4 T. S. Tregellas, c Beach, b Biggs ... 47 R. Nevill, C. P. Tregellas, H. R Payne, A. G. Booty, J. J. C. Esson, R. E. Mayo, and J. H. Farrer did not bat. T he Bournemouth Cricket Week, which includes matches with the Parsees and Mary­ lebone C. and G , will commence on August 3. The new direct line from Waterloo is now open. T he Earl of Sheffield is taking a team to Holland this week. They play at the Hague to-day. G en tlem en v.. P la y e rs . — The following will play in this match, to commence at the Oval to-day — Gentlemen: Messrs. W . G. Grace, W. W. Read, J. Shuter, W. H. Patter­ son, W. Newham, S. M. J. Woods, J. A Dixon, C. A. Smith, M. P. Bowden, F. G. J. Ford, and C. D. Buxton. Players.—Barnes, Gunn, Maurice Read, Lohmann, Abel,'Wood, Ulyett, I-eel, Briggs, Sugg, and Wa ter Wright. E ton v. H arhow . — T he Eton eleven at Lord’s to-morrow will be.—H. L. Bromley- Davenport (captain), Hon. M. G. Tollemache, F. R. 11. Bathurst, H. W. Studd, C. Yate Lee, W . S. Gosling, R. T. Jones, Hon. R. A. Ward, E . T. Hodgson, C. K. Pechell, and another.