Cricket 1884

370 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. a u g . 21, ies4. SURREY y. LANCASHIRE. The Lancashire eleven fully avenged their defeat in the first match with Surrey at Liverpool, by an easy victory in the return match, finished yesterday at the Oval. Cross- land’s arm was too bad to admit of his playing for Lancashire, and in his absence there was no manifestation of feeling on the part of the spectators, as in the two previous years. Lancashire won the toss aad were not dis­ missed until they had totalled 252. Of these Mr. H. B. Stael, whose first appearance was at the Oval, made exactly 100 ia very creditable style. He was lucky at times in placing the ball, but his hitting was very hard and well timed throughout, and alto­ gether it was a highly praiseworthy perform­ ance. Surrey were all out in their first innings for 149, and though they fared better in the follow-on, they did not get enough to have anything but a very outside chance. In the second innings Mr. Diver’s hitting was occasionally brilliant, though he had some luck. Lancashire had 120 to get when they went in a second time, and thanks to the excellent play of Messrs. Steel and Taylor, and the free hitting of Mr. Hornby at the close, they were got for the loss of only two wickets. Lohmann played for Surrey instead of Mr. Bowden, who is ill. His first score of thirty-two was the result of good cricket. L ancashire . First Innings. Rev. V. F. Royle, b M. R ead........................8 Mr. E. E. Steel, c Abel,b Horner.. .. 8 Watson, b Lohmann.. 27 Mr. C. M. Sawyer, not out ........................11 Pilling, 1b w, b Horner 25 B 11,1 b 2 .. . . 1 3 Total.................252 Mr. A. N. Hornby, 0 M. Read, b Barratt 9 Barlow, 0 Abel, b Hor­ ner ....................... 18 Mr. A. G. Steel, c Abel, b H om er.................10 Mr. F. Taylor, b Hor­ ner ........................28 Briggs, c Barratt, b Lohmann................ 0 Mr. H. B. Steel, c Wood, b Roller . .100 In the Seeond Innings Mr. A. N. Hornby scored (not out) 18, Barlow, b Horner, 2, Mr. A. G. Steel, c W. Read, b Barratt, 41, Mr. F. Taylor (not out) 54 ; b 3, 1b 2—Total, 120. SURREY, First Innings. Mr. J. Shuter, 0 Pilling, b Barlow........................8 Abel, b Barlow.................3 Mr. E. J. Diver, c Pilling, b Watson .................22 Mr. W. W. Read, b Barlow 0 M. Read, 0 Pilling, b Bar- low ...............................20 Mr. K. J. Key, run out .. 13 Mr. W.E.Roller ,0 Pilling, b Watson .................19 Wood, bWatson .. .. 6 Lohmann, sfc Pilling, b B a rlow ........................32 Mr. C. E.Horner.b Barlow 6 Barratt, not out .. .. 8 B 6, lb 6 .. .« .. 12 Second Innings. b Briggs.............. 35 b Barlow................0 0 A. G. Steel, b Wat- fon .............. 94 b Barlow...............15 0 H. B. Steel, b Watson .. .. 1 c Barlow, b Watson 11 b Barlow.................5 e Taylor, b A. G. Steel .. .. 21 c Barlow, b A. G. S te e l.............,1 7 not o u t ................ 2 cRoyle,bA. G. Steel 18 B ................2 Total ................ 149 Total BOWLING ANALYSIS. ..222 First Innings. Second Innings. Barlow— . Watson Sawyer.. , Briggi .. . A. G. Steel . O. M. R.W. O. M. R.W. 45 23 61 6 .. .. 37 12 69 3 33 16 60 3 .. .. 40 15 75 3 6 0 13 0 .. .. 19 5 42 0 1 1 0 0 . . .. 9 5 19 1 1 0 3 0 . . .. 7.3 1 15 3 L ancashire . First Innings. Second Innings. Barratt Horner Lehmann Roller .. M. Read Abel .. O. M. R.W. O. M. R.W. 23 6 76 1 .. .. 12 3 26 1 40.3 23 48 5 .. .. 18 8 81 1 17 3 49 2 .. .. 7 4 16 0 15 6 24 1 .. .. 18 6 30 0 6 0 27 1 .. .. 2 0 10 0 5 0 15 0 .. .. 1 0 2 0 T H E F O U R T H A U S T R A L I A N T E A M . AUSTRALIANS v. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. The Australians won their twenty-sixth engagement very easily at Cheltenham yes­ terday by an innings and 136 rnns. The fixture was the opening match of the Chel­ tenham week, and additional interest was centred in the contest on account of the excellent show made by the County eleven against the Australians at Clifton. Glou­ cestershire won the toss, and Cooper, who played instead of Boyle, was singulariy suc­ cessful in getting all the three first wickets, those of Messrs. Brain, Pullen, and W. G. Grace. He did nothing during the remainder of the innings, but the later batsmen were unable to make up for the early misfortunes, and, chiefly through the effective bowling of Giflen, who took six wickets for 58 runs, the County eleven were all dismissed for 183. At the close of the first day the Australians had scored 176 for the loss of only two batsmen, Murdoch and Scott being eash not out 65. Rain prevented a resumption till 12 10 on Tuesday, and Scott, who had by fine cricket helped, with Murdoch, to add 111 runs, was run out, with the total unaltered. Murdoch, altogether at the wickets three hours and a-half, when he seemed certain of a long score, was bowled by a lob for 89. Giffen hit with great vigour, but with considerable luck, for his 91, and Bonnor, whose 53 consisted of seven fours, four threes, two twos and nine singles, and he made) 82 before they were separated. The last five wickets only added 61 runs, but the innings closed for 402. Gloucestershire wanted 219 to save the innings, and the wicket played so falsely after the rain that no one could do much with the bowling of Spofforth and Palmer. When play ceased on Tuesday night seven of the best wickets were down for 38, and though Messrs. Brain and Page added 29 yesterday morn­ ing, the innings closed for 83. Palmer took seven wickets for 31 runs. G louomtbrshirb . First Innings. Mr. E. M. Grace, b Mid­ winter ........................58 Mr. J. H. Brain, st Black­ ham, b Cooper .. .. 6 Second Innings, b Palmer.. .. .. 5 Mr. W. W. Pullen, st Blackham, b Cooper .. 4 Mr. W. G. Grace, c Mc­ Donnell, b Cooper.. .. 0 Painter, o Blackham, b Giffen ........................ Mr. F. Townsend, o and b Giffen .. 27 Mr. H. V. Page, e Scott, b Giffen ................ •• Mr. F. A. Curteis,b Giffen 13 Mr. E. J. Taylor, not out 20 Mr. J. A. Bush, c Cooper, b Giffen................. •• 0 Woof.c Midwinter,b Giffen 6 B 2,1 b l,n b 2.. .. 5 Total........................183 M’Donnell, b Palmer.................26 c Co®per, b Palmer 5 c Murdoch, b Spof- foxt h ...............2 st Blackham, b Palmer..............4 c Scott, b Spofforth 5 b Palmer............. 20 c Scott, b Spofforth 4 b Palmer.............. 5 b Palmer..............0 not out .. .. .. 2 Extras .. .. 5 Total .. 83 P. S. McDonnell, b W. G. G ra ce..............® A. C. Bannerman, c W. G. Grace, b Woof .. 27 W. L. Murdoch, b Townsend.............89 H. J. H. Scott, run out 65 G. Giffen, c Brain, b W oof.............. . . . 9 1 G. J. Bonnor, c Painter, b W. G. Grace .. .. 53 W. Midwinter, o and b W oof.....................6 A u stralian s . J. Me C. Blackhara, c W.G. Grace, b Woof 20 G.E Palmer.c Painter, b W. G. Grace .. 16 F. R. Spoffurth, st Buflh, bW oof.. .. 2 W. H. Cooper, not out 2 B 15,1 b 8, w 5 .. 28 Total ,.402 O. M. R.W. E. M. Grace 8 2 22 0 Townsend.. 16 5 Painter .. 14 10 31 8 BOWLING ANALYSIS. A u stralian s . O. M. It. W. Woof .. 61 17 l p8 5 W.G.Grace 51.2 14121 3 Curteis .. 13 6 21 0 Page.. .. 18 6 33 0 Curtei 3 bowled three and Mr. E. M. Grace two wides. G lo u c e s t e r s h ir e . First Innings. Second Innings. O. M. R.W . O. M. R.W, Cooper . . 2 8 2 79 3 Palmer .. 18 6 83 0 .. .. 29.2 15 31 7 Giffen .. .. 21.1 2 58 6 Midwinter.. 4 2 8 1 Spolforth.. 33 11 47 3 Cooper bowled two no-balls and Spofforth ono no-ball. YORKSHIRE v. MIDDLESEX. Some high scoring was recorded in the return match between these counties, con­ cluded at Sheffield yesterday. Yorkshire had a very strong team, but Middlesex were without Messrs. A. P. Lucas andC. T. Studd, and the latter’s bowling was much missed. The chief features of the game were tho batting of Hall, Ulyett, and the Hon. Alfred Lyttelton. The Yorkshire captain’s scores of 96 and 135 were both admirable displays of batting, and he alone made 231 out of 575, scored by his side from the bat. His 135, for which he was batting four hours and three-quarters, is the fourth hundred he has made for his county this summer. Ulyett ‘and Hall, while they were together in Yorkshire’s second innings, added 173 runs, and of these the former contributed 107—his first hundred for the county this year—by hit- ting'of the m ost brilliant kind. His figures consisted of two sixes, thirteen fours, two. threes, ten twos and seventeen singles. Mr. Lyttelton went in first wicket down for Middlesex, and was last out. His 77 was a faultless display of batting, quite in his best form. The match was drawn, York­ shire being exactly 400 runs on. In all, 804 runs were scored for 30 wickets. Bur­ ton owing to illness was only able to bowl very little for Middlesex, and the Eleven were thus placed at a great disadvantage. Y o r k sh ir e . First Innings. Ulyett, c Walker, bRobert- son .. ........................ ..... Hall, c Walker, b W ebb.. 96 Bates, c and b RobertBon 2 Mr.Woodhouse, c Walker, b Burton ................ Lee, b Burton.................u Grimshaw, c Lyttelton, b Robertson .. •• •• Peel, c Burton, b Webbe 5 Rawlin, b Walker .. .. 8 Emmett, 1b w, b Clarke .. 19 Peate, not out .. •• •• ? Hunter, c Studd, b Clarke 8 B 11, n b 1 ................. Total .212 Second Innings. c Walker, b Para­ vicini .................107 run o u t .................. 185 b Robertson .. .. 19 b Parayicini .. .. 0 o Vernon, b Para­ yicini .................12 b Burton.................11 c Lyttelton, b Studd 50 b Studd ................ 7 b Studd ................. 7 not o u t ....................15 c Robertson,bClarke 12 B 10,1 b 4, n b 1 15 Total .. ..890 Mr. A. J. Webbe, c Ul­ yett, b Peate .. .. 46 Mr. I. D. Walker, b Ppfito _ .. .. 22 Hon. A*.’ Lyttelton, c Woodhouse.bRawlin 77 Mr. T. S. Pearson, b Ppdtfl . .. .. 0 Mr. T. C. O’Brien, c Hall, b Rawlin.. .. 23 Mr. G. F. Vernon, c Griinshaw, b Rawlin 9 M id d le se x . Mr.P. J. de Paravicini, c Rawlin, b Emmett Mr. J. E. K. Studd, b Rawlin ................. Mr. J. Robertson, b Emm ett................. Clarke,c and b Emmert Burton, not out.. .. B 13, lb 5, w2 .. Total................ 202