Cricket 1885
SEPT. 8, 1885, CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 381 LAW CLUB KENT TOUR . LAW CLUB v. ROCHESTER. Played at Rochester on August 17 and 18. L aw C lub .! First Innings. J. E. Shaw, b Collins C. A. Sooper, b Collins .. G, Webster, o Lake, b Collins .......................... H. T. Twynam, b Collins.. F.Hill, b Collins.................. Chester, b Collins .. C. F. Fox, c Stuart b Collins .......................... C. A. Campbell, oRichards, b Lake .......................... J. Clutton, c Stuart, b Lake H. H. Prall, not out .. G, L. B. Calcott, absent .. w„. Extras.......................... fSecond Jnningg. 1 b Collins.................. 4 10 e Stuart, b Collins 16 c Stuart, b Lake.. 8 o Richards, b Lake 17 c and b Woodhams 18 c Collins, b Lake ..1 1 19 o Riohards, b Lake 8 4 not o u t ..................0 5 b Lake ..................0 0 b Lake ..................8 0 bLake ..................5 13 Extras .. ..1 0 Total.. .. 98 Total .* ..205 {R ochester . P.W G.Stuart.bChester 69 E. F. Prall, oTwynam, b Hill..........................18 A. W. Booth, not out 6 0. Lake, c Webster, b Hill ! . ........................ 19 A. W. Baker, b Chester 17 G. K. Anderson, c Fox, b H i l l ..........................41 Spencer Woodhams, b Hill .......................... 42 Collins,oWebster,b Hill 5 F, J. Richards,b Calcott 82 W. 8tunt, b Hill.. G. W . Prall, b Hill Extras .. Total .. LA.W CLUB v. GORE COURT, SITTINGBOURNE. Played at Sittingbourne on August 19. G ore C ourt . 1 A. 0. Gibson, b Chester E. Prentls, c and b Web ster ...........................12 C. Crowther, o and b Webster .................. 89 H. Vallanoe, 1 b w, b Calcott..........................21 P. H. Pedley, o Hooper, b Chester..................14 R. J. Tylden, b Webster 10 L aw C lub . O. Vallance, bWebster 0 G. Shaw, not out .. 13 D.Cbapman.b Webster 0 J. Saywell, o Webster, b F ox.............................36 G.Couchman,b Calcott 1 B 10,1 b 8, w 1 .. 14 Total ..161 J. E. Shaw, b Gibson.. C. J. Fox, b Pedley G. Webster, b Gibson.. F. Hill, b Gibson.. .. H. T. Twynam, c Gib son, b Couchman .. C. A. Hooper, b Couch man ........................... Chester,'b Gibson.. G.L.B.Caloott, not ont J. Clutton, o Crow ther, b Pedley.. .. 10 W. Brown, b Crowther 2 S. Kimsley, c Saywell, b Crowther .. .. 0 B 12,1 b 1, w 1 .. 14 Total 92 LAW CLUB v. FAVERSHAM. Played at Faversham on August 20. C.A.Hooper,b Greensted 21 C. J. Fox, c Weighell, b Greensted................... H. T. Twynam,bGreen- stod .......................... G. Webster, o Graham, b Williams.................. J. E. Shaw, c Greensted, b Courtney.................. F. Hill, lbw, b Williams A. Whitehead, 1b w, b Williams .. .. .. L aw C lu b . B. Hallett,c Bryant, b Maile..........................2 G. L B. Calcott, not o u t ..........................15 J. Glutton, c Stunt, b Williams..................3 Chester, c Graham, b Miile..........................3 B 8 ,1 b 4 .. .. 12 Total 3 F aversham . ..207 P. Bryant, b Webster.. 0 W. L. Courtney, not out 4 H.*E. Garraway, b Hill 2 W . Stunt, b H ill.. .. 4 Rev. W . B. Weighell, not o u t ................... B 5,1 b 1 .. .. Total .. ..2 1 C. E. D. Maile, A. Williams, F. W. Greensted, C. L. Graham, Rev. M . Wood, and P. B. Neame did not bat. N ew C riokrt P hotograph , containing Portraits of ninety of the lead ng Cricketers of England. Ca. . i( , i- *3*, 2/3 and 7/6. “ One of the best luiugs I have booh.”—Sheffield Daily Telegraph. “ The likenesses generally are excellent."— Cricket , “ Good and easily distinguishable.”— Athletic Ntw a , “ An exceUent photograph.”— Publishert ’ Circular. “ The best shilling’sworth ever eotoi ed at Stationers* Hall.” — Cricketer's Herald.— M. HURST, 28, Church Street, Sheffield, NORTHBROOK v. CRAYS AND ORPING- TON. Played at Kevington Park on August 20. N orthbrook . C. H.Allberry, rua out H. N. Smith, not out C. S. Cooke, b Wharton H. C. Doraan, st Best, b E v a n s.................. W. Marks, b Evans .. B 5,lb2, n-bl .. A. H. Smith, b Hawes 36 J. Fisher b Crowhurst 2 F.A.Smith,cCrowhurst, b Evans ..................3 A. East, b Wharton . .102 C. Pearse,lb w,b Evans 89 W.D.Butler, b Wharton 0 T. W.Blenkiron, c Cin- nell, b Evans ., .. 1 Total C rays and O rpington , G. Harris, b Pearse . • .. 6 W. Crowhurst, cA. H. Smith, b Pearse .......................... P. Townsend, c Allberry, b Pearse .................. O. Evans, b Blenkiron.. .. G. Tuller, 1b w, b Pearse .. H.Heath, runout .. .. W. Hawes, b Blenkiron Best, b Blenkiron.................. Wharton, c Butler, b Pearse Cannell, c Allberry, b Pearse Smith, o AUberry, b Pearse Stanger, not o u t.................. .195 B 7,1 b 1 ..........................8 Total. 6 c A. H. Smith, b East.................. 0 5 b A, H. Smith.. 9 11 cF.A.Smith,bEast 15 0 b East .. .. .. 5 0 b A, H. Smith .. 0 10 5 0 6 4 6 1 0 0 c Pearse, b A . H, Smith .. .. 2 8 4 56 Total .. 41 NORTHBROOK v. JUNIOR MIDDLESEX. Played at Lee on August 22. N orthbrook . b J. B. C. Pearse, Palmer .................. 8 A. H. Smith, b Pack.. 13 W. Nicolgon, c Pack, b J.B. Palmer .. .. 0 A. East, bPack .. .. 0 J. W. Knowles, cBoden, b Pugh .................. 58 R. W. Burroughs, c Biddle, b Pack .. .. 20 J unior M iddlesex . T.W.Blenkiron,b Pack 0 J. Fisher, c J. B. Palmer, b Pack .. 16 J. Eagleton, b Pu?h.. 8 F. A. Smith, m tout.. 8 E.Loxley,bJ.B.Palmer 0 B14, lb 5, w l .. 20 Total ..146 H. B. Biddle, run out 14 A. Philp, b Blenkiron 2 R. Pack, b A. H. Smith 25 A. Wheatley, b Nicol- son .................. .. 0 W ,H. Palmer, not out 0 J. M. Pngh, not out.. 6 B 3, 1b 1, w 3 .. 7 Total 54 J. B. Palmer, J. Gillard, J. Jackson, Bidwell and A. Boden did not bat. DALSTON ALBERT v. GRAVESEND. Played at Gravesend on August 29. G ravesend . Haslip, b Hearne .. 8 Jackson, c Rayner, b C o le.......................... 0 Busby, c Bastow, b H. Moore ..................1 Roxche, b H. Moore .. 39 Naylor, b Cole .. .. o Hearne, b H. Moore .. 12 Boorman, st Bastow, b Moore ..................1 Boorman, b Moore .. Rertwitz, b Cole.. .. Brown,st Bastow, b H. Moore ................... Newcombe, not out E xtras...................5 Total D alston A lbert . Selby, b Hearne .. .. 18 Bastow, o Jackson, b Hearne ..................14 Rayner, c Boorman, b Hearne .. . • .. 0 Cole,b Hearne . • .. 0 Devey,b Jlearne.. ..110 Cashford, b Boorman 2 Giller, run out .. .. 7 Moore, c Boorman, ’ Hearne ................ James, run out .. . Butler, not out .. . Oliver, c Booiman, 1 Naylor ................ Extras................ 79 Total J. S. H aycraft , playing for the Hampstead Nondescripts against the Lyncombe at Black heath on 22nd ult., hit 4 fours and a five] in one over, making a total of 21 runs. The hits were all clean run out, there being no boundaries. In the same match Ln. Hut chinson took five of the Lyncombe wickets for 8 runs, his analysis being 42 balls, 4 maidens, 8 runs, 5 wickets. The Nonde scripts’ total of 224 for 8 wickets was made in exactly two hours. PALLINGSWICK v. HAMPTON WICK. Playel at East Acton on August 25. P allingsw ick . First Innings, S. F. 5Fitz Roy, o P. Castle, b A. C. Challis ..................0 M. Walker, b S. Castle 72 G. E. Bicknell, b A. C. Challis ..................13 D. A. J.Bacon.c Furze, b P. Castle .. ..2 8 W. H. Pope, run out . • 8 Capt.Garnett,c Powell, Total . b A. C. Challis .. 43 J. H. Dean-Drake, b A. C. Challis ..................7 In tbe Second Innings S. F. Fitz Roy scored(not out), 18.JG. E. Bicknell, run out, 6, J. H. Dean-Drake, b Wilson, 10, F. Moir (not out), 7—Total 41, H ampton W ick . A. F. Bettinson, c Chester, b A. 0. Challis .................. 8 F. Moir, c Powell, b A. C. Challie.................. 0 H. Weber, b S. Ca-tle 13 P. J. deLauney,not out 7 B 6,1 b 7 .. ..1 3 ..207 S. Castle, st Pope, b Bicknell.................. 0 A. S. Bull, b Walker 30 T. D. Wilson, b Fitz R o y .......................... 7 H R. Lipscombe, b Bettinson.................. 22 W. Furze, st Pope, b Bettinson’..................0 P. Castle, b Walker .. 19 A. Chester, no* out .. 36 A. ff. Powell,b Walker 0 J. S Challis, st Pope, b Walker.................. 0 A. C. Challis. bW a’ker 2 W. Miles, b Walker .. 22 B 7,1b 2, w 3 ..1 2 Total . .150 PALLINGSWICK v. HENDON. Played at East Acton on August 29. P allingsw ick . S. H. Beckley, b Page 7 W. C. Yarborough, b A n d rew ..................2 D. A. J. Bacon, b Andrew ..................28 L. Chapman, b Page.. 6 A. F. Bettinson, b O’B r ie n .................. 18 E. Kettle, b Andrew.. 17 E. H. W . Rossiter, b O’Brien .................. 2 H. W . Burnside, c Mundy, b Andrew .. 6 A. H, Millson, c Ferna, b Andrew...............10 S. Flinat, b Page .. 5 A. F.M. Gamble,notout 14 B 5,1 b 1, w 1 .. 7 Total , .117 H endon . J. G. Ferns, c and b G am ble...................64 H. Mundy, c Burnside, b Millson..................1 T. A. Fison, 1 b w, b ^.Yarborough* .. .. 5 C. Page, c Flindt, b Yarborough .. ..7 3 J. G. O’Brien, not out 12 G. W. Wade, not out 7 B 5, lb 1 .. .. 6 Total. .168 HENDON v. HIGHGATE. Played at Highgate on August 15. H endon . H. Langton, b Askew 0 H. Tyerd, c and b Bartlet ...................29 J. Growse, b Ardy .. 88 T.P. Stevens, b Askew 8 J. Woolley,not out .. 2 E xtras...................lo 25 T. A. Fison, :c Ballan #,tine, b Saunders ., T. W. Mackintosh, c Homewood, b Askew 2 J. G. Ferns, b Askew 18 C. H. Page, run out .. 0 H, W. Macdona, st Chandler, b Ardy .. 76 G. Quirk, c Saunders, b Ballautina .. .. 48 Total ..210 H ig h g ats . J.V. Bartlet, o Mackin tosh, b Page .. .. 18 J. Green, not out .. 21 G. Ardy, not out .. 1 Extras...................5 Total 40 I n a match between Nutfield and Reigate Hill, on Aug. 8, E. H. Buckland took all ten wickets of Reigate Hill. His analysis read —23 overs, 3 balls, 10 maidens, 33 runs and 10 wickets. It is remarkable that, though the total only reached 120, there were no less than ten catches which came to hand not accepted. During the Nutfield Week the club only lost one match,and averaged 227 per innings.
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