Cricket 1884

96 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. m a y i .1884. NOW READY. C R I C K E T C H A T , ^GLEANINGS FROM “ CEICKET,” D uring 1882 & 1883. Portraits and Biographies of 12 eminent Cricketers. H ints on C ricket , how to Bat, Bowl, and Field. C ricket H umourisms . C ricket R ecords , a reliable list of all the best records in connection with Cricket. C ricket G rounds and how to make them, b y J ames C arter & Co. P R I C K S I X P E N C E . P u b lis h e d a t t h e O f f i c e o f CRICKET, 41, St. A ndrew ’ s H ill , D o c t o r s ’ C om m ons, L o n d o n , E .C . JAMES LILLYWHITE, FROWD, & Co., M a n u fa c t o r y a n d W a r e h o u s e s . —4 & 6, Newington Causeway, and 74 & 75, Borough Boad, S.E. W e s t E n d B r a n ch . —24, Haymarket (late 18, Cookspur Street). m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d o u t f it t e r s OF H ighest Class Cane-Handle and other Cricket Bats, Match Balls, Stumps, L eg Guards, Gloves, Nets, Boots, and Shoes, &c., &c. L awn T ennis B ats of the most approved patterns, tightly strung with the best quality Catgut. J. L., F. & Co’s. “ Combination ” system of stringing is admitted to be by far the best of Grip Racquets. Regulation covered and plain Balls, far more durable than those usually sold. Patent Poles and Ground Markers of various kinds. J.L., F. & Co. are manufacturers of Frowd’s Patent “ Special Driver ” Cricket Bat, which has achieved such an unparalleled success and is now used by all the great players. Admitted by all to be simply an invaluable improvement. J. L., F. & Co. are publishers of James Lillywhite’s Cricketer’s Annual. N.B.—The public are cautioned against spurious firms trading as Lillywhite in variousforr, s. READY NEXT WEEK. SIXTEENTH YEAR of PUBLICATION. QRICKET QALENDAR FOR 1884 . CONTAINING ALL THE PRINCIPAL FIXTURES OF THE SEASON. EVERY CRICKETER SHOULD HAVE ONE. P u b l is h e d a t t h e o f f ic e o f “ CR ICKET , ” 41, ST. ANDREW’S HILL, DOCTORS’ COMMONS, LONDON, E.C. PRICE SIXPENCE. BENJAMIN EDGINGTON Maniuee, tat, Eiei Clotb,S Hag Mmticlimr, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY AND H.R.IJ. THE PRINCE OF WALES. NETS. CRICKET NET, 18 feet by 6 feet, 12s. Complete with Poles, Lines, and Pegs. 18 feet by 7 feet complete, 14s. Marking Flags for Cricket, Of any Pattern, Colour, or Device made to order. Lawn Tennis Nets. Lined at tho top with Scarlet Band Strong Tanned Cord, 4 eet deep by 42 feet, 8 s. 4 feet deep by 33 feet, 7s. SECOND-HAND Tents & Marques FOR SALE; and some large, 60 feet in circumference, BELL TENTS In good condition £5 complete = IMPROVED TENNIS LAWN TENT, W ithout C entre P ole . This commodious and attractive Tent is rapidly becoming a favor­ ite for the Tennis Ground and Lawn. The walls are 6 feet or more in height, and a rafter and frame being substituted for the centre pole that ordinarily sup- ports the roof, the whole interior space is available for tables, chairs, &c. The projecting porch is a great addition to the size and comfort of the Tent. C R I C K E T M A R Q U E E S D U K E S T R E E T , L O N D O N B R I O G CATALOGUES UPON APPLICATION. NO OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. S . E . Printed by W. R. W iliam & Co., for the Piopiietor, at tue Cricket Press, 1 1 , St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors’ Commons, London, May 1, 1881.