Cricket 1887
198 cric K e T : a w e f . k l y iiEconb oE t h e <J am T2. J un E i<5, 188^ RICHMOND v. E.I.E.C. (COOPER’ S HILL.) Played at Richmond on June 11. R ich m o n d . E. W . Ball, b Outram 30 L.W .Booth, b Heaton 7 T.D.W ilson,b Holmes 20 J. C. Jukes, b H olm es 7 F. H. A. Booth, c Taylor, b H olm es... 0 H. D. Trevor, run out 1 C.W. W illett,b Heaton 17 J.Christian,c Howle'y, b H okn es.................. 11 R.I.E.C. B. Heaton, lbw, b W ilson ..................25 H. T. Keeling, b Wil son ..........................28 W .J.H owley,b Whits- ford .......................... 3 W . Holm es, b Trevor 64 out 0 F.D.Outram,b Wilson 0 W. F. L. Tottenham, b W ils o n .................. 2 E.D. C. Cecil, not out 9 H .R.Ladell,b H eaton 18 C. H. W hiteford, c and b Holmes ... 0 B 15, lb 2 ..............17 Total ...137 N. W . R. Leslie, b W ilson .................. 0 G. F. Graves, b W il son ........................... 1 F. B. Tayler, retired 14 G. Ardaseer, not out B 7, nb 1 Total 1 STREATHAM v. BECKENHAM, Played at Streatham on June 8. B e c k e n h a m . First Innings, fej- W hite, b Powell P. Darwin, b P ow ell............ 1 R. M. Kirwan, c sub, b . Bam bridge ...................17 J. Robertson, b Powell ... 16 Capt. Inglis, c Yetts, b M organ ..............................36 R.E.Inglis, c and b Morgan 1 A. Moss, a b se n t................... 0 A. J. Denison, b Bambridge 14 N. C. Preston, b Morgan ... 3 H. S. Barkworth, not out 10 G. F. Browne, b Powell ... 9 L b .................................. 7 Total ...................116 S tr e a th a m . Second Innings, c Morgan, o Pow ell ........... 4 run out ........... o lb w , b ‘ M organ 16 c Yetts, b Mor gan ................... 8 c Pallbrook, b Powell ........... b Powell ........... absent................... not out ........... b Powell ........... b Powell ........... c Yetts, b Powell B ................... Total ... 58 E. H. Coles, 1 b w, b White.......................... 2 C, L. Morgan, c R. E. Inglis, b Robertson 10 F. i azenby, b White 3 N. C. Bailey, b W hite 0 H .B . Powell, b White 20 E. C. Bambridge, lbw, b W hite .................. 5 E. C. Evely*, b Bobertson ........... 0 W . M. Yetts, 1 b w, b W h ite ...................: A. C. Barton, b Robertson ........... E. P. i all rook, b Bobertson ........... J. W . Roughton, not out .......................... L b 2, w 2, n b 1 Total ........... BRUCE CASTLE v, CLAPHAM WANDERERS. Played at Bruce Castle on June 8. B r u c e C a s t l e . H. Sewell, b Bate ... 3 G. iMorgan, c Olivey, b Sm ith ... ... ... 2 P. D. Richard 8 , b B a t e ..........................18 J. H. Arundell,b Bate 2 Rev. O. Philpott, c and b Bdwards ... 17 H. W .H ill, bEdwards 8 H. Sharps, b Bate ... 3 F. Berkeley, c Ed wards, b Bate ... 0 W. Andrew, c Smith, u Bate ................... C. Marks, c Sm ith, b Ji.dwards................... Rev. vv. Almaek, not out ........................... is ................... Total ... 59 O la ph a m W a n d e r e rs . S. Edwards, c Phil pott, b Richards ... 2 W. J. Olivey, b R ich a rd s................... 3 H. A. Smith, c Mor gan, b Richards ... 20 F. J. Bate, b Alm ack 9 Rev. A. Mursell, b R ich ards................... 5 W. L. Pare, c Hill, b Alm ack .................. 8 Howard Smith, b Hill 2 G. David, c Almack, b Hill ................... 0 W. Lindsay, not out 1 C. W. Harker, b Richards.................. 0 J. Lewis, c Marks, b H i l l .......................... o B 1,1 b 1 , w 2 ... 4 Total . 54 BICKLEY PARK v. GUY’S HOSPITAL. Played at Bickley Park on June 8. G u y ’ s H o s p it a l . A. D .F ripp, b Streat- feild ......................... 1 H. B. Bolus, b Parish 37 W . J. Scott, st Ponti fex, b Evans ...........61 W . G. Mttchell, c Andrews, h Evans 12 E. J. Mitchell, st Pontiftex, b Evans 4 Cl D. Rygate, b Thornton..................12 J. Featherstone, not out ..............................16 i B ic k l e y P a r k . J. H. Busteed, b Thornton ........... G. M. Pratt, b Thorn ton .......................... F. M. Russell, lb w , b Thornton ........... G. W. M itchell, b Evans ................... B 4, w 4 ........... Total ...156 D. D. Pontifex, c E. ,J.Mitchell,b Rygato 8 ft E. P. Barlow, c Pratt, b R y g a te ..................49 A. J. Thornton, net out ..........................66 W. H. Andrews, c G. W .Mitchell, b Bolus 16 R.Thom pson, c Fripp, b G. W. M itchell ... 12 M. A. Strcatfeild, b W . G. M itchell ... 1 W. E. Parish did not bat.. E. J. B, H. Latter, b M itch ell................... A. E. W illett, c and b E. J. Mitchell ... A. Boosey, run o u t... O. Evans, b E. J. M itch ell................... B 26,1 b 5, w 2 ... Total ..261 CHARLTON PARK v. GRAVESEND. Played at Charlton Park on June 8. C h a r l to n P a r k . Capt. W . McCanlis, c Collins, b Summers 31 H. E. Lawrence, c W oodford, b Collins 3 Dr. L. B. Ward, b Collins .................. 48 S. R. Sargent, b Col lins ..........................41 H. Turrell, b Collins 62 J. Hunter, b Sum m ers ......... . ........... 2 Total .....................285 A. P. Zam brano, b Collins ..................36 G r a v e se n d . Collins, sfc Lawrence, b H u n ter.................. 33 H. Gibbons, c Zam brano, b Hunter ... 10 H. Gould, b Zam brano ............................................................................... 2 G. Risch, e Gould, b Summers ...........32 S. E. Mills, c Gould, b S u m m ers...........13 G. D. Whitfield, b Summers ........... 6 W . J. C. Keats, not out .......................... 0 B 9,1 b 1, w 1 ... 11 H. G. W oodford, st Lawrence, b Hun ter .......................... Summers, not o u t... B 3,1 b 5, w 1 Total . 54 J. Matthews, G. B. Bruce, J. Hayter, and A. N. Other did not bat. CHISWICK PARK v. ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE, GREENWICH. Played at Chiswick on June 4. C h isw ic k P a r k . Second Innings. First Innings. J. J. R. Green, c Gordon, b Arbuthnot . 0 b Arbuthnot J. Cagney, b H illyard ... 16 b Arbuthnot J. Farr, c Hillyard, b Arbuthnot..........................12 W . W illiams, c Gordon, b Arbuthnot..........................16 not out F. E. Street, c Henderson, b H illyard.......................... 6 W. Earnshaw, b Hillyard A. l.oraine, c Bradshaw, b Poole .................................. H. H. Vaughan, c Kysh, b P o o le .................................. B. Priestley, b Poole........... D. Field, b Poole.................. 5 not out A. Benavides, not ourt; ... 2 L b ................................... 2 3 b Arbuthnot 3 b Arbuthnot Total ... . R o yal N a v al G. W. Hillyard, not out .......................... 44 Lieut. F. B. Hender son (R.N.), b Bena vides .......................... 23 Lieut. R. K. Arbuth not (R.N.), b Bena vides .......................... 0 G. R. Poole (R.W.A.), c W illiams, b Bena vides ..........................13 Capt. D. J. Kysh (l£.M.L.I.), c Bena vides b F a r r ........... 3 Li£ut. A. P. Ethelston (K.N.)i c Field, b W illiam s ... ... 25 79 Total C o l le g e . W . R . Keene (R.N.), b Cagi^y ........... Capt. A. P. Hastings (R N.), e Field, b Cagney ................... II. B. Bradshaw (R.N.).cEarnshaw, b Benavides........... Lieut. L. C. Gordon (R.M A.),cLoraine, b Benavides........... W. Davy (K.N.), c Cagney,bVaughan B 3,1 b 3, w 1 ... ... 27 Total ...........121 CHISWICK PARK v. EMERITI. Played at Chiswick on June 8. E m e b it i . Hon. J. Maxwell Scott, b Hillyard ...........10 C. E. Damian, b Farr 12 C. E. de Trafford, lbw, b H illyard.................. 4 C.Rodriguez, c Harris, b lteischach .......... 12 C. Maxwell-Stuart, c Farr, b Hillyard ... 9 Hon. W . Maxwell, b H illyard ..................10 E. A. Bishop, b Hill yard ..........................19 M. E. Fennessy, b F a rr........................... 5 C. J. M ereweather, c Benavidos, b H ill yard .......................... 6 J. G. Duplessis, c Billyard, b Bena vides ...................60 C S.Dean lbw, b Farr 21 W . J. Harrison, not out .......................... 47 B 14,1 b 3 ...........17 F. E. Str«et, c Max well, b Dam ian ... 12 A. Von Reischach, b D e a n .......................... 4 N. a . Loraine, c Mere- weather, b Maxwell S o o tt..........................29 Total ...........232 C h is w ic k P a r k . F. Farr, b Fennessy 6 S. H. Beckley, not out .......................... 26 T Butt, not out ... 13 B 8 , lb l, w 4, nb 2 15 Total ..105 R. Butt, Rev. G. F. Haynes, T. R. Benavides, R. Broadley and Sir H. Freeling did not bat. UPPER TOOTING v. STREATHAM. Played at Upper Tooting on June 4. S t r e a t h a m . First Innings. Second Innings. fl. M. Leaf, b Watney ... 15 b R ob erts...........47 H. a . Scott, c and b Thorne ...............16 b B o n n e r ........................ H. E. retherwick, b Trit ton ..................................14 st G om all, Roller b ... 17 W . S. Trollope, c Tritton, b Bonner ........................ 10 b R ob erts............45 A. C. Broadbent.c Bonner, b Roller ........................ 2 1b w, b Roberts 4 A. N..M orley, b Bonner ... 2 not out ............39 J. E Trollope, b Roller ... 15 1 b w, b Roberts 2 J£. C. Drake, b Bonner ... 0 not out A. C. Barton, c Tritfcon, b Bcnaer .......................... 5 S. Flm dt, not ouc ........... 2 S. R. tulbrook, b R o ller... u ... 17 b Roberts ... B 4, lb 2 ... Total ...................87 U p p e r T oo tin g . B6,lbl,w3,nbl 11 Total ...181 G. F. Bonner, c and b Leaf ...................19 F. G. Thorne, b Petherwick ........... 4 H .B . Tritton, b Leaf 1 C.T. Roller, b Pether wick .......................... 7 W. P. Gornall, b Petherwick ...........21 A. a. watney, b Leaf 11 S. Roberts, c Scott, b L e a f .......................... 4 W . H. Du Buisson, lbw, b Leaf ........... L . R. tarr, c and b L e a f.......................... C. G . Patrick, b Petherwick ........... Shepherd, jun., not out ........................... B ........................... Total ... 75 HORNSEY v. HAMPSTEAD. Played at Hampstead on June 4. H a m p st e a d . L . M. Fischel, not out ........................... R. Flemm ing, b F. Swinstead ........... H. Shackel, c G . H. Swinstead,bClarke G. Riley, st Colling- ridge, b Clarke ... N. B. Becke, b F. Swinstc -\d ........... B 4,11 3, w 1 ... E. B. Holmes, b Clarke .......... 2 J. W . Dinham , b F. Swinstead 35 A. butcher, b G. H. Swinstead 16 A. H. Davidson, b G. H. SM*nstead... 0 A. Russell-Parker b F. Sw instead... 6 A. W. Sharp, 'b Clarke ........... 5 A. Reid, c Jeff ’ b Clarke ... ... 0 Tc al ... 90 H o r n se y . W . P. Harrison, c Fischel, b Russell- Parker ................ 1 H. D. Littlewood, b Russell-Parker ... 0 B. A. Clarke, c Reid, b Butcher ......... 1 G. H. Swinstead, b Russell-Parker ... 8 Dr. Orton, b Russell- Parker ................ 0 F. Swinstead, b Rus sell-Parker .......19 E. W . N icholls, c and b butcher ......... 2 J. A. E. H ickson, c sub., b Sharp ... 26 H. Jeff, c Butcher, b S h a ck e l...................n S. A. Walker, run out .......................... 20 L. T. Collingridge, b Russell-Parker ... 2 G. C. Rayner, not out ........................... 5 L b ......................... 2 Total 97
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