Cricket 1886

420 CRICKET: A WEEKLY fiECOBb O f THE GAME. SEPT. 16,1886. SOUTH LONDON HARRIERS. A nual A thletic M eeting , K ennington O val (A.A.A. L aws ), S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 25. C om m encing a t T hree o ’clock . P rogramme . O pen 100 Y ards and O ne M ile H a n d ica p s; four prizes each ra ce ; first value £10. O pen L evel 1,320 Y ards R a c e ; first prize value £5. O pen 440 Yards and O ne M ile W alkin g H andi­ ca ps ; M em bers’ 220 Y ards, 880 Y ards, and T hree M iles H andicaps; first prizes value £7 ; fou r prizes w ill be given in each race if 50 entries. 300 Y ards H andicap, op en to b oys u nder 16 years o f age educated at p u blic schools, or in trodu ced by m em bers o f the c lu b ; a llow an ce 10 yards per year. E ntrance fee—boys, I s .; strangers, 2s. 6 d .; m em ­ bers can enter for three events fo r 6s. H andicappers for the open events, S. H . B aker, T . Shore, and J. E . D ixon. E ntries, w ith clu b colou rs and particulars of last three perform ances, should b e sent in this day, S eptem ber 16, to th e hon. sec., A . J. F ow d en , 4, R u tlan d Park, C atford. T he com m ittee reserve th e right o f refusing any entry. SURREY BICYCLE CLUB. A U TU M N M E E T IN G . K enning ^ on O v a l , S a tu r d a y , S e p t . 18, C om m encing at T hree o ’clock . 10 M iles S cratch R ace. 1 M ile Scratch R ace. 1 M ile B icycle H andicap, Open. 1 M ile Safety H andicap, O pen. G . J. H asell, H on. Sec., 3, D eerbrook R oad, H erne Hill. JOHNWISDEN & H ave a C hoice S election of COBBETT’S BATS, A ke a lso S o le A gen ts fo b C R A W F O R D ’ S Patent “ Exceller” Bats, the Handle, which is of all Cane ' and India-rubber inserted cross- ways thus X down to the shoulder of the blade, obtaining the same flexibility every way, and just that pliancy and driving power of a slightly sprung handle, with the total absence of any jar or sting. A lso M anufacturebs of eveby otheb A bticle fob CEICKET, LAWN TENNIS, and OUTDOOR SPORTS. SpecialDiscounts to Clubs,Colleges, Schools, d-c. 1886 Price List post free. 21, Cranbourn Street, LO N D O N , W .C. T T 7A N T E D , “ W isden’s C ricketers’ A lm a n a ck ’. fo r 1864 and ’65. “ J oh n L illyw h ite’s C om p a n io n ” for 1875, *,83, ’84 a n d ’85. “ Jam es L illy ­ w hite’s A nnual ” fo r 1872. State low est price.— W . H . M ., Sporting Chronicle Office, M anchester. TO G RO U N D P R O P R IE T O R S A N D C LU B S. T XTA N TE D , near F orest G ate, or in neighbour- v v hood , P R IV A T E P IT C H fo r alternate Saturdays in 1887.— A p ply, H enderson , 64, L ich ­ field R oa d, B ow , E. A P IT C H W an ted fo r Cricket for Season 1887. C onvenient distance from the City, and w ithin Five M inutes’ w alk o f any R ailw ay Station. A p ply— H on . S e c , C ricket Club, S. M aw , Son, and T h om pson , 7 to 12, A ldersgate St., E.C. G r e a t N o r t h e r n R a i l w a y C E I C K E T M A T C H . AUSTRALIANS v. SKEGNESS &VISITORS. S E P T E M B E R 20 th to 22 n d . S a tu r d a v , 18th, M onday , 20th, and T u esd ay 21 st Septem ber, Cheap D ay E xcursions to SK E G N E S S w ill leave M oorgate Street, 8.40 a.m ., A ldersgate Street, 6.42 a.m ., F arringdon Street, 6.44, K ing’s C ross (G.N.) 6.55, H ollow ay, 6.59, and Finsbury Park, 7.4 a.m . T ick ets w ill be issued b y these excursions to Skegness and B a ck , at a fare o f Six Shillings, th ird class. T hese tick ets w ill be available for R eturn from Skegness by any excursion or ordinary train u n til and inclu din g T hursday S eptem ber 23rd. O rdinary train service betw een L on d on (K ing’s Cross) and S kegn ess:— K in g ’ s C ross (dep .).—Week Days.— 5.15,9.0,12.30 a.m .; 1.30*, 3.0, 5.45 p.m . Sundays.— 8.35 a.m . S kegn ess (arr .).—Week Days.— 9.35 a.m ., 1.23* 4.38,5.33*, 7.16, 9.40 p.m . Sundays.— 3.10 p.m . S k b g n e s 8 (dep.).— Week Days.— 6 32, 8.20+, 10.35a, 12.15 a .m .; 3.20 B, 5.40,6.5,8.45 p.m . Sundays 7.45 p.m . K in g ’ s C ross (arr .).—Week Days.— 11.0 a.m .; 1.0+, 3.20 a , 5.20, 7.55 b , 9.45, 10.50 p.m .; 2.15 a.m . Sundays— 2.50 a.m . * Saturdays only. + M ondays and T uesdays only. a On M ondays leaves Skegness, 9 45 a.m . b On Saturdays leaves Skegness, 3.0 p.m . F irst, Second and T hird Class b y all Trains. L o n d o n , K in g ’s C r o ss, H E N R Y O A K L E Y , September, 1886. G eneral M anager. Cricket: A WEEKLY BECOBD OF THE GAME 41, 8T. ANDREW’S HILL, LONDON, E.O. THURSDAY, SEPT. 16 th , 1886. Next Thursday’s is the last of the Weekly Summer Numbers. IM P O R T AN T NOT ICE . Results of the Season, and Averages of the Principal Clubs will be inserted in C kicket of Thursday next and in the Winter Numbers at the rate of 3s. 6d. a column, with a minimum charge of 2s. 6d. To insure insertion in the following number, they must be received not later than the Saturday previous to day of publication. The Winter Monthly Issues will appear on the last Thursday of October, November, December, January, February, and March, commencing on October 28. The dates will be: No. 137, OCT. 28. No. 140, JAN. 27. No. 138, NOV. 25. No. 141, FEB. 24. No. 139, DEC. 30. No. 142, MAR. 81. The six numbers will be forwarded imme­ diately on publication for Is. 3d., to be sent to Mb. W . R. W eight , Manager of C eicket , at the office, 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, London, E.C. NOTICE TO SECRETARIES. T h e Editor is desirous of preparing for the use of cricketers generally a List of Cricket Clubs throughout the United Kingdom, with names and addresses of their Seoretaries. In order to make this as complete as possible he invites the co-operation of Secretaries, and any assistance with a view to the completion of a reliable list will be highly appreciated. Ijafrilirm: te s ip . The abstract and b rief chronicle o f th e tim e.— Hamlet. T h o u g h according to programme the English Amateurs ought to have already completed three of the fixtures arranged for their tour in the United States and Canada, so far the details of only the first match have come to hand. The particu­ lars of their game with the Staten Island Club, which, by-the-way, was chiefly re­ markable for the great success of the two fast bowlers, Messrs. Cottrell and Rother­ ham, will be found in another part of the paper, and everyone will be glad to see that Mr. Roller and his mates have com ­ menced their brief campaign with so decisive a victory. In order that C r ic k e t readers may be able to follow their move­ ments it may be of interest to repeat their other engagements:— Sept. 7,8, 9. v. T oron to, at T oron to. Sept. 11,13,14. v. M ontreal, at M ontreal. Sept. 15,16,17. v. N ew E ngland, at B oston. Sept. 20, 21, 22. v. B altim ore, at B altim ore. Sept. 23, 24, 25. v. P hiladelphia, at P hiladelphia. Sept. 27, 28,29. v. A ll N ew Y ork, at N ew York. O ct. 1,2, 4. v. P hiladelphia, at P hiladelphia. I t will interest C r ic k e t readers to learn that Lord Londesborough, as every one knows, one o f the most liberal sup­ porters o f our national game, has been elected by the council of the National Union as President for the ensuing year. H e will preside, it is stated, at the meet­ ing to be held under their auspices when the conference of Conservative Associa- tipns is held in Bradford in October. The good folk of Bradford are keen followers of cricket and football, and the President of the National Union will be sure of a hearty reception there next month. The Athletic News calls attention to a remarkable bowling feat in a recent match between Lindley and Woodborough. Playing for the former, F. R. Whitworth took nineteen wickets in the two innings for an average of 1.4 runs. The remain­ ing batsman was run out, so that Whit­ worth was credited with all the Wood­ borough wickets which fell to the bowlers. I need hardly add that this is an achieve­ ment of the very rarest occurrence. M r. J. W . T r u m b l e , of the Australian team, completes his twenty-third year to­ day. C r ic k e t wishes him many happy returns. I t gives me no small satisfaction to record a creditable batting performance by a very young cricketer. In a match between the juniors of Buckhurst Hill and Loughton last Monday, E. F. Nicoll went in first for the latter and carjied his bat through the innings, scoring 21 o f a total of 22. H is achievement was the more remarkable as the other notch was a bye, so that the batsman actually got all the runs made from the bat, almost if not