Cricket 1885

396 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. s e p t . 10 , isss. INCOGNITI NORTHERN TOUR. At the close of their successful fortnight in the West of England, the Incogniti com­ menced their Northern Tour on 17th August at Birkenhead Park, and after a close and exciting match were defeated by 25 runs. For the home team Smith, their profes­ sional, carried off the chief batting honours, whilst the steady play of Hattersley-Smith and the huge hitting of Ford for the Incogs., were loudly applauded by the large ring of over 3,000 spectators. Their enthusiasm was fully roused by Ford’s tremendous drives, and his call for another bat after smashing a couple brought forth a response of “ bring him a tree 1” Wells-Cole bowled very effectively, taking nice wickets in the first innings. The second match, against the Liverpool Club and Ground, ended in a draw, mainly due to the excellent innings played by R. Wood, and the steady defence of Hill and Hilton at the critical time. Kemble, Manson, and Williamson all showed up well for Liverpool, and for the Incogs, besides those already mentioned Ford, Wells-Cole, and Hattersley Smith were prominent, and the first-named again demonstrated that the largest grounds are too small for him. From Liverpool the Incogs, journeyed to Manchester where they met the Western Club at Eccles, and the match was drawn much in favour of the visitors, for whom Lindsay played a faultless innings and was well backed up by Tillard, Wells-Cole, Ford, and Lloyd Williams. Bellhouse, KnowJes, Y*tes, and Hu]ton all played well for the Western C.C., an’d the patient defence of the last-nam d undoubtedly saved the match for his side. At Old Trafford the wanderers encountered a very strong team of the Manchester C. and G., and suffered defeat by nine wickets. Heap played a grand innings of 172 for the home club, and the bowling of Garner and Copeland (the “ ground ” men) proved too good for th9 Incogs., for whom, however, L lojd Willi ims, Hill, Leatham, and Ford strove hard to avert disaster. The next match was against the Cheshire County C.ub and Ground, at Chelford, and here the Incogs*, lost the invaluable services of Ford, who had been telegraphed for to assi:*t bis county at Maidstone. Bain spoilt the match, which was drawn in favour of the visitors, for whom Leigh played a most excel'ent innings on a very difficult wicket and against capital bowling. The concluding fixture of the tour, and of the Incog, season of 1885, tcok place at Birmingham agaicst the Gentlemen of Warwickshire. The Incogs., though 1hey met writh a genial reception, wrere not capti­ vated with the Afcton Lower Ground, where besides a bad wicket there was an absence of sufficient dressing accommodation and other comforts usually looked for. From unfore­ seen circumstances the visitors \shere >hort- handtd, but nevertheless managed to win by 27 runs, n result mainly attributable to the excellent bowling of Tillard and Leatham, the latter of whom was of essential service throughout the tour. This was a satisfactory ending of a very pleasant fortnight, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part in it, and but for bad luck in the weather at Eccles and Chelford would also probably have been very successful from a cricket point of view. W e must not omit to mention that R. Thoms, as usual, officiated as umpire for the Incogs during both the Western and Northern tours, a fact which renders it scarcely necessary to state that that impor­ tant department of the pame was perfectly filled with complete iratisfaction both to the club and their opponents. The scores of the matches are subjoined— INCOGNITI v. BIRKENHEAD PARK C. & G. Played at Birkenhead on August 17 and 18. B irkenhead P ark . First Innings. Second* Innings. R. Wood, b Welta-Cole .. 30 c and b Wells-Cole 7 C. Holden, b Wells-Cole .. 0 c Hilton,b Williams 4 E.O . Hornby,b Wells-Cole 24 c and b Leatham .. 17 A. E. Paterson, b Wells- Cole ...................................0 o Wells-Cole, b Williams .. .. 4 Smith (pro.), c and b Well8-C(.le .................. 85 c Ford, b ^Williams 87 E. Manscn,candb W’ells* C o le .................................. 14 c Hill on, b Moss .. 32 F. Aspinall, c Ford, b We Is-Cole .................. 4 b F o r d .......................5 H, M. Grayson, b Wells- Cole .................................. 2 b F o r d .......................8 F. Curw n, c Ford, b Wells-Cole .................. 6 c Egeiton, b Leatham .. . . 4 7 W . C. Aspinall, b Leatham 1 not o a t ...................0 C. T. McAllister, not cut.. 0 c Williams,b WelJs- Cole ..................0 B;6,1b 1, w 1 .. .. 8 B 6,1 b 8, w 7 . . 1 6 Total..........................133 Total .. ..222 INCOGNITI. Firtt Innings. W . J. Ford,b Manson .. 26 G. F.W* 118-Cole,c Curwtn, b M>-nscn..........................0 Rev. P. Buttersley-Smith, csub, b Manfon .. . . 8 5 Bev. J. H. C. Baxter, c Holden, bHorn* v .. .. 12 F. Hoinby, c Paterson, b M anscn...........................8 H. J. Hill, b Manson .. 6 A. E. Leatham, not out .. 17 R. Lloyd-V\ illiam8, c Grajson, b Manson .. 0 G. * perton, b Manson .. 0 R. H. Moss, b Manson .. 0 P. Hi ton, c Smith, b H orn b y..........................5 B 1,1 b 7 .................. 8 Total........................112 Sccond Innings, c and b Smith .. 83 c Holden, b Wood 22 c Curwen, b Hornby 44 c Manson, b Smith 12 c McAllister, b Wocd .. .. .. 1 c Corwen, b Smith 5 b Sm ith...................0 c Carwen.bManson 10 n t o u t .................. 6 c F. Aspinall, b Manson .. .. 8 b Sm ith...................7 B 12, 1b 6, w 2 20 Total .. ..218 INCOGNITI v. LIVERPOOL C. & G. Played at Liverpool on August 19 and 20. I ncogniti . First Innings. Second Inning*. W. J. Ford, c Williamson, b H , A. Hornby .. . . 6 9 c H. A. Hornby, b E. C. Hornby .. 20 Rev. J. H. C. Baxter, c Rorer, b Manson .. .. 8 b E. C. Hornby .. 0 Rev. P. HatterBlcy-Smith, b E. C. Hornby .. . . 2 5 r u n o u t...................19 G. F. Wells-Cole, c Man- fon, b E. C. Hornby . . 6 0 b Manson .. . . 1 0 R. Lloyd William?, b Man­ son .................................. 6 bManscn.......................4 A. E. Leatbam, 1b w, b E. C. Hornby .................. 16 c Roper, b E. C. Hoinby.................. 1 J. Hornby, c Roper, b E. C.Hcmby.......................... 4 b Shilton.......................6 R. Wcod, b E. C. Hornby 1 c Braun, b Shilton 84 H. J. Hill, b E. C. Hornby 3 c sub.,b Maneon.. 26 P. Hilt< n, »t Kemfcle, b E. C. Hornby .. .. .. 5 n o to u t ...................5 J. E. Raven, not out.. .. 0 c Williamson, b Manson .. .. 7 B 8 , w l . . . . .. 9 BIO, lb 8, w l 14 T o t a l.................. 206 otal .. ..2 0 L iverpool C. and G, First Innings. Second Innings. E. Roper, b Raven .. . . 1 9 c Ford, b Ravtn .. 2 A. T. Kemble, c Baxter, b Leatham..........................58 not o n t ..............19 E. C. Hornby, c Williams, b Wells-Cole..................85 c Ford, bLeatham 11 E. E. Manson, c W lls- Cole, bHormy .. . . 5 3 b B avin............... 5 F. Wibiamson, b Williams 22 net o u t ..............31 C. Lake, c Wool, b c Hilton, b Leatham 9 H. A. Hornby, b Williams 4 M. R. Wyer, c Hornby, b Raven ..........................13 C. E. Mascn, b Raven .. 0 C. W. H. Braun, not out «» 8hilton (pro.), b Raven .. 27 B 10,1 b 9, w 2 . . 2 1 B 5, lb 3 , w 4.. 12 T o ta l.................. 236 Total .. 90 INCOGNITI v. WESTERN C. & G. Played at Eccles, Manchester, on August 21 and 22. INCOONITI. Rev. J. H. C. Baxter, c Shelmerdine, b Draper .. .. 9 R. L oyd-Williams, c Newby, b Ashworth £3 J. E, Ravtn, b Ash­ worth .................. 19 P. Hiiton, not out .. 2 B 10,1b 4,w 4,Lb 2 20 Total .. ..891 W . J, Ford, b Ashworth £9 Rev. P. Hattersley- Smith, runout.. .. 26 W . Lindsay, b Shelmer- dine ..........................91 C. Tillard, c Draper, b Y a tes.......................... 66 G.F. Wells-Cole,c Ryder, b Fletcher.................. 61 H. J. Hill, b Ashworth 12 A. E .'Leatham, c Phil­ lips) b Draper .. . . 1 0 W estern C. & G. First Innings. Sccond Innings. T. P. Bellh-uee, b Lea­ tham ................................5 c Williams,b Raven 87 J. O. Ryder, h w, b Lca- tham ............................... 3 not o u t ....................0 T. P. Shelmerdine, b Lea­ tham .............................. 11 b Tillard....................4 A. Know’es, b Tillard . . 1 3 c Leatham,b Raven 83 W , N. FJetchtr, c and b Leatham.......................10 b Leatham .. .. 6 J. M. Yates, b Tillard .. 6 st Williams, b Lea­ tham ...................42 C, G.Hulton. b Ford.. .. 80 n o t o u t ................... 84 Draper (pro.), c Williams, b Leatham ...............11 run o u t ....................8 T. F. Phillips, not out .. 9 c and b Wells-Cole 8 W, Ashworth, c Lindsay, b Leatham....................... 7 b Raven....................8 J. R. Newby, b Tillard .. f B 8,1 b 2, w 6 .. . . 1 6 B 14,1 b 5, w 9 28 Total ..................121 Total INCOGNITI v. MANCHESTER C. & G. Played at Old Trafford, Manchester, on August 24 and 25. INCOONITI. First Innings. Second Innings. W. J. Ford, c Graves, b Garner ....................... 16 c Graves, b Garner 88 Rev. P. Hattersley-Smith, c Graves, bCopeland .. 7 b Copeland .. . . 1 1 C. Tillar^, bCopeland .. 7 b Copeland .. . . 1 3 G. F. Wells-Cole, c Fildes, b Garner..........................0 b Copeland .. .. 8 T. Wbitthead, c Graves, b Garner ....................... 0 cGraves,b Copeland 18 A. E. Leatham, c Massey, b Garner.......................6 not o u t ...................44 Rev. J. H. C. Baxter, 1b w, b Garner.......................... 2 b Copeland .. .. 2 R. Lloyd- Williams, c Graves, b Garner .. . . 4 7 c Heap, b Copeland 15 H. .1. Hill,b Copeland . . 8 5 b M i ll s ...............22 Capt. G. Bayhurst, b Capeland........................6 c Hill, b Garner . . 1 4 J. E. Raven, not out,. .. 11 1b w, b Hill .. .. 22 B 4,1 b 5 ................9 B 11, lb 8 .. Total..........................116 Total .. ..216 M anchester . First Innings. A. Knowles, c Wil- I K. B. Row ey, c and b liams, b Whitehead 20 j lillard ..................... 25 Hill, b Leatham.. .. 28 J. Fildes, cWiliams, W. G. MillB, b Tillard 3 b Tillard.................. 0 J. G. Heap,c William*, S. B. Giaves, b Ford .. 2 b Tillard...................172 Garner, notout .. .. 7 W . Massey, c Wil- B 9 , l b 5 , w 8 .. 17 liams, bLeatham . . 1 0 — Copeland, b Lcatham 2 i Ti ta l........................387 C. G. Hulton, oFord, b Rav< n .................. 51 In the Second Innings A. Knowles srond, b Tillard 2, Hill (not out). 5, Gorner(notout), 18; b 2—Total 27