Cricket 1887
194 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. JUNE 16, 1887. cricket we should expect to see him make his mark effectually. He is a splendid field any where, and has also been of use as a bowler in minor matches. Some years ago Mr. Wynyard was one of the foremost Association footballers, and, indeed, as a centre he has had few if any superiors of late years. THE SCORE BOOK. NOTICE.—The Editor wishes it to be dis tinctly understood that he only guarantees insertion of the scores of those Clubs arrang ing for the publication of all matches. To ensure insertion scores must reach this office, at the latest, by the first post on Tuesday morning following the match. BRIGHTON COLLEGE v. KENSINGTON PARK. Played at Brighton College on June 11. B r ig h t o n C o l l e g e . First Innings. N. C. Cooper, 1 b w, b Bettington ...........11 E. L. coplestone, c & b B. Bettington ... 17 G. L. W ilson, c Rim- ington, b Johnson 33 C. R. Fort, b Johnson 17 C. N. Barton, c Rim- ington, b Johnson 8 T. a . Chalmers, b R ey n old s..................13 H. D. L. W oods, b H. Total ...........176 Bettington .......... 24 In the Second Innings Cooper scored (run out) 7, Coplestona (not out), 19, W oods (not out), 8, Bond, c Rim ington, b Johnson, 4.— lota l, 38. K e n s in g t o n P a r k . L. H. Gay, b John son .......................... 13 W . E. Bond, not out 19 G. E. Bulm er, b H. Bettington ...........14 F.W .Aste, c Thom p son, b Reynolds ... 1 C. Simmons, 1 b w, b Reynolds ........... 0 B 5,1 b 1 ........... 6 J. Lpcke Lancaster, c W ilson, b Chalmers 6 G. H. P. Street, b C h alm ers.................. 0 H. Reynolds, b Chal m ers .......................... 64 H. E. M. Stutfield, c Coplestone, b W il son ........................... 1 G. A. Rim ington, c Gay, b W oods.......... 13 J. H. Bettington, b W ilson .................. 3 G . E . Bicknell, c Chalmers, b W oods 3 H. Johnson, b W il son ............................. 11 R. C. Nystrom , c Wilson, b Chal m ers ................... 5 W. F. Thom pson, b Chalmers ............ 5 T. B. Bettington, c W oods, b Chal m ers........................... 6 W . L. Pare, not out 0 B 5,1 b 2 ............ 7 Total ............124 POINT HOUSE RAMBLERS v. WIM BLEDON SCHOOL. Played at Wimbledon on June 11. W im b l e d o n S c h o o l . First Innings. H. Harrop, b Carver 0 A. James, not o u t ... 14 H. W illm ott, b Carver 3 A. Turner, b Yeo W . Gillam, b O’Conm an........................... 6 nor .......................... 14 A. H. Holland, b F. Jam es, c Yeoman, W ilson ................... 0 b Carver .................. 3 P. Ashburnham , b J. Weston, b Carver... 0 W ilson ................... 0 E. Turle, lb w , b B 6,1 b 1 ........... 7 Carver .................. 4 L. Ashburnham, b Total ........... 60 W ilson .................. 9 In the Second Innings H arrop scored (not out), 0, F. Jam es (not out), 38, A. sanies, b Rock. 15: 1 b 1, w 1.—Total, 55. P o in t H o u se R a m b l e r s . F. J. Yeom an, b Jam es..........................13 C. J. Carver, b F. Jam es, ......................... 4 E. H. Rock, b Turle 81 G.M. Benwell, c lurle, b v\pj»ton.................. T. O'Counor} b Turle 0 F. W ilson,b F. Jam es ...................17 H.Colgate, b F.Je-mes 3 J. L . Lewis, b Wes ton ..........................12 J. H. W. Davies, c Ashburnham, b F. James ... ........... 8 Y. warper, run out 1 M . Bowley, not out 1 B .,. t;i ... 14 Total ..135 STREATHAM v. RICHMOND. Played at Streatham on June 11. S t r e a t h a m . E. C. Evelyn, c Avory, b Robertson ..............15 C. L. Morgan, c Car m ichael, b L u ca s... 73 A. C. Broadbent, b Lucas .................... 7 H. E. Petherick, st James, b Lucas ...31 W . 8. Trollope, b F. W . B u s h .................... 2 E. C. Bambridge, b Lucas ........................... 8 R ic h m o n d . First Innings. F. W . Mills, c and b Lucas .................. 2 J. E. Trollope, c James, b Lucas ... 20 C. R. Sheward, b Robertson ...........10 C. G. Knott, not out 0 C. K. Johnston, b Robertson ........... 0 B 7,1 b 3, n b 1... 11 Total ...179 F. W . Bush, c Mills, b Petherick................... 8 R. S. Luc is, c J. E. Trollope, b Bam bridge ..................33 E. P. James, c Broad- bent, b Morgan ... 15 E. A. Bush, c Bam bridge, b M organ... 0 H. K. Avory, c Evelyn, b B am bridge.......... 0 J. Robertson, c and b Bambridge .......... 21 H. W edderburn, run out .......................... 5 A. Carmichael, st Broadbent, b Bam bridge .................. 0 A. Young, c and b M o rg a n .................. 10 J. D. N icholl, b M or gan .......................... 2 J. O. Smith, not out 4 B 5,1 b 3 ........... 8 Total ...106 In the Second Innings James scored (not out), 16, Bush, b Petherick, 17, Avory, b M organ, 6, Robertson, c Morgan, b Bambridge, 12, W edder burn, b Bambridge, 7; b 5,1 b 2.- -Total, 65. EASTBOURNE v. BRIGHTON. Played at Eastbourne on June 6. E a s t b o u r n e . A. Edwards, b Seaton 2 Rev. A. C. Scott, run out ....................... 29 Rev. H. Von E. Scott, b P ollock ................45 C. Harrison, c Fowke, b P ollock ................21 Hart, run out ...........55 C. S. Hoare, b Lan caster ................141 W . R. Collins, c Tam plin, b Lan caster........................22 B r ig h t o n . B. Harrison, c Min ton, b Tam plin ...52 E. B. Hadley, c Tamplin, b Over bu ry..........................36 J. bm allwood, c Pogose,bOverbury 3 J. H. W ood, not out 3 B 5,1 b 3, w 7 ... 15 Total ..424 J. L . Lancaster, lbw, b W ood ..................20 H. W . Fitzclarence, b E d w ards..................14 A. J. Minton, c Hart, b W ood .................. 0 F. G. Foukes, b Collins .................. 5 A. B. W rangham, b W ood.......................... 6 A. W. Tamplin, c Scott, b W ood ... 0 H. F. Overbury, b W ood ................... A. Sutton, run out... E.H. Seaton, not out N. Pogose, b Wood... J. Pollock, absent ... B 2, w 6 ........... Total 60 RAYENSBOURNE (LEE) v. FORE ST. AMATEURS. Played at Lee on June 11. F o re S t . A m a t e u r s . Tem ple, c and b W igley .................. Grigg, b Kistruck ... Marshall, b W igley... Thom pson, b Wigley Knight, b Kistruck... Kellaway, b Kistruck Pott, b W illiam s ... 23 Toop,cG ore,bW igley Lister, not o u t........... Loe, b W illiams Monday, c Clarkson, b W illiams ........... B 3, lb 3, nb 1 ... A. T. Pearce, b Toop 12 H. a . Gore, lb w , b T o o p ..........................20 E.J .Pritchard,c Toop, b Marshall ........... 2 J. S. Kistruck, c Kel laway, b Grigg ... 7 J.P. Clarkson,bGrigg 9 F.Ellingham .bKnight 0 G. W igley, lb w , b Knight ................. 1 Total ...........79 R a v e n s b o u r n e . Hy. Guille, c sub., b T oop..........................13 W . w . Foster, b Pott 9 P. W illiams, not out 5 F. T. Cullimore, b P o t t .......................... 3 L b .......................... 3 Total ... 84 TiilS annual dinner o f the C rystal Palace Club Will be held at tho Crystal P alace on M onday, the 27th o f June, at 7.30 p.m . CHISWICK PARK v. MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD. Played at Oxford on June 10 and 11. C h is w ic k P a r k . First Innings. J. Cagney, b Debenham ... E. Rodriguez, b Burrell ... 5 N. A. Loraine, b B u rrell... 18 Hon. W. Maxwell, c Deben ham, b P a in e ......................27 G. A. Y on Reischach, st Dauglish, b Burrell ... 3 C. M. Tuke, c Dauglish, b Debenham..........................41 W. Earnshaw, b Paine ... 11 R. D. Badworth, c Prince C. Victor, b Burrell ..,19 R. V. Forbes, b Debenham 0 A. Priestley, b Debenham 0 J. N icol, not o u t................... 2 B 15,1 b 3, w 1 ...........19 Second Innings, st Prince C. Victor, b Bur rell ...................37 b Paine ........... 4 b Burrell ...........37 c Dauglish, b Paine ...........18 1 b w, b Paine ... 11 c M urdoch, b Burrell ........... 5 not out ...........27 1 b w, b Paine ... 40 c Prince C. Victor, b Hem- merde ...........27 b H emm erde ... 0 run out ........... 7 B15, lb 7, w 2 24 Total ...................150 M a g d a l e n C o l l e g e . First Innings. Total ...237 M. Schiller, b Von Reischach ...........18 H. N. Paine, b Von Reischach ........... 6 J. T. Percival, c and b Von Reischach 6 C. L. Hemmerde, not out .................. 9 B 8,1 b 6 ...........14 E. R. Simpson, c and b L oraine..................33 Prince Christian Victor, c Maxwell, b Von Reischach ... 24 H. J. C. Burrell, b Von Reischach ........... 2 M.J. Dauglish, b Tuke 21 J.B.Debenham,bTuke 2 C. E. Murdoch, c Priestley, b Von Reischach ...........38 J. H. Cooper, c Priestley, b V on Reischach .......... 11 In the Second Innings Prince Christian V ictor scored (not out), 10, Dauglish (not out), 26, Deben ham, b Von Reischach, 5, Cooper, b Von Reis chach, 3; b 3.—Total, 47. Total ..184 IBIS v. SHEPHERD’S BUSH. Played at Dulwich on June 11. I b is . C. M a r s h a l l, b Ram sey ....................105 J. Schooling, b Ash ford ............................ 0 B. S. Waterer, b Nicholl ......................19 S. Daws, 1 b w, b Hinton ......................12 T. W agstaff, bT insell 48 Total H. G. Cooper, c G ib bons, b F ie ld ...........21 H. W. H ope did not bat. Shepherd’s Bush did not bat. W. Roberson, lb w , b Ram sey ...........40 H. H. Blake, not out 3 A. G. Stock, c Ram sey, b N ichol...........16 J. Stanton, not out... 6 B 33,1 b 6, w 7 ... 46 ...316 HORNSEY v. CHRIST’S COLLEGE, FINCHLEY. Played at Hornsey on June 11. E o r n sev . W . P. Harrison, lb w , b O’D owdo ........... 2 F. S. H. Forshall, c Lock, b Laym an ... 7 S. L. Clarke, b Lay m an .......................... 1 E. Bacmeister, b Laym an .................. 3 G. H. Swinstead, c Windus, b Morgan 80 S. Summers, c and b M organ .................. 10 F. Orton, b M organ E. E. Adam son, b L a y m a n .................. J.S.Elinore,cW ynne, b M organ ........... E. F. Nicholls,c W in dus, b Yearsley ... i W. Groves, not out 5 B 2, lb 1, w 1 ... T o tal ..164 C h r is t ’ s C o l l e g e . A. H. P. Wynne, not out ..........................23 B 21, lb 3 ...........24 Mr. Gray, b Forshall 10 J. Stein, b Forshall... 1 Mr. Tuck well,cOrton, b Forshall .........; 8 J. H. Yearsley, not out .......... ...........27 T. G. Laymen, W. L . Windus, D. H. M organ, W» Garner, O’Dowdo and A. Locke did not bat, Total 93
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