Cricket 1885

MAY 7,1885. ? CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 1 0 9 Oriel and Balliol on Monday and Tuesday, though J. H. Brain was absent from the former. The former scored heavily in their second innings to the tune of 859 for six wickets. To this sum E. A. Surtees who was not out 53 in the first innings, con­ tributed 137, again not out, and K. J. Key, the University cricketer, 99. The Seniors’ Match does not seem, as far as we can learn, to have been regarded as productive of any exceptionally good form, at least with the bat. A. R. Cobb, who lost his colours after a good trial last year, was unlucky in getting out when he was playing well. Ingram showed steady cricket, although there was nothing remarkable in his batting. Blair, and Le Messarier scored well in each innings of Money-Wigram’s side and the latter also proved of use with the ball. F. T. Higgins, who went up to the University last summer with a big reputation from Westminster, batted (>in capital form for Newton’s side. Indeed, his play was hardly inferior to any shown in the match. There was little worthy of note in the bowling with the exception of that of H. T, Arnall, the old Rugbeian, who represented Leices­ tershire last year and at times with success. The wicket was all in his favour when he went on in the second innings. None the less his performance was an excellent one for a slow bowler, and were the Oxonians in want of bowling he ought to be sure of a place in the eleven. The wicket-keeping of A. E. Newton and P. M. Walters distinctly above the average. The former had little or no' chance of distinguishing himself, while Walters utilised every opportunity he got, catching three and stumping two batsmen. The latter has any amount of pluck, but his style is not so taking as that of Newton, who has, it is understood, gone up purposely to Oxfoid in the hope of succeeding Kemp at the sticks. In any case the Dark Blues seem to be sure of a capital wicket keeper this year. The Freshmen’s match is still in progress when these notes are written, so our com­ ments must necessarily be incomplete. So far as the first two days’ play has gone the best batting has been shown by E.K.D’Aeth of Haileybury, J. H. Copleston, of Malvern,C.E. Murdoch of Eton, A. J. Cochrane, of Repton and E. A. Nepean, of Sherborne. D’Aeth played good cricket, being very strong on the off, though hardly punishing enough on the leg side. Copleston played in very fair style and Murdoch hit vigorously. On the other side Cochrane had considerable luck, though he made some fine hits. He was missed three or four times. Nepean batted extremely well, though he is hardly strong enough. Bradford was missed once, but otherwise played fairly well. He is a very steady bat. P. Coles,Jthe Rugby Freshman, who has done some good scoring in Sussex already thi3 season,was disappointing. He has not been in form since he has been at Oxford, though it is too early in the year to determine anyone’s powers. The bowling all round was not up to expectations. Coch rane, though h® came off in the second innings, has hardly come up to his school reputation as a bowler, and J. M. Swayne of Winchester, seems to have gone off considerably. F. A. Soames, of Eton, J. B Lester (left-handed), of Clifton, and C. H Dent, of Harrow, were the most successful. The last named was, perhaps, though, really the best bowler on the two sides. CHISWICK PARK CLUB — MR. F. B. SHADWELL’S XI, v. W. BYDE’S XI. The opening match of the Chiswick Park Club, was played on Saturday last, in the new ground. Mr. Shadwell having beaten Byde in the toss, went in with Mr. Hill on a very dead but true wicket. Shadwell, Cecil, Bush, and Tuke played well for their runs, while Mr. Robertson hit in his well- known vigorous style. The chief feature of the match was the fine wicket-keeping of Mr. Williams, and we believe this gentleman will most likely be given a t rial for Middle­ sex. Mr. Bovill and F. Hearne played well for their runs. M r . F. B. S hadwell ’ s T eam . IN CO G N IT I CLUB . Mr. F. B. Shadwell, b G. G, Hearna .. .. 3 Mr. H. J. Hill, b G. G. Hearne ..................0 Mr. F, W. Bush, c Wil- liaras,b G. G. Hearne 35 Mr. A. Springett, c F. Hearne, b Wooton .. 3 Mr. E. D. Cecil, st Wil­ liams, b G. G. Hearne 23 Mr. W. E. Martyn, c G. G.Hearne.bF. Hearne 0 Mr. R. E. Yerburgh.b F. Hoarno ..................2 B yde ’ s Mr. P. C. Borill, not oat ............................ 22 G. G. Hearne, liRobert­ son ..........................2 Mr.C. M. Take,c Lor­ raine, b Williams .. 28 Mr. J, Robertson, not o a t ..........................63 Mr. J. J. R. Green, c Gale, b F. He^rne.. 16 Mr. R. F. Finnis, c and b F. Hearne .. .. 0 Mr. H. A. Krolin, b F. H e a r n e ..................4 W ..........................1 Total.. T bam . F. Hearne, L b .. . not 103 oat 23 .. 1 Total..................48 SURREY C. & G. v. STAR CLUB. A match under this title was played at the Oval yesterday. The Surrey eleven, which was composed of Colts with Mr. Diver as Captain, won by 39 runs on the first innings. Chilton batted in good form for them, Gorman bowled with success, taking eight of the ten Star wickets. S urrey C. & G, First Innings. The annual dinner of this club was held at the Criterion, on Wednesday, April 29, The chair was occupied by Mr. John Shuter, captain of the Surrey eleven, who was sup­ ported by a goodly muster of the members of the club and their friends, covers being laid for nearly fifty. After the loyal toasts had been duly received and honoured, and the “ Army and Navy and Reserve Forces” hid baen answered for by Lieut. Col. Atkinson and Lieut.Col. Bircham, the Chairman proposed Success to Cricket and the Incogniti Club.” Mr. Shuter, in the course of an excellent speech, reviewed the rise and pro­ gress of the club during the 25 years of its existence, and expressed his hope and expectation that, as it had flourished in the past so it would continue to flourish and expand in the future. He coupled with the toast the name of the hon. secretary, Mr, A. W. L. Hemming. Mr. Hemming briefly replied, and reminded the members that their thanks were also due to Mr. Fraser, the hon. treasurer, whose exertions had greatly helped to place the club in its present satis­ factory financial position. The health of the “ Visitors” was drunk, and acknowledged by Mr. Goodhart, and Mr. Fraser having proposed the health of the Chairman, whioh was received with great applause, a very pleasant evening came to a satisfactory termination. Banks, b G. Harrison Chilton, c and b M u r d e n ..................67 Osborne, e Salmon, b G. Harrison .. .. 3 Barton, c G. Largen, b F. Harriuon .. .. 0 English, b F. Harrison 0 Gardiner, c and b F, H arrison.................. 10 Harrison, c Murden, b F. Harrison .. .. 3 Galsworthy, b Murden 28 Kelly, not out .. .. 0 Gorman, b Murden .. 0 Mr. E. J. Diver (Capt.), b G. Harrison .. B l, lb 3 .. .. 4 T otal..................126 In the Second Innings Chilton scored, b F. Harrison, 10, Kelly, c Dines, b Holford, 8, Gorman (not out) 1b 2—Total, 40. S tar C lub . H. Holford, b Gorman 3 G. S. Harrison, Gardiner, b Gorman 84 L. H. Lacy, b Gorman 0 F. F. Harrison, b Gor­ man ..........................13 W. Murden, b English 27 T. King, b Gorman .. 0 W. C. Largen, b Gor­ man ......................... 0 T. E. Swain, b English E. H. Dines, c Diver, b English.................. G. W. Largen, c C. Harrison, b Gorman H. Salmon, b Gorman G. E. Ellis, not out .. B 1,1 b 1, w 1 .. T otal.................. 87 LAW CLUB v. GUY’S HOSPITAL. Played at Willesden Green on May 2. G uy ’ s H ospital . J. W. Roberts, Chester ..................6 R. Hicks, run out .. 12 E .J. D. Mitchell, lbw , b W a lle r..................1 C. F. Routh, b Chester 8 A. S. Taylor, b Ch'’stcr 5 W . S. Brown, c and b Chester ..................29 W. J, Lee, c Cooke, b Chester .................. A. G. Bowen, bChester A. C. Roberts, not out A.. E. Palmer, b Chester E. W. Goodall, absent B .......................... BURLINGTON WANDERERS v. ERITH. Played at Erith on May 2. B urlington W anderers . C. A. Stein, b Lambert 0 E. C. Lindup, not out 15 E. B. Warren, c Elton, b P a rish ..................21 F.W.Freeman,b Parish 0 M. Simmonds, c Lam­ bert, b Parish .. .. 0 A. R. Foley, o Godrich, b Stein .. .. .. 0 A. D. Blyth, b Freeman 9 W. C. Newby, run out 15 J. Stone, b Freeman .. 6 F. Corbett, o Warren, b Stein ...............26 W. Marchant, b Free­ man ..........................0 J. Elton, 1b w, b God- rich ..........................0 V. W.Blair,b Lambert 0 F. P. Owen, b Lambert 11 F. Godrich, b Lambert 0 R. Hazard, c Newby, b Lambert .. .. 0 Total 47 C. F. Ironmonger, c Owen, b Godrich .. 1 F. Beadle, b Freeman 3 J. Lambert, st Warren, b Stein ..................3 W . E. Parish, not out 1 E xtras..................2 Total 6J NORTHBROOK v, HEA.THFIELD. Played at Wandsworth Common on May 2. N orthbrook . Total H. H. Stabler, playing for St. Mark’s against Hunslet Mills on Saturday last, took all ten wickets in the latter’s innings. B. Hallett, c Roberts,b Hicks......................... J. A. C. Tanner, b Lee G. E. Waller,c Roberts, b Hicks ................. H. P. Cooke, b Roberta Chester, b Lee .. F. S. Jackson, notout C. J Fox. b Lee L aw C lub . C. Wickes, b Lee.. .. 10 W. G. A. Ravenor, b Lee ..........................1 W. Hayes, not out .. 0 B 3,1 b 1, w 2 .. 6 Total W, Jones did not bat. J. W. Allin, b Ward .. 4 S. Higham, b Ward .. 2 H. P. Digby, b Bennett 31 F. Smith, b Pullen .. 0 VV.Simmons,cliichens, b Bennett..................8 F. Cowen, o Long, b B e n n e tt..................8 C. S. Cooke, b Richens 8 A. H. Holmes, b B e n n e tt..................0 F. Mote, b Richens .. 12 H. N. Smith, not ou t.. 1 A, Ingram, run out .. 0 B 2, 1b 1, w 1 .. 4 Total 73 H eathfield , J. G, Ward, c Mote, b F. Sm ith ..................6 i J. H. Pullen, b Cowen 4 F. J. Hicks, c Sim­ mons bF. Smith .. 0 1 W. Bolton, c Smith, b Cowen ..................12 | F. Roff, c Cooke, b F. S m ith ..................0 J. C Bartlett, c Digby, b F. Smith .. .. 3 W. F. Richens, b F. Smith..........................6 H. W. Bennett, b F. Smith.......................... H. Ford, c'H .N . Smith, b F. Smith .. Long, not out .. G. J. Bolden, b F. Smith.......................... B 3,1 b 1, w 1 .. Total .