Cricket 1886

418 CRICKET A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. SEPT. 16,1886. LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. WINFRITH NEWBURGH. Played at West Lulworth on Aug. 25. L ulworth L obsters . Second Innings, run out First Innings. W. J. Scott, b Johnson ... J. H. Lonsdale, b C. Bas- combe............. . ........ c Johnson, Hodgson... b Bascombe .. 12 b ,. 17 ... 10 tt. tk . B olus, b Johnson ... J. D . Cruickshank, c B rad- fleld, b Johnson ............ 6 b J oh n son ..........15 F. D . Sim pson, b C. B as­ co m b e ............ ... 4 b J oh n son .............. 3 A. C. L avers, b Spicer ... 50 n ot ou t ... ... 37 J. J. P enny, b C. F. L a n g ­ ford ..................................... 14 b Johnson ... ... 1 R . B ell, b S p ice r.................... 4 c B radfield, b Spicer ............. 1 F . R aw lings, b C. F. L an gford ........... ... ... 0 b Spicer .............18 C. H. Trim m er, lbw , b S p ic e r ............ ... '... ... 3 run ou t ............. 1 H. S. N aylor, n ot ou t ... 4 b C. F . L an gford 0 B 8,1 b 1, w 1 ............10 B 5 , n b l ... 6 Total ........ 99 Total W infrith N ewburgh . ...121 R. Spicer, b Bell ... 8 C. F. Langford, b Cruickshank........17 J. J. Johnson, bBolus 11 J. Bradfield, run out 0 A. H. Hodgson, c Lavers, b Cruick­ shank.................... 3 H. Langford, bBell... 7 T. Bascombe, c and b Cruickshank ... 2 C. Bascombe, b Cruickshank........ 0 C. Strange, b Cruick­ shank .............. 0 W. J, Longman, not out .............. ... 2 W. Bascombe, c Simpson, b Scott 1 B 16,1 b 2 ........ 18 Total , 69 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. ISLE OF PURBECK. . Played at Wareham on August 26. L ulworth L obsters . First Innings. Second Innings. W. J. Scott, c Smith, b Bengough ... i.. ........ 15 c Bfengough, b Luckham ... 4 E. A. Blackwell, c Smith, b Luekham .............. 9 b Luckham ... 0 F. Rawlings, c Pike, b Bengough .................... 11 b Bengough ... 3 J. D. Cruickshank, b Ben­ gough ......... ........... 0 b Luckham ... 6 H. P. Thomas, c Smith, b LUckham .................. .. 18 b Luckham ... 7 A. C. Lavers, st Pike, b Bengough .., .............. 10 run out .......38 J. E. Stansfield, b Luck­ ham ... ... .......... . 0. not out ..... 8 F. D.,Simpson, c Lester, b Bengough... ........... 9 b Bengough ... 4 A. D. Fripp, b Bengough... 0 c.Lester,bLuck­ ham .............. 8 R. Bell,. c Smith, b Ben­ gough .............. ... ... 2 c Nash, b Ben­ gough ........ 0 J. H. Lonsdale,not out ... 0 b Luckham ...17 B ... ... ... ........ 4 B7, lb l ... 8 Total ... 78 Total ...103 I sle of P urbeck . First Innings. Second Innings. L. W. Pike, bCruickshank 8 c Bell, b Cruick­ shank ........ 0 Rev. S. Spencer-Smith, b Boll ... ... ... ... ... G. C. Manael, b Cruick­ shank ........................... J. B. G. Lester, c Lavers, b Bell........................... Rev. S. Nash, b Bell......... E. A . Bankes, b Bell ............ A . J. Luckham, b Cruick­ shank . . ... ... •• •• C. W. Bengough, b Cruick- Major Mansei, b Cruick­ shank .............. ... ... A . Pankes, riot ou t ........... A. E. Skewes, b Cruick­ shank ........ ... ... ... B ... ... ... ........ 1 c Cruickshank, b Bell ... ......... 0 1 b Cruickshank... 10 0 c and b Bell ... 0 b Cruickshank... 1 run out ... ... 2 b Bell.............. 0 cFripp,bCruick- shank ........ 0 b Cruickshank... ft not out ........ 7 B .............. LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. WINFRITH NEWBURGH. Played at Winfrith on August 28. W infrith N ewburgh . First Innings. W. J. Longman, b Bolus H. E. S. Adams, c Raw­ lings, b Bolus.............. C. F. Langford, c Naylor, b Bolus ................... . J. J. Johnson, b Bell........ H- Langford, c and b Bolus........................... 6 T. Bascombe, run out ... 1 H. King, c Blackwell, b Bell ... ..................... 5 R. Strange, not out ........ 11 H. Gillingham, c Naylor, b : Bolus ... ................... . 1 C. Bascombe, b Bolus ... 3 J. S. Kerley, c Naylor, b Bell ........................... 0 B 2,1 b 3 .............. 5 Total .............. 45 Second Innings. 1 b Bolus ........ : 12 b Bell............. I c Bolus, b Bell... b Bolus ... ... b Bolus ........ b Bolus ........ c Lonsdale, b Bell........ c Naylor, b Bell notout ... . c Blackwell, Bell............ b Bolus ... . B ............ Total L ulworth L obsters . W. J. Scott, b John­ son ..................... 0 E. A. Blackwell, b C. Bascombe ........ 16 F. Rawlings, b John­ son ..................... 2 H. B. Bolus, b C. F. Langford... ........ 71 C. H. Trimmer, b C. : Bascombe .......... 12 F. L., Thompson, b Strange ............... 8 A. C. Lavers, b C. F. Langford ........ 2 R. Bell, c King, b C. F. Langford........19 A. D. Fripp, not out 21 H. S.Naylor, run out 10 J. H. Lonsdale, b Johnson.............. 9 J311, lb 2, wl... 14 Total ...184 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. KINGSTON PARK. Played at Kingston Park on August 30. K ingston P ark . W. N. Roe, b Bolus... 90 !C. R. Sainsbury, c Fripp, b Bell........ 2 L. Parke, b Bell ... 0 H. Kindersley, b Bell 7 M. J. Druitt, b Bolus 13 J. S. Udal, b Bolus ... 8 G. C. Mansei, c Lons­ dale, b Cruick­ shank .............. 19 Dible, c Thomas, b Cruickshank........10 L ulworth L obsters . Major Inge, not out 15 W. H. Manfield, c Simpson, b Bell ... 9 C. W. Bengough, b Cruickshank........ 0 Capt.Piercy,cLavers, bBell .............. 0 B 4, lb 2, w 2 ... 8 Total ...181 First Innings. W. J. Scott, c Bengough,b Druitt ..................... Second Innings. st Manfield, R oe............ lbw, b Druitt . 2 b Druitt ... . F. Rawlings, b Bengough H. B. Bolus, c Parke, b Bengough................... . H. P. Thomas, c Piercy, b Druitt.......................... 0 b Sainsbury F. D. Simpson, c and b Bengough.................... 8 notout J. D. Cruickshank, b Druitt........................... 0 A. C. Lavers, run out ... 4 . 37 R. Bell, b Bengough......... 5 A. D. Ffcipp, bDruitt ... 3 J.H.Lonsdale.bBengough 0 C. H. Trimmer, b Druitt 2 H. S. Naylor, not out ... 3 B 5, lb 2 ....................... 7 Total ... ......41 b Druitt st Manfield, Roe ... c Piercy, b Roe B3, lb l Total... 78 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. ANDERSON VISITORS. Played at Anderson on Aug. 31. A nderson V isitors . FirstInnings. E. Wintour.bCruickshank 3 W. Ingram, bBell ........ 0 G.C. Mansei, c Lavers, b Bell .......................... 1 J. M. Luff, b Bell ........ 0 Total ... 42 Total ... 21 Rev. D. Peirce, not out ... 24 E. H. House, b Cruick­ shank ........ ... ... 16 L. Parke, b Cruickshank 0 H. H. House, b Cruick­ shank ... .i. ... ... 0 F. O. P. Cambridge, b Cruickshank ............. 0 F. R. Bouse, b Bolus.....10 E. O. Richards, b Bell ... 8 B 1,1 b 2................... 3 Total ............65 Second Innings, b Cruickshank... b Bolus ........ b Cruickshank... c Lonsdale, b Bolus ........ c Lonsdale, b Polus ........ not out ........ < run out ........ c Blackwell, b Bolus ........ b Bolus ........ 19 b Bolus ........ 1 not out ........ 10 B10, l b 3 ... 13 Total ...101 L ulworth L obsters . W.J. Scott, b Win- tour .............. ... 1 E. A. Blackwell, b Peirce .............. 2 H. B. Bolus, b Peirce 8 F. Rawlings, b Win- tour ........ ........ 11 F. D. Simpson, b Peirce ...............23 J. D. Cruickshank, b Peirce .............. 1 A. C. Lavers, c E. H. House, b Wintour 16 R. Bell, c Ingram, b Wintour............... 0 J. E. Stansfield, run out ..................... 3 C. H. Trimmer, c Parke, b F. R. House .............. 4 J. H. Loiisdale, not out ... ....... . ... 0 B 10,1 b 5 ... ... 15 Total ... 84 LULWORTH LOBSTERS (A TEAM) v. HENBURY. Played at Henbury on September 2. L u l w o r th C. H . T rim m er, run ou t ............................. 0 E . A. Blackw ell, c B engough, b D ruitt 6 F . Raw lings, c L . P arke, b B engough 0 F. L . T hom pson, c H. H. H ouse, b D ruitt 28 F. D . Sim pson, b E . H . H ou se.....................13 J. E . Stansfield, c T ruell, b E . H . H ouse ... ............16 H e n b u r y . F irst Innings. R ev. A. W . Parke, b B ell 0 C. E . Parke, c T h om pson , b B e l l ..................................... 12 G eneral Truell, c T h om p ­ son, b S im pson ............ 5 R ev. F. Salm on, c L on s­ dale, b S im pson ............ 4 E . H . H ouse, c Stansfield, b S im pson............................. 0 W . B landford, c Stans­ field, b B ell ... ............ 6 M . J. D ruitt, b B ell .............. 6 C . W . Bengough, b Bell ... 6 L. Parke, b Sim pson ............13 H. H . House, n ot o u t.............. 0 J. L aing, b H e ll.................... 0 B 4,1 b 2 ..................... 6 T o ta l ... ................58 L obsters . R. Bell, c Laing, b Bengough .........1 J. H. Lonsdale, c Truell, b L. Parke S S. Nettleton, c H. H. House, b L. Parke H. G. Wayne, c Ben­ gough, b L. Parke W. Arnold, not out B6, lb 4, nbl... ] Total ...124 Second Innings, b Stansfield ... 33 bBell... ... b Bell........ b Stansfield b Stansfield not out ... b Stansfi&d c Rawlings, Bell........ 5 0 8 49 , 23 5 i 0 4 b Simpson notout ........ 5iu B 8, lb 3, w 2 13 'Total ...160 HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS v. BEXHILL-ON-SEA. Played at Hastings on September 9. B e x h ill-o n -S e a . A. Clark, b P igg...........69 C. L avender, b P igg... 12 P . R. P apillon, lbw , b P igg ............ ............ 0 R .A shburnham .bPigg 0 R .H . N uttall,b P igg... 15 W . P . R ussell, c A uld, b Cook ..................... 2 T . K ennard, b P ig g ... 3 H. C lem etson, lbw , b K id m a n .................... H . G. P ap illon , b K idm an ... ............ F .C lem etson,not ou t J. L eeky, b P igg ... B 11, lb 2, w 1 ... T ota l 0 1 0 14 ..119 H astin g s an d S t . L e o n a r d s . H . Pigg, b F. C lem et­ son ..............................118 L . S. G ibbard, b F. C lem etson ...............78 W . Auld, c P . R . P ap­ illon , b H. C lem et­ son .............................. 5 L . N icolls, b H. C lem ­ etson .............................. 2 J. J. O liver, b F. Clem etson ............ 1 b H. b H. J. S. P arkin, C lem etson R . H em brow , C lem etson ............ W. H. S tanton, n ot out .................... ... C. J. C ook, b H. C lem etson ............ B 32, lb 1 ............ T ota l ...240 \V. Leigh*Sm ith and T . K idm an did n ot bat. W e s t ’ s P o c k e t S c o r in g B o o k .— A n ew a n d im p ro v e d sty le w ith co m p le te B o w lin g A n a ly ­ sis fo r F o rty -e ig h t In n in g s. E v e ry C lu b sh o u ld h a v e on e fo r scorin g o n th e g ro u n d . N o m o re lo s t score sheets. N e a tly g o t u p a n d b o u n d in clo th , P rice O ne S h illin g , p o st-fre e 1/1£. P u b lish e d a t th e O ffice o f C r ic k e t , 41, S t. A n d re w ’s H ill, D o cto rs ’ C o m m o n s, E .C .— (E n tered at S ta tio n e rs’ H a ll.)