Cricket 1887

J f NE 16, 168? CRICKET: A WEEKLY BECOM) OF THE GAME. 208 HAMPSTEAD NONDESCRIPTS v. EWELL. Played at Ewell on June 11. A. Leggatt, c Braith- waite, b daycraft... 48 E.H.Walters, b Corke 33 D.Napper,b daycraft 0 A.M. Walters,cBroad, b H utchinson ... 38 T. Pierce, b Corke ... 7 A. Tisdall, b Corke ... 2 W. Charman, b Corke 1 E w e l l . A.G.H olland,b Corke 9 T. Stone, b H utch­ inson.......................... 1 A. F. Smith, b Corke 2 W. Beams, not out... 3 B 13, lb 1 ...........14 Total ...163 H am pstead N o n d escripts . H. W ade, c E. H. Walters, b Leggatt 16 H. F. A. Smith, b Leggatt .................. 9 J. M. Broad, c A. M. Walters, b Holland 17 W . J. H aycraft, b H olland .................. 7 W .B.Casson, not out 20 L. H utchinson, b L e g g a tt.................. 0 A. W . Eamm e out ......... B 6, lb 1, nb Total nob , 27 ...104 C. Braithwaite, L. Corke, A. Trimen, and R. L. W illiam son did not bat. NE’ER-DO-WEELS v. SURBITON. Played at Surbiton on June 11. S u r b it o n . First Innings. Rev. C. Bailey, c J. Har- bottle, b fcvans .......... 14 Rev. a . E. Beavan, b Second Innings. Grieve.......................... ... 32 R. P. Sewell, b Evans ... 5 R. Howell, st T. B. Har- bottle, b Evans ........... A. Read, st T. B. Harbot- tle, b Evans .................. A. Crowdy, b G rieve.......... C. Hewitt, b Evans .......... G. Pinkerton, b Grieve ... H. Paice, b Grieve ........... L. Easum, not out .......... R. B. Perkin, c Cottrell, b E v a n s.................................. W . i’. Graburn, absent ... B 4,1 b 3, w 1 ... .%. b Evans ... c Cottrell, Grieve ... not out 8 b Grieve 7 b Evans 0 10 9 11 b Evans 0 n otou t 8 W l,n b 2 Total .................. 113 N e ’ e r - d o -W e e ls . Total ... f T. B. H arbottle, low, b Paice .................. 21 J. S. Muggeridge, c Bailey, b Pinker** ton .......................... 1 S. F. Wood, c Bailey, b Paice ..................27 D. H. Barry, c Bailey, b Pinkerton ...........17 B. A. F. Grieve, b Paice ................... ,1 J. H arbottle, 1 b w, b Crowdy ..................42 F. L . Cottrell, c Bailey, b Pinker­ ton .......................... 7 P. C. Bates, b Paice 6 O. Evans, c Bailey, b Paice .................. 0 G. Chancellor, b Paice .................. 1 P. J. McMaster, b Bailey .................. 5 G. C. Cope, not out 13 B 12, lb 7, nb 1 ... 20 Total ..161 SUTTON v. REIGATE PRIORY. Played at Reigate on June 11. R kig a te P r io r t . H.Nightingale,b Paice 8 Com ber, b bacon ... 11 U n d e r w o o d , s t Hooper, b Sharp... 18 H. i'rower, e Paice, b .'h a r p ................... 0 W . B. H obbs, c Paice, b P r in c e .................. 97 G. D. M orrison, c Barry, b Faice ... 13 W. AUbuary, b Bacon 0 F. J. Nightingale, b Bacon .................. 43 Frank Nightingale, b M orris ...................21 F. Nightingale, b Prince ........... ... 6 F. Cordery, b Paice... 18 S u t to n . H. M. Hooper, lbw, b C. J. Smith, b F. Frank Nightingale 16 H. N. Sharp, c Hobbs, b G. D. M orrison ... 15 L. J. Paice, lbw, b Cordery .................. 11 A. H yslop, b Frank F. C. M orrison out .......... Extras ... Total not Nightingale C. E. Farmer, c Cor­ dery, b Frank Nightingale ........... F. Barry, c Under­ wood, b F. J. Total Nightingale ...........19 H. Morris did not bat. 13 Nightingale H.Ashworth, not out 17 W . H. Prince, st Comber, b F. J. N igh tin gale........... 1 G. A. Bacon, c F. J. Nightingale, b F.C. M orrison.................. 4 F. Ashworth, not out 2 E x tr a s .................. 17 ...118 SOUTH SAXONS v. HASTINGS ALEX­ ANDRA. Played at St. Leonard’s-on-Sea on June 8. S o u th S a xo n s . H. Pigg, retired..........107 C.S.Gray.c Boughton, b Ransom .......... 10 T. B. Sturland, b Ransom .................. 74 F. G. Chichester, b M iller..........................19 W. Beasley, not out... 26 A. E. Young, b Miller 0 Rev. G. W ilkinson, c Boughton, b Rich­ ardson .................. 6 H. Hordern, c Tutt, b Richardson ... 6 F. Thackwell,b Ran­ som ........................... 2 C. Gurney, b Ran­ som ........................12 E. Benthall, run out 11 B 3 , l b l ............ 4 Total ...277 Hastings Alexandra did not bat. STYGIANS v. WHITGIFT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Played at Croydon on June 4. S t y g ia n s . W . J. G oodw in, c Dodd, b Pauli ... 24 C.A. Perring,c D odd, b Pauli .................. 5 D. Collis, c Duff, b Chillingworth ... 0 E. Jenson, not o u t ... 7 B 2 , l b l . w l ... 4 H. S. Dom iny, b Chil­ lingworth..................67 A. Sharood, run out 9 Rev. G. T. Oldham, c Chillingworth, b P a u li..........................21 E. J. Cason, c Pauli, b Bentham .......... 0 A. Raven, b Bentham 0 T. W. Stevens, c T otal ...........156 Pauli, b Bentham 6 B. Youle, c Johnson, b D uff .................. 13 W.G.S. First Innings. Second Innings. Rev. M. Huddleston, c D om iny, b Sharood ... 14 c Raven, b Old­ ham .................. 2 Rev. J. Bentham, c Old­ ham,!b G oodwin ...........13 l b w , b G ood­ win ...................12 P. S. Youle, c Oldham, b Sharood .......................... H. M. Duff, b Sharood A. E. Howes, c Stevens, b Sharood .......................... P. Janson, b Sharood ... F. Johnson, b Sharood ... J. C. Chillingworth, Sharood .................. A. taull, b Sharood ... L. L. Reed, not out ... T. D odd, run out B 2 ,lb 1 ................... 4 c Youle, b Good­ win ................... 0 c Raven, b Sha­ rood ................... 4 b G oodwin 0 c Perring, b Old­ ham ........... 1 b Goodwin... 1 absent........... 0 n o to u t 0 b Sharood... 0 b Sharood... 3 B 6, w 2 Total ...40 Total BEDDINGTON v. BIRDHURST. Played at Beddington on June 11. B e d d in g to n . Rev. J. Baker, c Miles, b Straker... 2 J. Dives, not out ... 31 B 16, lb 6, w2, n bl 25 R. C. Kirkman, l b w . b Jones .................... 0 F. E. Goddard, not out ............................139 A. Lintott, c and b Mordunt ......................51 F. J. Webb, b Jonefc ... 93 J. B. Laidlaw, P. C. Carpenter, A. Kirkm an, A. B. Peile, and J. Duckit did not bat. Birdhurst did not bat. Total ...314 CLAPTON v. CROYDON. Played at Clapton on June 14. C la pt o n . W alter Low, b Kem p 149 S.A. Asser,c Firbank, J. C. Shenton, e Bull, b Head ..................... 0 b Paro ..................58 G. L . Lyons, c J. W. Emm erson, b Roberts, b Kemp 72 Day ..........................20 J.H.Douglas, n otou t 1 H. Boy ton, not out ...210 B 26, I d 8 ...........31 F. Briggs, c Bull, b — H e a d ..........................20 I Total ...........564 W . E. Hall, J. W. M cEwen and R. B. W'obb did not bat. Croydon did not bat. ESHER v. OATLANDS PARK. Played at Oatlands Park on June 11. E sh e r . First Innings. Second Innings. C. C. Clarke b Hickley ... 5 c Eyre, b Hearne 0 Sid. Christopherson, b Hearne ........................... 7 b H ic k le y ........... 20 N. Thursby, b H earne ... 4 c Paine, b Hearne ........... 7 B. Eastwood, c Hearne, b Hickley .......................... 32 c Lyon, b T h om a s........... 10 W. N. Andrews, c Hearne, b H ick le y .......................... 0 c N. Bickley, b H ick le y ........... 2 A. Rotherham , c Paine, b H ickley .......................... 2 b H ick ley .......... 8 M. M. Barker, c Douglas, b Hearne ... ........... 6 not out .......... 3 C. E. Cottrell, b H earne... 8 c Paine, b H ick­ ley .................. 6 F. B. W hitfield, not out ... 15 c N. Hickley, b Hearne ........... 13 H. Whitfiel'drb Paine 3 b Hearne ........... 43 J. A. Peachey, b H ickley 2 b Hearne ........... 0 B 11,1 b 2 .................. 13 B 21,1 b 2 ... 23 Total .................. 97 Total ...135 O a tla n d s P a r k . P. B. Toynbee, b Cot­ trell .......................... 18 W . R. Lyon, b Cot­ trell .......................... 11 C. T. W eatherby, c Clarke, b H. W hit­ field .......................... 2 M. H. Paine, c Clarke, b C hristopherson... 26 Rev. E. K. Douglas, b Cottrell ................... 0 C. L . Hickley, c An­ drews, b H. Whit­ field .......................... 0 F. W. Gosling, c Cot­ trell, b H. Whit­ field .......................... 0 Hearne, b Cottrell... 4 H. P. Thomas, not out ..........................12 E . B. Eyre, c Clarke, b Christopherson 0 L. N. H ickley, c Clarke, b Cottrell 3 B 2,1 b 3 ........... 5 Total . 81 BICKLEY PARK v. WEST WICKHAM Played at West Wickham on June 11. W e s t W ick h am . C. Thomasett, c R at­ tigan,b H.E.Bouch 2 A. Jacks, not out ... 10 B.Me Andrews,cEllis, b Boosey................... 1 Y. Thom asett, c Mc- Kewan, b Boosey 3 7 W. O. Vizard, b H .E . Bouch .................. J. Rolt, b H E.Bouch L. W ilson, c Ellis, b Boosey .... ........... H. R. Thom son, b Boosey .................. H.Aste, b H .E .B ouch E. Gripper, 1 b w, b Boosey ................... A. J. Baker, run out B 3, lb 3, nb 1 Total 78 B ic k l e y P a r k . E. R. Bouch, b V. H.E.Bouch, c Vizard, Thom asett ........... 26 b W ilson.................. 0 G. C. Hubuard, c and T. F. Ellis, b V. b Rolt ................... 35 Thom asett ........... 15 G. C. Boosey,cVizard, L . Hutton, not out... 20 b W ilson .................. 5 J. A. Taylor, not out 9 M. C. Clarke, b V. B 16, lb 4, nb 5 ... 25 Thom asett ........... 0 — A. C. M cKewan, c Total ...........142 Rolt, b Y. Thom ­ asett ........................... 7 F. E. Rattigan and J. C. Robertson did not b a t. BICKLEY PARK v. BEXLEY. Played at Bickley Park on June 11. B e x l e y . W . B. Friend,b Tonge 35 G. Haggard, b G. Hilder ...................12 P. Vtf. G. Stuart, b Tonge ...................12 W . W .M ann,c Tonge, b Boosey ................... 6 E. Y. Drew, not out... 35 C. E. Horner, c Pat- tisson, b G. H ilder 2 B ic k le y E Honey,c Pontifex, bG . Hilder .......... S.F.Jackson, b Avery A. G. Sandon, c Pat- tisson, b G. Hilder R.H ilder,b G. Hilder W . C. Jackson, b Avery .................. Total 13 ...116 P ark . C.T.Boosey.bH orner 3 T. P. Hilder, not out 10 A. D. Blyth, not out 3 B 16, lb 3, w 5 ... 21 T. R. H ine-H aycock, b H orn er...................28 D. D. Pontifex, b Horner ...................63 Rev. K. T. Thornton, cHaggard.b Horner 71 J. N. Tonge, b Mann 83 a . W. uulcher, c F. S. Jackson, b Horner 25 W. B. Pattisson, G. Hilder, and C. Avery did not bat. Total ...310