Cricket 1887
2 0 ‘2 dlilCKET A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAM®. JUNE 16,1887. SCORE BOOK— Continued. CRYSTAL PALACE v. RICHMOND. Played at Crystal Palace on June 9. C r y s t a l P a l a c e . A. W. Gardner-Wool- Joton, c and b Young .............. F. W. Janson, c Hart- Davis, b Bush........ G. E. BTcknell, b Young .............. C. J. N. Fox, b Thomas 0 51 S. Shorter, c and B u s h .......................... 3 F. Barry, c W ilson, b D a v is..........................18 b w, b b A. Leete, 1 Young .. W . F. Umney Wilson .................. G. Coseus, c James, b Y ou n g.................. F. Abel, b Bush J. M. Henderson, not out .................. B 5, l b l , w l ... Total R ich m on d . F. W . Bush, b Fox ... 27 H. K. Avory, b Cosens 4 R. S. Lucas, run out 0 E. A. Bush, b Janson 31 W. Linsay, c Burry, b Umney ..................22 S. O. H. Hart-Davis, b F ox.................. ... 0 R. E. Thom as, b Umney ..................1 6 E. P. James, b Fox 9 T. D. W ilson, b Cosens ...................53 A. Young, not out ... 70 C. H. Whiteford, run out .......................... 2 B 7,1 b 3, w 1 ... 11 Total ...245 CRYSTAL PALACE v. M.C.C. AND G. Played at Crystal Palace on June 11. C rysta l P a l a c e . J. Aste, c M illford, b W o o tto n ..................46 F. W . Janson, b W o o tto n .................. 0 J. Dives, st Daven port, b W ootton ... 15 C. J. N. Fox, b W oot ton ..........................13 L. H. Neame, not out 31 A. W. Gardner-W ool loton, b W ootton ... 0 J. W illocks, c Daven port, b W ootton ... 2 C. E. Smith, b W oot ton .......................... 5 P.Currey, b W ootton 3 G. Cosens, c Daven port, b W ootton ... G W. K.Umney ,b Woolton 6 E xtras................... 9 Total ...130 M.C.C. and G r o u n d . Davenport, not out 65 B 27,1 b 5, w 5 ... 37 Total ...263 W. G. Wyld, c W'ool- loton, b A s t e ............ 5 Bird, b Cosens ... ... 50 G. G. H eam e, not out ............................ 106 G. Turner, H. D. Littlew ood, H. S. Turberville, J. C. M illford, Major Campbell, Capt. Baker and W ootton did not bat. TH E C E N T E N A R Y OF M .C C. MARYLEBONE CLUB AND GROUND v. ENGLAND. The week’s cricket arranged to celebrate the Centenary of M C.C. has so far, as all who have had any opportunity of knowing the inestim able services rendered to our national game by the Marylebone Club will be pleased to learn, proved a great success. Glorious weather, a new experience for cricketers this season as yet, an excellent wicket, and cricket of gene rally a high order, these were the features of the match begun at Lord’s on Monday and finished yesterday. Unfortunately for M.C.C. Mr. A, G. Steel was unable to play, and the Hon. Alfred Lyttelton and Mr. A. P. Lucas had also to decline. The Marylebone eleven was nevertheless a strong one, as the names will show. On the other hand, we are inclined to think the opposite team might easily have been strengthened, and it is not easy to see on what ground Hall was included in the eleven in preference to so useful an all round cricketer as Abel. When M.C.C. won the toss it was thought that England were booked for a long outing. Lohmann and Briggs, however, bowled with such success that six wickets were down for 55, and but for some very useful assistance lent by Gunn and later on by the tail the total would only have been a moderate one. As it was the last four wickets were responsible for 120 of the total of 175, and it was entirely the brilliant batting of Gunn, who was at the wickets over two hours for a faultless score of 61, which enabled M.C.C. to reach the ordinary total they did. The commencement of England’s innings was marked by some exceptionally fine hitting on the p*rt of Mr. Stoddart and Shrews bury. The amateur, who had not been very lucky previously this year, ought to have been caught when he had made thirteen only, but the sun was in the fieldsman’s eyes. This was the only mistake made on the first day by either batsman, and when play ceased the s°ore was 196 with both still in, Mr. Stoddart 111, and Snrewsbury 70. When the game was resumed on Tuesday the score again rose fast and it looked as if the record for the first wicket in important matches—288 by Messrs. W. G. Grace and B .B . Cooper for Gentlemen v. PLiyers of the South at the Oval in 1869 —would be beaten. When only seventeen runs short, though, Mr. Stoddart was well caught and bowled, having made 161 of the 266 by brilliant cricket. His runs were got in three hours and forty minutes, and his hits included nineteen fours. This is, we believe, Mr. Stoddart’s first innings of a hundred in an important match at Lord’s, and every one will congratulate him on his fine performance in such a memorable match. Shrewsbury, who scored one more than Mr. Stoddart, was five hours and a quarter at the wicket, and in proof of the high character of his play, we need only say that he gave no actual chance. Later on Mr. Walter Read showed fine free cricket, and Ulyett, Maurice Read, and Bates helped to augment the score to 514, the largest total, we believe, made by England in a representative match of this kind. The chances of a draw were only small when the Marylebone Club went in, wanting 339 runs to save the innings. On Tuesday night 58 had been made with only one batsman out, but when Mr. Grace was out the interest was in a great measure gone, and though Barnes and Flowers hit freely, the result was never in doubt. In the end England had an easy victory by an innings and 117 runs. M.C.C. First Innings. Mr. W . G. Grace, b L oh m ann .................................... 5 Mr. a . N. H ornby, c and b B riggs......................................16 Barnes, b Briggs ............ 8 Mr. A. J. Webbe, c Briggs, b Lohm ann .................... 0 Gunn, b Lohm ann .............. 6l G. G. Hearne, b Briggs ... 8 Mr. J. G. Walker, c Hall, b L o h m a n n ........................... 3 Hon. M. b. Hawke, b L oh m ann ......................................16 Flowers, b Lohm ann ... 19 Second Innings. c and b Briggs... 45 b Bates .......... 6 c and b Bates ... 53 c Pi'ling, b Bates 14 c Shrewsbury, b Briggs ...........10 c Barlow, bLoh- Rawlin, not out ... ... 18 Sherwir, b Bates ...........17 B 3, w 1 .......................... 4 mann b Briggs ... b Briggs ... c Lohmann, Bates c W. Bead, Bates not out B 4,1 b 1 6 ... 25 ... 10 b ... 43 b ... 4 ... 1 ... 5 Total ...175 Total ...222 E n g la n d . Shrewsbury ,c Barnes, b R a w lin ...................152 Mr. A. E. Stoddart, c and b R a w lin ...........151 Barlow, lbw, b Rawlin 0 M. Read, c Sherwin, b Flowers .....................25 Mr. W . W . Read, c W ebbe, b B arnes... 74 Bates, c H ornby, b Barnes .................... 28 Ulyett, c Sherwin, b Barnes .................. 46 Hall, c W ebbe, b Barnes .................. 0 Briggs, b Barnes ... 9 Lohmann, not out... 9 Pilling, c Gunn, b Barnes .................. 0 B 8,1 b 12 .......... 20 Total ...514 BOW LING ANALYSIS, M.C.C. First Innings. O. M. R. W. 57 29 62 6 . 55 22 84 Lohmann Briggs ... Bates ... » arlow ... U lyett ... Second Innings. O. M. R. W. 5 1 0 0 2J 0 32 13 39 8 28.315 46 21 8 34 0 E nglan d . Parnes ... Rawlin ... Grace ... O. M. R. W. 74.230 126 6 90 36 140 3 yo 1<> 65 0 O. M. R. W. Flowers 74 29 122 1 Hearne 9 3 19 0 V\ebbe 13 5 22 0 CHARTERHOUSE v. PRINCE CHRIS TIAN VICTOR’S XI. Played at Charterhouse on June 8. P rin ce C h r ist ia n V ictor ’ s XI. 0 J. H. Brain, b Shaw... H. W. “ W illiamson,” b S treatfeild.......... 12 A. K. W atson, c Car negie, b Shaw.......... 12 K. J. Key, n otou t ... 35 H. J. Burrell, b Shaw 1 A. C. M. Croome, b Streatfeild ........... 6 M. J. Dauglish, c Shaw, b Streat feild .......................... A. H. J. Cochrane, b Streatfeild ........... 11 G. Fowler, b Streat feild .......................... Prince Christian Victor, c Hawkins, b Streatfeild........... A. L. Hansell, b Streatfeild ........... T. Fowler, b Shaw .. B 4,1 b 4 ........... Total ... , 95 C h a r t e r h o u se . D . C. Leman, c T. D. W . Carnegie, lbw, Fowler, b Cochb Key ................... 5 rane ........................... 0 H .C.Price.c Croome, H. A. Ford, b “ W ilb Key ................... 0 liam son ” .................. 0 W . F. Stanbrough, c J. B. Hawkins, b Croom e, b Brand 8 Cochrane.................. 4 W . A. Shaw, not out 1 H. R. Meyer, c HanR. Gatehouse, run sell, b “ W illiam out .......................... 0 so n ” .......................... 0 0 . M. Tudor, h w, b E. C. Streatfeild, b Brain ................... 1 Cochrane.................. 2 B 8, l b l , w l ... 10 L. R. W ilkinson, h w, — b “ W illiam son ” ... 9 Total ........... 40 CHARTERHOUSE v. OLD WYKEHAM ISTS. Played at Charterhouse on June 11. O l d W y k e h a m ist s . E. H. Hardcastle, b H. Awdry, c Haw S h a w .......................... 34 kins, b Shaw 9 N. E. W . Stainton, b P. H. Slee, b Streat W ilkinson ........... 19 feild .......................... 5 T. S. Watney, b W ilJ. A. Fort, not out ... 26 kinson .................. 2 A. B. U rm ston, b H. M. Sturges, b W ilkinson ........... 0 S h a w .......................... 6 L. J. Sturges, b Wil A. G. W atney, b kinson .................. 3 Streatfeild ........... 13 B 26,1 b 6 ........... 32 H. J. B. HoMings, c — Streatfeild, b W ilT otal ........... 205 kinson .................. 56 C h ar ter h o u se . J. B. Hawkins, c wkt. W . A. Shaw, b Slee 0 kpr., b Hardcastlo 10 H. C. Price, b Hard D. C. Lem an, 1 b w, b castle ................... 0 Stainton .................. 3 H. A. Ford, not out 2 E. C. Streatfeild, c W . F. H. Stan Fort, b Slee ........... 18 brough, not out ... 3 H. R. Meyer, b Slee... 26 B 4, l b l ........... 5 L. R. W ilkinson, — lbw, b Slee ........... 6 Total ........... 73 R. Gatehouse, c wkt. kpr., b Slee ........... 0 Hon. D. W. Carnegie did not bat. BECKENHAM v. GUY’S HOSPITAL. Played at Beckenham on June 11. G u y ’ s H o spita l . W. J. Scott,run out... 30 F. Colclough, b C. Chater ..................85 H. B. Bolus, b Atkin son ..........................30 W. G. Mitchell, c R. E. Inglis, b P. Chater ..................12 A. D. Kripp, c and b P. C hater..................17 G. Featherstone, c Gulliver,b Atkinson 3 J. H. Roberts, c Gul liver, b Atkinson F. M. Russel, c Clarke, b Atkin son .......................... H. G. Holman, c R. E. Inglis, b P. Chater .................. G. W . M itchell, not out B 12, lb 4, nb 1... 17 Total .......... 197 out .......................... 3 B 10, lb 4, w 3 ... 17 B ec k e n h a m . G. rJ. Gulliver, b i P. Northcote, not B olus............................ 102 P. D. Chater, not out 102 R . E. Inglis, b M it chell ..............................17 Capt. Inglis, retired hurt ............................. 13 F. Atkinson, A. J. Denison, F. C. Chater, E. T. Jones, A. D. Clarke, and J. S. W orthington did not bat. Total ..254 I n the match M.C.C. and Ground v. Crystal Palace Club at Crystal Palace on June 11, Wootton, the Kent bowler, took all ten wickets of Crystal Palace.
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