Cricket 1886

112 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. MAY 6, 1886. D A E K ' S C ele bra ted KENNINGTON OVAL. First Australian Match in London. CRICKET BALLS. The Secretary of the Marylebone Club says: **D ark & S ons ’ Cricket Balls are the only ones in use at Lord’s Ground. We have tried the other makers but consider P ark ’ b muoh the best.” Also in use by the prinoipal County and other Clubs throughout the country. F. DARK & SONS, M an u factu rer s , LORD’S CRICKET GROUND N.W. THE LANCASHIRE COUNTY CRICKET DEPOT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. E. G. BARLOW, Member of the All England and Lancashire County Elevens, has on hand this season a very fine stock of Bats, &c., from all the best makers; as most of these Bats are over two years old, and have been well oiled during the winter, , they are thoroughly seasoned. Note the reduced prices of Cob- bett’s, Killick’8, Barlow’s, and other Bats, 13/6 each, other good Club Bats from 8/6. Best Match Balls, as used in the County Matches, 5/- each. Barlow’s new patent durable Cricket Spikes, 1/- per set, by post 2d. extra. Improved Removable Cricket Spikes, 1/9 per set, by post 2d. extra; these Spikes are now made to fit any boot. Patent single strap Leg Guards, 9/6 per pair. Barlow and Pilling’s patent rubber-faced Wicket Keeping Gloves, 10 6 and 12/6 per pair. Sole Agent for Manchester of Rice’s patent Cricket Bat Handle, the best ever invented, from 18/6 each. N.B.—The Young Cricketers’ Instructor, Barlow on Batting, Bowling and Fielding, and Pilling on Wicket Keeping, price by post 6<1. All orders by post punctually attended to. Price list on applica­ tion. Note the Address: R. G. B a r l o w , 385, Stretford Road, Manchester. Australians v. Surrey m a y 2 0 , 21 & 2 2 . ADMISSION TO GROUND, ONE SHILLING. Tickets for Reserved Seats can be had of the Secretary of the Surrey County Cricket Club, at Kennington Oval. The prices for the match are— F or C overed S tand „ U ncovered „ 10 /- 6/- Thi* does not include Admission to the Ground. C a r ria g e s n o t A d m it t e d . RANSOMES ’ Inventions Exhibition 1885- S ILVER MEDAL. ' '^7-. 'tr*'v'V-V * LAWN MOWERS Important Novelties for 1886. ‘ N e w A u t o m a to n ” . The best Gear Machine. ‘ C h ain A utom ato n ” . The best Chain Machine. ‘N e w P a r is ” . . . The best Small Machine. All Mowers sent on a Month’s Trial, Carriage Paid. Stock in London at Arch 92, Spitalfields Station, Bethnal Green. Orders executed promptly by all Ironmongers. Write for Price Lists of these and of T h e N e w P a t e n t L a w n E d g e C u t t e r , to RANSOMES,SIMS, &JEFFERIES,LTD.,IPSWICH. PHOTOGRAPHS OF CELEBRATED ELEVENS, 1884-5. 1YTESSRS. E. HAWKINS & Co. (late H ennah and K e n t ), 108, King’s Road, Brighton, beg to announce that they have the following now ready. Large size suitable for framing, Mounted on “ India Tints” and beautifully finished, Lord Sheffield’s Eleven, at Sheffield Park; The Austra­ lians, at Sheffield Park; Gentlemen of England, at Oval; England, at Lord’s; Gloucestershire; Surrey; Nottinghamshire; Kent; Sussex; Phila­ delphians; Charterhouse School; Huntsmen and Jockeys; Yorkshire; Derbyshire; Cambridge,Past and Present; Incogniti. Prico 3s. 6d. each, car­ riage free, or the set of sixteen f >r £2 5s. Od. Lord Sheffield’s Eleven and Anglo-Australian Team, 1885. Cabinet size of the Australians, the best ever taken, mounted on rose-coloured and cream mounts, gilt edges, with names printed in gold, elegantly finished, Is. 6d. each. Also splendid Cabinet Photos of W. G. Grace (just taken), F. Archer, G. Fordham, T. Camion, 2s. each (post free). Cartes de visite of F. Archer, G. Fordham, Is. each (post free). All orders must bo accom- anied with remittance. nder the patronage of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. PfU JOHNWISDEN &CO, H ave a C h oice S e le c tio n op COBBETT’S BATS, A r e a ls o S o le A g e n t s f o b C R A W F O R D ’ S Patent “ Exceller” Bats, the Handle, which is of all Cane and India-rubber inserted cross- ways thus )( down to tlie shoulder of the blade, obtaining the same j flexibility every way, and just ; tbat pliancy and driving power of a slightly sprung handle, with the total absence of any jar or sting. A lso M an u factu rers op ev er y o th e r A r t ic l e fo r CBICKET, LAWN TENNIS, and OUTDOOR SPORTS. Special Discounts to Clubs , Colleges , Schools , &c. 1886 Price List post free. 21, Cranbourn Street, LONTDOV. W .C. STANDARD WORK ON THE GAME. THE CRICKET FIELD. B y REV. JAMES PYCROFT. Eighth Edition. Contains Scores of Gentlemen’s and Players’ Matches to the end of 1883. Price 2s. Gd. Post Free 2s. 9d. W R I G H T & CO. ( cr ick et pre ss ) 41, S t . A n d r e w ’ s . H il l , E.C. .TO* — P r i c e s — 10 inch Machine, £ 3 .0 .0.n4inch Machine, £4-.15.0. I2inch Machine," Machine, 5.10.0. ------------------• g r a s s B o x e s E x tr a . A l e x a n d e r S h a n k s & b o w , D e n s I r o n "W o rk s, A r b r o a t h . ' & Z7 o e n h ,«m - S t r e e t , L o n d o n '. [MAKERS ALSO OF SHANKS'S CELEBRATED LAWN MOWERS] (ENTERED a t sta tio n e r ’ s h a l l ). WEST'S Pocket Scoring Book. A NEW AND IMPROVED STYLE WITH COMPLETE BOWLING ANALYSIS FOR FORTY-EIGHT INNINGS. Every Club should have one for scoring on the ground. No more lost score sheets. Neatly got up and bound in Cloth PRICE ONE SHILLING. Post free Is. lid. Published at the Office of “ C ricket ,” 41, S t . A ndrew ’ s H ill , D octors ’ C ommons , E.C. Printed for the Proprietor by W right & Co., Cricket Press, 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, London, E.C., May C, 1886.