Cricket 1887

JUNE 16, 1887. CRICKEtf: A WEEKLY RSECORD OF THE GAME. m HORNSEY v. HIGHGATE. Played at Hornsey on June 4. H ig h g a t e . A.L. Howard, b Sher­ lock .......................... 1 Randall, b Sherlock 4 Tim bs, not out... B 7, lb 1, w 2 Kent, b Sherlock ... 1 Cooper, b Paige ... 28 Cricket, b Paige ... 3 H.S.Forshall, b Paige 0 Price, c Cox, b Groves 29 Oxley, c Summers, b Groves .................. 0 Saunders, b Sherlock 6 W ilson, c Paige, b Groves ................... 2 H o r n s e y . 10 Total E. Paige, b Saunders 16 T. Smith, not out ... 25 J. S. Elmore, b For­ shall .......................... 0 B 5, lb 2, w 1, nb 1 9 W . Groves, c W ilson, b C oo p e r.................. 15 G. P. Cox, b Saunders 9 G.W . Sherlock, b F or­ shall .......................... 3 It. H. King, c Cooper, b Forshall *...........22 E . A. Cox, b Forshall 6 S. Summers, c Timbs, b Forshall .......... 11 B. G. Wilmer and T. A. N icholls did not bat. Total 116 TONBRIDGE SCHOOL v. DULWICH COLLEGE. Played at Dulwich on June 4. T o n b r id g e S c h o o l . First Innings. Second Innings. C. J. Kortright, run out ... 1 b Rand ........... 4 R . A. Arnold, c Greig, b J. D ouglas .......................... 0 b Rand ........... 0 C. C. Hatt, b J. Douglas ... 2 c Rand, b Gait 0 L . L . Reid, c Rand, b J. Douglas .......................... 2 b Band ........... 0 F. C. Barchard, c Moses, b J. D ou glas.......................... 0 c'W ells, b Greig 11 R. L Aston, st Wells, b J. Douglas .......................... 0 b Rand ........... 8 C. M.Clayton, c J.Douglas, b Rand .......................... 9 b Rand ........... 7 F. L. Schreiber, c Solb6, b Rand .................................. 17 b J. Douglas ... 4 W . E. Martin, c Prest, b J. D ouglas........................... 1 not out ........... 8 H. H. Perry, run out.......... 5 b oreig ........... 15 R. M. H. Prissick, not out 6 run out ........... 1 fcxtras........... 7 Total .................. 43 Total 65 D u l w ic h C o l l e g e . First Innings. Second Innings. R. N. Douglas, b Reid 1 run out ........... 16 C. M. W ells, c Reid, b K o rtrig h t.......................... 0 not out ........... 6 H. C. Moses, b R e id ........... 11 b C layton .......... 3 F. Solbe, b R e id .................. 0 lbw, b Kortright 15 J. Douglas, c Kortright, b Read .................................. 3 not out ........... 6 E. G. Rand, b K ortright... 0 b K ortright ... 14 E . E. B.Prest, b Kortright 10 E. S. Ezekiel, c and b Kortright .......................... 3 c Perry, b Hatt 0 A.J.Greig, c Arnold, b Reid 0 J. C. Gait, c Aston, b Reid 8 J. Campbell, not out........... 0 Extras .......................... 5 Extras 8 Total ................... 41 Total ... 68 BUCKHURST HILL v. CLAYBURY. Played at Claybury on June 4. B u c k h u r s t H il l . First Innings. Second Innings W . Gingell, b W iggins ... 0 b D o b so n .......... 0 J. Pigot, st Earle, b Dobson 8 W. J. Phillips, c Crow, b D obson .......................... 29 c Bird, b D obson 8 O .Charlesworth,b Wiggins 2 c Matthews, b Dobson .......... 0 J. Wallett, b W iggins 0 c and b Dobson 2 T. S. Barwell, c Crow, b D obson .......................... 0 c Bird,bIDobson 10 R. W. Smith, c England, b D obson .......................... 1 c and b Dobson 2 A. J. Hughes, b W iggins ... 6 c Dobson, b W iggin s........... 0 W. Gadsden, b W igg ns ... 0 c Bird, b Dobson 2 F. S Phillips, b D obson ... 5 not out ........... 1 H. G. Green, not o u t........... 1 not out ........... 2 B .................................. 1 Total .................. 53 Total ... 27 SOUTHGATE v. ST. LAWRENCE. Played at Canterbury on May 28. S o u t h g a t e . First Innings. W . J. Seward, c Twyman, b Hearne .......................... A. L. Ford c Lewis, b Second Innings. Twym an S. H. Bradford, caster, b Hearne J. L. Phillips, b Hearne E. A. W igan, b Hearne F. F. W hite, b Hearne Lan- A. W alker, b Hearne ... 7 H. W hite, b Lewis ........... 0 A. E. White, b Hearne ... 2 Allen, n ot out...............17 R. Faithfull, c Twym an, b Hearne .......................... 2 B .................................. 8 not out ........... c Drury,b Harris st Barnes, b B ass................... not out ........... not out ... ... b Bass................... B l, l b l Total .................. 75 S t . H a w r en c e H. Fielding, c Faith- full, b F o rd ...........28 G. Twyman, not out 77 H. Bass, b Ford.......... 39 G. Furley, lbw, b W igan ..................11 W . Hearne, absent ... 0 A. Lewis, b W igan ... 0 C. C. Harris, b Ford... 0 Total... 45 H. Barnes, run out... A. J. Lancaster, st A. W hite, b Ford G.T.Drury,",b W igan F. Lee, c and b Ford B 2,1 b 4 ........... Total ...........167 RICHMOND v. BICKLEY PARK. Played at Richmond on June 4. * B ic h m o n d . H. K. Avory, b Evans E. P. James, run out E . D. C. Cecil, c C. M. Baker, b Evans ...........14 A. Young, c Jones, b E v an s.................................. 0 W . G. W edderburn, b Kel­ sey .................................. 0 0 st Pattisson, Evans ... . 6 b Kelsey ... . C. Winter, b K e lse y ........... 0 C. W . W illett,'c Pattisson, b Kelsey .......................... 4 H. D. Trevor, b Kelsey ... 1 C. Roberts, b Kelsey........... 5 Needham, st Pattisson, b E v a n s .................................. 3 F. W. Bush, not o u t ........... 0 B .................................. 2 b Barlow ... b Barlow ... st Pattisson, Evans c M. Baker, Evans ... c sub , b Barlow 12 not out ...........11 c Hilder,b Evans 4 b Barlow ........... 0 e Kelsey ,b Evans 15 B 6, 1 b 2, w 1 9 Total ...................35 B ic k l e y P a r k . Total S. P. Barlow ,b Young 2 D. D. Pontifex, lb w , b Bush .................. 4 R. S. Jones, c W illett, b Bush ..................64 A. M. Stritfield, c W il­ lett, b Hush .......... 9 J. H. Kelsey, c and b B u s h ..........................15 W . B. Pattisson, b Young .................. 12 O. Evans, c and b Young .................. W. G. Greig, bJYoung R. Hilder, run o u t ... M. Baker, run o u t ... C. M. Baker, not out B 14,1 b 2 ........... Total 0 3 16 .143 BROADWATER v. WILL-O’-THE-WISPS. Played at Broadwater on June 11. W il l - o ’- t h e -W is p s . First Innings. I. D. W alker, not out i J. F. Leese, b Holden W .D.Bovill, b Holden H. E. Rhodes, lbw, b H o a r .......................... A. T. Thring, b Hoar H. C. Clarke, b Hoar M ajor Griffiths, c H olden, b Hoar J.H.H odson.b H olden 5 F.C.Coxhead,cSpens, b Holden ...........24 C.Gurdon,bSomerset 25 G. H. Goldney, b Holden ................... 5 B 7, lb 4, nb 1 ... J2 Total ...150 In the Second Innings Bovill scored (not out) 15, Rhodes, b Holden 0, Clarke, b H oar 7, Griffiths (not out) 30, Coxhead, c Potter, b Holden 33; b 3, lb 3.—Total 91. B r o a d w a t e r . CLAYBURY. W. D. Marshall, c and N. Debenham, b Parker, c Hughes, b P ig o t .......................... Crow, b Sm ith........... 0 b Goldney .......... 11 Bovill .................. 5 1 Earl, b S m ith ........... 0 A. F. Somerset, b C. Lutyens, c and b H obbs, b W . J. Bird, b S m ith ........... 0 W alker .......... 24 W alker .................. 13 Phillips .................. 2 Finim ore, b Pigot ... 0 M ajor Spens, b Gold- W.Y. Potter,b ^ovill 3 England, c Barwell, b Perrin, c vv. J. liey .......................... 0 Rev. J. E. Eddis, W . .1. P hillips.......... 1 Phillips, b F igot... 4 Foar, c and b ^ alker F. 1). Longworth, b 7 not out .................. 12 W iggins, c Charles- Matthews, not out... 5 Holden, b Walker... 3 worth, b W . J. B 4,1 b 1 ........... 5 Goldney .................. 2 B .......... ........... 8 1 hillips .................. 17 — M. Marshall, c Gold— Dobson, b Smith 14 Total ... 49 ney, b B o v ill........... 26 Total ...........114 SOUTHGATE v. HORNSEY. Played at Southgate on June 11. R. H. King, b Ford ... 17 F.Swinstead, b Bryan 0 B. A. Clarke, b Bryan 0 G. P. Cox, c Leslie, b Francis .................. 19 E. W. Nicholls, b Bryan .................. 0 E. A. Cox, b Bryan ... 20 H. Jeff, b Bryan ... 14 T.Sm ith, c Spoffoith, b Francis..................20 S o u t h g a t e . W.S. Sidney, c W hite, |F. R Francis, not out 97 H. White, not out ... T. A. Nicholls, run out .......................... S. T. Collingridge, b F ra n cis ................... B 1,1 b 2 ........... Total ...........1 14 B 18, lb 1, w 1 20 Total ...180 b Clarke J. E. C. Leslie, b Swinstead ........... 5 E. P. Sugden, not out 44 | F. Bryan, A. W . Sharp, A. L. Ford, J. L. Phil­ lips, F. F. W hite, E. C. Saunders and W. L . Spof­ forth did not bat. OATLANDS PARK y. B*YFLEET. Played at Oatlands Park on June 4. O a t l a n d s P a r k . E. H um e,b Cowley ... 16 D. J. B. Kirke, c sub., b C ow ley.................. 2 C. T. Weatherby, c Laing, b Cowley ... 2 Hon. E. F. Thesiger, run out ..................10 Rev. E. K. Douglas, c H .W ilson,b Cowley 17 C. L . H ickley, c Cow­ ley, b Etherington 56 E. B. Eyre, b Cowley 0 J.W .Biggs, b Cowley 5 H .H ill.bEtherington 3 R. M. Newman, not out ..........................22 E. W. H. Ritchie,run out .......................... 13 L b 3, w 1 ........... 4 Total ,..150 First Innings. J. M. Laing, st Eyre, b Thesiger .......................... W. H olroyd, b Thesiger ... H. Nailard, c Douglas, b Thesiger ........................... H. W ilson, c Hum e, b The­ siger .................................. Cowley, b H ickley ........... E. W ilson, c Thesiger, b Hickley .......................... J. W. Bashford, c Eyre, b H ickley .......................... F. Egerton, b Hickley Etherington, not out M ajor C. Browne, c Hick­ ley, c Thesiger.................. Rev. F. Marshall, run out Total Seeond Innings. b W eatherby ... 0 b Thesiger ... 2 c H ickley, b W eatherby ... 8 b H ick ley........... 9 c and b Biggs... 14 c Newman, Thesiger... b Newman run out run out c Ritchie, Hickley ... notout B 2, lb 2 ... 23 ... 19 ... 4 ... 3 b ... 1 T ota ...102 BLACKHEATH v. CRYSTAL PALACE. Played at #ie Rectory Field, Blackheath on May 21. * C r y s t a l P a lac e . W .L.Pare, b Cruick­ shank ................... A. P. Caprian b Druitt ................... S. F. Carter , b Cruickshank........... H. C. M ountford , c Barrow, b Cruick­ shank .................. B 3, 1b 1 .... ... J. Aste, e Monk-land, b D ruitt ._ ... 13 J. Dives, b Cruick­ shank........... r*. * S. Shorter, b Cruick­ shank...................................................................... 4 A. Leete, b Druitt ... 0 J. N. Noakes, b Druitt ............................................................... 6 C. H. Dorman, not out .........................................................................18 W . F. Umney, b C ruickshank....................................................... 0 B l a c k h e a t h . F.H Lacey, b Noakes 5 J. D. Cruickshan L. Stokes, c Lcete, b Aste ...................................................................... 0 G. Stokes, b Aste ... 4 H. C. Blaker, c Cap­ rian, b Noakes ... 11 W . de Fabeck, b Umney .................................................................28 F. G. Monkland, b Umney ..................................................................11 M. J. Druitt, c Aste, b Dorm an ......................................................... 11 Total run out E. B. Ormerod ,n out ................... R. S. Barrow Umney ......... E.P.lsaacs, b Umney B 8,1 b