Cricket 1886

426 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. SEPT. 16, 1886. BRIXTON WANDERERS v. STAR. Played at' Priory Farm, HonOr Oak, Sept. 8. B r ix to n W a n d e r e r s . W. A. Gilligan, b Langworthy........ 1 F. Leleu, b Harrison 21 A. Ef Hockerday, c Langw orthy, b Murden ... ;........ 15 J j C.Esson,bHarrison 1 E.L.Chavasse.cLang- worthy, b Murden 1 E R. Sturgeon, b Harrison.............. 1 H. Humphreys, c Dives, b Lang­ worthy ......... ... 35 F.Hockerday,bLang- worthy ... 4 C. F. Jones, st Dives, b Harrison ........ 4 H. Odell, not out ... 0 B .............:. ... 11 Total S t a r . G. Harrison,'c BesOn, b Gilligan ........ 50 White, b Gilligan ... 13 M. Clayton, c Hum­ phreys, b Gilligan 28 W.Murden,b Gilligan 30 B. Kenyon, b Hum­ phreys ’ .............. 28 Swain, c Sturgeon, b Chavasse k.. ... 7 Dives, b Chavasse ... 9 J. W. Lacey, c Odell, b Chavasse ........ 1 Pottinger, run out ... 1 Langworthy, bHum­ phreys .............. 8 Upward, not out ... 0 Extras... ... ...22 Total :...197 BRIXTON WANDERERS v. BARNES. Played at Dulwich on Sept. 9. B r ix t o n W a n d e r e r s . F. Leleu, c Porteous, b Wood ........ ... 11 J. Dalston, b Wood... 2 W.A.Gilligar,cWood, b Clifford... ........ 0. E. ButtanBhaw, c Porteous, b Clifford 14 Middleton, b Wood... 10 A.A. Griffiths, runout 40 H. A. Humphreys, b Clifford................. 5 A. F. Cowell, b Wood 1 Hockerday, b Wood 2 J.Leleu, run out ... 21 H. Odell, not out ... 3 Extras ... ......... 17 Total ........ 132 A. T. Bull, c Thomp­ son, b J. Leleu ... 25 A. Wood, c F. Leleu, b Griffiths ........10 G. Clifford, c F., b J. Leleu..................... 17 C. G. Porteous, b J. Leleu... ............. , 1 C. Nettleton, c F. Leleu,bHumphreys 27 G. E. Seward, c Thompson, b Gilli­ gan .............. 10 B a r n e s . W. Jk Jacques, b Gilligan ......... ... J.Florach, b Gilligan P. J. de Launez, b Gilligan ... ... ... C. Wallis, not out ... P.Nettleton, b Hum­ phreys ............... Extras............... Total ...114 BRIXTON WANDERERS v. EASTERN BANKS. Played at Dulwich on September 11. E a s t e r n J. F. Beddy, c Caesar, b Gilligan ........ 12 Rock, b Gilligan ... 4 R. F. Thompson, b Gilligan ........ ... 15 Woodhouse,b Puckle 4 Thomson, b Gilligan 5 J. Pauli, b Gilligan ... 6 A. F. Wood, not out 25 B a n ks . Murray, c Chalcraft, b Humphreys O’ConnOt, tj Puckle, b Gilligan ........ Metcalfe, b Gilligan Gillespie, b Puckle 0 B ... ... . Total . B r ix to n W a n d e r e r s . JT. Leleu, e Beddy, b Thompson ........12 H. A. Humphreys, o sub, b Rock ........ 2 G. G. Chalcraft, b Murray ......... .. 17 W. A. Gilligan, not out ........ ........ 38 Dr. L. Stevenson, b Rock ........ E. Buttanshaw, Rock.............. H. Odell, not out Extras........ Total 14 H. L. Puckle, J. Dalston, J. A. A. Ctesar, and C. M. Spurling did not bat. HENDON v. HENDON TOWN. Played at Hendon on September 4. H en d o n . A. Playford, b Lewin 43 R. Playford, run out 08 C. H. Page, c Hearn, b Key ... ........ 48 W. Playford, b Lewin 8 G. Quirk, c Hearn, b Key ................... . 14 G. E. Waller, c and b Hearn .............. 0 S.Thompson,cJones, 1?Lewin 0 J. Woolley, not out 19 H.Tyers, b Lewin ... 8 H. E. Beddall, c and b Lewin.............. G T. Beddall,c Wells, b Hearn .............. 0 B 4,lb 1, w4, nb 1 10 Total ,..218 H en don T ow n . F. Hearn,cWoolley,b R. Playford ... ... 5 T. W. Hill, b R.Play- fo r d ............ .. 2 J. Wells, b Woolley 19 T. DreWell. c A.Play- ford, b Woolley ... 14 J. Brown, b Woolley 14 J. Cripps, st Page, b Waller ... ... ... C. Lewin, b Waller... G. Key, not out........ T. Jones, not out ... B 5, w 3, nbl .... Total ... ... F. Hill and W. Bennett did not bat. PENGE v. LAUSANNE. Played at Dulwich on August 28. P e n g e . H. W. Dillon, c Simp­ son, b Easterbrook 0 J. Roe, c sub., b Easterbrook ... ... 6 F. C. Barchard, b Simpson ... ... ... 12 H. B. Smith, e Easter­ brook, b Simpson 8 W. F. Cook,b Easter­ brook..................... 3 W. A. Buxton, b Easterbrook........ 6 F. Oldham, b Simp­ son .............. ... C. J. Knott, b Simp­ son ........ .... ... C. H. Rollison, b Easterbrook........ C. Ovenden, b Simp­ son .................... Capt. Barchard, not out .................... L b 2,w 1 ........ L ausann e . Total 45 H. H. Hyslop, stRoe, b Cook ... ........ 9 J. Faulkner, 1b w, b F. Barchard ......... 101 J. Hutchinsofa, b Buxton .,. .......... 10 M. La Thangue, not out .......................17 J. S. Walker, b F. Barchard ........ 0 R. Easterbrook, b Oldham................ 13 Simpson, not out ... 7 B 1,1b 4, wl,nb3 9 Total ..166 Kroney, Lock, Harwood and Neales did not bat. PENGE v. WEST WICKHAM. Played at Penge on September 4. W e s t W ickham . LeslieWilson, st Roe,- b Lunnon ... 70 P. out 10 A. Sturges, b Cook... 2 P. D. Chater, c Bar­ chard, b Cook ... 6 Cecil Wilson,cDillon, b Oldham ........ 13 C. McAndrew, c and b Middleton........ 5 B. McAndrew, b iOld- ham ... .............. 0 €5. Hoskier, c Dillon, b Oldham ... ... New, c Roe, b Bar­ chard ............... N. E. Bicknell, b Lunnon .............. Baker, b Barchard... P. Bicknell, not out Total ... 10 ...127 P e n g e . J. Walton, retired ... 5 H. W. Dillon, st Bick- J. Roe, c New, b L. nell, b C. Wilson ... 8 Wilson ..< ........ 8 W. F. Cook, not out 8 W.H. Lunnon,c New, E. R. Shilletto, b L. b C. Wilson ........ 0 Wilson ... ........ 0 6 F. C. Barchard; c L., Middleton, c Bicknell bC. Wilson ........ 2 bL. Wilson ........ 1 2 H. B. Smith, b C. W. S. Watts, b L. 1 Wilson ... ......... 0 Wilson ... ........ 0 C. H. Barber, c L., b B .................... 5 1 C. Wilson ' ........ 5 — F. Oldham, b C. WilTotal ........ 42 81. son ... .............. 0 PENGE v. SOUTH NORWOOD. Played at Penge on September 11. P bn g h . H. W, Dillon, b Elborough ........ 30 P. Knott, c Stanley, b Brunt .............. 28 F. C. Barchard, b Elborough ........10 H. B. Smith, b Wilt­ shire ........ ......... 2 J. Boe, b Webb........ 35 W. F. Cook, b Wilt­ shire .................... 22 J. Walton, c Harle- grave, b Webb ... C. - H. Barber, b Elhorough ........ F. Oldham, b Webb Capt. Barchard, c Harlegrave, b El­ borough ... ........ W. J. Watts, not out B 17, lb 2, wl... W. C. Elborough, b Cook.................... 0 A. R. Ellis, b Cook ... 21 F.Wiltshire, cBarber, b Cook ............... 5 G. Featherstone, st Boe, b C ook ........ 10 S o u th N orw ood . Total ........ 163 J. E. De Gruchy, b Walton .............. 0 E. J. Stanley, not out .................... 11 W. Brunt, not out... 0 B 4, n b 2 ........ 6 Total . 53 P. Neall, H. Harlegraye, A. Eames and A. W. Webb did not bat. BROADWATER v. L. AND S.W.R. Played at Broadwater on September 7. B r o a d w a t e r . W. D. Marshall, c Williams, b Carney 8 J. R. Head, b Holmes 17 W. L. Jones, c Figg, b E. Skilton ... ... 35 J. F. Leese, b Carney 37 M. Marshall, c Gale, b Barratt... ... ... 36 C. E. Brownrigg, b Miles........ ........ 15 C. Lambert,b Carney 0 V. F. Leese, c Fisher, b Barratt.............. 2 C. E. Fairtlough, not out ... ......... ... 29 A. J. Gibbs, c C. Skilton, b Miles ... 7 L.Phillips,c Holmes, b Fisher....... . ... 0 Street, c E. Skilton, b Miles .............. 4 B 11,1 b 2 ... ... 13 Total ...203 L. ANDS.W.R. W. Barratt, b Gibbs 13 B. R. Fisher, c and b Gibbs.................... 7 C. Cottingham, c J. F.Leese, bStreet... 8 W. Williams, c Street, b Gibbs .............. 0 < 5 . Skilton, c Brown­ rigg, b Street........ 5 H. Holmes, b Street... 12 J. Gale, b Street ... 1 W. H. Miles, c W. D. Marshall, b Street 6 W. Figg, not out ... 28 Carnev.c Fairtlough, bOib^s ... ........ 1 E. Pkiltm, not out... 11 B ... .............. 2 Total 94 E. Simms did not bat. BROADWATER.—OVER v. UNDER 21. Played at Broadwater on September 9. U n d e r 21. J. R. Head,b Hornby 14 W. H. Leese, c Gos­ ling, b Marshall ... 36 V. F. Leese, b Mar­ shall ..................... 5 A. J. Gibbs, c Lambert, b Hornby 29 L.Phillips, bLambert 37 H. Ramsden, run out ....................36 H. Tringham, c J. F. Leese, b Lambert 8 A. Street, b Marshall 14 W. Woodroffe, b Lambert.............. 3 S. V. Gibbs, b Mar­ shall.................... 4 J. Baverstock, not out ... ... ..; ... 6 Holden, absent... ... 0 B 17, lb 2, w 1... 20 Total ...212 O v e r 21. C. E. Fairtlough, b Head.................... 2 C. Lambert, c Head, b A. J. Gibbs........ 30 J. F. Leese, c Head, b A. J. Gibbs ........ 41 G. F. Hornby, h w, b V. F. Leese ........ 60 M. Marshall, c Tring­ ham, b Ramsden... 52 E. D. Gosling, st A. J. Gibbs, b W. H. Leese.................... 12 C. D. Cancellor, c Ramsden, b W. H. Leese.................... 7 C. E. Mellersh, not out ........ ........23 C. S. Jerram, c andb Head.................... 3 H. H. Fetherston- haugh, b Head ... 0 R. J. Burnside, b W. H. Leese.............. 1 R. H. Mellersh, absent ............... 0 B 9,1 b 2 .......11 Total ......242 BROADWATER v. R.M.C., SAND­ HURST. Played at Sandhurst on September 11. R.M.C. L. J. Wood, c W. G. Marshall, b Para­ vicini .......................50 R. J. Bentick, run out 2 Sir C. Cuyler, b W. G. Marshall ........ 51 R. P. Spurway, b Paravicmi ... ... 9 J. H. Bell-Smythe, b W. G. Marshall ... 11 G. G. Lang, b W. G. Marshall.............. 8 W. Bowden-Smith, b W. G. Marshall ... 2 H. H. Thompson,not out ............. . ... W. Blair, b W. G. Marshall.............. C. Stacey, c Head, b W.G. Marshall ... F. H. Johnstone, c Spens, b Paravi­ cini .................... B 1,lb 4 ........ Total B r o a d w a t e r . W. D. Marshall, c Johnstone.bThomp­ son .................... 7 A. J. Webbe, c and b Johnstone.............. 11 Major Spens, c Lang, b Johnstone ... ... 15 P. J. de Paravicini, c Cuyler,bJohnstone 23 J. R. Head, b Stacey 3 A. Hughes-Onslow, b Lang.................... 3 M. Marshall, c Blair, b Johnstone ... ... 17 W. H. Leese, b Johnstone ...........26 W. G. Marshall, b Thompson ........11 A. J. Gibbs, c Bow­ den-Smith, b Spur­ way .......................24 C. E. Fairtlough, not out ....................... 13 B 6, lb 2 ... 8 Total ...161