Cricket 1884

372 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. a u g . 21, 1 m . WEST HARTLEPOOL v. NORTON (DURHAM). Played at Norton on August 4. W est H artlepool . G. P. Holt, b Williams Whyman, c Hall, b 1W illiams................ 3 W. Scott,b Hall.. .. 1 J; Armstrong, b Wil­ liams ........................1 M. Alton, c Lee, b Williams.................14 J. Garry, b Williams 1 B. Waddington, c Lee, b Williams .. .. 0 G. Kirk, c Armstrong, b Whyman ., .. 9 J. Heavisides, 0 and b Whyman................26 A. Lee, c and b Alton 8 J. Thompson, c Why­ man, b Scott . * .. 27 R. Williams, Bt Arm- •' strong • . . . . . . . 20 J. Rowntree, not out.. 86 A. Stephenson, c Lee, b Williams .. W. Morrison, run out F.‘ Bpyes, b Hall.. .. C. Palmer, not out .. B l, l b l . w l .. Total .. .. . . 8 2 R. F. Chilton, c Arm­ strong, b Garry .. 11 A. Hall, b Garry .. 0 W. Mowbray, c Boyes, b Scott .................7 A. Warner, not out .. 25 B 10, w 1 .. .. 11 Total N. Cbapman did not bat. LENNOX v. IBIS. Played at Dulwich on August 9. Steed,b b P. S*. S. Daws, Trpgellas J. McFarlane, Mayo................ H. Thomson,’cFusby, b Tregellas ............... F. Schooling, b F. S. Mayo. ... .. .. T. Wagstaff, c and b Tregellas L. Clark, c Steed, b Tregellas................. T. Stanton, o Good, b Lambe ................. G. Allinson, run out.. H. Hope, not out .. T. Walters, run out.. B l, lb 8, n b l .. W.Rober8on,bTregellas 18. L ennox . Total. R. E. Mayo, c Allinson, b Roberson .. .. 2 G. V.Lambe, b 1homp- son .. .. 26 Dr. R«binson, 1b w, b Hope ... . . 1 C. P. Tregellas, b Hope 18 E. J. Fusby, b Thomp­ son ................ . .. 0 H.E.Steed, c Roberson, b Thompson .. .. 12 J. E. Walford, o Hope, b Thompson .. F. S. Mayo, b Hope .. F. Heatman, b Hope E. Marshall, not out.. W. V. Goad.b Hope.. B 8,1 b 1, w 7 . . 11 Total.. . . . . 69 flRICKET BALLS. - Important to Clubs. SeveralManufac­ turers have for a h u n dr ed years, doubtless, used the bli6t material and labour at their command, but one and all have sacri­ ficed durability to K-auty, and in their endeavour to produce a hand­ some looking ball have introduced such an excessive number of »-titcheB that good leather is positive­ ly cut to pieces, while the virtues (t old fashioned cbbblCrs’ tfax have been altogether ignored and given pij»ce to wax which has frothing but its cletir while colour to" rfecom- njfnd it. An ex­ amination of auy Morn-out Cricket W e can pre­ vent the swelling o f the quilt , or inside , and we. guarantee tnht all Ball* bearing the above brand keep their form, better than any ether Ball. Ball will Fhow that it died of two c omp l ai n t s—in the swelling of the quilt, or inside, and the bursting of the stitches, the latter being the natural con- of the We have this com- These Balls have obtained numerous testimonials, and are giving universal satis-; faction. They are used by the principal cricketers and clubs, and are acknowledged by he best bowlers to be; unequalled. , They can be obtained of all Athletic Outfitters throughout the -world, and wholesale of the Manufacturers. All should, see that the Balls bear this mark without which non.e {irq genuine............................ BROOMHAM PARK y. RYE. Played at Rye on August 7. B roomham P ark . FirBt Innings. Second Innings. P. R. Papillon, c Vidler, b Harmer .. .................19 1b w, b Sbarpe .. 8 R. Ashburnham, c Glad­ stone, b Sharpe ‘ . . . . 20 b Smith . . . . . . 11 G. A. Reischach, b Sharpe 2 run out .. ' . .. 1 H. G. Papillon, b Sharpe 0 b Sm ith.................16 G. K. Papillon, c Vidler, b Sharpe' .. .. .. . . 1 6 runout ... .. .. 8 V. G. Langham, b Smith 26 c Sharpe,b Smith.. 9 T. Parkin, c Sturland, b Udal......................... . 1 6 b Sturland .. .. 0 J. A. Ashburnham, b Smith . . . . . . . .. 11 b Sturland . . 15 A. C. Reischach, b Smith 0 c and b Sturland .. 0 H. Carteis, not out .. .. 8 b Sm ith.................° A. P. Ashburnham, b Udal 0 not o u t .................0 B 14,1 b l .................15 B ...................2 Tolal ................ 128 Total .. . . 6 0 R ye . First InniDgs. Rev. A. C. Vidler, b G. W J. Harmer, b G. A. A. Reiachich .. .. 0 Beischacb ................. 0 G. H. Gladstone, b G. 8. .Whitehead, not out 80 A. Reisohach .. .. 0 J. Adams, b R. Ash- J. Smith, b G. A. Reisburnham................ 2 chach ........................ 0 A. D. Skinner, b G. A. T. B. Sturland, b B. Reiichach................. 7 Asbburnham .. 11 A. W . Read, b G. A. E. Udal, c P. R. Papillon, b G. A. Reisrhach................. 0 B 18,1 b 4, w2 .. 24 Reischach................ 6 — T. G. Sharpe, c P. R. Total................. 81 Papillon, b G. A. Reischach................ 1 In the Second Innings E. Udal scored (not out) 15, S. Whitehead, b G. A. Reischach, 8 ; b 2—Total, 25. Photographs of Celebrated E L E V E N S , 1 8 8 4 JESSES. E. HAWKINS & Co, (late H ennah and K ent), 108, King’s Road, Brighton, beg to announce that they have the following now ready. Large Bize suitable for framing. Mounted on “ India Tints,” and beautifully finished. Lord Sheffield’s Eleven, at Sheffield Park. The Australians, „ ,, - Gentlemen of England (last match at Oval.) Gloucestershire. Stnrey. Nottinghamshire. Kent. l . Sussex. Philadelphians. , - England, at Lords’. Charterhouse School. Huntsmen and Jockeys. Price 8s. 6d. each, carriage ree, or the set of ten for £ 1 : 7 : 6 . Cabinet size of the Australians, the best ever taken, mounted on rose coloured and cream mounts, gilt edges, with names printed in gold, elegantly finished, Is. 6d. each. Also splendid Cabinet 1'hotos of Dr. W. G. Grace (just taken), F. Archer, G. Fordham, T. Cannon, 2 j . each (post free). Cartes de visite of F. Archer, G. Fordham, Is. each (post free). All orders muBt be accompanied with remittance. Under the patronage of H.R.H. ThePiince of Wales. JAMES LILLYWHITE, FROWD,& Co., M anufactory and W arehouses . —4 & 6, Newington Causeway, and 74 & 75, Borough Road, S.E . W est E nd B ranch . —24, Haymarket (late 18, Cockspur Street). MANUFACTURERS AND OUTFITTERS OF H ighest Class Cane-Handle and other Cricket Bats, Match Balls, Stumps, L eg Guards, Gloves, Nets, B oots, and Shoes, &c., &c. L aw n T e n n is B a ts of tbe most approved patterns, tightly strung with the b»*t quality Catgut. J. L ., F. A Co’s. “ Combination ” system of stringing is sdmitted to be by far ti e best of Grip Racquets. Regulation covered and plain Balii, far m'»re durable than those usually bold. Patent Poles and Ground Waikerp of various kinds. J.L., F. & Co. are manufa^urers of Frowd’s Patent “ Special Diiver ” C. icket Bat, which has achieved such an unparalleled success and is now used by all the grt at pla^erR. Admitted by all to be simply an invaluable improvement. J. L., F. & Co. aie publishers of James Lilljwhite’s Cricketer's Annual. N.B .— The public are cautioned against spurious firms trading as Lillywhile in variousforr. «. Printod for tbe Proprietor by W. B. Weighr 1 Co., Cricks Press, 41, The Committee of the Marylebone Club have decided that law II. of kaWS Cricket” shall bo strictly enforced, and that each umpire shall h*Te * g^ug* to test the width of any Bat whon called upon. • rt - BUSSEY & Co., Lim itkd, London, are making these gauges strictly in accordance with th? Laws of Cricket as r-vised by the Maryleboue an(^aro ra'ir^®(^as above, which is a guarantee of their accuracy. Ihey may be obtained from all Athletic Dealers, (Price 2/- each). Wholesale only of the Manufacturers. Colonial Depot; 32, Flinders Lane, Melbourne. St. Audiuw b liiij, Ooct>o>H Coin ui » uh . Loudon l‘;.C., Aug. 21, 1884.