Cricket 1886

SEPT. 16, 1886 CBICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 419 IN C O G N IT I N O R TH E RN AND IR ISH TOUR . This year in addition to their usual tours the Incogs, for the first time crossed St. George’s Channel and paid a visit to the “ Emerald Isle,” where they enjoyed a very pleasant and successful week, winning the three matches which they played. The brothers Inglis, Hat- tersley-Smitli and Leatham were in great form, and the bowling of the last named and Cobbold was too much for the “ Sons of Erin.” W. Bird was a genial and judicious captain. The previous week had been spent by the wanderers at Liverpool and Manchester, where their efforts were not attended with success. From various causes the teams were short- handed, and had to be completed by recruits picked up on the spot. This is always aheavy handicap in any match, and the “ ground” element at Liverpool and Manchester was much stronger and more numerous than the visitors might have fairly expected, or than they think it should have been. One or two “ professionals ” are all very well, but three or four are more than should be brought without previous notice against a purely, amateur team. The scores of the matches of the fort­ night are appended. INCOGNITI v. LIVERPOOL C. & G. Played at Liverpool On August 16 and 17. L iverpool C. & G. E. Roper, hw, b Cob- bold ... ... ... ... 8 A.T.Kemble, c Walsh, b Raven .............. 11 E.C.Hornby, st Ponti­ fex, b Cobbold ... 25 A. Price (pro.), b Cob­ bold ............. . ... 28 F. Williamson, c P. Shilton (pro.), c Pon­ tifex, b Cobbold... S. Hornby, run out Richardson (pro.), not out .............. W. Price (pro.) b Wilde .............. J. B. Duren, absent B 14, lb 1 ... ... G. Nicholson, b Simp­ son ... ... ‘...'18 I ncogniti . First Innings. D. D. Pontifex, c and b' Shilton ........ ....... * 2 Total G. Simpson, b Richardson 0 T. H. G. Welch, c William­ son, b Shilton ... ........ 0 Rev. P. Hattersley-Shiith, c Richardson, b W. Price ... ......... ... ... 30 T. M. M. Wilde, b E. C. Hornby ........... ..._ .... 12 G. Bird, c Shilton, b Richardson .... ......... 5 L. H. Hornby, c A. Price, b W. Price........ ... ... 19 W. Bird, c I^icholaoh, bW. Price- ... ... ...' ........ C. w. S. Cobbold, c Wil­ liamson, b Shilton........ 0 J. E. Raven, not Cut........ 5 P.D. Hornby, lbw, b Shilton ... .......; ... Second innings. C Shilton, b E. C. Hornby ... b Richardson ... ! * ,st Kemble, b E. C. Hornby ... E. c Kemble, b C. Hornby ... 0 c Shilton, b E. C. Hornby ... 0 c W. Price, b E. C. Hornby ... 1 c Williamson, b E. C. Hornby 22 . 1 b Richardson ... 0 not out b W. Pricc.. b Richardson 13 ... ... Total , .74 Total ... 83 INCOGNITI v.-^WESTERN. Played at Eccles. Manchester, on August 18. I ncogniti . D. D. Poutifex, c ! W. Bird, c Orford, b Orford, b Shelmer- I Oswald ................. 4 dine ... ... 61 | J. E. Raven, b Gar- T. H. G. Welch, c ! nett............... ... 3 Barchard, b Shel- ; C. S. W. Cobbold, b merdine ...............0[ Garnett..11 Rev. P. Hattersley- j P.D Hornby, not out 8 Smith, b Orford J.. 46 |A, N. Other, absent 0 F. Atkinson, run out 29 A. B. Sentee, absent 0 T. M. M. Wilde, b B 4,1 b2, w1 ... 7 Garnett ... ........13 1 — Total ... ...188 W estern L. Orford, c Cobbold, b Atkinson ........ 7 T. P. Shelmcrdine, not out .............. 64 Capt. St. C. Oswald, c and b Cobbold ... 10 R. L. Crankshaw, b Atkinson.............. 0 S.b'.Charles, c Smith, b Atkinson ........17 J. M. Yates, c and b Raven .............. 20 S. Garnett, not out 43 B ... ... ........ 3 JTotal ...164 H. G. Barchard, J. R. Newby, F. Agnew and W. McArthur did not bat. INCOGNITI V. MANCHESTER C. & G. Played at Old Trafford on August 19 and 20. I ncogn iti . F irst Innings. S econd Innings. A. E .L eatham , c K now les, b C opeland ....................... 3 c T hornber, b B urns .......... 9 W. Bird, lbw , b Copeland 10 st L ittlew ood, b ^ C opeland ... 3 R ev. P. H attersley-Sm ith, b C opeland ..................38 c T hornber, b G arner ........ 34 F .A tkinson, c a n d b C ope­ l a n d ................. ... 4 lbw , b B urns ... 1 D . D . P on tifex, c H ard- castle, b C op elan d......... 46 c L ittlew ood, b _ G arner ... ... 4 T. M. M. W ilde, b Burns...34 b Copeland ... 3 J. ifi. R a v en , c R ow ley, b C opeland .... . ... ... ..., 0 b C opeland .., .0 H . B archard, b B urns ... 0 b C opeland ... 1'2 P. D. H ornby, b Eurns ... u c T hornber, b „ „ C opeland u'. 0 C. S. W . C obbold, b B urns 0 n o t out ... ... 8 J. P into-L eite, n ot ou t ... 5 b Copeland ... 0 B 8 , lb 5 .............................13 B 5 , lb l ... 6 T otal ............153 T otal 80 M an c h e ste r C. & G. F irst Innings. S econd Innings. A. K now les, b C obbold ... 7 b C o h b o ld ............ 4 B urns(pro.),c P into-L eite, b L eatham ....................31 n ot out .............. 7 E . H. H ardcastle, b C «h- bold ... .................... 3 c P into-L eite, b B archard... ... 1 J. Clarke, c L eatham , b C obbold ........................... 0 b C o b b o ld .............. 0 L ittlew ood (pro.),b R aven 45 b B archard ... 2 A. P. P ope, run o u t ..........51 b C o b b o ld .............10 R . H. G orton, b R aven ... 0 b B archard ... 0 H . Thornber. n ot out ... 8 E . B. R ow ley,c and b Bar­ ch ard ................... ............ 8 lbw , b B archard 22 Copeland (pro.), b R aven 13 c Barchard, b C obbold............ 0 G arner (pro.), b Raven ... 1 n et ou t ............ 6 B 7, lb 6 ..................,. ... 13 L b ................. 3 Total ...180 Total ... 55 I N C O G N IT I v. C U R R A G H B R I G A D E . P la y e d a t th e C u rra gh C a m p o n A u g u st 23 a n d 24. I ncogn iti . First Innings. S econd Innings. Capt. Inglis, c Croker, b R yan ..................... ............ 7 l b w , b R yan ... 0 A. M. Inglis, c H ead, b B yan .................... ... 12c R ose, b R yan 78 R ev. P. H attersley-Sm ith, b H ead ....................; ... 26 b W eb ster..........44 E. H. C. W ellesley, b W ei ster ............................ 1 b R yan ........... 8 J. L eigh, b H ea d....................15 o R ose, bW eb ­ ster 2 A. E. Leatham , b W ebster 27 b W eb ster..........22 Capt. Johnston, b B lakely 0 n o t o u t ........... 5 J. B. Bradshaw, b R yan ... 0 run ou t ........... 7 W . H ynes, b.H ead ........... 0 b R yan ............15 W . Bird, b W e b s t e r ........... 12 c BuShby, b R yan ........... O C. S. W . C obbold, n ot out 3 b W ebster... ... 6 B ............................. 1 B 6,1 b 2 ... 8 T otal ... ... ...104 T otal ...195 C uiiragu B r ig a d e . fir s t In n in g s.1 S econd Innings. Capt. C ooke, c A, Inglis, b C ob bold ... ................... 0 b A .In filis ........... 45 J. H . Cox, lbw , b L ia th am 2 b Hattersley* Sm ith ........... G Capt. R eeve, c L eigh, b Leatham ...... ... ...1 6 c A. Inplis, b G o b b o ld ... ... 7 R. K odw oll, b C obbold ... 6 b a . In g lis........... 0 hrivate B lakely, b C ob­ b old ......................... ... 0 st L eigh, b L eatham ... 30 Sergt. W ebster, b C obbold 18 n o t ou t ............29 M ajor hunter, b C obbold 7 ru n o u t ........... 5 H. H ead, b L eatham ... 4 l b w , b C obbold 16 Sergt. R ose, c and b H at­ tersley Sm ith ... ... ... 16 c A. Inglis, b H attersley- Sm ith r , ... 1 R yan (p ro .),b H attersloy- S m ith ... ... ............ ... p C obbold, b. Leatham ... 0 P rivate Busby, not out ... 1 c and b Cob- b o ld .:. ............ 6 B ..., v . 4 B , ........... ... 7 Total ... ... 76 ' Tbtal ...152 INCOGNITI v. PHCENIX. Played at Phoenix Park, Dublin, on Aug. 25 and 26. I ncogniti . First Innings, E. H. C. Wellesley, b Meldon .............. 12 W. Bird, not out ... 37 W. Hynes, b Meldon 0 Capt.Rich,b Hartley 10 C. S. W. Cobbold, run out .............. 32 B17,lb 3,w4, nb2 26 J. Leigh, b Numi A. E. Leatham, c Chaytor, b Dunn ... Rev. P. Hattersley- I Smith, c Maxwell, b Hartley........ ... 0 A.M. Inglis,b Meldon 54 Capt. Inglis, c sub., b Meldon .............. 37 J. F. Sheppard, c Total ........ 240 Maxwell, b Nunn ... 5 Inthe Second Innings J. Leigh scored b Nunn 9, Rev. P. Hattersley-Smith (not out) 15, A. M. Inglis (not out) 2—Total 26. P hcenix . FirstInnings. J. Dunn, c A. Ingfls, b Leatham .............. 22 W. Blacker, c A. Inglis, b Leatham .....................13 J. P. Maxwell, c Leigh, b Leatham ..; .............. 4 R. Manders, b A. Inglis ... 7 A. S. Hussey, not out ... 17 J. D. Chaytor, b Cobbold.,4 1 J. H. Nunn, c A- Inglis, b Leathain ... .............. 7 Rev. .T. T. Hartley, b Leatham ........ ........ 0 J. M. Meldon, absent ... 0 W. Hone, sen., absent. ... 0 H. Eley, absent ... ... ... 0 B 4;lbl,w 2.v 7 Total .............. 78 Second Innings, b Cobbold... ... c Bird, b Lea­ tham ........ A. b Cobbold... c Smith, b Inglis ........41 lbw, b Leatham 12 c Leigh, b Cob­ bold ..............37 c Inglis, b Cob­ bold ........ . ... 32 b Hynes ... st Smith, Leatham not out b A Inglis... . 12 ... 3 B18,1 b3, w4 25 Total ...186 INCOGNITI v. IRISH CIVIL SERVICE. Played at Dublin on August 27 and 28. I ncogniti . J. Leigh, b Perry ... 58 J. F. Sheppard, b Perry..................... 9 Rev. P. Hattersley- Smith, b Perry ...20 A. M. Inglis, run out 44 A. E. Leatham, b Byrne ................. 88 Capt. InRlis, 1b w, b Carroll ... .......... 8 W. Bird, b Perry ... 0 E. H. C. Wellesley, c Drea, b Byrne ...35 C. S. W. Cobbold, not out i............. 18 M. C. Maunsell, st Skcrrett, b Byrne 14 W. Hynes, b Byrne 12 B 11,1 b 9, n b 4 24 Total ........330 I rish C ivil S ervice . First Innings. Second Innings. W. P. Ross, c Hynes, b Cobbold ........ ........ 12 absent.............. 0 P. B. Pattisson, st Smith, bLeatham.................... 2 st Smith, b A. Inglis ........21 F. Skerratt, c Capt. Inglis, b Leatham ........ ... ll c Cobbold, b Leatham ... 22 J. Drca, c Leigh, b Lea- ; tham .......................... 0 b Leatham ... 31 W. Williams, li w, b Cob- bold ........ .............. 11 run out ........ 3 •7. Kenny, b Leatham o b Leatham ... 0 J. Robertson, c Bird, b Cobbold .................... 12 c Leigh, b Lea­ tham ........ G J. .T. I5vrn<\ c Smith, b < Cobbold ............... ... 7 rim out ........ 0 G, *brabam, b Cobbold ... 9 not out ........13 D. Carroll, not otfls ........ 0 b Cobbold........ 12 Fr Perry, e rird, b Cob­ bold ........................... 0 st Smith, b Lea­ tham ........11 B: ........................... 2 B .............. 3 Total 63 Total ...122 P laying for Notting Hill v. Cricklewood, on Sept. 11, at Cricklewood, J.P. A. and F. E. GeoglWan ..dismissed their opponents for 9 runs ; tne former’s analysis reading 7.2 overs (4 maidens), 3 runs, 5 wickets, and the latter’s 7 overs (4 maidens), 4 runs, 4wickets. Netting Hill scored 105.