Cricket 1885

112 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. may 7 , less. J T _ D A I T E i n f P O l t T C r i c k e t , L a w n T e n n i s , a n d . F o o t b a l l O u t f 38, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, E.C. NEW PRICE LIST FREE B Y POST. CARRIAGE PA ID TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM- A l l -C an e H andle B ats , 8 /-, 10/-, 12/-, 15/-, 17/6, 21/- Treble Seam Cricket Balls, 54/-, 57/- per doz. Duke’s, 60/-. Gut Sewn, 66/-. Lawn Tennis Balls, covered Melton Cloth, from 6/6 to 10/6 per doz. For Orders over £1 Discount off C bicket B ats 10 p er cent., other goods 7^ per cent., except Cricket B a lls by the dozen, which are nett, W A T E R P R O O F C R I C K E T B A L L S , 6 / 6 J E a c l W. Vint made 133 out of 204 for Bohemians v. Grammar School, at Melbourne, on March 21. Mr. George Augustus Sala was on the Melbourne Ground on the first day of the match between the English team and a Com­ bined Eleven of Australia. LOWEE CLAPTON CLUB. Apiil 55, at Pond Lane, v. Phcenix May 2, at Tufnell Part, v. Holb.rn 1st XI. May 2, at Pond Lane, v. Holborn 2nd XI. May 9, at Pond Lane, v. Bow & B; omley 1st XI. May 9, at Forest Gate, v. Bow & Bromley 2nd Xf. May 16, at Finsbury, v. Hon. Artillery Company May 16, at Pond Lane, v. St. Mark’s May 28, at Pond Lane, v. Shakesp are 1st XI. May 28, at Pond Lane, v. Shakespeare 2nd XI. May 80, at Pond Lane, v. Ravens May 30, at Mount Pleasant Lane, v. Olympian June 6, at Pond Lane, v. Amhurst 1st XI. June 6, at Pond Lane, v. City of London College June 18, at Spotted Dog, v. Ariel June 18, at Pond Lane, v. Stoke Newington June 20, at Pond La e, v. Craven Park June 20, at Lee, v. Granvile 2nd XI. June 27, at Pond Lane, v. Christ Church United IstXI. June 27, at Tufnell Park.v Christ Church United2ndXI July 4, at Forest Gate, v.Bow & Bromley 1st XI. July 4, at Pond Lane, v. Bow & Bromley 2nd XI. July 11, at Pond Lane, v. Granville July 11, at Snaresbrook, v. Snaresbrook July 18,at Tufnell Park, v.Christ Church United 1st XI. July 18, at Pond Lane, v. ChristChurch United 2nd XI. July 25, at Mount Pleasant Lane, v. Phcenix Aug. 1, at Pond Lane, v. Victoria Albert Aug. 8, at Pond Lane, v. Holborn 1st XI. Aug. 8, at Tufnell Pt rk, v.. Holborn 2nd XI. Aug. 15, at Pond Lane, v Amhurst 1st XI. Aug. 15, at Crouch End, v. Stoke Newiigton Aug. 15, at Pond Lane. v. Olympian Aug. 22, at Pond Lane, v. Ariel Au*. 22, at West Him Park, v.City of London College Aug. 29, at Pond Lane, v. linsbury Aug. 29, at Pond Lan^, v. St. Mark’s Sept. 5, at Pond Lane, v. Finsbury Sept. 5, at Walthamstow, v. Granville Sept. 12, at Pond Lane, v. Shakespeare 1st XI. Sept, 12, at Pond Lane, v. Shakespeare 2nd XI. Sept. 19, at P ndLane, v. St. James the Less Sept. 19, at Pond Lane, v. Craven Park Sept. 26, at Pond Lane, v. Ravens EXTRA MATCHES. May 25, at Pond Lane, v. Evering June 4, at Priojy Farm, v. Star June 11, at Pond Lane, v. Rochford Hundred July 8, at Southend, v. Rochford Hundred July 20, at Hastings, v. Hastings Rovers July 21, at Ticehurst, v. Tic» hurst July 24, at Seaford, v. July 25, at Cooksbridge, v, Cooksbriflge Aug. 8, at Woodford, v. Woodford Wells Aug, 18. at Luton, v. Luton "IRON PAVILION, 19-ft by 15-ft., inside lined with x match boarding, stained and varn.shed, wuh felt between, two windows and door and skylight, boarded floor. Erected within twehe miles for less than £50. Apply, A. E. Ball, 87, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey. T JO L Y TRINITY, PADDINGTON, C.C. (medium. •*-L Ground, Eton and Middlesex, St John’s Wood. The above club has vacancics for a few New Members. Two nets for practice every evening, and matches for two or three elevens on Saturdays. Nominal subsci ip- tion. For particulars apply, Hon. Ser., T. W. Turner, 44, Fordingley-road, Paddington, W. H A T T R I C K . ” Cricketers winning this trophy should secure a lasting me­ mento of their skill, in the shape of an Electro-Plated Hat, in Velvet and Satin- lined Morocco Case, with plate for en- f raving initials or ate. Price 21s., to be ob­ tained only of the Patentees andManu- facturers, H E N R Y H O B S O N & S O N , 6 7 & 6 9 , Houndsditch, London. NEW OUT-DOOR GAME LAL1ES. FOR P E A C O C K s ££V I C r O R I A N . ’ fTlHE LADIES’ CRICKET, “ VICTORIAN ” bids -1- fair to be one of the most popular of out-door games, being Light, Easy, and especially adapted for Ladies’ recreation. P k ic e £4 10s. Od. Exhibited at the Invention Exhibition, South Ken­ sington, Group 31, East Quadrant. Illustrated Catalogue Free. W . PEACOCK , 14, QUEEN’S HEAD STREET, ISLINGTON, N. CRICKET ! CRICKET !! W h o le sa l e an d R e t a il . R G. BARLOW, member of the Anglo- • Australian, All England, and Lanca­ shire County Elevens, lias on hand this season a very fine stock of well seasoned Bats, &c. Note the price of Barlow’s Best All-Cane Handled Bats, 14s. 6d. each—no better can be made at any price. Best Crown Match Balls, 5s. 6d. Send for price list and see all particulars about Barlow and Pilling’s Patent India-rubber Faced Wicket Keeping Gloves, Barlow’s Patent Removable Cricket Spikes, Patent Combination Single Strap Leg Guard, Patent Wire - Sewn Cricket Balls, Patent Reliable Cricket Spikes, &c. Note the address, R. G. Barlow, 385, Stretford Road, Manchester. P.S .—The Young Cricketer's Instructor , by R. G. Barlow; chapters on Batting, Bowling, and Fielding; Pilling on Wicket Keeping. Acknowledged to be the best book of its kind for young cricketers. Price 6d. Price lists sent to any address post free. T H E N E W a P A T E N T ELECTRIC” T E N N I S B A P erfectly W eath er - r esistin g . SOLE AGENTS— D K V E R E L L B R O S . 7 3, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. Where every requisite for Cricket and Tennis may be had. SHANKS’S PATENT L awn M ower . T he O nly L aw n M ow eb F itted w ith DOUBLE EDGED SOLE PLATE Enabling th e C u ttin g P a r t s to last TWICE THOSE OF OTHER MACHINES. HAND MACHINE. E a s ily W o r k e d Making the Lawn like Velvet Does not get out of order P R I C E S . To cut 10-lns. wide £8 10 I To cut 19-ins. wide £8 0 To cat 12-ins. wide 4 10 | To cat 22-ins. wide 8 10 To cut 16-ins. wide 6 10 j To cut 24-ins. wide 9 0 To cut 14-ins. wide 6 10 HORSE & PONY MACHINES. ILLUSTRATED LISTS OF Thtse Unrivalled Machines Post Free. G A B D B N UOL.LE 8 OF A L L S I Z E S . ALEX- SHANKS & SON, D E N S I R O N W O R K S , A R B R O A T H , AND 27, LEADENHALL ST., LONDON, E.C. A large stock of Machines, of all sizes always kept at 2 7 , L E A D E N H A L 1 S T R E E T , Where Bepairs can also be Executed. SMALL LAWN M O W EES : 6-in. 25/-, 7-in. 35/-, 8-in. 45/- Printed lor the Proprietor by W eight & Co., Cricket PresB, 41, St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors’ Commons, London, B.C., May 7, 1885,