Cricket 1885
128 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. m a y u , im s. PLAISTOW (Kent) v. SIDCUP. Played at Plaistow on May 9. ’S id c u p Aehdown, o Willett, b Cosens .................. 8 B. J. Cheeney, run out 8 Hedger, b Gibson .. 0 A. W. Townend, b Gib son ..........................14 P. F. Kemp, not o u t.. 9 D. Townend, b Gibson 0 W. Weston, c and b Gibs n ...............0 P l a is t o w . E. Latter, b D. Town- H. G. Clarke, b Ash- H. Stevens, b Cosens.. J.A. Parkes, bCoeens.. McClellan, b Cosens .. H. Cousins,bGibson.. L b 1, w 4 Total .. .. e n d ..........................1 J. H. Vigne, c Ash down. b Townend .. 0 C. J. H. Cooper, c A. W. Townend, b Ash down ..........................14 A. E. Willett, c Cou sins, b Ashdown .. 19 B. Deedes, c Weston, b A shdow n..................1 T. W. Horne, b D. T ow nend..................8 down .. J. Gibson, st Kemp, b Ashdown.................. A. H. Latter, b Ash down .................. .. H. Coswn^, b Ash down .................. E . Satterthwaite, not out .......................... B 2 ,n b l .. .. Total 52 WEST HAMPSTEAD v. WALHAM GREEN. Played at Walham Green on May 9. W a l h a m G r e e n . Alsop, c Wing, b Ch»p- m a n .......................... Daborn, b Hughes .. Freneh, c Chapman, b Phillips .................. Taylor., b PhillipB Jack, o Wing, b Hughes Wlight, o Wing, b Hughes .................. Salisbury, b Hughes .. W e s t MoDanniell, b French Phillips 1b w,b Wright L. Wing, b French .. Chapman, b Wriftht .. Grac , '.French,bWright Wnss, c Salisbury, b Taylor .................. Smith, b Chapman Arnold, c Wing, W a is.................. Hainsdale, not out Saunders, c Hughe?, W in g.................. Extras .. .. .. 19 b .. 4 Total H a m p s t e a d , 5 | Hughes, b Jacks .. Crowley, b French Keane, b Taylor .. Badderly, not out Extras .. .. 87 Total f^XFORD CRICKET CLUB.—A few vacancies occur f ir Playing Mumbe' s. Age 17 to 21. The Secre tary would be glad to hear at once from gentlemen desirous of joining. Address 8, Alnwick Road, Isling ton, N. BRILL’S SEA SALT Should be used by all CB ICKETEKS and A TH LE TE S . It braces and refreshes, and is invaluable for SPEAINS and STRA INS. l i d . P E R B A T H . O f all C h em ists , & c . T H E H A T T R I C K . ” Cricketers winning this trophy should secure a lasting me mento of their skill, in the shape of an Electro-Plated Hat, in Velvet and Satin- lined Morocco Case, with plate for en graving initials or date. Price 21s., to be ob tained only of the PatenteesandManu- facturers, H E N R Y H O B S O N & S O N , 67 & 69, Houndsditch, London. NEW 0UT-D00R GAME FOR LADIES. PEACOCK-s'VlCTORIAN.” rnHE LADIES’ CRICKET, “ VICTORIAN ” bids fair to be one of the most popular of out-door games, being Light, Easy, and especially adapted for Ladies’ recreation. P rice £4 10s. Od. Exhibited at the Invention Exhibition, South Ken sington, Group 31, East Quadrant. Illustrated Catalogue Free. W . PEACOCK , 14, QUEEN’S HEAD STREET, ISLINGTON, N. CR ICKET ! C R IC K E T !! W holesale and R e ta il . R G. BARLOW, member of the Anglo- • Australian, All England, and Lanca shire County Elevens, has on hand this season a veiy fine stock of well seasoned Bats, &c. Note the price of Barlow’s Best All-Cane Handled Bats, 14s. 6d. each—no better can be made at any price. Best Crown Match Balls, 5s. 6d. Send for price list and see all particulars about Barlow and Pilling’s Patent India-rubber Faced. Wicket Keeping Gloves, Barlow’s Patent Removable Cricket Spikes, Patent Combination Single Strap Leg Guard, Patent Wire-Sewn Cricket Balls, Patent Reliable Cricket Spikes, &c. Note the address, R. G. Barlow, 385, Stretford Road, Manchester. P.S .—The Young Cricketer's Instructor , by R. G. Barlow; chapters on Batting, Bowling, and Fielding; Pilling on Wicket Keeping. Acknowledged to be the best book of its kind for young cricketers. Price 6d. Price lists sent to any address post free. T H E N E W it P A T E N T ELECTRIC” T E N N I S B A P erfectly W eath er - resistin g . SOLE AGENTS— B R O S . , 7 3, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. Where every requisite for Cricket and Tennis may be had. SHANKS’S PATENT L awn M ower . T h e O nly L aw n M ow er F itted w ith DOUBLE EDGED SOLE PLATE Enablinsr the C u ttin g P a r ts to last TWICE THOSE OF OTHER MACHINES. HAND MACHINE. Easily Worked M aking the Lawn like Velvet Does not get out of order P R I C E S . TocufclO-itm. wide £3 10 I To cut 19-ins.-wide .£8 0 To cut 12-ins. wide 4 10 |T q cut 2a.inB. wide „ w To cut 14-ins. wide 5 10 To cut 16-ins. wide 6 10 j To cut 24-ins. wide 9 0 HORSE & PONY MACHINES. ILLUSTRATED LISTS OF These Unrivalled Machines Post Free. G A R D E N ROUL OF A L L S I Z E S . ALEX- SHANKS & SON, DENS IRON WORKS, ARBROATH , AND 27, LEADENHALL ST., LONDON, E.C. A large stock of Machines, of all sizes( always kept at 27, LEADENHALL STREET, Where Itepairs can also be Executed. SMALL LAWN MOWEES: 6 in. 25/-, 7-in. 35/-, 8-in. 45/ * a r - d " V S 3 n r p o r r r C r i c k e t , L a w n 'T e n n i s , a n d F o o t b a l l O u t f 3 8 . FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, EC. NEW PRICE LIST FREE B Y POST. CARRIAGE PAID TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. A l l -C an e H an d le B ats , 8 /-, 10/-, 12/-, 15/-, 17/6, 21/- Treble Seam Cricket Balls, 54/-, 57/- per doz. Duke’s, CO/-. Gut Sewn, 66/-. Lawn Tennis Balls, covered Melton Cloth, from 6/6 to 10/6 per doz. For Ordeis over £1 Discount off C ricket B ats 10 per cent., other goods 7| per cent., except C bicket B alls by the dozen, ■which are nett, W A T E R P B O O F C R I C K E T H A L L S , 0 / 0 Eae li Printed for the Proprietor by W right & Co., Cricket Preee, 41, St. Andrew’e Hill, Doetort’ Commons. London. E.C., May 14, 1885,
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