Cricket 1888

MAY 17,1888. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 148 “MAN O' WAR” GARDEN SEATS. IMPROVED GARDEN SEATS AND CHAIRS. For CRICKET GROUNDS I For PRIVATE GARDENS I For MAR INE PARADES „ TENN IS GROUNDS I „ PUBLIC PARKS | „ ALL OPEN SPACES AS USED at H.M. The Queen’s Jubilee Garden Party, Buckingham Palace, June 20, 1887. AS USED in the Pavilion of the Surroy C.C.O., Kennington Oval. AS USED in the Royal Parks, and by the Metropolitan Board of Works, &c., &c., &c. The Field , May 7,1887, says:— “ Messrs. Henry Castle and Sons, the well-known Admiralty ship- breakers of Millbank, S.W., have forwarded for our report the above improvement, wnich de­ serves more than passing notice. It is a design for out-door seats and chairs, and we have no hesi­ tation in saying that for elegance, comfort, and durability, it is the best thing of the kind that we have seen. These seats are made of the seasoned teak timber, taken from old navy ships which Messrs. Castle have broken up, and, the frames being of wrought iron and galvanised, they are as nearly as may be impervious to the effect of sun or rain. They can be fitted with patent folding cover-seats and footboards, which protect the seats from rain and the feet from damp. We recom­ mend those who are in want of seats for their gardens and grounds to give them a trial. The prices are about the same as those of other makers.” THE FfkVORITE ~ 4- F T SEAT.- THE -SUPERB 5 F7SEAT Send for Price List and Illustrated Sheet to the Patentees and Manufacturers , H. CASTLE and SONS, M ILLBANK S .W . C A U T I O N — a l l d e s ig n s a n d t it l e s a r e r e g i s t e r e d . CRICKET BALLS ! CRICKET BALLS I BENJAMIN HARSE, P R A C T IC A L W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A I L C R I C K E T B A L L MANUFACTURER, Supplies First-Class Quality Balls at moderate Prices. A l l G o o d s W a r r a n t e d . P r ic e L is t f o r 1888 f r e e ( if f o r T r a d e e n c l o s e C a r d ). E S T A B L I S H E D 1871. The Oxford Cricket Ball Works. 61, ST. MARY’S ROAD, OXFORD. C R IC K E T I C R IC K E T ! C R IC K E T NONE CAN EQUAL THE Crown CompositionCricketBall For Stability and Price. It is Regulation size and weight, will not A B S O R B W E T , and is specially made to prevent IN J U R Y to B ATS- Approved and introduced to the Colonies by Messrs. S H A W & S H R E W S B U R Y , who are A G E N T S for Nottingham. It is Warranted made to Section shown to purchasers at any Ath­ letic Outfitters or India Rubber Depot. Best terms to the Trade if business card is sent. Cheques or P.O.O. to F . H A S L A M , Hanover House, Wick Lane, London, E.C Prioeper doe., Regulation, 30/-, Boys’ slst, 21/- Improyed Golf Balls, 13/6. CRICKET ! CAUTION ! Messrs. J . LYONS & S o n s , 18, WILSON STREET, FINSBURY, LONDON,Manufacturers of the OBIGIN AL REGI­ STERED MARYLEBONE and ALL ENGLAND CRICKET BAGS, regret that they have to caution the public against purchasing bags pirating their designs and of inferior quality. None are genuine unless bearing the registered trademark stamped on the bottom of each bag, via , “ THE MARY­ LEBONE " and “ THE ALL ENGLAND.” To be obtained from all respectable cricketing establish­ ments, or wholesale of the above. C R IC K ET ! CAUTION ! “ THE MARYLE- BONE” CRICKET BAT BAG (Registered No. 7,351)and “ THE ALL ENGLAND ” (registered No. 7,352). Any person making use of these titles without our authority.will render themselves liable to legal proceedings.—J. L y o n s & S o n s , 18, Wilson Street, Finsbury. D A R K ' S C elebrated CRICKET BALLS. The Seoretary of the Marylebone Club says “ Dajik & Sons’ Crioket Balls are the only ones in use at Lord’s Ground. We have tried the other makers but oonsider D abk ’ s muoh the best.” Also in use by the prinoipal County and other OlubB throughout the oountry, F. DARK & SONS, M anufacturers , LORD’S CRICKET QROUND N.W. BRILL'S S E A SALT Should be need by all CRICKETERS and ATHLETES. It Braces and Re­ freshes, and is invaluable for SPRAINS a n d STRAINS. ljd. PER BATH. O f all C hem ists , & o . “ P A T E N T CANVAS T E N N IS S H O E .’ t (REGISTERED.) Forthe House, Street , Coast, and Country; alsofor Boating, Cricket, Cycling, Golfing d- Yachting. These Shoes are causing a complete revolution in the Shoe Trade, as they cost less than half, and last double the time of ordinaryTennisShoes. They are especially adapted for Cinder and Asphalte Courts, as the soles, being made of Plaited Jute, favour a firm foothold, and absorb perspiration readily. L A D IE S ’, sizes 2 to 6. 2/3 per pair, post free. G E N T L E M E N 'S , sizes 7 to 11, 2/6 per pair, post free. Special Offer.—' To purchasers of Three Pairs at ono time wo allow reduction of 2d. per pair; of Six Pairs or more, 3d. PATENT CANVAS SHOE COMPANY, 95c, B a t h St., G l a s g o w . D. C. P e r s t o n , Manager. New Illustrated Catalogue of Novelties post free