Cricket 1887
ALL EXOLAND ELEVEN. First Inning*. i Second Innings. ea^ ................................... 8 ! Barlow........................................ l *>tton......................................... 4 ! Bates ..................../ . ................ 2 1 Gunn..................... J, .................... 0 , 9 Scotton ....................................... 0 , 4 R ea d ................./ . ........................ 0 40 Bnrnes ......................................... 7 - ......................................... * : Briggs ....... .............................. 11 lowers ...................................... 3 Flowers ...... ............................... 0 ^hjnann...................................... 6 )L oh m a n n /................................... 11 -Clarke...................................... 0 ; Clarke .................................. 1 ©rwm ...................................... 3 Sherwiji ....................................... 6 iyes, Ac.............................. 3 times allow unn... ates... rig** Total., ■80 Total . 42 W ENTY-TWO. Second Innings. H AR TLE Y DISTRICT First Innings. , •J. Mell ird...„........................ 2 ' Pli hn Thornton.......................... 1 j Patirson C. Jones................................. l •Ki&anno^ ...... . Unmshaw ........;................ 0 ■T a r g e t t . . . r ...................................... 1 \ Field.........<T.......*. •Wow.......................................... 01Sfftffird nies Evans . .... v iiicuaiu ...... .............. .... 0 Herring ...................................... 4 .................................... Oj Holdsworth ....../.. .............................. . Grimshaw .................... *«W ....................................... i L?es ............ J .................. I ....... !r ............................./ . ......... /O Fletcher ............... 1 ..................... .. .......... /o ~ ;phHayee ......... £ ............./ 5 Thornton ......./ ................ 0 e« ............. ......................... 0 urant..................................... 0 Idsworth .................... 3 kwood .................................. 2 nnon............. .................. 3 o n ........................’..... 0 -f t ............ 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 3 *0 Total., 18» Hayes .......................................... Kirkwood :U.._.. y ..................... A n til................u ......f ................ J. Thornton ........ J - 1 ......•••• Jones .......................... ............ James Harding................ Caldow ............*/ ............. < Evans ....................... .................. 1 N. Thornton . J ............. ....... 0 M eurant........jr ......................... 1 Miller .......................................... l Total BOW LIN G ANALYSIS. K H a . rtlkv D istrict .— F irst Innings. B. M. R. W. I B. M. . R. W. ........ 63...10,,. 7...10 IFlowers .............. 04... 9...11... 7 S econd I nnings . "ra .............. 72 ..12... 9... 7 |Briggs ...........71... 7 .13...13 0 djsmUa twenty-two men twice for 4{Trran8 from the 1 think beatw the record, and the feat must be con- fed a remarkable one. The attendance was good, oerincf nearly 1 , 000 , which would be more tha* half the .tants of the township. Every kindness was shown visitors, two singing parties and a fancy dress bail S specially arranged for them. The mashing members ? team of course attended the ball, and no doubt were ions of the hour.
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