Cricket 1884

AUG. 21,1884. CEICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 371 BOWLING ANALYSIS. First Innings. Second Innings. Burton Robertsoi Clarke O’Brien Walker Pearson Webbe Peate Ulyett 0. M. R.W. O. M. R.W. 18 7 88 2 .. .. 14 5 26 1 2:5 10 42 3 .. .. 18 5 •13 1 28 10 21 2 .. .. 27.3 12 42 1 6 2 21 0 .. .. 6 1 15 0 19 7 88 1 .. .. 26 9 74 0 4 1 13 0 .. .. 11 0 88 0 27 16 27 2 .. 32 17 47 0 Paravicini 15 7 27 3 Lyttelton 6 0 31 0 Studd .. 14 0 82 3 Robertson bowled a no-ball. O. M. 41 20 61 3 18 9 31 0 M id d le s e x . R.W. 1 Emmett.. 32 22 Peel Batts . Rawlin . O. M. R.W. 15 4 31 0 U 0 13.3 8 35 4 Emmett bowled two wides. HERTFORDSHIRE v. ESSEX. At the call of time in this match, conclu­ ded at St. Albans, on Friday, Essex wanted 192 runs to win, with only one wicket to fall. H er tfo r d sh ir e . Capt. Baker, o Pickett, b F ow ler....................28 Batcher,c and b Fowler 50 Mr. H. Pigsr, o W. Francis, b Silcock .. 4 Mr. C. Pigg, b Fowler.. 8 Pearce, o Pickett, b Fowler ..................138 Hearne, c McEwen, b Jones .. .. .. .. 0 E bbbx First Innings. Mr. H. G. Owen, run out 12 Boberts, c Pearce, b Titch- marsh ........................7 Mr. H. G« Tylecote, run o u t .................7 Mr. T. Westell, e Mc- X »ven,b Pickett .. 188 Titchmarsh, b Silcock 1 Mr.H.Fr*oman,bOwen 62 Breedon, not out .. 24 B9, lb 10 , w l .. 20 T o ta l.................530 Second Inning", c Breedon, b C.Pigg 1 Jones, c Freeman, b C. Pigg....................... ..... 5 Mr. W. Francis, b Titch­ marsh ........................80 Mr.F.H. Stevens, b Titch­ marsh ....................... 10 Silcock, b Titchmarsh .. 11 Mr. C. McEwen, run out 43 Pickett, b Pearce .. .. 0 Mr. J. J. Tylecote, b Pearce......................... .. 0 Mr. G. Fowler, not out .. 26 Wren, c Freeman,bTitch­ marsh ....................... 6 L b ........................2 Total.........................152 c Froeman, b Titch­ marsh ................. 7 « and b Pearce .. 46 c Pearce, b H. Pigg 82 b Titchmarsh.. .. 19 not o u t .................54 e H. Pigg, b C. Pigg 23 b Breedon .. .. 0 not o a t ................. 1 c and b Breedon .. 13 b Breedon .. .. 6 B 10,l b l .. 11 Total .. ..213 HAMPSTEAD NONDESCR IPTS TOUR. This tour was brought to a most success­ ful aud pleasant conclusion on August 9, In all 6 matches were played, of which 4 werewon, 1 lost and 1 drawn. BATTING AVERAGES. Not Highest Inns. out. Score. Runs. Avge. C. W. Woodall 7 .. 1 .. 70 . 271 .. 45.1 M. Hughes .. 4 0 .. 26 . 80 .. 20.0 J. S. Haycraft. .1 0 1 .. 22 . 110 .. 12.2 L. Hutchinson 8 .. 0 .. 33 . 93 .. 11.5 H. F. A. Smith 10 .. 0 .. 24 . 106 .. 10.6 F. J. Abbott . . 1 0 .. 1 .. 21 . 71 .. 7.8 H. Woodall .. 10 0 .. 14 . 62 .. 6.2 II. Wade .. 8 .. 3 .. 8 . 80 .. 6.0 W. D. Perrins 9 .. 1 .. 12 . 89 .. 4.7 R. J. Hutchinson 8 .. 1 .. 11 . 34 .. 4.6 W. J. Haycraft 10 .. 0 .. 10 . 81 .. 8.1 “ C. Braithwaite, 6 , 20 P. S. Hutchinson, 0 not out. 8 , A. R. F. EverBhed, 0, 0 not out, and S. H. Harris, 8 , 2 , played in two innings only. BOWLING AVERAGES. L. Hutchinson 48 W.J Haycraft 122.2 H. Woodall .. 77.3 R. J. Hutchinson 8.1 II. Wade.. .. 18 Overs. Maidens. Runs. Wickets. Avge. 30 2 1 80 256 124 , 20 70 6.8 9.13 9.7 20.1 70.1 II. F. A. Smith, 2 wickets for 13 ; C. Braithwaite, 4 for 17 ; and J. S. Haycraft, 2 for 35, bowled in less than three innings, GRANV ILLE (LEE) TOUR. GRANVILLE (LEE) v. DEVONSHIRE PARK (EASTBOURNE). Played at Devonshire Park, Eastbourne, on August 11 and 12. D e v o n sh ire P ar k . First Innings. A. F. J. Ford, e Taylor, b Perch ........................ H. H. Hyslop, b W. Ed­ wards ........................ 2 W. Foord-Kelcey, b Perch 20 P. Coles, c Taylor, b Perch 9 G. Podmore, b Perch .. 2 W. Grazebrook, c Taylor, b P erch ........................ J. W. Blundell, b W. Ed­ wards ........................ C. Haskins, b Peroh J. Gunton, b W. F.dwards H. Rcshworth, st Taylor, b W. Edwards .. .. W. G. Sheringham, not o u t ............................... B ............................... Second Innings. 9 o Sharood, b Perch 8 c Sharood, b Peroh 22 e and b W. Edwards 2 run o u t .................36 st Taylor, b W . Ed­ wards .. .. .. 1 4 b P erch ............... 11 28 b P e rch ...............7 1 1b w, b Sharood .. 4 4 not o u t ............... 0 21 b Sharood b Perch B Total .. ..103 G r a n v ille . First Innings. Total .. . . 9 5 H. S. Dominy, c Sher­ ingham, b Ford .. 18 F. E. Lander, b Ford.. 0 W. Edwards, b Ford.. 0 P. H. Lockhart, b Ford 2 Perch, b Foord-Kelcey 66 W. L. Pierce, b Foord- Kelcoy ................ 0 J.S.Clarkson, e Foord- Kelcey, b Ford .. 5 In the Second Innings Lander scored (not out) 16, Pierce (not oat) 12; b 4—Total, 32. A. Sharood, ran oat .. 14 A. Taylor, run out .. 22 P. P. Webb, not out .. 12 F. Edwards, c Rush- worth, b Ford .. .. 12 B 12,1 b l,w 4,nb 1 18 Total................ 169 GRANVILLE (LEE) v. LEWES PRIORY. Played at Lewes on August 13 and 14. G r a n v il le . First Innings. Second Innings. F. E. Lander, lbw,bW in­ ter .............................. 0 c Sampson, b Baines 10 W . L. Pierce, b Winter.. 12 28 W. Edwards, b Winter .. 8 19 P. H. Lockhart, b Winter 5 c and b Winter 1 Perch, b Winter .. .. 4 c Winter, b Samp­ son ....................... 45 A. Sharood, b Baines 3 b G. Newington 22 A. Taylor, bW inter.. .. 1 b Sampson .. 82 H. S. Dominy, b Winter.. 2 c Kerr, b Sampson 13 J. S, Clarkson, b Baines 8 st Kennedy, b Win­ ter.. .. .. .. 27 J. Wilson, jun., c F. New­ ington, b Kerr .. 14 3 P. P. Webb, c Sampson, b 0 B a in e s ....................... not o u t ................. 3 F. Edwards, not out B 7,1 b 1, w 4 .. .. 12 b Sampson .. 4 12 B 16, 1b 3, w 9 28 Total....................... 81 Total .. 285 L ew e s P r io r y . First InniDgs. F. Newington, b Sharood 9 W. E. Baines, c Webb, b Perch ....................... 7 H. Stanley, c and b W. Edwards....................... 3 R. K. Sampson, 1b w, b Perch ........................ C. M. Kennedy, c Taylor, b Sharood ................ 3 L. Weedon, b Perch .. 0 R. W . Kerr, c Pierce, b Sharood....................... 1 E. Winter, b Sharood .. 0 G. Stonham, c Webb, b Sharood....................... 0 G. Newington, not out .. 0 E. S. Curry, b Sharood .. 0 W. J. Tompsett,b Sharood 0 B 1,1 b 1 .................2 Second Innings, b Sharood,. .. b P e r c h ................. c W. Edwards, b Sharood .. .. 7 b W. Edwards run out .. b W. Edwards c Perch, b Sharood b Sharood .. b P e rch ................. c Pierce, b Sharood b P e r c h ................. not out ................. B 2,1 b 2 .. .. GRAHVILLE (LEE) v. PRIORY PARK (CHICHESTER.) Played at Chichester on August 15 and 16. P r io r y P a r k . J. Brunskill, c Clark­ son, b Taylor .. .. 20 Major Caffe, c W. Edwards, b Taylor 2 W. Cook, c Lookhart,b Sharood.................14 W.G. Henley, not out 17 B 19,1 b4, w 1.. 24 P. Breach, c Perch, b Sharood .. .. .. 2 C. A. Hooper, c Taylor, b Perch ................ 53 C. Howard, run out .. 46 F.H. Purchase, c Lock­ hart, b Sharood C. E. Fraser, c Lander, b Sharood................ 5 T. C. Hobgen,b Sharood 32 W. Heasman, c Lock­ hart, b Wilson.. ..142 G r a n v ille . First Innings. 20 Total................ 377 W. L. Pierce, b Cook.. 41 F. E. Lander, c and b Hobgen .. .. .. 19 Perch, c Hobgen, b Henley ................ 16 P. H. Lockhart, 1b w, b Heasman .. .. 12 A. Sharood, run out .. 0 A. Taylor, e Fraser, b Henley .. .. . . 1 2 In the Second Innings W. L. Pierce scored (not out) 39, F. E. Lander (not oat) 85; b 2, w 1—Total 77. J.S.Clarkson,bHobgen 29 J.Wilson,jr.,b Hobgen 14 H. S. Dominy, not out 22 W . Edwards, b Heas­ man ............................ 4 F. Edwards, b Henley 0 B 27,1 b 4,w l.nb 1 33 Total.................2C2 Total 32 Total .. . . 5 8 S. W. Cattley, b Hurst 11 C. L. Budd, not out .. 21 A. Sterling, b Randall 17 H. E. Lowis, o Boorer, b Randall.................4 F.H.Williams, b Hurst 1 B 10,1b 7 .. . . 17 Total .191 LEATHERHEAD v. HORSHAM. Played at Leatherhead on August 16. L e a t h e r h ia d . P. M. Walters, 1 b w, b Thornton.................1 W. D. Marshall, e Chil­ man, b Thornton .. 7 A. C. Macpherson, b C h ilm an................ 52 S. W. Scott, b Hurst.. 55 P. G. L. Lusas, b Chil­ man ........................4 A. C. Cattley, b Hurst 1 H o rsh am . First Innings. Second Tuning*. J. Thornton, c S. W. Catt* ley, b S. W.Scott.. .. 0 bL u c a s .................. 8 P. Chasemore, c S. W. Cattley, b Scott .. .. 7 o Walters, b S. W. Cattley.................12 L. Boorer, b S. W. Cattley 0 c S. W. Cattley, b S c o t t ................. 6 S. Hollands, o Scott, b Lucas ......................16 b L u c a s ................. 7 F. S Kinderman, c Budd, b L u cas..................... 10 b L u oa s................. 0 C. G. Evelyn, b Lucas .. 15 0 Lucr.s, b S. W. Cattley.. . . . . 87 R. F. Hurst, b Lucas A. R. Hurst, b Scott.. W. Nash, b Lueas .. W. Randall, not out.. Chilman, b Scott B ........................ Lucas, b Mac­ pherson ............... 0 4 st Walters, b S. W. Cattley................. 8 0 0 Macpherson, b S. W. Cattley .. .. 1 4 c Walters, b Scott.. 4 2 not o u t ................ 8 11 B 3,1 b 4, w 3 .. 10 Total........................69 Total .. 96 PALLINGSWICK V . CLAPHAM. Played at East Acton on August 16. P a ll in g sw ic k . J.W.Clemence,b Mager 85 W. H. Pope, b Bate .. 6 W. C. Yarborough, e Bate, b Burton .. 17 O. J. leaser, o Burton, b Bate ................ 44 W.L. Hotchkin, b Bate 14 M. A. Walker, b Bate 46 B. A. Carter, c Winter- bottom, b Bate .. 12 J. H. Dean Drake, c S.Smith, b R. Smith 11 J. Howard, not out .. 11 E. Kettle, not out .. 4 B 19,1 b 7,w l,n b2 2d Total. ,.229 F. Moir did not bat. The Clapham did not bat. rpO SURREY COLTS.—A Match between the S u r r e y E le v e n a n d E ig h t e e n C o lt s o f S u r r e y will be played at the Oval on Thursday and Friday r ext. Yoang players (under 25) desirous of representing the Colts must send two testimonials to the Secretary Surrey County Cricket Club, on or before Monday next.— A d v t.