Cricket 1885
JULYo, 1885. CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 255 COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE v. BRUNEL. Played at Loughborough on July 4. B kttnel . Ayliffe, b Leese.. .. 12 Bullock, b Kelly Bull, b Kelly.. .. .. 13 Hinohliffe* b Leese .. 3 Richardion, c sub., b Petrie.. .. .. .. 9 Clayson, 1b w, b Creasy 24 F. Fitz-Gibbon,b Leese 12 Homar, b Kelly .. .. 8 Clark, b Creasy .. .. 4 C. U. A. P. Fita-Gibbon,b Kelly 8 Marsh, not out .. .. 0 B 11,1b 2 .. .. 13 Total. .103 J. Petrie, run out .. 43 G. Creasy, b CUyson.. 9 F. F. Kelly, c Bull, b Fitz-Gibbon .. . . 1 5 'P. Leese, bFitz-Gibbon 4 Geo. H. Harnett, b Bull 0 A. F. Bailey,o Bullock, b Bull .....................0 A. E. Scales, b Bull .. 2 E. J. Boor, b Bull H. F. Hunns, e Clark, b Fitz-Gibbon.. F. J. Sayce, not out .. C. Driver, 1 tf w, b Fitz-Gibbon .. .. B 4,1 b 2, w 2 .. T otal.................. 85 I n a match between Mr. H. W . Price’s Eleven and Cobham, at Cobham, on Monday, A.E. Gibson took all ten wickets in the first innings of the latter. T he N ew I ndoor G ame — C bicset . —Just out. Post free Is. ljd . The game is easily learned, and a match can be played with every detail the same as on the cricket-field. One can play it, though two gives greater interest. An excellent amusement for winter evenings and wet days Testimonials from Lord Harris, Mr. A. G. Steel, and many other eminent cricketers have been received. Wright «feCo., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill E.O. DALSTON ALBERT v. BEES. Played at Tufnell Park on June 27. D a l st o n A l b e r t . J. Bastow.c Balantine, b Spriggs......................48 H. Hill, c Cole, b Bessie .. . . 2 6 A. Cole, run out.. . . 6 G. Cashford, b Balan- t i n e ..............................67 Briggs, c Sprigg?, b Ardy............................. 10 Horace Moore,b Cole 0 B e e s . A. Smyth, c Balantine, b Ardy ................... F. Butler, b Ardy F. Box, not out .. H. Selby, absent.. .. C. Windsor, absent .. E xtras................... Total . 1 . 13 . 3 0 . 0 10 .184 T. Cole, c Briggs, b Moore .. .. .. 4 Snow, c Moore, b Cashford.................. 25 Ardy, b Moore .. .. 2 18 Balantine, not out Goodall,not out.. .. 15 Extras................... 8 Total...................72 I n a match between Buxton College and Tidoawell, on July 1, G. T. E. Bignold in the second innings of Buxton scored 56 in twenty-five minutes without a single. His hits were a six, a five, four fours, five threes, and seven twos. P laying for St. Benedicts against Liver pool Pupil Teachers on Saturday, J. Cottrall took all ten wickets—six with consecutive balls—of the latter for no runs. I n a match between Largs C.C. and Highfield Sohool, played at Rock Ferry on June 27, the latter, who went in first, scored two runs, one of these being an extra. H. Pratt took eight wickets for no runs. BARNES v. STORMONT. Played at Wandsworth on July 4, B abnei . A. G. H. Stevens, c Leiobnig, b Darby ., 6 P. Nettleton, runout.. 4 E. E. Keys, b Darby .. 0 T. G. Jones, b Darby 21 A. Humble, b Darby .. 0 C. E. Ratcliff, b Darby 0 S t o r m o n t . H. Darby, b Nettleton 33 T. Idle, e A. Humble, G. Idle, c Stevens, b Ratcliff ........................ 2 H. Leichnig, b A. H um ble.................. 12 Prothero, c Hamilton, b Nettleton .. .. 1 F. Gritton, run out .. 0 J. W . Ratcliff, run out H.M.HamiIton,bDarby A. Sheppard, b Darby C. Humble, not out .. B 12,1b 5 .. .. Total . . .. F. Idle, b Nettleton C. Cressland, e C. Humble, b Nettleton . b b Nettleton A. Langridge, 1 b Nettleton.. •• .. Ebbs, not otit .. W. Hutchings, c C. Humble, b Ratcliff.. B 9, 1b 4, w 1 Total O n Saturday last, playing for Erith against Eltham, M. E. Parish took all£ ten wickets of the latter, the last five (clean bowled) in six balls. E very Cricketer should send 7 stamps to the office of this paper for this year’s “ Cricket j Calendar” (17th year of publication .I t contains chief fixtures for the season arranged in chronological order, tables for registration of players in matches to come, parges for insertion of other engagements, laws of cricket, etc., etc. Handy size for the pocket bound in cloth; in leather wallets, gilt . lettering, Is. 6d. BUSSEY’S PATENT SPRINGATHLETIC BELT TO BB OBTAINED FROM ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS. JUST OUT. SPLENDID PORTRAIT OF Dr. W, G-. G-RACE. Measuring with Mount, 17} in. X 13£ in. Price 5/-. Sent securely packed, 5/6. To BE HAD AT THE OFFICE OF THIS PAPKE, 41, ST. ANDREW’S HILL, DOCTORS’ COMMONS, E.C. The QOLD MEDAL, London Medals Awarded at ~i!\ International Exhibition, 1884. Six Exhibitions- J e f f e r i e s a n d C o m p a n y - MANUFACTURERS AND PATENTEES OP C R IC K E T AND LAWN TENN IS- Crioket Bats. Gauntlets. Batting Gloves. Ash or Lancewood Stumps. Cricket Balls, “ J E F F E R I E S ” Best Match Balls. Treble and Double Seam Cricket Balls. “ J E F F E R I E S ” Lawn Tennis. “ J E F F E R I E S ” Lawn Tennis Balls. “ J E F F E R I E S ” Improved Lawn Tennis Bats. “ J E F F E R I E S ” N O T I C E , JEFFERIES’ “ INVISIBLE SPRING” CRICKET BAT, Patent. This Bat has given universal satisfaction during the whole of the last season) and is pronounced to be the most perfect Crioket Bat, both for its durability and extra driving power, tnat has yet been brought before the public. CAT-GUT SEWN CRICKET BALLS, made of the very best b;des procurable, and warranted not to lose their shape in the wet. CRICKET BOOTS AND SHOES, and every requisite in connection with the game supplied. The “ CHAMPIONSHIP” Ball for Season 1885, JEFFERIES’ make. The "PERFECT” Bat (Patent). “ UBIQUE" Bat (Registered). The “ TIGER” (Registered Brand) The Shapes of J. & Co’s, Bats are of the very latest design, brought out so as to meet the requirements-of the game as it is now being played. T h e " E U R E K A ” Pole is the SIMPLEST I QUICKEST! and most EFFECTIVE and at the same time the Cheapest in the market. ALL ORDERS BY POST PUNCTUALLY EXECUTED. Patent Poles. F A C T O R Y : W O O D S T R E E T , W O O L LONDON OFFICE: 15 SOUTH STREET, FINSBURY SQUARE, E C
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