Cricket 1885

sept . io, 1885, CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 393 Truth of last week gives a series of what it terms original cricket anec­ dotes. Though some have done duty more than once before, and one at least has appeared in this paper, they are on the whole fairly good. I have extracted two of them in the hope that they will amuse C k ic k e t readers: Mr. Hornby takes his county team at the end of each year to play a local eighteen of Nantwich and district, and four years ago, at the tail end of that team, came in a veritable yokel. The first ball he received, one of Crossland’s fast yorkers, hit him on the kne». “ How’s that?” shouted both Pilling and Crossland. “ Not o u t! ” said the umpire. Tue batsman, however, carefully shouldered his bat, and w^s seen to be pain­ fully limping for the pavilion. “ You're not out, my man,” said the umpire. " No,” he said ; “ but I’m going.” The one which follows was related to me a short time ago by one of the Kent eleven, The incident, I believe, occurred during the recent Canterbury Week; Many of the leading counties have now a cap with a badge on it as their uniform. That of Kent (the county noted for apples, cherries, and cobnuts) is a blue cap with the “ white horse of Kent ” embroidered on the front. At the recent match played at Brighton between Kent and Sussex, tbe following conversation was overh“ard. “ What does that ’ere ’orse mean, Bill?” Answer: •Why, it’s the Kentish cob of course.” brated. The Earl of Lathom will be better known to cricketers as Lord Skelmersdale. He was not only a good all-round player in his time but has occupied several of the most im­ portant positions in the cricket world. He was President of M.C.C. in 1860, aiidin 1865 one of the Vice-Piesidents of the then newly-formed Lancashire County Club, which latter office he still holds. T h o u g h the English amateurs did not open their tour in America with a victory it is satisfactory to notice that they had the best of the drawn game against Staten Island, at New York, on the 1st and 2nd inst. They made 91 in their first and 244 in their second innings, or an aggregate of 335, against 62 and 72 for three wickets, so that the American club, which I believe is “ bossed by the old Somersetshire cricketer, Mr. Cyril Wilson, at the finish wanted 202 runs to win with seven wickets to fall. The full score I ex­ pect will be here in good time for next week’s C r ic k e t . According to the programme the Rev. E. T. Thornton and his merry men were to play the Western Association, at Chicago, on Saturday and Monday last. As yet, though, I have seen no cablegram giving the result of the match. T h e Freemasons of the province of South West Lancashire are, I gather from yesterday’s Standard, about to present the Earl— their R.W.G.M- and Countess of Lathom with a large silver loving cup in commemoration o f their silver wedding recently cele- L ob d H a r r is , to judge by the recent accounts of his movements, is going to do good work for tlie Conservatives in view of the coming election. On Monday next he is to preside at a meeting held at the St. Paul’s Parochial Hall, Ferndale Road, Brixton, under the auspices of the Brixton Conserva­ tive Association, when Mr. J. H. Bottomley, the Conservative Working Men’s Candidate for Gateshead, will deliver a political address. TUNBRIDGE WELLS v. REIGATE PRIORY. Played at Tunbridge Wells on AujiuS 22. R bigate P riory . Comber, c and b God­ frey .......................... 47 F. Burtmshaw.b F. G. Lumingtjn .. . . 1 0 W. G. Walbr, b F. G. Lishnjton .. .. 0 W. B. H)obi, b F. G. Lishiagton .. .. 1 H. Nightingal- 3 , b F. G. Lmhingtoi .. 0 English, b F. G. Lu hington .. .. 2 T unbridge W ells . L. Andrews, b English 0 H. Co'ebroke, c and b F. Nightingale .. 18 C. J. M. Godfrey, b C om ber...............175 F. G. Lushington, c Comber, b F. Night­ ingale .............. G N. A. Mercer, b Eng­ lish .........................9 G. Edwards, o Tidy, b English „ .. .. ] W Underwood, b God­ frey .......................... 1 F. Nightingale, b God­ frey ........................... 0 A. Tidy, b Godfray .. 0 E, White, nst oat .. 3 E xtras.................. 2 TutJ €6 G. »n3, c H., b F. Nightingale .. 33 R. C. Chapman, c Tidy, b Comber..................60 J. H. Kelley, b Euglish 0 P. M. Lushingtoa, nob out .......................... 10 E. H. Morgan, c Eng­ lish, b Combar .. .. 8 E x tras.................. 9 Total ..321 P r in c e C h r is t ia n V i c t o r has been having good sport after the deer at Balmoral lately. The Wellington captain seems t) be quite as much at home in that sport as he is on the cricket field. M r. T h o m a s N u n n , the Inter-Colo­ nial player, who has been cricketing in England this season, left Plymouth in the Orient Steamer “ Cuzco,” on Thursday last, on his return to Sydney, His friends, and there are many here, will wish him a pleasant voyage and good luck on his arrival home. HAMPSTEAD v, TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Played at Tunbridge Wells on August 24 and 25. H ampstead . First Innings. Sgcond Innings. A. S. Johnstm, b Knight 0 c Mercer, b Knight 23 E. Swift, c Atkins, b Knight .......................... 44 c Andrews, b God- f.ey ...................21 H. Smith-Tu bervillp, o Featherstono, b Godfrey 6 r u n o u t.................. O 8 . Smith, c and b Atkins 30 c Atkins, b Godfrey 4 R. Furber, c Atkins, b Knight .......................... 26 b Godfrey .. .. 10 H. R. Walker, b Edwards 1 c Andrews,b Knight 5 A. R. Parker, b Godfrey.. 82 c P. M.Lushington, b Knight .. .. 5 R. A Walker,b Golfrey .. 1) T. Spink, b Godfrey .. .. 1 W. Shackel, o Feather­ stone, b Knight .. .. 9 F. A. K. Doyle, not out .. 7 B 5, 1b 5 ...................D not o u t................... 0 o Edwards, b God­ frey ..................3 o Edwards, b God­ frey ...................3 run o u t .................. 3 N b .................. 3 Total M r. W . W . R e a d is to be married on the 14th of next month. T h e Nottingham Evening Expres* gives particulars of a very unusual match played on the Meadows at Nottingham, on Monday, in which Walter Wright, the Nottingham pro­ fessional, took a leading pait. Wright undertook, it seems, to play an eleven and was not got rid of till he had made sixty runs. When the eleven went in nine of them failed to score, and the total of six was equally divided between E . Seaton and T. Clank. Wright took four wickets with con­ secutive balls. .................. 176 T unbridge W ells . First Innings. Total , 89 F. M. Atkin*, o Tnrbar- ville, b H. R.Walker 5 W . B, Pattison, o Furber, b Parker .. 5 C. J. M. Godfrey, run oat .......................... 0 W.Knight, b Johnston 17 F. G. Lmhington, c Parker, b Johnston 22 Totul G.Edwards,b Johnston 25 G. Feitherstone, b R. A. Walker..................0 Iu the Seconl Inning * F. M. Atkini scored st Furber b R. A. Walker, 21, W, B. Pattison (run out), 45, C. J. M. Godfrey (not out), 44. P. M. Lushingtoa (not out), 5 ; b 11,1 b 3 - Total, 132. W. Martin, b Parker .. 33 N. A . Merjtr, st Furber, b Parker .. 15 L Andrews.b Johnston 4 P. M. Lushington, not out .......................... 0 B 1 , 1b3, w 1, nb 1 6 ..137 T he Brighton and District Teachers were dismissed by Eastbourne, on Saturday last, for 14 runs. Jesse Hide took four wickets for five, Arthur Hide six for tix runs. HA.MP8TEAD NONDESCRIPTS v. BROOKFIELD. Played at Higbgate Rise on S9plember 5. B rookfield . E. H. Lea, o Dare, b Haycraft .. . M. Lea, b Dare . T. M. Farmiloe, b Hay­ craft .......................... E. neming^ay, b Hay­ craft .......................... H. Harris, st D arrant, b Haycratt .. . . I A. Locker, b Haycraft H ami »8T ead N ondescripts . C. Saunders, not out 81 23 C. F. Wallace, c Wil­ 3J liamson,bButohinson 4 F. E. Quarily, ran out 1 10 H.Webstr.r b Hutchin- 3 0 J. Barnard, absent .. 0 13 51 0 Total .. ..139 C. Braithwaite, b Wal­ lace .......................... R. L. Williamson, c E. H. Lea, b M. Lea .. F. C. W . Durrant, b M. Lea ........................... W. J. Haycraft, not out L. Hutchinson, o Wal­ lace, bM . Lea 4 A. J. Da^e, b M. L^a . H H. C. WattB, not out 0 Extras.................. 2 Total 25 E. T. Jones, A. R. F. Evershed, E. Abbott, and H. G, Jones did not bat.