Cricket 1886

400 CE I t JKETA WEEKLY EECOED OP THE GAME. SEPT. 23, 1886. ings against the Australians, and his second innings of 47 was one of the best in the match. Spillman, who attributes most of his success to the encouragement of and good advice given by R. Thoms, particularly in strength­ ening his play on the on side, as he showed in his earlier matches for Middlesex is a very dangerous batsmen. Possessed of very fair defence, he has, being of powerful build, in addition great powers of hitting, and when set scores fast from any kind of bowling, his driving being particularly hard. Though not in quite the front rank of wicket­ keepers he has been of considerable use to Middlesex in this position, and is besides a re­ liable field. He has made his mark with the gloves, too, in another way, and at one time not only won many prizes, but was considered to be one of the best amateur boxers. We may add that he was educated first at Kennington Grammar School—which has producedseveral other well-known cricketers, among them the late Mr. B. Pauncefote, and another Oxonian of more recent date, Mr. A. 0. Whiting—and subsequently at King’s College, London. Our portrait is from a photograph by the London Stereoscopic Company. SOUTH OP ENGLAND XII. v. MITCHAM XX. Played at Mitcham on Sept. 17 and 18. S o u t h o f E n g la n d XII. First Innings. Second Innings. Wood-Sims, c Clarke, b Harvey ... 14 b Lyddon........................... 3 Beaumont, b Harvey ... ~ ’ Diver, b Harvey.............. 4 Wood, b G. Jones ........ 7 Mr.H. J.Roberts, c Clarke, b Harvey .................... Mr. A. P. Doulton, b Harvey .................... 4 Bowley, lbw, b Harvey ... 5 Mills, b Harvey.............. 0 Barratt, b G. Jones........ 5 Johnson, b G. Jones........ 2 Mr. M. P. Bowden, c Rhoades, b Lyddon ...17 Voss,notout .............. 9 B 2, lb 1 .................... 3 Total Clarke, b Harris ....... 7 c and b Harvey 55 c Clarke, b W. Jones ....... 7 4 b Westfold ... 4 P. Harvey c H. Harwood, b G. Jones ... 15 lb w, b Rhoades 35 b Harvey....... 0 c Clarke, b Jones ....... 0 c G. Jones, b Rhoades....... 1 not out ....... 1 B12,lbl.wl 14 Total ...151 ........ 81 M itcham . First Innings. Second Innings. T. P. Harvey, st Wood, b Barratt , 12 3 Johnson, b Bowley ........ H. Hazell, b Bowley........ 11 c Wood, b Beau­ mont ........ Jas. Caffarey, b Barratt... 0 b Beaumont ... W. Jones, b Beaumont ... 54 b Bowley........ J. Constable, b Bowley ... 0 c Wopd-Sims, b Beaumont ... Geo. Jones, b Mills ........ 6 b Bowley ........ H. Lyddon, b Bowley ... 0run out .................. C. A. Hooper, b Bowley ... 8c Mills, b....Beau­ mont ........ G. Westfold, b Bowley ... 1b Bowley........... T. D. Lee, b Beaumont ...17c Wood, b...Beau­ mont ........ 16 A. P. Clarke, b Beaumont A. R. Harwood, c Wood, b Mills .......................... A. D. Meares, c Wood, b Beaumont.................... C. T. Layton, c Diver, b Barratt .................... W. C. Rhoades, b John­ son ........................... c Johnson, b Beaumont ... 2 c Wood, b Beau­ mont ........ 3 not out ........ 15 b Bowley........ c Wood, b Bow­ ley .............. T. A. Compton, c Bowden, b Barratt .................... 0 b Beaumont C. Gould, c Diver, b Barratt ..................... 1 not out H. Harwood, b Johnson ... 0 F. Knight, not out ........ 10 run out F. Harris, c Mills, b Bar­ ratt ........................... 0 B 10, lb 1 .............. 11 B 5, lb 1 Tota1 ...144 Total CRYSTAL PALACE v. MR. LESLIE WILSON’S TEAM. Played with Broomsticks at the Crystal Palace on September 18. M r . L e s l ie W ilso n ’ s T e a m . First Innings. Second Innings. W. F. Noakes, b A. W. Dorman ..................... 4 c Voules, b A. W. Dorman ... 10 A. M.J Sturges, b A. W. b Hetley ........ Dorman ..................... 4 2 R. Northcott, run out ... 3 c Kayess, b Shorter........ 14 L. Wilson, b A. W. Dor­ man ........................... 0 b A. W. Dorman 13 F. Atkinson, b Aste........ 11 b Hetley ........ 11 P. D. Chater, b Aste........ 8 b Umney ........ 9 H. G. Topham, run out ... 0 b A. W. Dorman 0 A. Baker, not out ........ 3 b A. W. Dorman 0 C. W. Corlett, b A. W. Dorman ..................... 1 not out ........ 0 Rev. Marriott, absent ... 0 b Hetley ........ 4 A. W. Gardner-Woolloton, absent........................... 0 bA. W. Dorman 1 Total ...............34 C r y s t a l P alach . B 4,1 b 1 Total ... 69 First Innings. P. Currey, c Wilson, b Northcott.................... F. Barry, b Topham........ A. W. Dorman, b Atkin­ son ........................... S. Shorter, b Northcott... J. Dives, retired hurt J. Aste, c Noakes, b Atkin­ son ........................... H. Hetley, b Atkinson ... W. F. Umney, b Atkinson C. H. Dorman, b Marriott A. Kayess, not out ........ F. M. Voules, b Marriott... B 7,1 b 2 ............... Second Innings. 9 b Marriott... ... 3 7 b Atkinson ... 1 5 b Marriott... ... 8 5 b Atkinson ... 0 12 b Atkinson ... 5 12 b Marriott... ... 3 6 b Marriott... ... 5 3 b Atkinson ... 3 0 b Marriott... ... 0 2 b Atkinson ... 5 0 not out ... 0 9 B ........ ... 5 Total ........ , 70 Total ELEVEN OF ICKENHAM v. ELEVEN OF RUISLIP. Played at Swakeleys on Sept. 17. Icken h am . First Innings. E. Johnson, b Nash........ G. Tudor, b Nash ........ J. Sims, b Nash............... E. T. Tudor, c Ive,b Nash H. O. Tudor, b Croxson ... H. Broad, b Nash ........ V. W. Blair, b Croxson ... W. Clayton, b Croxson ... W. Montague, b Croxson F. Johnson, b Nash........ W. Sims, not out ........ B ........................... Second Innings. 3 c Bell, b Nash 8 run out ........ 0 b Nash.............. 7 b Croxson........ 1 b Nash.............. 2 not out ........ 4 b Nash ........ 0 bNash ........ 3 b Croxson ... .x 0 b Nash ........ 1 b Croxson........ Total ....... . 33 R u is l ip . First Innings. W. Butler, c Blair, b H. O Tudor.............. m. ... 1 b Broad S. Nash, c B. T. Tudor, b H. O. Tudor ...............10 Total... 40 Second Innings. E. Croxson, c G. Tudor, b H. O. Tudor ...............10 F. Weller, run out ........ 0 F. Ailesbury, b E. Johnson 0 G. Hill, b H. O. Tudor ... 0 H. Thrift, c Blair, b H. O. Tudor ..................... 2 W. Lavender, not out ... 7 T. Ive, b H. O. Tudor ... 0 T. Bell, c Clayton, b E. T. Tudor................... . ... 1 S. Weller, b H. O. Tudor 1 B .........................* 4 c G. Tudor, b Blair ...... 2 c and b H. O. Tudor ...... 0 b Broad ...... 7 c F. Johnson, b Broad ... ... 1 run out ...... 4 c and b Blair ... 3 c E. T. Tudor, b H O. Tudor 0 c G. Tudor, b Blair ...... 3 b Broad not out B ... Total ............. . 80 Total... UPTON HOUSE v. OXFORD UNIV. SERVANTS. Played at Banbury on August 20. U p to n H o u se . Rev. E. D. Prothero, b Styles.................... 1 O.R.Dunell.bBurrows C. Wreford-Brown, c Pike, b Boweles ... £ G. W. Ricketts, b Boweles .............. W.D.Bovill.bBoweles R. Walker, cFitchett, bBoweles... E. Ramsay, c Stan- nard, b Styles ... E. L. Fisher, not out R. Coaten, c Styles, b Boweles ........ Mold, c and b Styles W. H. P. Jenkins, b Boweles.............. Extras............... Total ... C.Shillingford,bStyles 5 O xf o r d U n iv e r sit y S e r v a n t s . . 58 First Innings. D. Styles, c Dunell. b Mold .................... 0 T. Gribble, b Wreford- Brown ........................... F. G. Millin', b Mold ... .. J. Burrows, b Mold ........ W. J. Thornton, c Shilling- ford,b Wreford-Brown... W. Pike, b Mold.............. W. Allnutt, not ou t........ W. Webb, b Mold ........ W. Fitchett, b Mold... ... W. Bayliss, b Mold ... ... J. Boweles, b Mold «, C. H. Stannard, run out... Extras .................... Total .............. 17 Second Innings. c Dunell, b Wre- ford-Brown ... 2 4 b Mold ... 0 0 b Mold ........ 0 1 run out ........ 9 5 b Mold ......... 0 1 b Mold ........ 4 0 c Dunell, b Wre­ ford-Brown ... 6 3 b Mold ........ 0 0 b Mold ........ 0 0 b Mold ....... . 0 0 not out ......... 0 0 b Mold ........ 0 3 Extras........ 3 Total ... 24 MR. L. EASUM’S XI v. MR. W'. E. MARTYN’S XI. Played at Surbiton on September 18. Mr. L. E asu m ’ s XL First Innings. A. F. Powell, b Cob­ bold .............. ... 11 G. H. P. Street, c sub., b Shipton ... 9 M. P. Betts, b C. P. Lewis.................... 4 A. E. Heatley, c Cup­ per, b C. P. Lewis 16 C. H. M. Thring, b C. P. Lewis ... ... ... 50 F. B. Windeler, b Shipton ........ ... 19 2 W. L. Pierce, b Ship­ ton ..................... W. S. Morice, b Pinkerton ........ Rev. C. R. Bailey, c Lewis, b Cobbold 26 R. H. Cobb, b C. P. Lewis .............. 1 L. Easum, not out... 11 B15, lb 2, wl... 18 Total ..172 In the Second Innings Betts scored b W. E. Martyn, 7, Heatley, 1 b w, b W. E. Martyn, 8, Pierce, c Capper, b W. E. Martyn, 5, Morice, b Fielding, 37, Easum (not out) 1; b 3.—Total, 61. M r *M artyn ’s XI. Bev. A. E. Beavan, c Windeler, b Heat­ ley ..................... 1 C. S. W. Cobbold, b Bailey .............. 7 G. Pinkerton, b Bailey .............. 13 F. Capper, not out... 5 B2, l b2, wl ... 5 H. Shipton, b Thring 1 O. B. Martyn, c Powell, b Heatley 93 C. P. Lewis, b Bailey 0 L. Morgan, b Bailey 17 W. E. Martyn, c Windeler, b Heat­ ley ....... ......... 2 P. Bovill, b Heatley 3 F. Fielding, b Heat­ ley ..................... 0 Total ...147 STAR v. LOUGHBORO’. Played at Priory Farm on September 18. S ta r . H.Holford.c Gibbon, b Sargeant ........ 1 B. Kenyon, b Sar­ geant .............. 9 J. H. Lacy, not out 5 W. Largen, b Sar­ geant .............. 4 Extras.............. 16 G. Pottinger, lbw, b Sargeant.............. 20 G. Harrison, b Sar­ geant .................... 33 F. Lett, b Sargeant... 11 T. Swain, b Brown ... 3 W. Tyler, b Sargeant 14 W.Murden.c Horne, b Sergeant.............. 45 M. Clayton, c Brown, b Hoare .............. 65 Total ...22G Loughboro’ did not bat.