Cricket 1888
128 CRICKET:. A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. MAY 10, 1888. SHAN K S ’S IMPROVED L AWN M O W E R <* — ----------------- S3 THE ONLY LAWN MOW ER FITTED W ITH DOUBLE EDGED PLATE SOLE Enabling the Cutting Parts to last twice as long as in other Machines. T h e s e M a c h in e s are strong, substantial, and very easily worked. They make the Lawn like velvet, and are not liable to get out of order. Prices of Hand Machines, w ith Grass Boxes, complete. To cut lOin. wide, £3 10 To cut 19in. wide, £8 0 •- 12 •' * JO „ 22 „ 810 >■ 14 >• 5 10 04 a „ „ 16 „ 6 10 „ 24 „ 9 0 Bmall Lawn Mowers, 6in., 25s.; 7in.. 35a.;8in., 4fls. Horse and Pony Machines, with or without Patent Delivery Apparatus. SHANKS’S NEW LAWN MOWER, " T H E IMPROVED AM E R IC AN ." The working parts are greatly reduced in number, and this M a c h in e is easier to work than anv other in the Market. Every work ing part is protected. It can be used with or without Grass Box. P R I C E S . 10-inch Machine, £3 0 I 14-inch Machine, £4 15 12 inch „ 4 0 |16-inch „510 Grass Boxes extra—10 and 12in. sizes, 7s. 6d.; 14 and 16in. sizes, 10s. GARDEN ROLLERS OF ALL SIZES. A L E X .SH AN K S & SON, Dens Iron Works, Arbroath, And 110, Cannon Street, London, E C. A large Stock of all sizes of Machines is always kept in L o n d o n , where Repairs can also te executed by experienced workmen. L o n d o n A d d r e s s for Repairs: 44, Tenter Stieet East, Goodman’s Fields, E. C. LILLYWHITE & Co.’S “ COMPOUND ” H a n d l e C r i c l c e t B a t . BEST IN THE W ORLD . 9, K ING EDWARD ST., NEWGATE ST„ L O N D O N , E .C . N O O T H E R A D D R E S S . ’R M E & s o n s TOH.R.K.TXE P sih ' ce of W ali S AN D AT I o m m m m BILLIARD TABLES .C OM P LETE 45 GUINEAS. sotewytEnsiiFTm AS CUSHIONS#HltH ^ THEjR ’ 'jM llASHtltY m IH* ___ J t Jk CSiKfSTWCfilHES Mp ESTIMATES ___• Oft •t,/ application WILLIAM CURTIS, B y Appointment to the Marylebone Cricket Club. Marquee, Tent, Tarpaulin, Net, Flag and Blind Maker. THE CLUB MARQUEE, 20ft. by 12ft., £10. P r a c t ic e N e t s from 10/-,complete with Poles,&c. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L is t F r e e . 142, LISSON GROVE, MARYLEBONE. BRILL'S SEA SALT Should be used by all CRICKETERS and ATHLETES. It Braces and Re freshes, and is invaluable for SPRAINS an d STRAINS. lid PER BATH. O f a l l C hem ists, tea. CEICKET BALLS I CRICKET B A L L S ! BENJAMIN HARSE, P R A C T IC A L w h o l e s a l e a n d r e t a i l C R I C K E T 1 3 A L L MANUFACTURER, Supplies First-Class Quality Balls at moderate Prices. A l l G o o d s W a r r a n t e d . P r ic e L is t f o r 1888 f r e e ( if f o r T r a d e e n c l o s e C a r d ). E S T A B L I S H E D 1871. The Oxford Cricket all Works, 61, ST. MARY’S ROAD, OXFORD. BARFORD & PERKINS' PA T E N T W A T E R B A L LA ST CRICKET GROUND ROLLERS. WITH 8HAFTS AND HANDLE. Used by the principal Cricket and Tennis Clubs throughout the United Kingdom. Not only better, but, weight for weight, cheaper than any others. These Rollers are made in all sizes for hand, pony or horse power. CARRIAGE PAID & DISCOUNT 10R CASH. N e w L is t s P o st F r e e o n A p p l ic a t io n . NEW GODIVA LAWN MOWERS. Winner of the highestPrize at the latest Lawn Mower Compe tition of the Royal Horticul tural Society of E n g l a n d i n July, 1886. In all sizes for hand or pony power. Every Machine guaranteed. F u l l P a r t ic u l a r s a n d P r ic e s o f t h e S o l e M a k e r s BARFORD& PERKINS PETERBOROUGH. D A R K 'S C elebrated CRICKET BALLS. The Secretary of the Marylebone Club says "D a rk <fc Sons’ Cricket Balls are the only ones in use at L ord’B Ground. We have tried the other makers but oonsider Dark’s much the best.” Also in use by the prinolpal County and other Clubs throughout the oountry. F. DARK & SONS, M an u factu rer s , LORD’S CRICKET GROUND N.W. PHOTOGRAPHS ^ C E L E B R A T E D ELEVENS, 1884-5-6-7 ALL OLUBS, HOTELS, SOHOOLS, &o., &0 SHOULD HAVE THE C ELEBRA TED COUNTY AND OTHER CRICKET ELEVENS B y E. H AW K INS & Co., 108, K IN G ’ S R O A D , B R IG H T O N . The Most Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3/6 each, Post Free. Size of Photo 10-in. by 10-in. A l s o P h o t o s o f a l l t h e P r in c ip a l C r ic k e t e r s JUST PUBLISHED . GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at LORD’S. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at The OVAL. ENGLAND at LORD’S. ENGLAND a t the OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEES, 1/6 each: the whole set of 14,16/- Under the Patronage of P r in c e C h r is t ia n , P r in c e C h r is t ia n V ic t o b , T h e E a r l o f S h e f f ie l d , <fec., <fec. The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES. Photographed Speciallyfor the Earl of Sheffield. L o r d S h e f f ie l d w r i t e s “ I hope you will find manv customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” Jubilee Football Festival, The Oval, March 12,1887. Under the immediate Patronage of H.R.H. T h e P r in c e o f W a l e s . S p l e n d id P h o t o g r a p h s o f t h e F o u r T e a m s Large Size (12by 10), 3/0 each; Or 10/- the Set of Four. Cabinets, 1/6each; or 61- the Set of Four. Post Free. N.B.—AU Order8 must be accompanied by a remittance. Latest Portraits of the Celebrated Jockeys (I n C o s t u m e )— F. ARCHER (H.R.H. T h e P r in c e o f W a l e s O. W O O D (S ir G . C h e t w t n d ). F. WEBB (D u k e o f W e s t m in s t e r ). T. LOATES. Large Size, Beautifully Finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7/6 each. Cabinet Size, 2/- each. Post Free. Cash with Order. Latest Portraits of L O R D H A R R I S (I n C r ic k e t C o s t u m e ). Large Size (12in. by 10in.), 5s. each, post-free. Cabinets, 2s. each, post-free. N.B.—These Portraits have beenmuch admired by all wlw have seen them. E. H A W K I N S & CO . , (Late Hennah & Kent) PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. 108, K ING ’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. MADE W IT H B O IL IN G WATER E P P S ’ S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING C O C O A MADE W IT H B O IL IN G M ILK tin te d for the Proprietor by W r iq h t & Co., 41, St. Andrew’sHill, Doctor’s Commoi *’ 'Ondon, E.C.. May 10,1888
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