Cricket 1882

VOL. I. NO. I. “ Toge ther joined in cricket’s m an ly to il.”— Byron. CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD QE THE GAME. PRICE 2 d TO AD VERTISERS. “ C ricket ” presents an unequalled medium fu r announcements in connection with the game. L T he' scores o f most o f the principal Clubs w ill appear exclusively in its columns, and J there is already a large number o f subscribers including most o f the leadinng players o f the day. “ C r ic k e t ” w ill be filed\ too for reference in the Pavilions o f all the principal Clubs, and it will thus appexl directly to every class o f cricketer. A limited number o f Advertisements will be taken on the j following terms — £ 8. d. For entire Page .. .. 3 3 0 „ Half p a g e ................................1 15 O „ Quarter page .. 0 18 6 Narrow column, per inch . . 0 2 0 A reduction w ill be made for the season. C R I C K E T P R E S S , 17, P A T E R N O S T E R S QU A R E , LONDON, E.C. §| ig i| li 1 8 8 3 . f t JD iaf^ y f o r t h e J3 e a £ 0 |<. Containing— A L L P R IN C IP A L M ATCHES , W ith Room for Insertion of Own Engage­ ments, Batting and Bow ling Records, Memoranda, & c., NOW READY, PRICE SIXPENCE. Published by “ Cricket Press,” Sporting Pub­ lishers, Booksellers, auci Advertisement Agents,1 17, Paternoster Square, London, E.C., 6£d., 'post free. ESTABLISHED 1855, AT 2, NEW COVENTRY STREET. 1 | I I I ! Cricketing, Football, and Lawn Tennis OUTFITTERS, Patronised by H er Majesty the Queen; the B oyal F a m ily ; distinguished personages o f the highest ra n k ; the principal Cricket, Football and Law n Tennis Clubs; U niversities; Great Public , M ilitary <BNaval cHhools and Colleges in the United Kingdom ; British subjects o f every F oreign station and settlem ent; also by the A rm y and Navy at Home and Abroad. MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS Cricket Bats, Balls, Stumps, Leg Guards, Batting Glo JAMES LILLYWHITE’S ANNUAL for 1882, Price One Shilling. JOHN LILLYWHITE’S COMPANION for 1882,1 Price One Shilling. WISDEN’S ALMANACK 1882, Price One Shilling! MARYLEBONE SCORES & BIOGRAPHIES, I vols. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 -1 0 /- vol. Vols. 12 and 13 extending up to 1870—15s. Vol. OXFORD & CAMBRIDGE SCORES. Full scores' of Inter-University Matches from 1826 to 1876. Price One and Sixpence. Wicket-keeping Gauntlets ; Single and Wufged Net with Poles complete; Patent Cataplilta, most effective Bowling Invention; Improved Portable Telegraph; Marking Crease; Club Outfits ; Cricket Bags ; Clothing ; Boots and Sh oes; Marquees; Tents; Club B oxes; Chains ; Tape Measures ; Boilers ; Horse B o o ts; RUS£¥ AMD ASSOC! AY0>f8 FOOTS AL i S, Jerseys ; Caps and Hose ; Shin Guards; Air Pumps ; Cases and Bladders Goal Posts ; Flags and Staffs ; LAWN TENNIS, “ INVICTA,” “ ROYAL,” “ CLUB,” AND OTHER SETS; Regulation Nets and Poles; Covered B alls; Plain Balls in Grey and Coloured En am el; Racquets in every style o f Stringing, Cedar and Fancy Inlaid Handles ; Presses for Racquets; Mfl.vlfoi'c • • RACQUET, TENN IS, AND F IV E S BATS AND B A L L S ; Croquet; Badminton ; Lawn Bowls ; Golf Clubs, Irons and B alls; Polo ; H o ck e y ; Fencing Goods and Gymnastic Apparatus; Boxing G loves; Dumb B e lls; Skittles and Cheeses; Quoits and Pins ; Every Article or Information connected ivith British Sports or Pastimes , Price Lists forwarded free on application, 21, Cranbourn Street Leicester Sqre., London, W. Publishers ot New and “ W isden’s Cricketers' Almanack ;” “ Oxford v. Cambridge Cricket Scores ; i Improved Scoring Books and Sheets, and Rules of nearly all Games.