Cricket 1887

J u n e 16, lse?. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OP D h E GAME. 19? BRIGHTON COLLEGE v. HIGHGATE SCHOOL. Played at Highgate on June 2. H ig h g a t e S c h o o l . First Innings, b B. Foley, b W ilson... 2 C. E. Barton, not out 11 H. H. Jeffries, b W il­ son .......................... 2 M. B. Cotterill, b Chalmers ........... 3 Extras...................10 H. G. Firth, Chalm ers.................. 0 R. O. Crawford, c Aste, b Chalmers... 1 W .G .Allcock,b W ilson 0 W . N. Lushington, hw, b Chalmers ... 9 F. Y. D alz el, b Chalm ers................... 5 L. Docker, b W ilson 29 H. M. Maddock, b W il­ son ...........................12 In the Second Innings Lushington scored b W ilson 7, D alziel, b Chalmers 0, D ocker (not out) 13, Allcock 5; extras 5.—Total 3 ‘. B r ig h t o n C o l l e g e . Total , 84 N.C.Cooper.c Dalziel, b D ock er.................. 34 E. L. Coplestone, run out .......................... 6 G.L. Wilson, b Folly...143 C. R. Fort, b D ocker 7 L. Gay, b D ocker ... 0 C.N .Barton.b Docker 10 W . E. Bond, c Lush­ ington, b A llcock ... 31 H. D. L. W oods, b D ocker ...................13 T. A. Chalmers, b Foley ................... 5 F. W . Aate, not out 9 G. E . Bulmer, c Docker, b Foley ... 0 E x t r a s ...................16 Total ...274 EASTBOURNE v. CLIFTON HOUSE SCHOOL. Played on the Saffrons on June 9. C l if t o n H o u se S c h o o l . C. G . Campbell, b E dw ards..................11 H.Hepper.b Edwards 0 C. Holding, c W ood, b Edwards ........... 0 T. H. Fry, not out ... 1 B 2, w 1.................. 3 Total ...129 F. Creswell, c H ar­ rison, b Edw ards... 18 E.Benyon,bEdw ards 7 A.Collins, c Harrison, b Edwards ........... 9 T. M. Bergg, c Bar­ clay, b Edwards ... 64 F. W . G ibbs b Finch 12 E. W ercherer.b Finch 3 G. B. M acaulay, c Edwards, b Finch 1 E a s t b o u r n e . A. Edwards.c Holder, b W e rch erer.............26 J. H. E lliott, b W er­ cherer .....................50 C. Harrison,c Holder, b W e rch e re r.......... 10 H. J. Finch, c Collins, b B enyon.....................16 A. B. Field, H. Tyser, G. H. W ood, C. de R. Bar­ clay and S. Taylor did not bat. A. R. Buxton, not out ............................ 28 J. W. B. Lindow, b W ercherer .............24 B 5, lb 1 ........... 6 Total ...160 EASTLOURNE v. M,C.C. & G. Played at Eastbourne on June 11. M.C.C. T irst Innings. O. R. Borrodaile, c Scott, b H id e.................................. 0 Fothergill, c Bart, b H iie 4 Wild, b H id e .........................10 Pickett, c A. Scott, b Hide 0 E. P. Maltby, l b w , b B row n .................................. 10 not out M ajor Pochin, c and b B row n .................................. 0 B. Harrison, c A. Scott, b Hide .................................. 2 J. W . Blundi 1, c Card- well, b Brow a ........... ° A. Edwards, 1 Burge •T. H. E lliott, r >t out G. H. Cotterell, absent W ........... ........... Second Innings. st Hart, b H ide 3 b Burge ........... 0 st Hart, b Burge 0 not out ...........45 ... 22 b Burge ........... 0 st Hart, b Burge 7 B 10, lb 1 ... 11 Total Total A. M. W ilkinson, b Fothergill ...........23 Rev. H. Von E. Scott, b P ick ett................... 0 E. M atheson, c and b f othergill ...........32 J . Brown, b Fother- giU ........................... 2 T. M. Bergg,cPochin. b P ick e tt..................13 G. R. Burge, c W ild, b P ick ett.................. 2 E a s t b o u r n e . Bev. A. C. Scott, b Pickett ................... 2 W. A. Cardwell, b E dw ards.................. C. Harrison, b Ed­ wards .................. 27 Hart, b Fothergill ... 0 A. Hide, not out ... 2i B 8, lb 3 ...........11 Total ...167 SOUTH COAST NONDESCRIPTS v. CHICHESTER. Played at Chichester on June 11. S.C.N. First Innings. Second Innings. ~ '■ ’ ’ Lillv- 19 b Cochrane ... 0 Packham , b G. B. Keeling, b J. y white ..................................19 b Cochrane H. F. Overbury, b J. Lilly- white .................................. Capt. Fowke, b J. Lilly- white .................................. Mack Rev. C. Wilson, c John Lillywhite, b Packham 10 b Hobgen .., R. W. Tamplin, c Hum­ phrey, b Packham ........... Rev. G. B. Boughton- Leigh, b J. Lillywhite ... Hon. G. Fitzclarence, c Leslie, b J. Lillyw hite... FI. V. Keeling, b Mack ... E. H. Seton, c J. Lilly- white, b Packham ........... W . O. Holloway, st John Lillywhite, b Mack R. E. M. Blair, not out ... Hobgen, Cochrane 0 b Packham 0 not out 20 b Packham 1 run out 5 ... 30 b ... 10 ... 0 ... 15 ... 7 Extras ... Total 10 b ila ck ........... 3 3 c J. H obgen, b J. Lillywhite... 0 4 Extras ... 4 .................68 C h ic h e s t e r . Total J. L ily white,b Fowke 22 G. W. H um phrey, b H ollow ay.................. 12 John Lillywhite, c G. B. Keeling, b Over­ bury .......................... 33 C. A. Leslie, c Blair, b Fowke .................. 2 E. P. Mack, b H ollo­ way .......................... 0 T. C. Hobgen, c Seton, b H olloway ........... 0 A. H. D. Cochrane, c W ilson,b Holloway W .Packham .st Blair, b Holloway ........... W. Farne, not out ... C.A.Cock,cOverbury, b H olloway ........... F.S. H obgen, c G. B. Keeling,bHolloway E x tras.................. Total ...........! BEDFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL v. M.C.C. Played at Bedford on June 8. B e d f o r d G r a m m a r S c h o o l . Second Innings. First Innings. H. S. Briggs, b Hearne ... 0 not out A. G Baines, b Flowers... 3 C. F. W. Hatchell, b Flow ers ..........................16 b Flowers A. D . Piper, b Hearne ... 2 F. D. Henslowe,Mcj'Sher­ win, b Flowers ...........24 Baker, Flowers ... c Sherwin, H eam e ... b Flowers ... 19 ... 3 b ... 18 C. H. Ireson, run out ...1 7 W. W . Humbley,*c Sher­ win, b Flow ers ............ 2 C. Combes, c Sherwin, b Hearne ............................. 17 notout .............. 0 R. F. Chaldecott, c Skip- with, b Flowers ............ 0 W. F. Surteees, c Von D onop, b F low ers............ 0 F. Hutchinson, not out ... 0 c sub.,b Hearne 4 B 2, lb 2 ............................ 4 Total ..........85 M.C.C. . 5 Total ... 49 R. W . Skipwith, b Com bes .................. 19 Captain F. Webber Smith, c Hatchell, b C h ald ecott.......... 6 Captain Von D onop, b C om bes.................. 6 R. E. S. Thom as, b Com bes .................. 15 Captain B. Baker, c and b Chaldecott... 5 Lieut. E. Norman, c H um bley, b Ireson 8 Flowers, b Ireson ... 28 F. H earne,cCom bes, b Piper ................ 53 Rev. A. Carter, b Ireson .................... 7 Sherwin, b Ireson ... 7 D. H. Bain, notout 1 B 1, lb 3.................... 4 Total ...159 E v er y C rick e ter should send 7 stamps to the office of this paper for this year’s “ Cricket Calendar” (19th year of publication). It con­ tains chief fixtures for the season arranged in chronological order, table for registration of players in matches to come, pages for insertion of other engagements, laws of cricket, etc., et'o. Handy size for the pocket, bound in cloth; in leather wallets, gilt lettering, Is, 6d. INCOGNITI v. REV. G. T. OLDHAM’S XI. Played at Blackheath on June 7. I n c o g n it i . E.A.Parke,b Hawkins 14 G. A. Rim ington, c A. Paine, b Hawkins... 14 M. J. Druitt, b Cruick- shank.......................... 2) R. E. Inglis, lbw ,b F. Stokes ..................68 T. M. W ilde, c and b Ireland .................. 9 F. H. Lacey, run out 22 R. M. Kirwan, c A. Paine, b Ireland ... 11 R ev. G. T. O l d h a m First Innings E. Giberne, c and b Cruickshank...........13 W . C. Yarborough, not out .................. 3 M ajor Fenwick, c L. Stokes, b Cruick- shank .................. 5 A. W . L. Hemming, b Ireland................... 5 B 9, lb 4, w J,nb 1 15 Total 3 XI. ..199 L . Paine, b Parke ...14 E. W . Barford, not out .......................... 7 A. Paine, b D ru itt... 4 D. Adamson, b Druitt B ........... 0 ... 15 L. Stokes, c Hem ­ ming, b Kirwan ... 17 G. Stokes, b Kirwan... 4 F. Stokes, run out ... 35 F. S. Ireland, st Rim ­ ington, Inglis ... 20 J. D. Cruickshank, b Parke ..................15 W. R. Hawkins, b Parke.......................... 0 Rev. G. T. Oldham, c Lacey, b D ruitt ... 1 In the Second InningsL. Stokes scorcd c Kirwan, b Druitt, 12, F. Stokes, b Yarborough, 7, Ireland (not out) 4, Oldham (notout) 19, Barford, b Druitt, 3; b 5—Total, 50. T o ta l... :..132 INCOGNITI v. HIGHGATE SCHOOL. Played at Highgate on June 8. H ig h g a t e S c h o o l . First Innings. L. Docker, c Riming­ ton, b Bonner...........19’ R. O. Crawford, c sub., b Horner ... 6 C. E. Barton, b Bon­ ner .......................... 5 F.Y.Dalziel, b Horner 18 W . G. Allcock, b Horner ................... 6 W . N. Lushington, c Street, b H om er ... 3 Total ...........81 In the Second Innings Crawford scored (not out) 12, Maddock, c Bird, b Bonner, 0, Firth (not out) 15; b 2.—Total, 29. I n c o g n it i . P. Lofts, c Bonner, b Horner ................... 4 H. W . Maddock, not out .......................... 12 H. G. Firth, b B on­ ner ................... 5 B. Foley, b Bonner 0, H. H. Jefferies, run out .......................... 4 B ........................... 2 A. ff. Powell, c Firth, b D o c k e r ................... 0 E. A. Parke, c Docker, b Jefferies..................24 G. H. P. Street, c and b Crawford ...........88 G. A. Rim ington, b M a d d ock .................. 24 G.F.Bonner, c Docker, b Crawford ........... 4 H. S. Prinsep, c Bar­ ton, b Crawford ... 21 A. Bird, b Allcock... 22 F. G. Lushington, b A llc o c k ...................12 E.Gifcerne.c Barton, b Crawford ...........14 C. E. Horner, not out .......................... 2 C. J. Ashmore, b Crawford ........... 0 B 4, lb 5, w 3,n b 1 13 Total ..224 INCOGNITI v. BANSTEAD. Played at Banstead on June 11. I n c o g n it i . E . A. Parke, b LinneU 2 A. W . L. Hemm ing, b Linnell .................. A. E. Leatham , b G o a d .......................... E. O. Powell, c Goad, b Henderson ........... T. M. W ilde, b Gil­ bert ..............................11 G. H. W indeler, b G o a d ........................... 1 10 0 H. W. R. Gribble, c Gilbert, b <?oad ... 4 Rev. G. T. Oldham, b Linnell ...........16 E. B. Raikes, b Linnell ..................14 C. J. Ashmore, not out ........................... 4 J. Juggins, absen t... 0 B 4,1 b 2 ........... 6 B a n s t e a d . Total ...107 First Innings. Second Innings. G. L . Linnell, c Parke, b Leat-ham .................. .. 8 c G ribble, b Leatham 5 T. Henderson, c Parke, b Raikes.......................... .. 8 c Ashmore, b Leatham 0 E. Gilbert, b R aikes... .. 7 c Hemming, b Leatham 7 C. Bentley, st Powell, b Raikes ................... .. 3 c Leatham , b Raikes ........... 17 P. H. Gibbons, b Raikes .. 0 b Leatham 4 W . T. Goad, not out... ... 1 b Raikes ........... 0 J. Forester, b Leatham ... 5 c and b Raikes 8 A. Hazell, b Raikes ... .. 1 b Leatham 5 A. Balchin, b Raikes ... 0 b Raikes .......... ii W . Peasley, b Leatham ... 0 not out ........... 2 A. Yokel, absent........... ... 0 absent.................. 0 B .......................... ... 2 B ................... 2 Total ........... ... 35 T otal ... 45