Cricket 1888

142 CRICKET A WEEKLY EECOEl) OF THE GAME. MAY 17, 1888 C R O IX C.C.—ME. A L L EN ’S X I. v. ME. G, BEAUMONT’S X I. Played at Croix (Nord), France, on May 20. M r . A llen ’ s XI. First Innings. J. Allen (capt.).bRichard- son ............................ 7 J. Gemmell, run out.........25 W. E. Beer.b Wilby......... 8 A. Naylor, run out ......... 8 A. Crothers, b Wilby ... 9 F. Overall, b W ilby......... 0 R. Gillespie, c F. Beau­ mont, b G. Beaumont... 0 J. McGregor, b G. Beau­ mont ............................12 T. Sutherland, b Wilby ... 0 Jos. Berry, b W ilby......... 0 J. Gillespie, not o ut......... 0 B 5, lb 1, w 9, n b l ... 16 Second Innings. b Wilby ......... 4 c W. H. Overall, b F.Beaumont 6 b G. Beaumont... 1 c J. Naylor, b Wilby ........ 4 not out .........41 b F. Beaumont.. 0 c J. Naylor, b W. H. Overall 4 b Wilby ......... 2 b J. Naylor ... 2 b Wilby ......... 0 b W. H. Overall 6 Lb 2, w 15 ... 17 Total ............... 85 Total ... 87 Mr. G. B eaumont ’ s XI. First Innings. Second Innings. J. Richardson, c and b F. Overall ..................... 3 b Allen ......... 0 F. Wilby, c F. Overall, b Allen ............................ 0 b Allen ......... 3 W. H. Overall, b Allen ... 1 b Allen ......... 5 G. Beaumont (capt.), c Beer, b Allen ............... 0 b F. Overall ... 25 F.Beaumont,c A. Crothers, b F. Overall ............... 7 c and b F.Overall 4 H. Gough, b Allen ......... 7 run out ......... 1 S. Brook, b F. Overall ... 1 st A. Naylor, b F. Overall ... 0 J. Naylor, b Allen ......... 2 b F. Overall ... 6 J. S. Crothers, not out ... 6 c and b Allen ... 3 B. Berry, c A. Naylor, b F. Overall ..................... 0 b F. Overall ... 0 B. Sutherland, b Allen ... 1 not out ......... 1 B 2, lb 1 ..................... 3 B ............... 1 Total ............... 31 Total ... 49 GU ILD H A L L v. MR. R. F. SANDON’S X I Played at Aldershot on May 5. G u il d h a l l . b R.F. Total H. Vane Turner, b A. G. Sandon ......... 2 A. Saunders, c A. G., b R. F. Sandon ... 6 E. de B. Scott, c O. Dunn, b R. F. San­ don ..................... 16 Howard B. Turner, b A. G. Sandon........ 12 J. G. Garthwaite, c C. Dunn, b A. G. Sandon ............... 35 F. Webster, c A. G.,b R. F. Sandon......... 5 M r . R. F. S a n d o n ’ s XI. D. L. Freeland, b Saunders............... J- B. Macqueen, b Saunders............... J. G. Grant, b H. V. Turner ............... 0 A. G. Sandon, b H. V. Turner ............... 1 R. F. Sandon, b Saunders............... 0 Cecil Dunn, run out 11 Ormsby Dunn, b H. V. Turner............... 1 B. Hannen, Sandon ...............15 G. Browning, b R. F. Sandon ............... 3 Tom Turner, c C. Dunn, b A. G. Sandon ............... 4 H. Gentry, notout... 10 F. J. Pullan, b A. G. Sandon ............... 2 B ..................... 5 95 9 A. E. Saffery, c and b Saunders ......... S. Dunn, not out ... E. W. Seager, c and b Saunders ......... G. E. Dunn, c and b Saun ders ......... B ...................... Total ......... I n a match on May 5 between S.Allsopp and Sons and Castle Wanderers at Wormwood Scrubbs, P. Daniels got four wickets of latter with his first four balls. M e s s r s . B a iifo h d a n d P e r k in s , of Peter­ borough, received an order last week from H .R .H . the Prince of Wales for one of their Water Ballast Rollers, as well as for a Godiva Lawn Mower, for use at Sandringham and a similar order for the Royal Gardens at Kew. O n May 9 the Petworth Park Club opened the season with a match Married v. Single. In the second innings of the Married, Mr. A. L. Holland hit a ball to square-leg for which 7 was run. Iu the same match, A. E. Richard- on, for the Singles, took ten wiokets for 34 uns, also doing the hat trick. BECKTON v. BOUNDS GREEN . Played on May 5. B e c k t o n . E. Watts, b Butler ... 7 A. Morton, b West . H. Watts, b Cleather H. Nuttall, b Butler B. C. Curtis, b West C. Regan, b West .. W.Featherston.bWest J. Tucker, not out... J. Hassom, b Butler Total G.Hutchings.bButler 17 B o u n d s G r e e n . 5 F. Butler,bHutchings E. P. Cleather, c Nut- tall, b Hassom A. West, c and b Hassom ............... J. Ashwell, c Regan, b Hasrom ............... C.A. Ensell.c Morten, b Hutchings......... H. Cockerel], b Hut­ chings ............... C. Hirst, b Hassom... F. E. Hiider.b Curtis F. Cooke, not out ... J. W. Dann, b Hut­ chings ............... E. Cooke, b Curtis... E x tra............... Total ......... K EN L E Y v. BRIXTON W ANDERERS. Played at Kenley on May 12. B r ix t o n W a n d e r b r s . C. J. F. Beddy, b Southey ............... W. A. Gilligan, c C r o s l e y , b C. Southey ............... E. Tate, b Colman ... A. E. Villard, c and b Colman ... ......... H. T. Chalcraft, c Shilcock, b Colman J. G. Chalcraft, b C. Southey ............... A.Odell, b C. Southey J. Fowler, run out ... H. G. Driver, not out A. B. Fowler, c E Southey, b Southey ......... P. HcLaughlan, C. Southey ... B ............... C. Total K e n l e t . A. Joyce, b Villard ... 26 E.Southey,b Gilligan 25 R. Joyce, c Tate, b Gilligan .............105 J. Colman,_cGilligan, b Villard............... 4 H. Bryant, c Biddle, b Gilligan .......12 Rev. 8. J. W. Shilcock, run out ............... 0 A. C. Brounloe, c Biddle, b Gilligan 4 J. M. Crosley, b Gilligan............... 9 C. Southey, b Gilli­ gan ....................15 W. W’ilson,not out 4 H. Mason, b Gilli­ gan ..................... 1 Extras............... 6 Tot*l .......211 GEORGE LEW IN , LATE G E O R G E K E N T , A T H L E T I C OU T F I T T E R , 29 , K ING W I L L I A M ST., L O N DON B R I D G E. Supplies Every Description of Apparel for CRICKET , TENN IS, BOATING, &c., &c. SPECIAL CLUB COLOUES TO ORDEB Send fo r Illustrated Price L ittt Free on Application. WILLIAM CURTIS, B y Appointment to the Marylebone Cricket Club. Marquee, Tent, Tarpaulin, Net, Flag and Blind Maker. THE CLUB MARQUEE, 20ft. by 12ft., £10. P r a c t ic e N et s from 1C/-,completewith PoleB,&c. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L ist F r e e . 142, LISSON GROVE, MARYLEBONE. C. LILLYWHITE & Co.’S “ C O M P O U N D ” H a n d l e C r i c k e t 13 a t . BEST IN THE W ORLD . 9, K ING EDWARD ST., NEWGATE ST„ L O N D O N , E .C . NO O TH E R A D D E E S S i SHAN K S ’S IMPROVED L AWN MOW E R . THE ONLY LAW N MOW ER FITTED W ITH DOUBLE EDGED SOLE - PLATE Enabling the Cutting Parts to last twice as long as in other Machines. T h e s e M a c h in e s are strong, substantial, and very easily worked. They make the Lawn like velvet, and are not liable to get out of order. Prices of Hand Machines, with Grass Boxes, complete. To cut lOin. wide, £3 10 „ 12 „ 4 10 „ 14 5 10 16 6 1# To cut 19in. wide. £8 0 M 22 M A 8 10 H » £, „ 2* „ 9 0 Small Lawn Mowers, 6in., 25s.; 7in., 35a.;8in., 45s. Horse and Po«y Machines, with or without Patent Delivery Apparatus. SHANKS’S NEW LAWN MOWER, “ TH E IMPROVED AM ER ICAN ." The working parts are greatly reduced in number, and this M a c h in e is easier to work than any other in the Market. Every work­ ing part is protected. It can be used with or without Grass Box. P R I C E S . 10-inch Machine, £3 0 I 14-inch Machine, £4 IB 12inch „ 4 0 |16-inch „ 5 IQ Grass Boxes extra—10 and 12in. siaes, 7s. 6d.; 14 and 16in. sizes, 10a. GARDEN ROLLERS OF ALL SIZES. ALEX. SHAN KS & SON, Dens Iron Works, Arbroath, And 110, Cannon Street, London, E.C. A large Stock of all sizes of Machines Is always kept in L on don , where Repairs can also be executed by experienced workmen. L on don A d d r e s s for Repairs: 44, Tenter Street East, Goodman’s Fields, E. JOHN WISDEH & Co. A RE BOLH AGKNTS FOR CRAW FORD ’S Patent “Exceller” Cricket Bats Universally acknowledged the “ Grandest Driving ” Bats ever made Patent Rubber-faced Wicket Gloves. Every Requisitefor Cricket. S p e c ia l D is c o u n ts . L is t s F r e e 21, CRANBOURN St., LONDON