Cricket 1884

90 CEICKET; A T he Gloucestershire oleveir irrtiie same match will he E. M. Grace; W. G. Grace, W.R. Gilbert, W. 0. Vizard, W. H. Game, J. A. Bush, E. J. Tay­ lor, A. E. Leatham, Painter, Gregg, Woof. The team it will be seen is only a weak one, but W. G. Grace is in rare fettle, I am told, and he hopes to make a close match of it. Painter is also, I hear, playing in good form. The reappearance of Mr. J. A. Bush at the wicket is noteworthy. K ent will open its County season on Thursday next, when its eleven will meet Somersetshire at Taunton. The Kentish team for this match will be Lord Harris, Bev. R. T. Thornton. Messrs. A. Perm, A. J.Thornton, and L. Wilson, with G. G. Heame, F. H e a r n e ,E . O’Sliaughnessy, C. Collins, Wootton, and Pentecost. I h a v e already given the names of the eleven chosen by the Earl of Sheffield to oppose the Australians in their opening mAtch'at Sheffiel31?ark on the 12th iilsfc A change, though, has recently been made, and one that is worthy of note. Myeroft's place will be taken by Hall, an alteration which I fancy the Australians will not think weakens their opponents. M. F. K emp and-H. B. Tristram did a good performance at Oxford, on Tuesday, for Hertford against Trinity. Two wickets were down for twenty runs when they became ,partners, ,fin4 before they were separated the score had been increased to the extent of 350 runs. Of these Kemp contributed 219. Tristram, who, it will bo re­ membered, was tried once for tho University, carried out his bat for 125. I n all probability there will be some capital cricket to be witnessed on the ground of the Broadwater Club at Godalming to-day. The Broadwater programme has been commenced for some years past on May 1, with a match against the Surrey Club and this season is not an exception to the rule. Mr. Murray Marshall has succeeded in collecting to represent Broadwater a pleasant .little team for a day match, a*nd Were the year further advanced there'would be some brisk leather hunting. WEEKLY RECORD OF T h e Broadwater eleven, it is an­ nounced, will consist of Messrs. C. T. Studd, A. G. Steel, A. P. Lucas, C. F. H.Leslie, H. Whitfeld, C.E. Cotterell, M. W. Marshall, W. Marshall, C. Lambert, M. C. Clarke,and C. Clarke. On the other side Jones will make his first appearance in the cricket- field after a long and enforced rest, and H. F. Boyle and G. Alexander of the Australian team will assist. The other eight to complete the eleven of Surrey Club and Ground, will Be Messrs W. W. Bead, E. J. Diver, W. E. Boiler, A. C. Cattley, M. Bead, Abel, Barratt, and Lowman, a Colt, I understand, of some promise. T h e rumour that Emmett has joined the ground staff at Lord’s has proved to be correct. The ex-Captain of tho Yorkshire Eleven is the latest addition to the formidable array of bowlers employed by the Committee of the Marylebone Club. The others,, engaged for 1884 are—T. Hearno, Farrands, West, Flanagan, Clayton, Rylott, F. Morley, I1'. Wild, W. Mycroft, G. G. Hearno, Slierwin, Wheeler, T. Mycroft,_ W. Hearn, Flowers, Price, Pilling, Barnes', O’Shaughnessy, W. Gunn, Scotton, Hay, Woof, Fothergill, Attewell, F. Hearne, Parnliam, Davenport, Pickett, and Wootton. A : : I J as . W a r d scored 116 out of a total ttf 196 for the Eleven of tho Victorian United Law Clerk’s Society, against next Twenty- two, at Melbourne, on Match 17. M ahylebone C ricket Cmin.—Tlie Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 7, at 5.30 p.m. There are four vacan­ cies on the committee, and Viscount Lewis­ ham, Messrs. S. Bircham, A. W. L. Hem* mmg, A. W. Ridley, aud A. Rutter-having been duly nominated, the four who receive the greatest number of votes will be elected. The meeting will afterwards be made special to consider the following alterations in the Rules of the M.C.C., which will be proposed by Mr. A. R u t t e r R u l e 2 : In place of the “ 1st May” read the “ 1st of January,” and instead of the “ 1st Jane ” read the “ 1st of March.” —Rule 4 : In place of the “ 1st June” read the “ 1st of March,” and instead of the “ 1st of July ” read the “ 1st of May.” —Rule 5: Add, “ but if any member shall prove to the satisfaction of the committee that he has been -abroad during a material portion of any year they may return his subscription for that year.” Rule 6 : In­ stead of the “ 1st of May ” read the “ 1st of January.”—The Ninety-seventh Anniver­ sary Dinner, will take place in the new Dining Room on-Wednesday, May 7, at 7.30 p.m. Members intending to dine arfe requested to fend their names to the secre­ tary on or before Saturday, May 3.— A d v t. THE GAME. may i , 1884. JIAMPSTEAD NONDESCRIPTS CLUB. April 26, at Eton & Middlesex, v. Club Match" May 3, at Blackheath, v. Lyncombe .]yTay 10, at Eton & Middlesex, v. Marlborough Placo ’ May 17, atNeasden, v. Crowhurst May 17, at Brentwood, v. Brentwood School May 24, at Willesden Green, v. Willesden May 24, at Willesden, v. University College School May 31, at Elstree, v. Hillsido June 2, at Farnham, v. Famham jJune 7, at the Oval, v. Kennington Vine^ June 14, at Willesden Green, v. Willesden June 21, at Blackheath, v. Lyncombe June 28, at Leyton, v. Leyton July 1, at Putney, v. London Hospital July 5, at Epsom, v. Epsom July 12, at Alexandra Park, v. Harringay July 12, at Eton & Middlesex, v. Crowhurst ” 3 July 19, at Willesden Green, v. Law July 22, at Eton & Middlesex, vr. United Thespian July 26, at Eton & Middlesex, v. Old Finchleians August 2, at Walthamstow, v. Granville August 4, at Stevenage, v. Stevenago August 9, at Dulwich, 7 . -ZTColian August 16, at Alexandra Park, v. Harringay August 23, at Neasden, v. Marlborough Place August 30, at Croydon, v. Croydon Sept. 6 , at Leyton, v. Leyton ROYAL ENGINEERS. April 26, at Chatham, Officers v. N. C. O.’s & Sappers May 2 &3, at Chatham, R.E. v. R.M.A. May 9 & 10, at Chatham, Seniors v. Juniors May 16 & 17, at Shoeburyness, S.M.E. v. School of Gunnery May 23 & 24, at Boxloy, R. E. v. Boxley House May 28, at Chatham, S. M. E. v. Hundred of Hoo * May 30 & 31, at Chatham, R. E. v. S. M. E. , ♦June 2 & 3, at Chatham, R. E. v. Civil Service June 6 & 7. at Sandhurst, R. E. v. R. M, College ’ June 7, at Chatham, S. M. E. v. King’s Schdol, Roch­ ester *Jurie 13 & 14, at Chatham, R. E. v‘. Free Foresters; *‘June 16 & 17, at Chatham f R. E. » Yorkshire Gents June 2D & 21, at Atyershot, R. E. V.Aldershot Division June 25, at Chis-lcmurst, R. E. v. West Kent * Juno 27 & 28, at Chatham, R. E. v. Harlequins July 4 & 5, at Holhorough, R. E. v. Holborough Court July 9, at Upnor, S. M. E. v. Hundred of Hoo * July 11 & 12, at Chatham, R. E. v. R. A. July 14 & 15, at Chatham, R. E. v. I Zingari * July 18 & 19, at Chatham, It. E .y. Royal Marines July 21, at Chatham,, S.. M. E. v. 66 th Regiment July 25 & 2(\ at Woolwich, R.E. v. R. A. July 30, at Chatham, S. M. E. v. R. M. L. I. * August 1 & 2, at Chatham, S. M. F. v. School of Gunnery August 9, at Chatham, S. M .E. v. 66 tli Regiriient August 13, at Chatham, S. M. E. v. Cobham August l ‘>& 16, at Portsmouth, R E. v. Royal Marinos * August 22 & 23, at Chatham, R. E. v. Chalham Gar­ rison August 29 & 30, at Maidstono, R. E. v. Moto Park Sep*-. 6 , at Chatham, S. M. E. v. R. M. L. I. Sept. 13, at Chatham, Officers v.N. C. O.’s & Sappers * On these days the R. E. band will play during the afternoon. W a tso n scored 6G not out on Saturday at Old Trafford, for Manchester Club and Ground v. Broughton Club and Ground. Crossland and he dismissed the Broughton team for a total of 41. F o r Millwall United v. Ravensbourne on Saturday, at Blackheath, Hutchins took seven wickets for six runs. Tins new cricKet ground at Ascot is rapidly .being got into condition. It covers five acres of ground (fine grassy turf), and is enclosed by a strong iron fence. The.projected Berk­ shire County Club will have Ascot as its head-quarters, with the new ground as its campaigning, field. T h e Gravesend club opened its season on Saturday with a match at the Bat and Ball Ground. The Rev. F. F. J. Greenfield scored GJ. (not out); J. Russell not out 35, G. Mallinson b Boorman 2G, and Cressy run out 20, being the next principal contributors. The opening dinner took place in the even­ ing at the New Falcon Hotel, the Mayor (Mr. G. H. Edmonds) occupying the chair.