Cricket 1886

SEPT. 16,1886. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 425 M r , E stcou bt ’ s X I, A. C. Hattatt, c P. Gibson, b Lane ... J. Joliffe, c S. Lang­ ton, b Lane ........ W, Bowry, c E. Lang­ ton, b Lane ........ A. S. Estcourt, o W. Langton, b E. Langton .............. ] Dr. J. O. Wyley, c W. Langton, b Lane ... Rev. W. Heygate, b E. Langton.............. A. Evelegh, c Locke, b Lane .............. 10 A. H. Haig, c Banks, b E. Langton ... 36 W. George, not out... 21 L. Heygate, b P. Gibson .............. 8 E. C. Evelegh, c Locke, b Lane ... 3 B 5, w 1, nb 1 ... 7 Total ...112 GATCOMBE v. MR. E. FOA’S XI. Played at Newport, Isle of Wight, on August 28. G atc o m be . First Innings. Second Innings. J.E. Lane, b L. Banks ... 7 notout ...... 9 H. Langton, c Logan, b L. Banks........................... 5 Capt.Bewicke, b Roberts 23 not out .........30 Capt. Allfrey, c Bedford, b Roberts..................... 1 c Draper, b E. F oa.............. 37 P. Gibson, b Roberts ... 11 J. H. Whittington, c and b Roberts .................... 21 b Draper ......... 9 Sergt. Neal, b Roberts ... 0 c R. H. Poa, b L. Banks ........ 2 W. Bowry, st E. Foa, b Roberts .................... 6 W. Gaze, not out ..........20 b Draper ......... 1 E. Langton, c R. H. Foa, b Cole ........................... 4 W. Langton, b Cole........ 0 B 15,1 b 4 .............. 19 Total .............. 117 M r . E. F o a ’s XI. B 6,1 b 1, w 2 9 Total ... 97 W. Bedford, 1b w, b Whittington........ 50 Riddett, b Allfrey ... 1 R. H. Foa, c Gibson, b Lane .............. 6 L. Banks, c Whitting­ ton, b Lane ........ 0 Draper, c H. Lang­ ton, b Whittington 13 B, Foa, b Allfrey ... 10 J. H. Roberts, c Gib­ son, bWhittington 0 R. L. Colenso, lbw , b Allfrey.............. 11 A. Banks, b Allfrey 0 A. Logan, b Whit­ tington .............. 1 Cole, not out ........ 1 B3, l b l.w l ... 5 Total ... 98 LOOKERS PARK v. RICKMANSWORTH. Played at Riokmansworth on August 30. R ickm an sw o r t h . First Innings. Second Innings. H. Batchelor, b Pinder ... 19 c F. G. Oliver, b Pinder ........ 2 S. Palmer, c H. Finch, b Horne........................... 3 c H. C. Finch, b Pinder ........ 1 R. Plaistowe, c C. Finch, b H. E. Oliver.............. 7 b Horne ........ 6 H. Collis, not out ........ 34 c and b Pinder 2 H. Palmer, b Horne........ 0 c H. Oliver, b Horne ........ 2 W. C. McDonald, b Horne 3 b Horne ........ 0 Dr. A. D. Murray, lbw, b Home.......................... 4 b Horne ........ 2 H. Wellings, st Orr, b Horne.......................... 5 b Horne ........ 4 J. Goodyear, b Pinder ... 0 lbw, b Horne ... 0 R. Plaistowe, b Horne ... 7 not out ........ 0 E. Plaistowe, b Horne ... 0 b Horne ........ 5 B 1,lb 1 .................... 2 B .............. 1 Total. .............. 84 Total..........25 L ocker ’ s P a r k . First Innings. F.G.Oliver.candbMurray 3 J. C.Orr, c andb Goodyear 2 A.G. Prothero, b Goodyear 13 A. J. Hemmerde, b Good­ year ........................... 0 A. Pinder, b Murray........ 8 L. Horne, c R. Plaistowe, b Murray.................... 0 T. Betts, lbw, b Goodyear 0 H. E. Oliver, run out ... 1 H. C. Finch, not out ... 1 C. S. Finch, run out......... 0 M. R. Oliver, b Murray ... 0 B ........................... 1 Total ............... 29 Seeond Innings, cWelling, bMur­ ray .............. 0 c Welling, bMur­ ray .............. 28 b Goodyear ... 2 run out ........ cCollis, b Murray b Murray ... . b Collis ... . b Murray ... . b Murray ... . c R. Plaistowe, Collis ... . not out ... . LOCKERS PARK v. GADDESDON PLACE. Played at Gaddesdon Place on Aug. 31. G a d d e s d o n P la c e , First Innings. Second Innings. J.C. Orr, lbw, b Horne ... 6 lbw, b Horne ... A. Kemp, b Pinder ........... 0 b Prothero J. Betts, not out..............15 b H. Oliver F. Halsey, c F. Oliver, b Horne............................. 0 c Horne, b F. Oliver ... .„ S. B. Greenfield, b Pinder 0 b M. Oliver L. Halsey, c Prothero, b Pinder........................... E. Watkins, b Horne........ R. Halsey, c C.R. Finch, b Horne.......................... F. Greenfield, c Pinder, b Horne........................... C. Pinder, st H. C. Finch, b Horne .................... Emergency, absent ........ 8 c Prothero, Horne 0 not out b Horne ... b F. G. Oliver , 0 b Horne ....... 0 absent ....... B 11, lb 1, w £ Total.................... 31 L o c k e r s P a rk . First Innings. Total........101 F. G. Oliver, c Wat­ kins, b Kemp........ A. G. Prothero, b Kemp.................... L. Horne, c Betts, b Orr .................... A. J. Hemmerde, b Orr .................... A. Pinder, b Orr H. E. Oliver, cKemp, b Watkins C. R. Finch, o Betts, b Watkins ........ M. R. Oliver, b Betts C. D. Finch, not out T. E. Lewin, b Wat­ kins .................... B 5, lb 1, w 2 ... Total........ H. C. Finch, b Betts... 12 In the Second Innings F. G. Oliver scored b Orr, 9, A. G. Prothero (not out) 42, A. J. Hemmerde (not out) 13, C. D. Finch, b Orr, 0; b 5, lb 2, w 1— Total, 72. LOCKERS PARK v. CHORLEY WOOD LADS. Played at Chorley Wood on Sept. 4, C h o r le y W o o d . First Innings. Second Innings. E.Pullen,cHalsey, bHome 18 b Pinder ........ 8 H. Simmonds, c Bish, b Horne.......................... 6 b Horne ........ 0 H. Darvell, b Pinder........ 1 c Hemmerde, b Horne ........ 1 W. Wallington, b Horae... 2 c Bish, b Pinder 0 W. Thompson, c Kemp, b Pinder.......................... 13 c Hemmerde, b Horne ........ 0 G. Fitzgerald, b Horne ... 1 b Pinder ........ 1 W. Pullen,cKemp,bHorne 11 c F. G. Oliver, b Pinder ........ 1 F. Brown, lbw, b Horne ... 2 b Horae ........ 1 A. Fitzgerald, not out ... 4 c and b Horae... 0 H. White, c Bish, b Horae 0 not out ........ 0 P. Kiff, absent .............. 0 c and b Pinder... 0 B ........................... 4 Bl, w l ........ 2 Total.............. 62 Total........ 14 L ockers P a r k . F. G. Oliver, b E. Pul­ len .................... 1 J. C.Orr,cSimmonds, bE. Pullen ........81 A G. Prothero, b Simmonds ......... 8 A. J. Hemmerde, run out ..................... 0 L.Horne.b Simmonds 38 F. Halsey, b Sim­ monds ............... 3 A. Pinder, b Sim­ monds ................ 14 H.JE. Oliver, c Pul­ len, b Simmonds... 2 A. Kemp, not out ... 15 W. Bish, b WalUng- ton .................... 15 M. R. Oliver, c and b Simmonds ......... 0 B 5, w 9 .......... 14 Total . ...191 Total ... 36 CRYSTAL PALACE v. PALLINGSWICK. Played at the Crystal Palace on Aug. 14. C r y s t a l P a la c e . W. Noakes, b Carter 53 W. F. Noakes, c Burn­ side, b Hotchkin ... 43 F. Colclough, b Witt 50 S. Shorter, c Ladell, b Carter .................39 F.W. Janson,cBacon, b Witt ............... 0 H. Hetley, c Witt, b Bacon ............... 164 J. Aste, c Witt, b Carter .............. 0 M. Lea, bWalker ... 53 E. A. Ram, b Carter 5 G. Austin, not out ... 27 W. R. Hawkins, not out .................... 1 W2,b21, lb 5,nbl 29 Total . Pallingswick did not bat. ...404 CRYSTAL PALACE v. GRYPHONS. Played at the Crystal Palace on Sept. 4. C r y s t a l P a la c e . P. Currey, b Clarke... 39 J. Aste, c Lyons, b Ferns.................... 37 A. Kayess, b H. Lyons 16 C.J. M. Fox, cPowell, b Britten................10 S. Colman, not out... 59 E. A. Ram, c Lyons, b Ferns ................ 5 Total.. S. Shorter, c Powell, b Clarke.............. 14 G. J. Cooper did not bat. Gryphons did not bat. W. F. Umney, b Meller ............... 4 A. W. Gardner-Wool­ loton, c Cosens, b Ferns ...............21 M. Lea,not out........ 0 W2,bl0, lb 4, nbl 17 CRYSTAL PALACE TOURISTS v. THE REST. Played at the Crystal Palaoe on Sept. H. T h e R e s t , First Innings. P. Currey, b Umney........ 16 G. E . Bicknell, c Gard­ ner-Woolloton, bUmney 2 A. W. Dorman, c Gard- ner-Woolloton, bAste... 43 E . A. Ram, b Umney ............ 0 M. Lea, c Gardner-Wool­ loton, b Umney ........ 9 H. Hetley, c Shorter, b Cosens........................... 6 G. J. Cooper, c Cosens, b Kayess........................... E. A. Reeves, c Shorter, b Fox ........................... 0 L. H. Neame, st Gardner- Woolloton, b Aste........ 5 C. A. Pope, c and b Aste... 0 H. W. Umney, not out ... 0 B.................................11 Second Innings, not out ... ... GO bFox ............... 11 b Colman ........ 7 b c Dorman, Umney ... 2 b F o x ......... 9 ... 3 Total... ........ 94 T o u r ists . c Gardner-Wool­ loton,bUmney 10 notout ........ 13 c Kayess, b Aste 1 B 8, lb 1........ 9 Total........123 S. Colman, not out... 27 F. Barry, b Dorman... 0 J. Dives, st Currey, b Dorman ............... 2 C. J. M. Fox, c Hetley, bDorman.............. 20 J. Aste, c Reeves, b Dorman .............. 1 A. Kayess, b Dorman 0 S. Shorter, b Lea ... 0 C. H. Dorman, c Neame, b Dorman G. Cosens, b Lea ... A. W. Gardner-Wool­ loton, b L ea........ W. F. Umney, b Lea B 2,lb 1 ........ Total ... 5 3 . 07 ALBION (BATTERSEA) v. BLACK EAGLES. Played at Putney on September 11. B lack E agles . First Innings. Edwards, b Darling........ Lawrence, b King ........ Fountain, b Darling........ Fuller, run out .............. Mann, b King .............. Worth, b Darling ........ Burrows, b Darling........ Hemmingway, c Mellish, b Darling.................... Rymill, b K ing............... Binks, not out ............... N b ........................... Total ............ A lbion . S. Lohmann, b Fuller 0 C. Brooker, b Mann... 1 A. King, b Fuller ... 0 G.Mellish.c Fountain, b Fuller .............. C. Muddle, b Fuller... 42 H. Westmore, b Mann 0 A. May, b Edwards ... 13 Second Innings. 0 b Hunt 0 st Brooker, b Hunt 0 st Brooker, ’b Hunt 0 c Westmore, b Hunt 0 b Mellish ... 0 not out 0 b Hunt 0 st Brooker, b Hunt 2 b Hunt 0 1 B ........ 3 Total 17 R. Darling, b Worth E. King, b Mann ... A. Stevens, b Fuller R. Hunt, not out ... B3, lb 3, w1,nbl Total ... . 77 G e n t le m e n ’ s V is it in g C a rd s.— 50, name only, 1/6; with address, 2/-. 100, name and address, 2/6. Wright & Co., General Printers, 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, London, E.C.