Cricket 1884
120 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAM®. M ay 15, 1884. SAFETY IN THE CRICKET FIELD. TH E “ M .C.C.” D AM P -R E S IST ING C R I C K E T trade M ark BOOTS. - SHOES STAMPED ON EVERY PAIB Made upon LILLEY & SKLNNER’b New Principle. P r ic e L is t . ». d. Gent.’s Brown or White Canvas Shoes .............. 4 11 Youths’ „ „ „ „ ............... 4 3 Gent.’s Brown Calf Leather Shoes ....................... 6 6 Gent.’a Brown Calf Leather Boots ...................... 8 6 With every pair a Set o f Spikes is given p e e o f eharge. A Discount o f 2£ per cent, upon all orders o f twelve or more pairs, THE “ M.C.C.” DAMP-RESISTING CRICKET BOOTS AND SHOES CAN BE OBTAINED AT L IL LE Y & SKINNER'a Branch Shops: 107, W estbourne G rove , W . 238, S even S is te rs' R oad, N. 115, B rompton R oad , S.W . 54, C hippenham T errace , H arrow R oad . 226, E dow are R oad , W . 67 and 69, U x b r id g e R oad , S h e p h e r d ’ s Bush, W. 347, G osw ell R oad , E.C. 154, S toke N ewington R oad , N. 102, H igh S treet , N otting H ill G atb . «> ALSO FROM G . H E R B E R T & C o . , 9 PROSPECT PLAC E, HIGH ROAD, KILBURN, PLAN OF SELF-MEASUREMENT the convenience of those who are unable to visit one of L il l e t & S k in n er ’ s Establishments. Orders Sent by Post will Receive Prompt Attention, KENNINGTON OVAL. Australians v. Surey. ON MONDAY NEXT. Admission to Ground * O n e [s h illin g . Tickets for Reserved Seats can be had of the Secretary of the Surrey County Cricket Club, at Kennington Oval. The prices for the match are—- F or C overed S tand -• 10/- F ou U ncovered S tands - 5/- No Carriages Admitted. This does not include Admission to ground. N O T I C E S . Complaints of irregular or non delivery should be addressed to the Publisher. Next Thursday’s C r ic k e t will contain a Portrait and Biography of W. H. C oop er, of the Australian Eleven. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. C r ic k e t will beforwarded by first post after publica tion to any address in Qreat Britain, for twelve months, on receipt o f a Postal Order for 6*. or 5*. for Weekly Summer Numbers, commencing April 17. Post Office Orders and Cheques can be made payable to W . R. W r ig h t , at the head office, and crossed tlLondon and County, Holborn.” C r ic k e t is registered for transmission abroad and can be sent post free, at the regular newspaper rates o f postage to any part o f the world. CRICKET —which is published every T h u rsday M orn in g , from April 17 to Sept. 25 ; monthly from Oct. to March—can be supplied by inland post to any part o f the United Kingdom, at 5s. for the Summer Months, or 6s. for the year. To all countries of Europe, the United States, Azores, Beyrcut, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Gibraltar, New foundland, Morocco, Madeira, P, rsia, Smyrna, Tahiti, Tunis, byforeign post, at 5s. for Summ.r Numbers or 6s. for year. To Australia, Argentine Confederation, Ascension, Bermudas, Brazil, British Guiana, British Hon duras, Cape Colony, Chili, Hayti, Liberia, Mau ritius, Mexico, Natal, New Zealand, Orange Free State, Peru, Sierra Leone, Transvaal, Venezuela, Wesl India Islands, at 6s. for Summer Numbers, or 7 s. 6s.for year. To Borneo, Ceylon, China, India, Japan, Hongkong, Siam, Zanzibar, itc., at 7s. for Summer Numbers or 8s. 2d.for the year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Publisher, W . R. W r ig h t . A limited number of high-class Advertisements will be taken on terms to be obtained of the Manager. For ordinary Advertisements, the charge will be 3/6 per inch narrow column. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 41, S T. ANDREW ’ S H IL L, LON DON , E .O , THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1884. The abstract and brief chronicleof the time.—Hamlet. T h e easy victory of the Australians in their opening match at Sheffield Park will to a certain extent be dis appointing to English cricketers. It is true that the eleven which repre sented the Earl of Sheffield contained more than one player who could not by any stretch of imagination be con sidered first-class. At the same time, with Mr. W. G. Grace, Shrewsbury, Barnes, Hall, Flowers, and Ulyett, there were six batsmen all of whom might have been dangerous, and this makes the performance of Giffen and Palmer in bowling throughout the two innings without a change the more remarkable, The tail of the eleven on this occa sion—as will be seen—did vety little, but taken all-round the performance of the Australians was highly credit able, and when the majority get into form it is evident that they will take a lot of beating. Cooper and Alexander were the two left out, and the former, who is suffering from an injured finger on his bowling hand, may have to be kept in reserve for some little time. The sportsmen of Australia will appreciate thoroughly the munificent hospitality and hearty reception accorded to Murdoch and his men by the Earl of Sheffield on the occasion of their first match in England. T h e excellent show made by the Australians at Sheffield Park will give additional interest to their first appearance in London, and when they visit the Oval on Monday they should be sure of a warm reception. The Surrey eleven, as I have before an nounced, will consist of Messrs. J. Shuter, W. \V. Bead, E. J. Diver, W. E. Boiler, M. P. Bowden, and P. H. Morton, with Jones, M. Bead, Abel, Barratt, and Wood. A p e c u lia r match was played on tho Bochdale Cricket Ground, on Saturday last, between the local Club and Todmorden. Bochdale went in first, and when the eighth wicket fell the total was only four, all of which were byes. The two last batsmen, though, made the stand of the innings, and they subscribed 25 out of 85, to which extras contributed seven. Tod morden had secured 22 when their fourth wicket fell, but the remaining batsmen were quickly dismissed, and finally Bochdale won a match, which at one [time appeared to be a lost game, by three runs. An excellent performance, one of the best indeed, in a small way, as yet recorded this season, was achieved at Knowle, on Saturday week, in a match between Bushey Park and Cutler’s Hall. The latter were dis missed for 20, including five extras. H. G. Hall was credited with the whole ten of their wickets in 10 overs at a cost of only ten runs: In addi tion, he went in first for Bushey Park, and scored 68 not out, in a total of 89 for two wickets.
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