Cricket 1886

428 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECOBD OF THE GAME. SEPT. 10,1886. b Pearse........ 4 1 b T. S. Tregellas 6 DULWICH v. SOUTHBOROUGH. 2 A-SIDE.) Played at Southborough on Aug. 23 and 24. S o u th b o r o u g h . First Innings. Second Innings. R. H. Chapman, b Morris 14 c T. S, Tregellas, Goldsmith, b T. S. Tre­ gellas ... ..................... F. Harris, c Jones, b Pearse.......................... 4 bE.H. Heasman 12 H. Stapley, c Carter, b Pearse.......................... 2 bE.H.Heasman 18 E. Draper, c C. P. Tre- gelles, b T. S. Tregellas 3 b Morris ........ 3 E. Fletcher, candb Pearse 1 c Carter, b T. S. Tregellas ... 18 Crowhurst, b T. S. Tre­ gellas ........................... 1 bJones E. H. Kelsey, not out ... 3C run out H. Gilbert, c Morris, b Pearse.......................... 18 run out F. Fletcher, c and b Pearse 0 b Pearse L. W. Andrews, b E. J. Heasman.....................22 b Pearse Ralph, b E. J. Heasman ... 0 not out B 14,1 b 2 .............. 16 Total B14,lb2,wl,nbl 18 Total ...142 ........ 118 D u l w ic h . First Innings. Second Innings. T. S. Tregellas, b Draper 0 b Kelsey ........ 33 E. H. Heasman, b Harris 0 b Crowhurst ... 0 E. J. Heasman, lbw, b Draper .................... 12 c Goldsmith, b Draper ........ 0 O. Jones, run out.............. 20 cand b Draper 10 W. Morris, c Chapman, b Draper .................... 0 lbw, b Crow­ hurst ........ 1 T. R. Pearse, b Harris ... 9 B. Heasman, c Kelsey, b Draper ........ Gilbert, b Crowhurst ... 27 C. P. Tregellas, c Gold­ smith, b Harris ........ 0 A. G.Booty, b Draper ... 9 C. H. Carter, b Draper ... 6 Stapley, b ...10 c Goldsmith, b Draper ........ R. Nevill, . Kelsey... J. H. Farrer, not out B 3,1 b 1.............. Total ........ 4 2 ... 4 ... 76 c Ralph, 1 Crowhurat .. c Draper, 1 Crowhurst .. c Harris, 1 Crowhurst .. b Kelsey ....... not out ....... L b 2,nb 1.. Total ... 68 DULWICH v. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Played at Tunbridge Wells on August 25. D u lw ic h . First Innings. Second Innings. T. S. Tregellas, b Kelsey... 24 b Kelsey ........ 4 E. H. Heasman, b North- cott ........................... 0 b Kelsey ........ 0 O. Jones, b Northcott ... 0 run out ........ 0 T. R. Pearse, c Attree, b Northcott..................... 14 b Northcott ... 4 E. J. Heasman, c and b Northcott.................... 34 b Kelsey ........ 2 W. Morris, b Northcott ... 0 lbw, b Kelsey... 0 B. Heasman, b Kelsey ... 8 b Northcott ... 18 A. G. Booty, c Faunce, b Northcott.................... 0 b Chapman ... 6 C. P. Tregellas, not out ... 5 c Faunce, b Kelsey ........ 0 C. H. Carter, b Northcott 0 c Faunce, b Kelsey ........ 10 R. Nevill, b Kelsey ........ 0 not out ........ 0 B .......................... 17 B 14, lb 1 ... 15 Total .............. 1C2 T u n b r id g e W e l ls . First Innings. Total ... 59 R. de L’Faunce, c Booty, b T. S. Tre­ gellas .................... 17 R. Chapman, c E. J. Heasman, b Pearse 8 E. H. Kelsey, b T. S. Tregellas.............. 7 H.SWebber, b Pearse 7 S. Northcott, lbw, b T. S. Tregellas ... 5 G. Edwards, c Nevill, b T. S. Tregellas ... L. Coath, b E. H. Heasman ........ 0 E. C. Attree, b E. H. Heasman ........ 1 May, b T. S. Tre­ gellas .............. 4 A. Coppard, bE .H . Heasman ........ 2 A. G. Jones,not out 0 B 4, lb 1 ........ 5 Total , 65 In the Second Innings Webber scored (not out) 13, Northcott, c T. S. Tregellas, bE.H. Heas­ man 8.—Total 21. DULWICH v. PENSHURST PARK. Played at Penshurst Park on August 26. D u lw ic h . First Innings. T. S. Tregellas, b W. Duke 26 B. W. Heasman, run out 11 O. Jones, b J. Ingram ... 25 E.J. Heasman, bW. Duke 0 T. R. Pearce, c Hale, b B. Duke .......................... 20 C. P. Tregellas, c Taylor, b Pocock ..................... 2 W. Morris, c Sturgess, b Pocock .................... 2 J. H. Farrer, b T. Duke ... 3 C. H. Carter, c Moore, b W. Ingram.................... 22 A. G. Booty, not out........ 7 R. Nevill, b W. Ingram ... 1 B 8,1 b 1 ............... Total .............. 128 P e n sh u r st P a r k . Second Innings, not ont ......... 3 not out ........ 11 c W. Ingram, b W. Duke ... 2 b Pococfc ........ 0 b Pocock ........ 0 c J. Sturgess, b Pocock ........ 3 B .............. 2 Total , 21 J. Ingram, b Morris 29 H. Duke, b Jones ... 6 C. Pocock, c T. S. Tregellas, b Jones 40 W. Duke, b Morris ... W. Ingram, b Morris T. Duke, c Farrer, b Morris .............. H. G. Taylor, cBooty, b T. S. Tregellas ... J. Hale, run out ... J. M. Sturgess, c Carter, b T. Tre­ gellas .............. H. Pocock, c Farrer, b Pearse.............. R. Moore, not out ... B 5, lb 2, nbl... Total . 99 DULWICH v. HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS. Played at Hastings on August 27. H a stin g s . E. O. Howis, b T. S. Tregellas.............. 7 A. Clark, b T. S. Tregellas.............. 4 A. J. Brook, not out 51 F. Hill, b T. S. Tre­ gellas.................... 16 T. Kennard, c Jones, b Morris.............. 14 J. Pettinger, b C. P. Tregellas.............. 9 C. J. Cook, b C. P. Tregellas.............. 0 D u lw ich , T. S. Tregellas, b Kid­ man .................... 0 B. Heasman, run out 38 O. Jones, b Clarke ... 15 T. R. Pearse, b Clarke .............. 3 E. J. Heasman, b Clarke .............. 9 C. H. Carter, b Hill... 3 0. P. Tregellas, b Hill .................... 0 Kidman, b C. P. Tr'egellaa ........ 0 E. T. B. Austin, b C. P. Tregellas........ 0 E. J. Ingleton, c Far­ rer, b C. P. Tregel­ las .................... 2 R. Wilson, b T. S. Tregellaa ........12 B 7,1 b 5 ........12 Total ...127 E. H. Heasman, not out ...................... 15 W. Morris, 1b w, b Kidman............... 5 R. Nevill, 1 b w, b Kidman.............. 0 J. H. Farrer, b Kid­ man ..................... 0 B 4,1 b 3 ........ 7 Total , 95 DULWICH v, SOUTH SAXONS. Played at Bo-Peep on August 28. D u lw ic h . T. S. Tregellas, c AshC. H. Carter, c burnham, b ShadChichester,bShad­ well ........ ........ 37 well .................... 33 B. Heasman, 1b w, b E. J. Heasman, st Shadwell.............. 10 Chichester, b Ash­ O.Jones,c Chichester, burnham ........ 37 b Shadwell ........ 6 C. P. Tregellas, b E. H. Heasman, c Nuttall .............. 14 Shadwell, b AshA. G. Booty, not out 22 burnham .............. 11 J. H. Farrer, c Bent­ W. Morris, c and b hall, b Nuttall ... 2 Doulton .............. 15 B 3, lb 3, nb 2 ... 8 T. R. Pearse, b Shad— well .................... 24 Total ........219 S outh S axon s . L. M. Wallick, b A. C. Coles, b C. P. Pearse .............. 2 Tregellas ........ 0 A. P. Doulton, b T. S. R. Shadwell, c and b Tregellas.............. 13 C. P. Tregellas ... 4 F. T. Gilliatt, c FarR. H. Nuttall, b C. rer, b T. S. TregelP. Tregellas........ 6 las .................... 1 R. Adamson, st E. J. W. H. Benthall, b T. Heasman, b C. P. S. Tregellas ........ 8 Tregellas ........ 1 H. Ashburnham, b T. W. Benthall, not out 1 S. Tregellas ........ 4 B .................... 5 F. G. Chichester, c T. — S. Tregellas, b C. P. Total ........ 46 Tregellas.............. 1 Now Ready. SEASON 1886. SPYBEY'S ANNUAL REGISTER OF NOTTINGHAMSHIRE CRICKET MATCHES. Price 6d. By Post, 7d. TENTH YEAR OP PUBLICATION. 6, GOLDSMITH STREET, N O T T I N G H A M . D A E K ; S C elebrated CRICKET BALLS. The Secretary of the Marylebone Club says: “ D a r k <fc S o n s ’ Cricket Balis are the pnly ones in use at Lord’s Ground. We have tried the other makers but consider D a r k ’s much the best.” Also in use by the principal County and other Clubs throughout the country. F. DARK & SONS, M anufacturers , LORD’S CRICKET GROUND N.W. PHOTOGRAPHS OF CELEB RATED ELEV EN S , 1884-5- ALL CLUBS, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, &c., &c. SHOULD HAVE THE CELEBRATED COUNTY AND OTHER CRICKET ELEVENS, B y E. HAWKINS & Co., 108, K I NG ’ S ROAD, BBI GHTON. The Most Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3/6 each, Post Free. Size of Photo 12-in. by 10-in. A lso P hotos op a l l th e P r in c ipa l C r ic k e te r s JUST PUBLISHED. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at LORD’S. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at The OVAL. ENGLAND at LORD’S. ENGLAND at the OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEES, 1/6 each: the whole set of 14,15/-. Under the Patronage of P r in c e C h r is tia n , P r in c e C h r is tia n V i c t o r , T h e E a r l o p S h e f f ie l d , & c., & c. The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES. Photographed Speciallyfor the Earl of Sheffield L o r d S h e f f i e l d w r i t e s “ I hope you will find many customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” B i ll ia r d s I B a g a t e l le s All those requiring New or Second-hand Tables, Requisites, or Billiardwork done, should before going elsewhere, send for HENNIG BROS’. New Price List, Cloth and Cushion __ „ Samples.—Address, 11, High St., London, W.C. Established 1862. Printed for the Proprietor by W right & C o ., Cricket Press, 41 St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors' Commons, London. E.O., Sept. 1G, 1886.